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2019 Feb 17, 4:30pm   3,044,966 views  40,610 comments

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2799   richwicks   2019 Oct 2, 5:43pm  

Onvacation says
marcus says

Just because she doesn't care about all of the third world people that will die from the actions she proposes doesn't mean she's racist. Maybe she is ignorant.

I think it's funny that anybody thinks that poor kid Greta Thunberg is "trying to save the world". Poor kid has lousy parents that have allowed her to believe the world is really coming to an end.

I'm an electrical engineer and I've always liked science. When I was in my teens I became aware of "global warming". Cities were to be under water by 2000. The arctic was going to be ice free by 2005. Snow was going to be a thing of the past, the Simpsons even did an episode on that.

To my right, about 20 inches from me, is a computer that is fully capable of simulating a Cray computer from 1990. Where's a climate model I can run myself? Seriously, where is it? Every single freaking prediction that I was freaking out about 25 years ago, which I truly believed, was wrong. Every single one. I hate to admit it, but the "climate change denies", are absolutely right. I never imagined I would have said this. Climate change seems to be largely a hoax, certainly the model is EXTREMELY flawed because it's never produced a useful prediction.
2800   richwicks   2019 Oct 2, 6:12pm  

Tenpoundbass says

Muslims could always run for office. It's in the Constitution: Article VI, Clause 3.

Also, that's not what the McCarren-Walter Act actually did unless this page is wrong: https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/mccarren-walter-act-goes-into-effect Apparently it was a McCarthy type anti-communist bill.
2801   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 2, 8:34pm  

Snopes falls for the "If the President is impeached, but not found guilty, he can run for another term" hoax.
2802   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 3, 12:52am  

richwicks says
Muslims could always run for office. It's in the Constitution: Article VI, Clause 3.

A federal office holder swears an oath to uphold the constitution as the supreme law.
A Muslim must hold Islamic law as the supreme law.
Seems like the two are mutually exclusive.
2803   Shaman   2019 Oct 3, 7:17am  

richwicks says
Where's a climate model I can run myself? Seriously, where is it? Every single freaking prediction that I was freaking out about 25 years ago, which I truly believed, was wrong.

Have you heard of the expression: “a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.”
Also have you heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect? Basically, people with only a little knowledge of a subject (such as an engineer’s knowledge of climate science) will underestimate the size of the knowledge base on that subject and incorrectly assume they know more of the total than they do.
The classic example was the bank robber who robbed banks in broad daylight with no mask. When he was easily identified and caught, he was mystified because he’d smeared his face with lemon juice! Knowing that lemon juice was a key component of invisible ink, he assumed that it would turn his face invisible as well!
2804   HeadSet   2019 Oct 3, 8:16am  

Basically, people with only a little knowledge of a subject (such as an engineer’s knowledge of climate science) will underestimate the size of the knowledge base on that subject and incorrectly assume they know more of the total than they do.

Being EE guy means he has more knowledge of computers and modeling than the average guy. He also pointed out "where is the models we can look at" since today's desktops are capable of running what was done on a Cray in the 90s, so why not put the models on open source? He also pointed out the decades of wrong predictions by the models. To negate these facts merely because he is not a climate scientist is flawed logic.
2805   Patrick   2019 Oct 3, 9:53am  

Tenpoundbass says

You know, this cartoon is quite accurate.

The Democrats keep on coming up with crazy schemes to get Trump, but which keep blowing up in their faces, just like Wile E. Coyote.

Trump always escapes their schemes, just like the Road Runner. Beep beep!
2807   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 3, 10:33am  

HeadSet says
so why not put the models on open source?

The Climate Modellers won't even put out their numbers when they sue for libel. The moment the Judge demands discovery and for the plaintiff to produce their model, Michael Mann and others drop the case and run away, even when they have to pay all the defendant's fees.
2808   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 3, 10:43am  

HeadSet says
Being EE guy means he has more knowledge of computers and modeling than the average guy. He also pointed out "where is the models we can look at" since today's desktops are capable of running what was done on a Cray in the 90s, so why not put the models on open source? He also pointed out the decades of wrong predictions by the models. To negate these facts merely because he is not a climate scientist is flawed logic.

Trump has directed that the EPA use publicly available studies when creating rules and regulations. Here's info: https://www.atr.org/trump-epa-introduces-plan-improve-transparency-and-cost-benefit-analysis
2810   Shaman   2019 Oct 3, 11:09am  

HeadSet says
To negate these facts merely because he is not a climate scientist is flawed logic.

It was an example not an indictment. Even climate scientists don’t know half of what makes the weather tick. But I find the worst misjudgements are made by people who truly don’t understand the sheer scope of their own ignorance on a subject. I’m not a climate expert either, but I endeavor to understand just how much I do not understand.
As Socrates said, “The Oracle at Delphi said that I was the wisest of all men because I, of all men, know that I know nothing.”
2811   Tenpoundbass   2019 Oct 3, 11:25am  

Patrick says

Trump always escapes their schemes, just like the Road Runner. Beep beep!

You would think the Liberals would get a new distributor of canard props, but they keep on buying cheap made in Yugoslavia crap from ACME from the cold war era to use on Trump.
2812   Onvacation   2019 Oct 3, 1:51pm  

Patrick says
Trump always escapes their schemes, just like the Road Runner. Beep beep!

Tweet! Tweet!
2820   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Oct 4, 4:09pm  

jazz_music says

you should wear that one.
2822   Onvacation   2019 Oct 4, 8:19pm  

jazz_music says

She was an evil bitch wasn't she. Dodged a bullet when Trump won.
2823   Onvacation   2019 Oct 4, 8:22pm  

NoCoupForYou says

Now THAT"S funny!
2824   Patrick   2019 Oct 4, 8:55pm  

jazz_music says


Liberals are systematically suppressing US wages for poor citizens by importing literally millions of Mexicans and demanding that everyone accept it or be called "racist".

It's only about MONEY and liberals are sucking corporate cock for MONEY.
2825   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 4, 9:00pm  

It's sad and hilarious.

It's no kind of secret.

The Companies that write checks to the Dems and NeverTrumpers flat out COMPLAIN they'll have to pay decent wages or provide benefits if the illegal immigration stops.
2826   Bd6r   2019 Oct 4, 9:36pm  

Patrick says

Liberals are systematically suppressing US wages for poor citizens by importing literally millions of Mexicans and demanding that everyone accept it or be called "racist".

It's only about MONEY and liberals are sucking corporate cock for MONEY.

Moreover, lower middle class blue collar workers move from progressive CA to TX in droves. Kinda means progressives are screwing working people over and they vote with their feet...
2827   richwicks   2019 Oct 4, 10:54pm  

Quigley says
HeadSet says
To negate these facts merely because he is not a climate scientist is flawed logic.

It was an example not an indictment. Even climate scientists don’t know half of what makes the weather tick. But I find the worst misjudgements are made by people who truly don’t understand the sheer scope of their own ignorance on a subject..”

I should clarify a few things.

First, I'm not bringing up my education to add heft to my opinion. I did it to show I'm not entirely a layman in science. I fully understand the scientific method, and I have complete confidence in it. I am certainly no scientist, and I probably don't have the intelligence to be one, and I certainly don't have the psychological make up to be one.

What I am pointing out is that the so-called "model" of climate change has never produced a useful prediction that I know of. These models are not accessible to the public, and they should be, and I don't think "global climate change" is a science, because it lacks a model that is even close to accurate. A model is the most basic thing you need to have in order to call it a theory. Where's the model?

This is not to say I think somebody is "stupid" or "duped" to believe in climate change as a man made problem, but it's my opinion, at this point, that it's more of a political move than a science. Are you able to name some predictions that were made correctly, and cite where the claim was made? I can't, and it's not like I've not looked. It is my opinion at this point, that the scientific method will leave this in the dustbin of history, as junk science.

Greta Thunberg, a 16 year old child, is now the icon of this. I'm certainly no scientist, but I'm well aware of propaganda techniques because that's my hobby. The "child hero" is a common propaganda method used by both fascist and communist nations. A child is used, because criticism of their statements will make you appear cruel to a child, and child can sincerely believe anything. Go watch her speech and notice the UN CLAPS after her presentation after she denounces them and tells them they have ruined the world because of their inaction and empty rhetoric for decades. Why would they clap at that? She just called them incompetent do-nothing selfish liars - yet they applaud her. A 16 year old know nothing who apparently believes, sincerely, the world is going to end in a decade. Why is the UN clapping? "Yeah, this 16 year old snot is right! We are a bunch of useless assholes!!!"

It's really irrelevant anyhow, because neither China, Russia or India are going to go along with it. It's a manufactured global emergency I think. It's been over 35 years, name anything that was actually done to alleviate it. Go watch an Inconvenient Truth again, and keep in mind it was made in 2006.

And BTW - you know what is worse for the world's ecology than climate change, even if all the current predictions turn out to be correct? Thermonuclear war. When is the last time you heard anybody worry about that? However, at this time conflicts between India, Pakistan, and China now exist, not to mention the United States and Russia.

Notice it is our media that ENTIRELY drives the agenda of what we are to talk about. The media told people to protest Trump having a temporary 6 month ban on refugees from 7 nations - if this was a real protest over human rights, where was the protest when Obama was bombing 5 of those nations to make those refugees? I love studying propaganda, because there's so much of it. It's not even good propaganda anymore.

One thing I've learned from studying propaganda for the last 30 years is that if a government makes a claim start looking for a motive for the claim, and be doubly suspicious of it. Currently Russia is an "expansionist aggressive nation". Oh? Has it bombed a bunch of north Africa, Middle Eastern, and Western Asian nations creating a refugee crisis so huge, it's destabilizing Europe? No? Well, the US is. The US is the expansionist aggressive nation. Saul Alinski, you sure were an asshole, and thankfully a stupid asshole that thought everybody was stupid so we have this crappy, 3rd grade propaganda that is so easily dismantled, that they're trying to censor the internet to hide the obvious flaws.
2828   richwicks   2019 Oct 4, 11:21pm  

jazz_music says

Yeah, this is what the Democrats claim they are doing, but look at Detroit or Flint Michigan, or LA, or Chicago. Here's a challenge for you, name the best city you can think of in the United States, that is has been run by the Democrats for more than 20 years.

The rhetoric of the Democrats is appealing, but it's a complete lie. Once they take over an area, they start bankrupting it, temporarily increasing the living standard, and then they leave it impoverished. Want to buy a house in San Francisco? You'll be able to do it, cheap, in about 20 years, once that place is like Detroit, and it will be exactly like Detroit by then.
2829   mell   2019 Oct 4, 11:57pm  

richwicks says
jazz_music says

Yeah, this is what the Democrats claim they are doing, but look at Detroit or Flint Michigan, or LA, or Chicago. Here's a challenge for you, name the best city you can think of in the United States, that is has been run by the Democrats for more than 20 years.

The rhetoric of the Democrats is appealing, but it's a complete lie. Once they take over an area, they start bankrupting it, temporarily increasing the living standard, and then they leave it impoverished. Want to buy a house in San Francisco? You'll be able to do it, cheap, in about 20 years, once that place is like Detroit, and it will be exactly like Detroit by then.

Spot on. Except for that SF has foreign buyers propping it at all times and a great climate. It wiil def be run to the ground even more by the leftoids but eventually find an equilibrium, and the Asians and Russians will police their own hoods more than ever.
2830   richwicks   2019 Oct 5, 12:10am  

mell says
Spot on. Except for that SF has foreign buyers propping it at all times and a great climate. It wiil def be run to the ground even more by the leftoids but eventually find an equilibrium, and the Asians and Russians will police their own hoods more than ever.

SF doesn't have a good climate. Don't you remember Mark Twain's supposed quote: "The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco." The bay area is nice, but there's actually a lot of places with great climates. They are places that are basically in a desert with low humidity. At 100F and 0 humidity, you're entirely comfortable, because sweating doesn't make you wet. Boulder Colorado is like this because it's just so high, never felt humidity when I was there and snow doesn't really melt, it sublimes.

SF is going to be a craphole in 20 years, and so will most of the Bay Area. We already made the internet, the whole point of that was to allow white collar nerds like me be able to work anywhere on the planet. This place is running on fumes with bullshit corporations right now. I work for a company now, that is at series H for funding. NO SHIT, series H. By C, you're usually finished. I have no idea who is dumb enough to fund us, but that's how much money there is pouring into this sewer.
2831   richwicks   2019 Oct 5, 2:32am  

richwicks says
Spot on. Except for that SF has foreign buyers propping it at all times and a great climate.

There's lots of places with good climates, especially for foreign investment. SF will be left as a dump just like every other place in the United States. Also, the climate of SF isn't great, it's simply OK. Any desert climate is comfortable if it has low humidity.

Boulder Colorado has a great climate. It snows there of course, but it's so far up in the mountains, that snow doesn't melt, it sublimes.

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