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2005 Apr 11, 5:00pm   176,892 views  117,730 comments

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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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105601   RWSGFY   2019 Oct 9, 5:26pm  

OccasionalCortex says
Looks like Dems are fucking over one of their core constituencies with this power cutting off thing:

Tesla prepares EV owners, Powerwall customers for CA’s historic power outages

This is how incompetent Democrat One Party rule can be, kiddies.

42 hours until depleted? Nice. But not "survive 5-day blackout" nice.
105602   richwicks   2019 Oct 9, 5:27pm  

jazz_music says
richwicks says
Hircus says
These are just libs posting fake tweets to live out their little anti-Trump fantasies.

Don't be silly. They're absolutely sincere. See?
You really don’t know the onion is satire?


Um, yes, of course I know the Onion is satire - but it's been picked up repeatedly by US "news" agencies as being true. Guess you forgot about that. That happened multiple times.

All "news" media in the United States is "satire" today.

Find that weapons of mass destruction program in Iraq yet?
End that "humanitarian crisis" in Libya yet?
Stop "Assad from gassing" his own people yet?
Find that Russian Collusion yet?

And by "satire" I mean it's propaganda. Corporate news is just corporate propaganda. I don't know how much more obvious it can get. You literally have the ability to talk to anybody on the planet, do it. Seriously. I'm AMAZED anybody at this point can't look at the garbage on television and print that laughably calls itself "news", and actually believe it is news. It's not. We do not have a news media anymore. We've not had one for at least 20 years.

I live in liberal crazy assed Silicon Valley. Not many Trump supporters here, not that it matters because this state will always vote to cut it's own throat, but I know plenty of them across the nation. I've not seen a BIT of change in their viewpoints - if anything the people sitting on the fence have moved over to support him. I'm indifferent because my vote doesn't matter in Silly Con Valley.
105603   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 9, 5:34pm  

OccasionalCortex says
Looks like Dems are fucking over one of their core constituencies with this power cutting off thing:

Tesla prepares EV owners, Powerwall customers for CA’s historic power outages

This is how incompetent Democrat One Party rule can be, kiddies.

If the power is cut off, not charging isn't the only problem. The power goes out on the traffic lights and traffic is truly insufferable. Might as well walk. It'll be faster. This isn't a joke or sarcasm, either. Occasionally, I have done exactly this to get home from work when I lived only 2 miles from my job.
105604   richwicks   2019 Oct 9, 5:45pm  

Tim Aurora says
Calling Mueller investigation a coup is extremely irresponsible. Even when Trump got elected using an enemy power ( and yes I am very convinced of that)

Why? List all the facts and evidence you can think of.

When you find out that there was no facts or evidence, you'll realize it was indeed a coup attempt. Pretty pathetic and humorous one. I used to think the government was filled with sociopathic intelligent scumbags. Turns out, it's just filled with sociopathic idiots.

Every now and then I go read the tweets of McCabe, Brennan, and Comey, just to get a laugh at how ridiculous they are. Have you read Hillary Clinton's "What Happened"? If you actually know what is going on, it's pretty funny. These people are so dumb, they think you're this dumb, and maybe you are - but most people aren't. They certainly don't think you have any clue what they did.

It's fun also to watch the complete implosion of the credibility of the corporate propaganda, what once was called "mainstream news". It's about damned time. They weren't able to sink Trump in 2016, and all they've done is dig their grave deeper. Freaking hilarious.
105605   richwicks   2019 Oct 9, 5:49pm  

Tim Aurora says
No its not. It is an investigation against a president who called for Russian help and they responded with hours ( That is in the Mueller Report)

No it's not.

Point to the page number and volume in the Mueller Report in which this was claimed. I wonder if you actually believe it's in the Mueller Report, or if you're just lying?

Here, for your reference, this is the Mueller Report:


That contains both volume I and II. It's downloadable, and searchable. So, can you find what you claim is in the Mueller report in it?
105606   socal2   2019 Oct 9, 5:54pm  

SunnyvaleCA says
If the power is cut off, not charging isn't the only problem. The power goes out on the traffic lights and traffic is truly insufferable.

Not to mention there will be limited to no power at gas pumps.

I bet the peeps in the shut off areas who bought Tesla battery power walls and solar are enjoying some electricity right now.
105607   WookieMan   2019 Oct 9, 5:55pm  

Handicap/disabled parking I think is the only thing protected under law (outside of fire zones and no parking zones, but that doesn't discriminate by vehicle type). States can make their own laws, and I'd have no interest in going to the supreme court over a parking spot, but it's not legal to have a spot for specific cars. So the pregnant mom's, employee of the month, EV's, etc spots are technically not legal, unless on 100% private property.

If there's an active public business, then park anywhere you want besides handicap spots. I wouldn't even worry about it. Get the fucker to punch you and then sue his ass.

If they're putting EV chargers in premium spots then that's retarded. You chose that vehicle and understood you may need to charge it, doesn't mean you get even an average spot. Problem is, most these chargers need to be close to an electric source, i.e. a building. So by default they're going to get better spots.

I park in them every chance I get. Not a ton of EV's here in IL, but I love people that think they have some privilege that they really don't. It's fun fucking with them.
105611   richwicks   2019 Oct 9, 6:36pm  

jazz_music says
richwicks says
the sound of a dud going off LOL

Your head exploding LOL LOL

Supposedly, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.

Well, I've seen this play a couple times before. In fact, I've seen it so many times that I ignore it when it happens again, because I know the result will be the same. Apparently, I'm sane.

Hmm, I never thought I'd ever say that about myself.


There have been so many false accusations that even a real one will be ignored at this point. it no longer matters if the allegations are true at this point. They cry of "wolf" has been made too many times.
105612   clambo   2019 Oct 9, 6:37pm  

Until I lived in S. Florida and the rumor spread among a few females that I had dough, I would perhaps assume that Trump may have been aggressive with females.

Trump has been famous a long time, and he has been perceived to have a lot of dough for a long time.

Chicks throw pussy at you once they think 1. you like pussy 2. you have some dough.

In Florida there is absolutely no need to ever be aggressive to the females. They have no shame, no guilt, are not embarrassed about it at all.
105613   tovarichpeter   2019 Oct 9, 7:05pm  

Yeah, it’s way to expensive. Cheaper just to occasionally incinerate a few people. Hopefully not you.
105614   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 9, 7:12pm  

OccasionalCortex says
SunnyvaleCA says
Foreigners from India, China, and Korea often vote Democrat also. They seem to great on standardized test, even if they 1st generation immigrants. Teachers Unions, though, are an enormous source of problems.

Yes, those foreigners vote Democrat...Democrats prop up teacher's unions and are now going after Charter Schools.

So my statement stands. :)

I think you actually missed the biggest problem: bad parents.
105615   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Oct 9, 7:35pm  

Jazz, please show us on the doll where the bad man touched you.
105616   marcus   2019 Oct 9, 7:36pm  

SunnyvaleCA says
I think you actually missed the biggest problem: bad parents.

And poverty. Not that these are independent. Once kids are behind grade level, with their reading or Math, (which happens a lot in inner city schools), they aren't going to perform well on grade level tests.

That doesn't mean no learning is occurring though.

I know for damn sure that some of you Trump Cucks know exactly what I'm talking about (from your own childhood experience) that is about being behind grade level in school.
105617   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 9, 7:45pm  

jazz_music says
Donald Trump said his father was born in Germany — even though, as has been reported many times -- Fred Trump was born in New York.

Because Trump misheard or mispoke about his dad being born in Germany, although Fred was only born very shortly after his ancestor's arrival in NY, he's ORANGE MAN BAD.

But please stop making fun of Warren.
105618   Shaman   2019 Oct 9, 7:56pm  

SunnyvaleCA says
I think you actually missed the biggest problem: bad parents.

Bad or just neglectful parents are the common cause of poor schools and poor student performance. Even a rather dull student can achieve the minimums with enough effort. But this effort won’t happen without involved parents.
I live in a district with a very mixed racial population (50% white, 20% Asian, 20% Latino, and 10% other or mixed. However the schools are quite good and have a great reputation. The common thing I see is that the parents are responsible for getting their kids to study and keep up with school work.
105619   marcus   2019 Oct 9, 8:04pm  

That's exactly correct. A lot of kids defined as highly gifted in special programs, are there in large part becasue their parents are on it, especially age 2 through 13 or so. Not that the DNA, and luck, has nothing to do with it.
105620   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 9, 8:08pm  

marcus says
I know for damn sure that some of you Trump Cucks know exactly what I'm talking about (from your own childhood experience) that is about being behind grade level in school.

Rule 1: Leftists and Liberals are primarily about enforcing their own sense of moral/intellectual superiority on others to make up for shortcomings or boredom.
Rule 2: Leftists always Projecting onto others things they are thinking or have done. (Example: Foucault, being into BDSM, was obsessed with dominance. Most Pacifists are in this specific sub-category.)
Rule 3: Leftists demand you treat them with Queensbury Rules, while they fight you with Alinsky Tactics.
105621   Shaman   2019 Oct 9, 8:08pm  

richwicks says
Tim Aurora says
No its not. It is an investigation against a president who called for Russian help and they responded with hours ( That is in the Mueller Report)

No it's not.

Point to the page number and volume in the Mueller Report in which this was claimed. I wonder if you actually believe it's in the Mueller Report, or if you're just lying?

Here, for your reference, this is the Mueller Report:


That contains both volume I and II. It's downloadable, and searchable. So, can you find what you claim is in the Mueller report in it?

It’s more of an article of Leftist faith at this point. Maybe Maddow said it or whatever. These sort of sheep believe whatever she says.
105622   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 9, 8:10pm  

Quigley says
It’s more of an article of Leftist faith at this point. Maybe Maddow said it or whatever. These sort of sheep believe whatever she says.

Are we back to "Read the Mueller Report (even though I didn't either)" handwave again?

Tell us the claim, give us the Chapter and Verse it comes from, or drop it.
105623   marcus   2019 Oct 9, 8:12pm  

NoCoupForYou says
Rule 1: Leftists and Liberals are primarily about enforcing their own sense of moral/intellectual superiority on others to make up for shortcomings or boredom.

That's not true about me. I said "SOME OF YOU" Trump Cucks. And I know I'm right. Including at least one of the most extreme Trump Cucks on this forum who is quite proud of not finishing high school. That doesn't prove he's an idiot, but I'm pretty sure it means he knows something about being behind grade level. Also, Fortwayne ? If he's real, and not someone's fake alter ego, then he too has experience in this area.

NoCoupForYou says
Projecting onto others things they are thinking or have done

What about Fortwayne with his constant obsession with gays ?

NoCoupForYou says
Rule 3: Leftists demand you treat them with Queensbury Rules, while they fight you with Alinsky Tactics.

I find right wingers worse in this regard. E.g. repeated over and over again, "The left can't meme."

No you just can't handle the criticism. Where as liberals understand the big picture of polarization and that the other side has it's view (and who the real idiots are).
105624   steverbeaver   2019 Oct 9, 8:43pm  

iT'S TRUE. Trump touched my penis when I was just 15 years old. I only let him do it because he said it would make America great. My story is totally credible, more than the others. Better let CNN know.
105625   steverbeaver   2019 Oct 9, 8:49pm  

I tried looking up his party affiliation. Regardless, fuck that guy.
105626   komputodo   2019 Oct 9, 11:04pm  

OccasionalCortex says
In order to be enforceable, they have to have SPECIFIC signage. Wording...even size of the sign itself and letters in it. You can read about it in that statue I linked to.

105627   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Oct 9, 11:15pm  

Wtf lady?!?!?

Put down the damn fairy tales.
105628   Ceffer   2019 Oct 9, 11:25pm  

IHLlary keeps coughing up lesbian pubic hairballs and you can't understand a fucking thing she is trying to lie about.
105629   EBGuy   2019 Oct 9, 11:52pm  

That would be an epic start to the Third Opium War: Fentanyl Edition.
105630   Misc   2019 Oct 9, 11:59pm  

steverbeaver says
iT'S TRUE. Trump touched my penis when I was just 15 years old. I only let him do it because he said it would make America great. My story is totally credible, more than the others. Better let CNN know.

Ok, 27 get in line.
105631   Onvacation   2019 Oct 10, 6:36am  

jazz_music says

You speak for a whole group of what?

People who don't suffer from TDS.
105632   RC2006   2019 Oct 10, 6:36am  

The least dems could do is come up with some more original content.
105633   marcus   2019 Oct 10, 6:57am  

jazz_music says
Should America normalize authoritarian rule?

Only for republican Presidents
105634   marcus   2019 Oct 10, 6:58am  

105635   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Oct 10, 9:50am  

Notice how quite all the corporations on this, because they are China's bitch since all their manufacturing is in China... suck Chinese dick harder America!!! Maybe another pride parade or something for those faggots to feel good about having an illusion of being "pro freedom".
105636   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Oct 10, 9:52am  

This is Dems fault, they showed all the crazy bitches that as long as you cry enough with fake tears they'll make you famous and put you in front of Congress. Every lonely, mentally ill, fucked up bitch now thinks she's getting her shot at being a Hollywood star. Congratulations Democrats, go tame your own bitches before they consume you.
105637   Patrick   2019 Oct 10, 10:01am  

FortWayneIndiana says
how quite all the corporations on this, because they are China's bitch since all their manufacturing is in China... suck Chinese dick harder America!!!

This is one of the big two reasons Trump got elected: the devastation of US manufacturing by outsourcing it to China to escape worker rights, pollution controls, and most of all to escape high US wages which benefit US citizens. The other big reason being the insourcing of 20 million illegals to make the poor in the US accept even lower wages.

But even the uncertainty of whether the US will keep allowing cheap Chinese crap into the US will make US companies think twice about locating there. So it's a definite win.

@APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch even if Trump did everything you wanted, you'd still hate him, right? If so, then it's not actually about what Trump does. It's something else.
105638   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Oct 10, 10:03am  

Yep, sucking Chinas dick at max speed potential.
105639   Bd6r   2019 Oct 10, 10:13am  

Patrick says
it's not actually about what Trump does. It's something else

Not everyone can get over tRUMP being a royal damned Yankee ass, I think. Took me a while - not that I like him, but annoying ORANGEMANBAD 24/7 screeching by media whores finally made me accept the reality that he was a better choice in last and will be a better choice in next elections.
105640   Bd6r   2019 Oct 10, 10:14am  

I accuse Hillary of unwanted contact through media parading her around too much. IMPEACH THE OLD HAG!

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