There will be no "Blue Wave", change my mind!

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2018 May 14, 8:51am   81,207 views  699 comments

by Goran_K   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

Yesterday former Bill Clinton advisor Dick Morris told radio host on New York's AM 970 that he believes the "blue wave" that Democrats are expecting to give them back the Senate and House will not materialize, and polling has backed him up.

Last week, CNN's mid term poll showed that Democrats only had a 3 point advantage, well within the margin of error, and considering that CNN is known for "oversampling" Democrats in its own polls, this is troubling for the DNC.

Additionally, a recent poll from Reuters (left leaning) has shown that Millennials are leaving the Democrat party in droves. Democrat membership in the 18-34 demographic (the bread and butter of the DNC) dropped 9% over the past 2 years, most of them becoming "independents".

"I think that [Democrats] see fool’s gold in these scandals," Morris said. "They’re putting everything behind the Stormy Daniels scandal and Michael Cohen … and the country doesn’t give a damn."

That's when Morris dropped his prediction.

"There is no blue wave coming," Morris exclaimed. "There is a red wave. And what makes it red is the blood of the Democratic Party."

Here's my official take. I believe the GOP will LOSE seats in the house but will not give it up to the DNC. I believe the GOP will GAIN seats in the senate, keeping their majority. This will mean that Trump will have both houses of congress for his entire term.

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372   tatupu70   2018 Oct 20, 12:16pm  

Patrick says
And note that any political point of view is still welcome.

There has never yet been a politely expressed point of view that was censored here.

I disagree. And I could prove it if you'd show the censored posts.
373   Patrick   2018 Oct 20, 12:21pm  

tatupu70 says
I disagree. And I could prove it if you'd show the censored posts.

patrick@dev% cat tmp
WookieMan says
This is what I'm talking about with invited/private threads.

So you're advocating for private threads, where members of the same "team", can go for their same minded, private circle-jerks, away from an opposing opinions by other members? Gee, that sounds so Snowflakie, SJW, and Safe Spacie like....

There are plenty of forums where you can find that. Go try Democratic Underground, or even Facebook. Plenty of groups that only allow like minded people. You'll be in heaven.

Don't like opinions that differ from yours here. Who's holding a gun to your head and making you log in to Patnet? Crazy...

Amazing, the crying and whining that comes from a few here on a voluntary Internet forum.

WookieMan says
There aren't enough moderators in the world though to help weed out trivial digs at other people.

It's almost as if we need moderators who will oversee other moderators who make trivial digs at other members.

WookieMan says
At some point, two adults need to be... well.... two adults.

Ha Ha Ha. that's really funny.. it's almost like it's projection.
LeonDurham says
MrMagic says
I'll just leave this here....

with no source of course.

Do you need everything spoon fed to you?
bob2356 says
Oh wow, care to name all the times houses had negative equity across the nation. OH yea the great depression and the great recession. A once in 80 year event isn't a big concern for most normal people. For trolls yes, normal people no.

MrMagic says
Never heard of "negative equity", have you? Or FHA loans? Or Home Equity loans?

Bob, why are you always so wrong??

...."In Georgia, 42.1 percent of homeowners with mortgages owe more money on their houses than the homes are currently worth. That's much higher than the national average of 27.5 percent. "

Also, what about 3.5% FHA loans? They're underwater if they had to sell in their first few years.

May 30, 2018
...."- Almost 4.5 million American homeowners still owe more on their mortgages than their homes are worth.
- About one in seven homeowners with a mortgage (15.4 percent) have some equity in their home, but likely not enough to sell and comfortably use the proceeds for a down payment on another home.
- Detroit has the largest share of deeply underwater homeowners, who owe twice as much as their homes are worth."


Wow, I'm really glad all those underwater houses are all gone since the Great Recession, which happened a DECADE ago::

...."On the state-by-state level, Colorado (4.0 percent), California (4.2 percent), Oregon (4.2 percent), Washington (4.2 percent) and Hawaii (4.6 percent) had the lowest percentage of seriously underwater homes while Louisiana (19.3 percent), Kansas (16.2 percent), Mississippi (16.2 percent), Iowa (16.0 percent) and Illinois (15.1 percent) had the highest."

Oops.... they're not...

Bob, want to try again?
LeonDurham says
It's the Trump cultists who constantly post personal insults. Not Aphro. Not Rafi. Not me....


So why are you always crying to Patrick and the mods why your posts are being marked and flagged?
LeonDurham says
I'm sorry you don't understand what the 538 graphic is telling you. But, I'd suggest reading the background and explanation--it may help you. Hint-it wasn't a prediction.

Sorry Joey, wrong again.

That chart came from Nate's web site the morning of the election. That was his PREDICTION on who was going to win which state, and the E.C. votes that came with it. Sorry that you don't understand the basic operation of how the Electoral College works.

Trump ended up with 306, almost the total inverse of what Nate predicted. As much as you'd like us to believe his little percentage chart means something (except maybe to cover his ass for wrong predictions), there are no "Gray" areas or percentages, either you win a state or you don't. This isn't horseshoes. It's black and white.
bob2356 says
There are 1.3 million houses underwater out of 74 million.

Seriously Bobby, do you have reading issues?

MrMagic says
Almost 4.5 million American homeowners still owe more on their mortgages than their homes are worth.

Must be this new math where 1.3 million = 4.5 million

Is that how they teach math in Vermont?? Did Bernie teach you, by any chance?
WookieMan says
I can't talk about users, but there is/are a couple users here that tend to bash a pick that other users here make. They'll wait until the stock has hit a bump in the road or crash and say that the pick was shit. Yet ignore certain time frames of massive gains, where the user that made the pick may have sold. It's garbage behavior. Not you, but some here need to make a pick or STFU commenting on threads where someone has made a pick.

You should really consider stopping the constant whining and crying, day after day, and try and act like a grown adult. It's garbage behavior.
bob2356 says
Oh snap, those pesky facts again ruining a perfectly good rant.

PRoTip Bob, don't correct Curious2 when he's wrong, unless you want him having a hardon for you for the rest of your life.

The guy is probably the smallest (in all ways) pettiest guy on Patrick.net. "Oooh ooh, I think I've got something on marcus from several years ago when he didn't take the flu vaccine." This all becasue of a few times I've corrected him on his faulty reasoning.

Is he pathetic ? Or is it just me. What kind of person takes on that level of hate to a stranger on a forum, just becasue they kindly explained to them an error in their thinking ? ( a few times)

curious2 says
Marcus claims to teach public schoolchildren, and refused the flu vaccine in a year when H1N1 was killing schoolchildren. The flu varies from year to year, and flu vaccines vary in efficacy, but parents are required to send their children to school, and should have a right to expect the school employees will not intentionally risk infecting schoolchildren, especially in a year when the flu is killing schoolchildren.

Apparently Marcus is a bad bad VERY BAD person. Does everyone get that ?

By the way, I teach teens, not young children, and I didn't refuse the vaccine, I just didn't take it. Of course in real time it wasn't known that it was so bad that something like one in 5000 people that caught that flu, died (mostly very old or VERY young) who knows, perhaps 1 in 100k or even less teens or adults that caught it died.. But it was known that many previous years vaccines were ineffective, and it was also known that middle aged people tend to have a substantial immunity from previous contact with cousins of the virus (without taking the vaccine) of seasonal flu viruses.

I don't know whether I'm responding to his troll, or just trying to help him with his reasoning one more time. We all know it's not going to help. This isn't about reasoning, it's always about emotion and ego with this putz.
FortWayne says
Anything on NYT racist site is not reality.

Speaking of which, isn?t Reality Marcus? second account?
CovfefeButDeadly says
FortWayne says
Anything on NYT racist site is not reality.

Speaking of which, isn?t Reality Marcus? second account?

Oh wait, that was Humanity...I think. So confused.
curious2 says
Your comments on PatNet misstate the rules governing significant figures, show basic errors of arithmetic, and show you can't follow ordinal numbers.

This was the most recent time I corrected you on your reasoning and I spelled it out very clearly.. IT wasn't even about significant figures(at all), which is what you googled to get a quote to prove me wrong on something very very very simple.

Here, again (for others - if actually curious beyond what they can find on the internet) which is that if temperature values are either read by a human, to be rounded to a nearest degree (for simplicity of argument) , or rounded to the nearest degree by a digital device for that matter, that then thousands of readings averaged, would give an average that is meaningful to a higher resolution than the nearest integer.

To comprehend this, one only needs to imagine a situation where the temperature is always rounded to one or two values say 58 or 59. Say the temp is always between 58 and 59 and the human or device does its best to always gives an answer to the nearest integer. With out quoting something irrelevant you found on the internet about significant figures (not relevant to this), are you really going to tell me that the average of thousands of such values (either 58 or 59) won't be meaningful to a higher resolution than the closest integer ? Really ?

By the way, significant figures is something we never talk about it Math. It's a term used in Chemistry a lot, and to a lesser degree physics. In Math we say round to the nearest thousandth, or hundredth etc. Not the same issue exactly. But in any case, good rules for conducting experiments are not relevant to the question.

This is what happens when intelligence is defined purely as memorizing information without engaging even the most basic reasoning in the question.. Had you had me as a Mathematics teacher, I would have endeavored to exercise your ability to reason and appreciate interesting puzzles and develop problem solving skills. Quoting some jibberish about an unrelated concept off the internet is not what critical thinking is.

Perhaps you are very very young, and rely a bit too much on the internet ? That would help to explain some other of you attributes.

curious2 says
Name calling?

Calling you a jerk simply becasue you are a jerk. Where as you, dredge up something from many years ago about flu vaccines in the hopes of making me look bad. This is an example of you being a jerk.
marcus says
bob2356 says
Oh snap, those pesky facts again ruining a perfectly good rant.

PRoTip Bob, don't correct Curious2 when he's wrong, unless you want him having a hardon for you for the rest of your life.

The guy is probably the smallest (in all ways) pettiest guy on Patrick.net. "Oooh ooh, I think I've got something on marcus from several years ago when he didn't take the flu vaccine." This all becasue of a few times I've corrected him on his faulty reasoning.

Tell me about it. Curious was the one that checked on all my posts and counted typos then calculated how many were from the left hand vs right hand after I said I broke my left hand and didn't type as well with it. I have no idea why. But hey I'm a lifetime drug addict with permanent brain damage because I stupidly admitted to curious that I took pain killers for 2 whole days after smashing my hand and having surgery on it. Pus I have toxoplasmosis brain damage even though I've never owned a cat. No idea where that bizarre thought came from. Scary weird obsessive stalker.

So in the world of the curious an article that is considerably out of date with zero documentation or facts other than its true because I say it's true is the gold standard and 3 current well documented articles don't count. That's exactly what I expected.
PrivilegedtobeWhite says
marcus says
Bottom line, people with pre-existing conditions are going to be screwed if republicans have their way.
Why should I have to pay for someone else's cancer? Everyone has their own problems to deal with, let alone that of some random stranger.

Funny how people who say things like this are always the first in line for help when shit happens to them.
bob2356 says
PrivilegedtobeWhite says
marcus says
Bottom line, people with pre-existing conditions are going to be screwed if republicans have their way.
Why should I have to pay for someone else's cancer? Everyone has their own problems to deal with, let alone that of some random stranger.

Funny how people who say things like this are always the first in line for help when shit happens to them.
Do you have data to back that up, or is that just a cool thing to say because it fits your socialist ideology?
curious2 says

Gosh that sounds like a lot to cope with. I hope you feel better soon. That broken hand seems still to cause you to spell "areas" with an apostrophe, for example. The opiates and opioids do seem a more likely explanation, and you did mention both categories (which would be a lot to fit into only 2 days), but whatever, blame it on the hand if you prefer.

Weird, obsessive, scary stalker. I rest my case.
bob2356 says

Weird, obsessive, scary stalker. I rest my case.

Patrick says
Perhaps the greatest troll of our age!

and you are spending your time reading her tweets? What does that say about you?
bob2356 says
Did you call up, explained your level of expertise, and demand a retraction yet? So make this easy, just put up the real numbers and references if you know this is wrong.

Ahh, I see. So you post a line of B.S., with no data to back it up, and when you're called out to prove the basis of comment, you want someone else to do the work for you to prove a false narrative?

Why do the Liberals always expect someone else to do their work?
LeonDurham says
Goran_K says
Democrats: ?Well uh not all speech is free speech! Nazi speech should be censored!?

Trump cultists "Government needs to stay out of the way of businesses... well, unless they do things we don't like. Then we need to regulate the hell out of them!!!"

I know you don't understand written words well. But again, no one here asked for regulation on things we don't like. Pointing out liberal hypocricy is not an ask for regulation. Learn "reading comprehension" Leon.
And no warning for Ft. Wayne?? Goran--you're losing your touch!
Let me help you Google,
You are one of many "Corporation are People",Free Market,Job Creating,Profit Making,Entrepreneurial Enterprise that made America Great.
Tell Trump & his supporters to get fucked.

Any regulation is like taxes,socialism,majority control of businesses & individuals.
Republicans will not remove all regulations or taxes & increase taxes on some,who are their own bosses & owners that have never gotten anything from the govt. SLIME SOCIALISTS! What are the total number of Republicans that are receiving any Republican govt. tax dollars including Socialist paychecks.

Goran_K says
Tatupu, keep your mod comments to yourself, and keep on topic. Thanks!

Why do you hate free speech?
Patrick says
What I really fear is the Leftist Utopia, where all speech is declared hate speech so that it may be censored at will, all white people are declared racist by birth so that they may be disenfranchised, and everything good for global corporations (outsourcing jobs, insourcing illegals) is put above the welfare of the working class.

Patrick says
The leftists discovered that the peasants with their Internet would mock them while leftists were making graceful speeches about the needs of illegals. So the left realized that the Internet was a danger because it was such an equalizer. The left first banned Infowars, and then restricted access to Alex Jones...

Is Patrick having a nervous breakdown ?
CBOEtrader says
Herdingcats says
The topic is Trump lies.

Do you have a lie you want to discuss?

Yes but apparently you do not want to discuss it. There really is nothing I can do about that.

It appears Trump supporters lie as much if not more than Trump. Honesty is of God and dishonesty of the devil; the devil was a liar from the beginning.
Goran_K says
That's real state sponsored Democrat racism though. Not fake imagined victimization.

Nope--victimization The fact that you can't see that says a lot
TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
You mean if they don't buy it a few weeks after it comes out, it's censorship?

?? ?????? ????????? ?????
Occidental Dissent. The voice of the angry white male supremacist. Did breitbart get too squishy and liberal for you?
FortWayne says
For short memory liberals.

Are you a bot?
Wow. We have an honesty problem

Why is it so hard for some people to be honest
Goran_K says
Tim Aurora says
You can make out whatever you want but Real men do not force themselves on girls.

That only happens in Hollywood and Democrat make believe stories.

Wow, I can see why you guys support Trump.
jazz_music says
This is what patrick.net means by alt right moderators abuse.

You are not only unashamed to use that photo, you are going to fight to protect the lies behind it that Obama is a muslim.

It?s pathetic.

I remember the Obama years. Patrick.net was a proponent of Free Speech. It?s odd to see @Patrick deride Democrats now, when he voted for Obama twice, and he consistently defended him saying he was doing a good job, and that the economy is good. I wonder what happened
Looks like Goran stuck again. I'm back on the censorship train.
I?m getting a little sick of your molesters and rapists getting a free pass.

They see Trump getting away with murder and so now they all expect to skate on everything they?ve done.

This is the rule of law becoming something only the powerless need fear.
Dumbass. Assumes all reality based fact checking is commie pinko liberals in disguise.
Are any of you allowed sharp objects in your wards? Do you drool while you watch the Kardashians? Is Donald Trump about ten times smarter than you? Does watching Jesus floss give you wood?
You morons are pathetic. You have no idea what math is or what science is. If I lit your little sister on fire and then doused her with ice water, she might set the record for fastest cooling of a human being recorded for Youtube, but you can be pretty sure that she is still burned over 90% of her body. And the drop would probably still bring her body temperature to above normal levels. So it goes with the earth.
2016 was a fucking hot year. We cooled through to Feb 2018. But IT'S STILL FUCKING HOTTER THAN EVER.
So cherry pick your stupid fucking data. Why you do it is a mystery to all sentient beings. Did Al Gore kick your puppy? Are you ignorant Christians who believe Fictional Jesus will save you? Are you psychotics who hate your children and humanity in general. Or are you just so fucking ignorant and stupid that you believe your drunk uncle instead of 99% of world's climate scientists.
Fuck off with your ignorance. We have one planet and should not let it be fucked up by stupid climate deniers. Go find your own planet and fuck that over.
And don't forget that the sex doll is a portrayal of an adult woman and not a child.

As you can see, ppl who see hoes or sex robots get associated with pedophilia.

This would make feminists & Puritanical guys, like Fort Wayne (as he's shoving his religion down everyone's throat), happy.

So here you have it Fort Wayne, you're now one with the Femi-Nazis.
Tenpoundbass says
Gary you don't know Dick so shut up Liberals have been dismally wrong about every fucking thing since early November 2016.
You fail as a prognosticator and you're no Moral authority Son

Gee, what happened to moderator Goran? I guess it only counts when you insult a right wing patnetter. .
LeonDurham says
CovfefeButDeadly says

Took me about 5 seconds Tat/joey/Leon et al....

Breitbart, which has received millions in funding from extremist billionaires close to the Trump
administration, provides a nexus point for the so-called alt-right (the newest branding for American
white nationalism, anti-Semitism, and misogyny) to exploit vulnerabilities throughout
the media landscape. With a powerful ally in the White House (former chief executive Steve Bannon
will be Trump's chief strategist), Breitbart plans to export its brand of anti-establishment racism on a
global scale.

I fail to see anything nefarious here. Perhaps the truth hurts?

This is why people make fun of you.
Have you considered a prescription medication ? (please stay away from the opiods though. I've heard they're all the rage with your ilk).
Mr, Whataboutism strikes again!!
Aphroman says
The market could resolve this very quickly. Sadly, the Republicans took away Americans Freedom to wager on political events with their Failed Loser UIGEA rider they attached to the SAFE Port Act

Woah! Now THAT is some quality shit you are on!

But you just violated one of the core rules of Patrick.net: If you are going to comment here while stoned, you have to have enough to share with the rest of us!

Right, @Patrick? :)
TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says

How about we start with Khashoggi with OBL?

I know whataboutism is your forte, but let's stick with the supposed reformed Saudis murdering pro-reform journalists. Does that sound like the reform we want?
TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
Nope. Pointing out the pot is calling the kettle black on the same exact subject, when there is a binary choice isn't whataboutery

What are you talking about? Nobody brought up Obama under your usual bit of whataboutism.

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
So that being said, how would Hillary's stance have been different?

Good, let's double down on whataboutism!!
374   tatupu70   2018 Oct 20, 12:27pm  

thanks -Patrick, but it's difficult to read that post.
375   Goran_K   2018 Oct 20, 12:32pm  

tatupu70 says
thanks -Patrick, but it's difficult to read that post.

Really? I identified plenty of ad hom attacks in that list.
376   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2018 Oct 20, 12:34pm  

Goran_K says
tatupu70 says
thanks -Patrick, but it's difficult to read that post.

Really? I identified plenty of ad him attacks in that list.

Do you see what I see?

377   Goran_K   2018 Oct 20, 12:42pm  

Seriously. 5-10 posts asking for proof of “ad Homs” and then “Oh well that is too hard to read.”


378   tatupu70   2018 Oct 20, 12:45pm  

Goran_K says
Seriously. 5-10 posts asking for proof of “ad Homs” and then “Oh well that is too hard to read.”



Can you understand it? The formatting makes it next to impossible to tell who was the actual poster.

And certainly there are many ad homs in there. Patrick said there are ZERO posts flagged that weren't personal. I say there are. Posting a sampling of the flagged posts doesn't answer that question. Especially when they are formatted in such a fashion to make it nearly impossible to decipher who was the author.
379   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 20, 2:37pm  

Dear God, it's Whataboutery city up there.

I wonder if there's a way to change all instances of "Whataboutery" to "CompareAndContrast"

"There you go, comparing and contrasting the foreign policy of two successive Administrations in the Middle East regarding Human Right violations, asking why the policy of general neglect was okay under one, actually TWO previous administrations, but this Administration is OrangeManBad for not imposing immediate sanctions!!! CompareAndContrast Fallacy! Pwned!!!"
380   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 20, 2:38pm  

Patrick says
There has never yet been a politely expressed point of view that was censored here.

This is true.

And I used to be more on the other side of the fence, for instance pushing neutrality/inaction on Iran and Venezuela under Chavez (who had a "Touch" that Maduro did not have), my posts never got censored either way.
381   tatupu70   2018 Oct 20, 2:40pm  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
"There you go, comparing and contrasting the foreign policy of two successive Administrations in the Middle East regarding Human Right violations, asking why the policy of general neglect was okay under one, actually TWO previous administrations, but this Administration is OrangeManBad for not imposing immediate sanctions!!! CompareAndContrast Fallacy! Pwned!!!

Pretty sure that any time a journalist was murdered by the leader of our ally in their embassy ffs, there was an outcry.
382   curious2   2018 Oct 20, 4:32pm  

tatupu70 says
Pretty sure that any time a journalist was murdered by the leader of our ally in their embassy ffs, there was an outcry.

Can you please cite any examples, and did any of them affect a midterm election? Otherwise, I don't see the relevance to the OP topic, but that applies to most tatupu70/LeonDurham/JoeyJoeJoeJR comments lately: rarely if ever about the thread topic.

Returning to the topic, Democrats are basically replaying the 2016 strategy, with an extra government department thrown in to address a fraction of the consequences of Obamneycare. "Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again and Expecting Different Results." I would like to be proved wrong about this, because I think divided government tends to produce better judicial appointments, so I had hoped the Democrats would win the Senate. I just don't see it happening with TDS and presuming guilt instead of innocence ("WE BELIEVE ALL SURVIVORS") and so on: it didn't work in 2016, so I doubt it will work in 2018.
383   mell   2018 Oct 20, 4:35pm  

Goran_K says
Aphroman says
Goran_K says
Aphroman, tatupu stop with the trolling. It’s getting out of hand.

I’m talking @Patrick here, it’s his site, he can speak for himself.

Or do you think he’s a little beta sissy who cannot protect himself?

That’s a big problem with right wingers these days, they think that because they are Failed Loser Beta Pussies that so everyone else is as well

Go to the discuss anything thread.

lol close to 100% of the posts contain the 'failed losers' insult. 50% an additional 'beta sissy' insult or similar. There's nobody on the other end of the spectrum coming even close. Even the duck wasn't that consistent.
384   tatupu70   2018 Oct 20, 4:35pm  

curious2 says
Otherwise, I don't see the relevance to the OP topic, but that applies to most tatupu70/LeonDurham/JoeyJoeJoeJR comments lately: rarely if ever about the thread topic.

I was responding to another post which I conveniently quoted before I replied. If you have a beef with the change of topic, please take it up with the poster to which I replied.

And I believe the above is against the rules...
385   curious2   2018 Oct 20, 4:39pm  

Tatupu70/LeonDurham/JoeyJoeJoeJr, I'll repeat the question for you:

curious2 says
tatupu70 says
Pretty sure that any time a journalist was murdered by the leader of our ally in their embassy ffs, there was an outcry.

Can you please cite any examples, and did any of them affect a midterm election?

Since you failed to answer the question, it looks like the answer is no, even though you had claimed to be "Pretty sure." It isn't personal to point out that your "sure" comment is false and apparently made up out of thin air. It would be personal to say that you are also not pretty, but I have no idea about that either way.
386   tatupu70   2018 Oct 20, 5:27pm  

curious2 says
Since you failed to answer the question, it looks like the answer is no, even though you had claimed to be "Pretty sure." It isn't personal to point out that your "sure" comment is false and apparently made up out of thin air. It would be personal to say that you are also not pretty, but I have no idea about that either way.

Obviously it has never happened before, which was the point. Trying to compare the world reaction from this incident to unrelated incidents in the past is misleading at best. Not sure what this has to do with the mid-terms though.

I would agree I'm not pretty--more rugged handsome.

You missed the personal part though. It was this:

curious2 says
I don't see the relevance to the OP topic, but that applies to most tatupu70/LeonDurham/JoeyJoeJoeJR comments lately: rarely if ever about the thread topic.
387   mell   2018 Oct 20, 6:02pm  

Aphroman says
They’re not directed at anyone in particular

It’s the same thing the right wing cult45 cucks do when referring to leftist or liberals, I’m just doing the same thing with changing the subject to Right wing tards and conservatives. Is turnabout foul play?

No but they are not being censored. They are all over the site. So are tats posts. Pat is pretty fair wrt free speech from my observations.
388   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 20, 7:09pm  

tatupu70 says
Pretty sure that any time a journalist was murdered by the leader of our ally in their embassy ffs, there was an outcry.

Yet Obama and Bush were okay not to impose penalties for the execution of gays, witches, and teenage protesters either in Iran or Saudi Arabia? Not one person, multitude of individuals year after year, most notably in 2011.

That's what compare and contrast (The incorrect use of "Whataboutery") is all about.

We all know the "only thing" that "really changed" was OrangeManBad, and Saudi support for ending the Iran Deal, something many insiders leaking and working with the Washington Post were involved with and want to have as a Legacy. It's still obnoxious, but so is executing "Witches" in the 21st Century.

Now if Khashoggi was a NON-Saudi Citizen, it would be an infamous assault on diplomatic standards. But he was a Saudi Citizen on Saudi Territory (Embassies are considered respective National Territory), and not an American or Turkish Citizen.
389   tatupu70   2018 Oct 20, 8:29pm  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
We all know the "only thing" that "really changed" was OrangeManBad, and Saudi support for ending the Iran Deal, something many insiders leaking and working with the Washington Post were involved with and want to have as a Legacy. It's still obnoxious, but so is executing "Witches" in the 21st Century.

Nope. It's apples and oranges.

Torturing and killing a journalist and then cutting him up with a bone saw in your Consulate after he came on the promise of getting papers so he could obtain a marriage license is simply nothing like your whataboutisms.

That's why there is outrage. It has nothing whatsoever to do with Trump. The outcry began before Trump even commented on it.

(edited so any anal retentive readers don't get all worked up)
390   Shaman   2018 Oct 20, 8:43pm  

tatupu70 says
Torturing and killing a journalist and then cutting him up with a bone saw in your embassy after he came on the promise of getting a marriage license is simply nothing like your whataboutisms.

The United States needs to do what is best for the United States, regardless of how a barbaric monarchy treats its barbaric people.
391   tatupu70   2018 Oct 20, 8:47pm  

Quigley says
The United States needs to do what is best for the United States, regardless of how a barbaric monarchy treats its barbaric people.

And sucking up to the world's #1 funder of terrorism is best for the United States?
392   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 20, 8:49pm  

tatupu70 says
Torturing and killing a journalist and then cutting him up with a bone saw in your embassy after he came on the promise of getting a marriage license is simply nothing like your whataboutisms.

Again, he's not a journalist. He's a shill. He writes opinion pieces excusing violence in the name of, and advancing the cause, of Political Islamism

And as I stated, Khashoggi was buddies WITH the terrorist funders, like Prince Turki, as well as the recipients of Turki's donations, Osama bin Laden. He's against MbS and the King because they're moving away from exporting extreme Wahabbism and supporting Hamas and other Islamist Groups. They're starting some slow (by necessity) Liberal reforms, but Khashoggi doesn't want Liberal Reforms, he wants Political Islamist "Reforms".
393   tatupu70   2018 Oct 21, 6:41am  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says

Again, he's not a journalist. He's a shill. He writes opinion pieces excusing violence in the name of, and advancing the cause, of Political Islamism

lol--so are you the ultimate decider of who is and who isn't a journalist?

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
And as I stated, Khashoggi was buddies WITH the terrorist funders,

Sounds like he was friends with someone 20 years ago who may or may not have funded terrorism. Is that the best you've got? Surely today's Republican talking points will be better.
394   CBOEtrader   2018 Oct 21, 8:27am  

Aphros comments are personal far more than anyone else.

Its funny watching him complain being forced to follow the rules.
395   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 21, 10:58am  

tatupu70 says
lol--so are you the ultimate decider of who is and who isn't a journalist?

I sure am. Khashoggi isn't the least bit objective nor does he try to be. The man waxed poetic over Hamas.

Khashoggi is a journalist the way Michael Moore and John Pilger are Journalists. Or Acost Ya is a Journalist.

OBL and Khashoggi were Lifelong Friends since they were schoolboys. Khashoggi visited OBL in Afghanistan many times in the 80s and 90s. Such good friends that Khashoggi was asked to try to bring him back from the cliff in the 90s.
396   Goran_K   2018 Oct 21, 11:04am  

CBOEtrader says
Aphros comments are personal far more than anyone else.

Its funny watching him complain being forced to follow the rules.

Yeah chill out Aphroman or you're going to have a lot of silent replies.
397   anonymous   2018 Oct 21, 12:32pm  

tatupu70 says
Quigley says
The United States needs to do what is best for the United States, regardless of how a barbaric monarchy treats its barbaric people.

And sucking up to the world's #1 funder of terrorism is best for the United States?
So what should the US do? Bomb Saudi Arabia? What are the options?
398   curious2   2018 Oct 21, 2:36pm  

PrivilegedtobeWhite says
So what should the US do? Bomb Saudi Arabia? What are the options?

Let the USN take the entire Persian gulf. Take the oil. Sell it to China and the highest bidders worldwide. That would balance trade. This has nothing to do with Khashoggi. It is about the fact that Islam hates us. It makes no sense to pay $$$ to people who use that $ to finance terror campaigns against us. Candidate Trump said, "take the oil." He did not say buy. He said, "Islam hates us." He was right both times. If he does what he said, he'll win 2020 in a landslide. Already I think the Republicans will hold both houses in the midterms, because Democrats continue to obsess over stories that are not in the interest of American voters. American interest is to quit paying $ to people who use our $ to kill us; take the oil and sell it.

That is also what's behind the 'deep state' resistance to the President. For decades, they have cultivated relationships promoting Islamic jihadis against communists. Cutting the jihadis out of the loop would violate those relationships and end the kickbacks (baksheesh) that corrupt the swamp. Swamp creatures want their kickbacks, and sell out the USA for Petrodollars.
400   Patrick   2018 Oct 21, 2:55pm  

tatupu70 says

That's why there is outrage. It has nothing whatsoever to do with Trump.


It has everything to do with Trump. The media is 100% OrangeManBad 24/7/365. There is an absolutely perfect correlation between whatever Trump does and whatever the media is outraged about today.

But that said, the reflexive bigotry against Trump may have a good side-effect in this case. I've been waiting since 11 Sept 2001 for the media to start telling the truth about the Saudis. They are finally doing it, albeit for the wrong reasons.

Same kind of TDS-inspired attack happened to Facebook when they dared to publicly use facts correct the media lie that Russia somehow used Facebook to swing the election. Facebook went from media darling to Satan incarnate overnight.

It's all about Trump yet again. TDS is the sole driving force of the entire Democratic Party and their wholly-owned media these days. It's so bitter and shallow and transparent as to be comical. At least this makes it very easy for Americans to know who to vote for in the midterms.
401   Booger   2018 Oct 21, 3:00pm  

Jobs, not blobs!
404   tatupu70   2018 Oct 21, 4:23pm  

Patrick says
It has everything to do with Trump

We'll have to agree to disagree on that one. From my seat it sure looks like Trump LOVES to play the victim and that's his schtick every time he's criticized. And it works as so many people eat it up and blame the media. It's almost pointless for the media to continue to point out his lies, because his followers don't care.
405   Shaman   2018 Oct 21, 4:43pm  

tatupu70 says
It's almost pointless for the media to continue to point out his lies, because his followers don't care.

Because when the media “point out his lies” they either:
1) nitpick the details offering differences in statistics from other data sources, then declare the statement a lie based on differing opinions
2) deny deny deny a truth Trump is pointing out, only to be quietly proven wrong six months later.
3) quibble over hyperbole where trump makes a slight exaggeration.

None of these types of “lies” changes any material fact that matters to Trump supporters. That’s why we don’t care about the media spin.
406   tatupu70   2018 Oct 21, 5:19pm  

Quigley says

Because when the media “point out his lies” they either:
1) nitpick the details offering differences in statistics from other data sources, then declare the statement a lie based on differing opinions
2) deny deny deny a truth Trump is pointing out, only to be quietly proven wrong six months later.
3) quibble over hyperbole where trump makes a slight exaggeration.

No, most of the time they are outright naked lies where Trump is either just making things up out of thin air, or purposely misstating facts.
407   curious2   2018 Oct 21, 5:52pm  

President Trump is not on the ballot in the midterm. If you look at the 2016 ballot, the most honest candidates were Bernie (who got robbed) and Gary (who got 4%). In the general election, 96% of the voters chose liars. President Obama said, "All politicians lie." If Democrats' midterm strategy is to say the President lied, that seems unlikely to produce a better result than in 2016, when Democrats lost both houses of Congress.
409   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 21, 6:51pm  

Quigley says
Because when the media “point out his lies” they either:
1) nitpick the details offering differences in statistics from other data sources, then declare the statement a lie based on differing opinions
2) deny deny deny a truth Trump is pointing out, only to be quietly proven wrong six months later.
3) quibble over hyperbole where trump makes a slight exaggeration.

Another thing factcheckers do is claim "We don't have the time to factcheck everything"

So they take less controversial or more fungible statements from political candidates they support, contextualize them to the hilt, and declare them mostly true 25 of 30 times.
With the ones they don't like, they do the opposite, pick out the most controversial claims, take the literal meaning whenever, and don't contextualize them at all. False 25 of 30 times.
410   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 21, 6:54pm  

tatupu70 says
Nope. It's apples and oranges.

Torturing and killing a journalist and then cutting him up with a bone saw in your Consulate after he came on the promise of getting papers so he could obtain a marriage license is simply nothing like your whataboutisms.

That's why there is outrage. It has nothing whatsoever to do with Trump. The outcry began before Trump even commented on it.

Bonk! Khashoggi was not a journalist or reporter in the mold of Edward Murrow. He was an "Accountability Journalist" aka Opinion Writer, and a Media Adviser for the Saudi Intel Chief in the 90s.

And just about every country in the world has turned the other way when Iran and Saudi Arabia has executed multiple gays and witches. CNN and WaPo hardly gave a fuck. The very rare report and even rarer op-ed on the need for "Reform" without any calls for a massive embargo or cancellation of any weapons deals, much less resignations of Leaders.

I know DC elites think one Islamist Shill is more than scores of gays, "Witches", and protesters, but I don't agree.

The attitude has shifted 180 degrees.
411   tatupu70   2018 Oct 21, 6:57pm  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
Bonk! Khashoggi was not a journalist or reporter in the mold of Edward Murrow. He was an "Accountability Journalist" aka Opinion Writer, and a Media Adviser for the Saudi Intel Chief in the 90s.

I see--unless you're Edward Murrow, it's fair game for Governments to lure you to their Consulate, murder you, and cut you up with a bonesaw?

Is that how it works?

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