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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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104620   Tenpoundbass   2019 Aug 28, 2:05pm  

Dark Money in politics. What a racist thing to say. Does the SPLC know about this? Call the ACLU!
Sounds like Hate speech to me. Call CAIR's lawyers they'll know what to do.
104621   socal2   2019 Aug 28, 2:31pm  

So this story just blew up in Apocalypse's face.

When will these "Cultists" stop and pause and think shit through before running with the latest fake news from the likes of MSNBC?

There won't be an ounce of introspection. They will be back tomorrow throwing monkey shit.
104622   mell   2019 Aug 28, 2:44pm  

Lol you haven't been to sweden lately. Homelessness and beggars were a problem already 20 years ago and it has only gotten worse. Norway is doing OK they have their oil reserves and tourism minus Swedens mass rapefugee immigration.
104623   Onvacation   2019 Aug 28, 3:22pm  

HonkpilledMaster says
jazz_music says





104624   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Aug 28, 3:29pm  

jazz_music says

I would say he successfully baited the left into talking exclusively about race, but the truth is democrats were only too desperate not to talk about the 0.1%.
104625   Tenpoundbass   2019 Aug 28, 4:08pm  

He's the cook trying to make a sandwich. The TDS Establishment and Liberals are the ones that keep taking a shit in it.
Then they try to serve it up to his supporters as "Trump's" Shit sandwich. Get out the way, and let the man fuck up so We can judge him for ourselves.

There are more Democrats seeing through this cheap shit, than there are RINOs that agree with you.
104626   Ceffer   2019 Aug 28, 4:17pm  

"Just because it's a lie doesn't mean it isn't the truth!" Joe Biden
104627   clambo   2019 Aug 28, 4:30pm  

President Trump is accomplishing many of the things he mentioned in his campaign.

1.Appointed 2 supreme court justices; one more probably soon when RBG bites the dust.

2. replacing old border fence made from discarded military stuff to a real barrier and the construction of hundreds of miles more of it using billions of $$$ from the Defense Dept budget.

3. discouraging illegal workers coming to the USA; various steps are underway.

4. tax cut for corporations and taxpayers.

5. Tell NATO that their free ride on the US taxpayers back is over; they of course are complaining bitterly.

6. Fight back against Communist China for trade abuses which weaken the USA and hurt American workers and industries.

7. Fight back against attacks which neither Romney nor Bush were inclined to do; like them or hate them, they acted like pussies sometimes.

Even the former smoker-who-lives-with- his mother-in-law-in-chief fought back

Trump rocks; he is on a roll and of course he has just a little to do with the stock market, but whatever works is fine with me.
104628   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Aug 28, 4:31pm  

FortWayneIndiana says
Left is going through denial now. A step toward recovery.

The disease is like Malaria... it has many stages.

The first stage was the "Hot" stage, angry they lost and screaming incandescently at the sky.
Then there was the "Cold" stage, where they piled up the Mueller Blankets, shivering in anticipation for Trump's Indictment
Now we are in the "Sweating" stage, where they know the Dems are a mess, Spygate indictments are on the way, and delirium fantasies about White Supremacists.

Only after 2020 can we hope the Left's TDS is supressed by an onset of an Acute Catatonic Trance like the Left had after 1989 until September 11th, 2011.
104629   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2019 Aug 28, 4:53pm  

Lol you got serious TDS jazz if you have to write pages trying to redefine the term.

Lefts war on women redefined a woman to be a “man with mutilated penis”. Trying to 2 for 2 lol
104630   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2019 Aug 28, 4:57pm  

You mean by cross dressing men liberals sent into women’s restroom?

No we don’t want it. But libbiefuck culture in CA is stupid.
104631   WillPowers   2019 Aug 28, 4:57pm  

The Green New Deal was more about destroying the American economy than preserving the planet. What am I missing here? You say the right-wing press distorted the message but you don't say what was distorted.


Saikat Chakrabarti (the brains and the money behind [AOC's] political operation ever since her 2018 primary victory) divulged in an unintentionally blunt comment in the Washington Post that the Green New Deal was not only not based in the science of climate change, but in fact not even designed with climate change in mind. "[I]t wasn’t originally a climate thing at all,” he is quoted as saying.
SEE: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/editorials/the-green-new-deal-was-never-about-climate-change-its-just-alexandria-ocasio-cortezs-excuse-to-destroy-americas-economy
104632   WillPowers   2019 Aug 28, 5:02pm  

Jazz, you think the left-wing media doesn't distort and lie: Just look how they framed the Jussie Smolett hoax as an example of white supremacy rising.

Read about more left-wing hoaxes here: https://legalinsurrection.com/2019/02/journalist-andy-ngo-documents-many-hoaxes-amplified-by-democrats-msm/
104633   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2019 Aug 28, 5:04pm  

Left: CNN, nbc, msnbc, abc, google, Facebook, Twitter.

Right: Fox

Reality check...
104634   Booger   2019 Aug 28, 5:25pm  

So buy any cheap crap that you want from Chinese sellers now?
104635   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Aug 28, 5:26pm  

Bezos is in tears

Have you noticed how much Amazon has pushed no-name Chinese Shit as "Amazon's Choice" this past year?
104636   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Aug 28, 5:51pm  

Pelosi, Obama, Hillary, Biden, Camella, etc... They are owned by the money. Even the woke upper middle class is worshiping at the Wall Street altar. They will express good intentions, as long as they can exploit their illegal brown nannies and gardeners. They won't change their ways.
104637   Tenpoundbass   2019 Aug 28, 6:05pm  

Not like Fox? You mean there's another news organization that has rabid Liberals and Sean Hanity on the same network?
Fox has April Ryan, where's CNN's Steve Bannon or Roger Stone? Or better yet, where's MSNBC's Lou Dobbs?
Fox has Juan Williams, Neil Crapoodo. and a few others that are fan of Trump or his supporters.
Fox has a lot of Liberal and Democrats on it, that were pulled from the Liberal propaganda machine.
Most Humanity viewers don't watch them and bemoan that FOX is turning into MSNBC.
104638   Tenpoundbass   2019 Aug 28, 6:07pm  

There's no equivalent to Fox Business actually. not even Fox News.

It was Varney and Company that first broke the Chyrster Union Worker bums swigging bottles and toking joints in the parking lot of the Plant. That got a subsidy and bailout and grants. That caught the attention of this investigation that is finally wrapping up.

Thanks Stuart!
104639   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Aug 28, 6:10pm  

A sad day for the Democrats, Kirsten Gillibrand has dropped out of the Presidential Primary. I’m glad they never found out that she was the one I was really afraid of!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 28, 2019

Troll Level: Awakened Master +5 (Monk 15/MU15)
104640   HeadSet   2019 Aug 28, 7:01pm  

Consumers will never have to pay for increased shipping or tariffs.

Gotta hand it to you. Who else could have combined shallow, short sighted, and obtuse all in one sentence?
104641   HeadSet   2019 Aug 28, 7:08pm  

"Little is known about the relationship between pesticide exposure and the brain

Nor the effects of pesticides on water, pollinators, food chain, and so on.
104642   Misc   2019 Aug 28, 7:43pm  

He stated the note was part of the public record and you could look it up with a Google search. 40 FBI agents looked through all his stuff for two years. If there was anything there they would have found it.
104643   Patrick   2019 Aug 28, 8:06pm  


Yup, looks like the "evidence" turns out to be vapor as soon as anyone goes to look at it. Same old circus, getting kinda dull.

Trump is still president. And a thumpin fine president by all objective measures like peace and prosperity.
104644   Patrick   2019 Aug 28, 8:43pm  

Please quote it here, with the source. Thanks!
104645   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Aug 28, 9:44pm  

Comparing a bounceback for the worst recession since the Depression, to a mature recovery, is rather silly.
104646   rdm   2019 Aug 28, 9:49pm  

Just two words: Nunes memo
104647   Misc   2019 Aug 28, 10:02pm  

The left always forgets that under Obama the jobs created were all part time jobs. Under Trump, the jobs created were full time jobs and millions upon millions of part time jobs became full time jobs. That's why the economy is soooooooooooooo much better under Trump.
104648   SoTex   2019 Aug 28, 10:47pm  

Unlike most of my pals, I have Israeli level security manning the wall around my junk. I don't like hitchhikers. 42 is also the number of congregation at the TX church one of said pals' some-sorta-church official announced existed every Sunday when he was a kid. I like pork fried rice muy bueno.
104649   WillPowers   2019 Aug 28, 11:38pm  

jazz_music says

I'm not so informed about the Smollett thing, but i'll take your word for it.

You're not familiar with it because you only listen to left-wing media who don't give you the full story. You think Fox lies. Just last night MSNBC told a whopper about Trump, telling their viewers that he cosigned a loan at Deutsche bank with Russian oligarchs friendly to Putin. Trump threatened them with lawsuit and the statement was retracted.

CNN and the left-wing media lies about Trump constantly, spent the last two and half years pushing the false Russiagate story. Like I keep telling you, you have to hear both sides of the news before you get the whole story.
104650   Automan Empire   2019 Aug 28, 11:49pm  

just_dregalicious says
Unlike most of my pals, I have Israeli level security manning the wall around my junk. I don't like hitchhikers. 42 is also the number of congregation at the TX church one of said pals' some-sorta-church official announced existed every Sunday when he was a kid. I like pork fried rice muy bueno.

Sir... This is a Wendy's.
104651   Shaman   2019 Aug 29, 5:04am  

I wondered about that. My daughter ordered some trinkets on amazon and they came direct from China. The listed postage was like a buck 89. Seemed way too cheap.
104652   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Aug 29, 5:40am  

You do realize that as the UE rate approaches zero, and as wages rise to attract workers, that the number of new jobs created must necessarily decline, don’t you?

The current unemployment rate is 3.7, which is essentially full employment. Whose creating jobs when there’s no one to hire?
104653   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Aug 29, 5:40am  

HonkpilledMaster says
Comparing a bounceback for the worst recession since the Depression, to a mature recovery, is rather silly.

It’s completely preposterous.
104654   marcus   2019 Aug 29, 6:10am  

Misc says
The left always forgets that under Obama the jobs created were all part time jobs. Under Trump, the jobs created were full time jobs and millions upon millions of part time jobs became full time jobs. That's why the economy is soooooooooooooo much better under Trump.

At least your fellow cultists will eat this BS up.
104655   Tenpoundbass   2019 Aug 29, 6:13am  

Yeah sure, my company has hired over 50 people so far this year.

Usually we see one or two, usually to replace someone.
104656   mostly_reader   2019 Aug 29, 6:21am  

> jazz_music

LOL, you can't make this up. People actually write about job creation being slow. What's the source, "thinkdumbass.org"?

Here's a quick lesson in 101-whatever. Growing from the bottom is easy. Growing when you are close to the top is hard. It gets mathematically impossible to show sustained YoY growth when you are close to the top.

Hey, jazz, what growth would you expect when current unemployment rate is 3.7%? Which in practical terms means that pretty much everyone who's capable and not a complete deadbeat is already employed?
104657   Onvacation   2019 Aug 29, 6:54am  

marcus says
surplusses as far as the eye can see

The infamous "peace dividend".
104658   WookieMan   2019 Aug 29, 7:45am  

Is something stopping her from paying what she was before the tax cuts? Could she not donate more to the government if she wanted? Maybe she goes on to discuss that, but I stopped listening, nails, meet chalkboard. I don't need some rich lady, that likely has an office full of tax accountants and attorneys at her disposal, to talk to me about tax cuts. She probably has zero understanding of her own tax situation. And I'm sure her accountants just sit and try and get her taxes done as rapidly as possible without looking for ways to reduce the taxes paid. She's a hypocrite.

Here's an idea. Set up some sort of pact like Bill Gates did and other rich people saying they'll donate most of their fortune to charity before or when they die. Make this one where they donate their fortunes to the IRS when they pass away. You know, give back to the people that made you rich instead of some shithole in Africa where the money is likely stolen and squandered. Or charity jobs are given to friends to run some BS program. The solution is right there in front of her, but instead she just complains.
104659   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2019 Aug 29, 7:49am  

She’s free to pay more to corrupt government which steals our money to give to their connected friends.

Liberals always want others to pay more to government.

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