by Patrick ➕follow (59) 💰tip ignore
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richwicks sayspfft.the sound of a dud going off LOL
Your head exploding LOL LOL
SunnyvaleCA saysForeigners from India, China, and Korea often vote Democrat also. They seem to great on standardized test, even if they 1st generation immigrants. Teachers Unions, though, are an enormous source of problems.
Yes, those foreigners vote Democrat...Democrats prop up teacher's unions and are now going after Charter Schools.
So my statement stands. :)
I think you actually missed the biggest problem: bad parents.
Donald Trump said his father was born in Germany — even though, as has been reported many times -- Fred Trump was born in New York.
I think you actually missed the biggest problem: bad parents.
I know for damn sure that some of you Trump Cucks know exactly what I'm talking about (from your own childhood experience) that is about being behind grade level in school.
Tim Aurora saysNo its not. It is an investigation against a president who called for Russian help and they responded with hours ( That is in the Mueller Report)
No it's not.
Point to the page number and volume in the Mueller Report in which this was claimed. I wonder if you actually believe it's in the Mueller Report, or if you're just lying?
Here, for your reference, this is the Mueller Report:
That contains both volume I and II. It's downloadable, and searchable. So, can you find what you claim is in the Mueller report in it?
It’s more of an article of Leftist faith at this point. Maybe Maddow said it or whatever. These sort of sheep believe whatever she says.
Rule 1: Leftists and Liberals are primarily about enforcing their own sense of moral/intellectual superiority on others to make up for shortcomings or boredom.
Projecting onto others things they are thinking or have done
Rule 3: Leftists demand you treat them with Queensbury Rules, while they fight you with Alinsky Tactics.
In order to be enforceable, they have to have SPECIFIC signage. Wording...even size of the sign itself and letters in it. You can read about it in that statue I linked to.
iT'S TRUE. Trump touched my penis when I was just 15 years old. I only let him do it because he said it would make America great. My story is totally credible, more than the others. Better let CNN know.
how quite all the corporations on this, because they are China's bitch since all their manufacturing is in China... suck Chinese dick harder America!!!
it's not actually about what Trump does. It's something else
The least dems could do is come up with some more original content.
IHLlary keeps coughing up lesbian pubic hairballs and you can't understand a fucking thing she is trying to lie about.Yet she still might win the Democrat nomination!
a claim he hid behind a tapestry to grope a woman at his Mar-a-Lago property.
I and people who are not so fragile never got taken in in the first place.
Warren is healthy enough I guess.
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