RIP turtledove

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2016 Nov 15, 2:44pm   76,714 views  248 comments

by MMR   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

I just heard some extremely sad news that turtledove passed away recently, quite possibly over weekend. Had been in touch with her regarding a family issue and I got an email from her husband today indicating that she had passed away before I had a chance to reply . I am not privy to any other details.

Was very thoughtful of her husband to contact me, given his level of grief and work responsibilities in light of the bad news. She was a kind generous person who asked her husband to reach out to me on deathbed to meet up and discuss our case with us.

Personally, I'm in shock, as it seems to have happened this past Saturday or Sunday.

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197   anonymous   2016 Dec 6, 10:44am  

Dang she was a Philly girl at heart, makes sense. She was a tough cookie

198   Ironworker   2016 Dec 6, 10:52am  

Life is short!

Stop stressing about money. Have it as a hobby only!

Live life in the moment. Slow down! Don't pay expensive mortgages! Spend time with your kids and loved ones.

That's pretty it. We are all heading there. Remember it and use it as a tool for a good life.

199   B.A.C.A.H.   2016 Dec 6, 6:56pm  

rando says

I'm still stunned by the whole thing. I just met her in person for the first (and last) time in July in SF. Met her kids too. She was great in person, just like online. It's surreal.

And to think I missed that event because I got stuck in 880 traffic on our way to the BART.
Thank you for sharing.

If turtledove's family sees, this, I am sorry for your loss. Please know that even though I didn't know her, and we didn't even know each other's names, her snarkey (but never in a mean way) comments brightened many a day for me.

200   Ceffer   2016 Dec 6, 7:08pm  

It's heartbreaking every time I hear about our poor Turtle.

201   anonymous   2016 Dec 6, 7:30pm  

I was singing Christmas songs with my kids driving home on Sunday, and The Muppets 12 days of Christmas had me a little choked up when Fozzie Bear breaks out Two Turtle Doves 🙁

202   HEY YOU   2016 Dec 6, 7:57pm  

sugarbean says


". She served as managing partner and co-founder of the Center for Advanced Genetics, the IVF & infertility practice based in Carlsbad, California.. She served as managing partner and co-founder of the Center for Advanced Genetics, the IVF & infertility practice based in Carlsbad, California."

Too bad she didn't discover a fix for patnetters' retard gene. DOH!

203   tropical   2017 Jan 19, 5:50pm  

@d40a, so very sorry for your daughter's troubles. You are from TN, but did you know he also is from TN? You say "this is not over yet... mark my words". Is there information we should know?

205   Patrick   2019 Apr 30, 7:25am  

This is excellent news. I'm not certain of the guy's guilt, but I truly did suspect him from the first moment I heard of Turtledove's untimely death.

Hopefully the justice system is working as intended.

A San Clemente doctor was behind bars Friday on suspicion of killing his wife more than two years ago.

Eric Scott Sills, who will turn 54 on Saturday, is accused in the Nov. 13, 2016, death of his 45-year-old wife, Susann Stephanie Arsuaga Sills, according to the sheriff’s department. Jail records show Sills was arrested Thursday and is being held on $1 million bail.

There was no immediate information on the woman’s cause of death, a possible motive or what prompted Sills’ arrest.

Susann Sills was managing partner and co-founder of the Center for Advanced Genetics fertility clinic in Carlsbad. Eric Sills is the center’s medical director.

According to his online biography, Eric Sills holds a doctorate from London’s University of Westminster and earned his medical degree at the University of Tennessee. He has practiced in-vitro fertilization in Europe and the United States and authored several books on the topic along with more than 100 peer-reviewed journal articles. He also collaborated on the discovery of three previously unknown human gene mutations, according to his biography.

Eric and Susann Sills were the parents of twins.

Eric Sills was tentatively expected to appear in court in Santa Ana Friday afternoon.
207   WookieMan   2019 Apr 30, 7:52am  

Patrick says
This is excellent news. I'm not certain of the guy's guilt, but I truly did suspect him from the first moment I heard of Turtledove's untimely death.

Hopefully the justice system is working as intended.

Wow. I always suspected foul play given her age like you say. Feel bad for the kids though. IF he did it, I hope the kids land in a good place. Sad story, but that should be the concern/focus now IF he's convicted. Even if 100% innocent, there's going to be some mental and emotional damage for everyone involved. As you say, let the justice system do its work.

I know some family has visited here, so trying to be tolerant/respectful, but this is turning into a movie or hour long Dateline episode. Wherever the path leads for the people involved, I do hope things end up as well as they can. Never expected to see anything about this again.
208   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2019 Apr 30, 8:12am  

Double wow! The husband is always the number one suspect. If he did it, I would assume this was a heat of the moment assault, and not planned.
209   indigenous   2019 Apr 30, 8:14am  

According to users, the 45-year-old was a member of Patrick.net, a social forum where she posted under the pseudonym turtledove. In a thread posted soon after her death, one member, MMR, wrote that Eric Sills reached out to say she had died of an accident.

“I got an email from her husband today indicating that she had passed away,” the user wrote, adding that Sills said his wife suffered from “chronic migraines which kept her up.”

MMR also claimed that Eric Sills said his wife “fell down the stairs early Sunday morning,” an assertion that some found it hard to believe. In another post, MMR alleged that the mother of four had been cremated.

210   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Apr 30, 8:18am  

JFC, not that anyone deserves to be murdered, but damn, why TD?

I hope her kids inherited TD’s resolve and intelligence and find some way to be at peace with all that’s happened and find the right path in life.
211   WookieMan   2019 Apr 30, 8:21am  

indigenous says
According to users, the 45-year-old was a member of Patrick.net

Wowzers X10. Have fun with the traffic Patrick. Think we're gonna have some new users....

CovfefeButDeadly says
I hope her daughters inherited TD’s resolve and intelligence and find some way to be at peace with all that’s happened and find the right path in life.

THIS for sure.
212   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Apr 30, 8:22am  

This is a helluva shock.

My sympathies for the family.
213   NDrLoR   2019 Apr 30, 8:44am  

indigenous says
“fell down the stairs early Sunday morning,”
I see this a lot on Investigation Discovery cases. Such a sad and undeserving end, should have lived another 30-35 years!
214   RC2006   2019 Apr 30, 8:53am  

She was one of the coolest posters here cant believe she was murdered. I think everybody was shocked with her age and everything that she died from a fall on the stairs.
215   zzyzzx   2019 Apr 30, 9:47am  

I bet he was cheating on her.
216   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Apr 30, 9:48am  

HonkpilledMaster says
This is a helluva shock.

My sympathies for the family.
217   Shaman   2019 Apr 30, 9:57am  

Looks like @wookieman was right, this was foul play. Gary territory indeed. Just because it’s a conspiracy theory doesn’t mean that it’s wrong!

Of course now I’m feeling even worse for her twins, who will be left without a parent.
218   Blue   2019 Apr 30, 10:28am  

That is quite sad and I feel very sad for her children as well. I missed this thread. I know its too late. Please accept my deepest sympathy to her and her family.
219   Rin   2019 Apr 30, 10:38am  

I think the best motive clue here is the life insurance policy.

If I recall, TD's husband had financial problems earlier due to some politics at a clinic he was at. And the article also says that they were self-employed, running a clinic, which usually has a ton of overhead including liability insurances, etc, It's not like in finance, where one's capital is simply about moving others' capital around.

All and all, if the motive is true then it's a matter of disguising a blunt instrument attack into looking like a fall, unless drugs were involved, which could possibly show up in an autopsy report.
220   Tenpoundbass   2019 Apr 30, 11:03am  

An Investigator called me last year, asking me if I have ever been to SF, or the Patnet meet up.
He had some questions because I told her that She must have a cool Husband, and because of my response upon hearing about her death.
I said because she was well liked, it came as a big shocker to everyone at Patnet.
I thought it was weird that I was getting called. I always wondered if he put them on Patnet members trail to shake the investigators off his trail.
221   RC2006   2019 Apr 30, 11:14am  

Even if you hate your wife how could you kill the mother of your children, if he did murder her for money or it was premeditated in any way he is a psycho.
222   Rin   2019 Apr 30, 11:20am  

Tenpoundbass says
I always wondered if he put them on Patnet members trail to shake the investigators off his trail.

Here's the thing, this is an anonymous forum. This isn't some "Rochester University" alumni meetup board, where ppl share a lot of personal history, even if they didn't meet up back in school. And thus, the fact that anyone, like her husband, would even think of "extra personalizing" the anonymous board as way of developing a type of personal narrative, is almost like asking to be investigated.

RC2006 says
if he did murder her for money or it was premeditated in any way he is a psycho

No, just another criminal but of a white collar background. I don't believe a true psychopath would have used PatNet to spread the news. What would have happened then is that one day in 2016, TD stops posting, and that's the last anyone hears about her, swiftly forgetting her in 6 or so months.
223   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2019 Apr 30, 11:21am  

RC2006 says
Even if you hate your wife how could you kill the mother of your children, if he did murder her for money or it was premeditated in any way he is a psycho.
Pushing someone down the stairs would be in imprecise way to murder. How do you know the person would be killed? And if not, you go to jail. Heat of the moment more likely, assuming the spouse did it. Of course she may have been killed before, and then a fall down the stairs staged. Blow to the head, maybe, but cervical dislocation, probably not.
224   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Apr 30, 11:24am  

RC2006 says
Even if you hate your wife how could you kill the mother of your children, if he did murder her for money or it was premeditated in any way he is a psycho.

Sick bastard.
225   EBGuy   2019 Apr 30, 11:33am  

Why do I have a feeling this will end up as a 48 Hours Mystery on CBS. I wonder if our fearless leader will be subpoenaed to testify to the veracity of any of her pat.net messages.
226   Rin   2019 Apr 30, 11:47am  

EBGuy says
Why do I have a feeling this will end up as a 48 Hours Mystery on CBS. I wonder if our fearless leader will be subpoenaed to testify to the veracity of any of her pat.net messages.

It might very well be there. Someday, Patrick, as a new celebrity, may find himself on TMZ.
227   Rin   2019 Apr 30, 12:04pm  

BTW, I work in finance and thus, know a bit about crooks.

The average crook is good at deflection towards narratives, others on the team, etc, etc.

A true psychopath, however, needs none of the aforementioned because for the most part, he doesn't emotionally react to anything. The fact that he says things like 'It's been done' w/o hesitation or needing to reference a case study, imparts a sense of mastery to his target audience. Usually, it takes a long time for such a person to come to justice and as we know about Angelo Mozilo, that didn't really amount to much.
228   Ceffer   2019 Apr 30, 12:13pm  

I loved the way TD tangled with Iwog and left him skinned and yelping away every time over his male dominance chauvinism issues.

Rapid cremation of an 'accident' victim is a suspicion amplifier right there. I would hope it wouldn't be true. She talked a lot about her struggles getting the business going and the risks/rewards. She handled the stresses with aplomb.
229   Rin   2019 Apr 30, 12:18pm  

Ceffer says
I loved the way TD tangled

My blasts with TD were about the notion that relationships and marriage were intrinsically useless and ripe for exploitation. The fact that she thought that hers was an example of its success has got to be the biggest irony of them all.
230   zzyzzx   2019 Apr 30, 1:18pm  

Ceffer says
Rapid cremation of an 'accident' victim is a suspicion amplifier right there.

I have also noticed this from watching various TV shows, particularly on the Justice Network. That, and usually no autopsy.
231   Y   2019 Apr 30, 2:42pm  

I can imagine the questioning...
TMZ: "Patrick, did turtledove ever post about troubles in her family, especially with her husband?"

Rin says
It might very well be there. Someday, Patrick, as a new celebrity, may find himself on TMZ.
232   BayArea   2019 Apr 30, 2:44pm  

Wow, I’m eager to learn what lead to the arrest...
233   Shaman   2019 Apr 30, 3:18pm  

I’d like to be a fly on the wall when AF gets deposed.
234   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Apr 30, 4:05pm  

Quigley says
I’d like to be a fly on the wall when AF gets deposed.

Ahahahaha! That would be epic!

Btw my guess is IWOG in the study with the candle stick.

What do I win?
235   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Apr 30, 4:05pm  

jazz_music says
BlueSardine says

Off to the sanitarium with you!
236   indigenous   2019 Apr 30, 5:00pm  

CovfefeButDeadly says
I’d like to be a fly on the wall when AF gets deposed.

That is some funny shit

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