by Patrick ➕follow (59) 💰tip ignore
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Given the cost of medical care in the USA, I think the American cops did the right thing.
marcus saysGiven the cost of medical care in the USA, I think the American cops did the right thing.
Leave it to FW to think of men wearing those. I still wonder about you man.
Those that are the most vocal with their anti-gay beliefs usually turn out to have some pretty strange "issues."
WaltertheoFlanders saysYou like to go to the pride parades?
He seems to know a lot more than I do about such things. Just sayin.
marcus says
Just because she doesn't care about all of the third world people that will die from the actions she proposes doesn't mean she's racist. Maybe she is ignorant.
Muslims could always run for office. It's in the Constitution: Article VI, Clause 3.
Where's a climate model I can run myself? Seriously, where is it? Every single freaking prediction that I was freaking out about 25 years ago, which I truly believed, was wrong.
so why not put the models on open source?
Being EE guy means he has more knowledge of computers and modeling than the average guy. He also pointed out "where is the models we can look at" since today's desktops are capable of running what was done on a Cray in the 90s, so why not put the models on open source? He also pointed out the decades of wrong predictions by the models. To negate these facts merely because he is not a climate scientist is flawed logic.
To negate these facts merely because he is not a climate scientist is flawed logic.
Trump always escapes their schemes, just like the Road Runner. Beep beep!
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