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105815   clambo   2019 Oct 15, 9:54am  

I really dislike guys who post a link to an article rather than giving an opinion which they composed themselves.

White people used to mean Americans of European descent as opposed to the blacks who were brought as slaves to North America.

I feel victimized by Uncle Sam every April 15 when I have to write a big check to US Treasury or go to jail. I know a lot of people who are scamming the govt. and others who are just lazy losers who have bastard children who are receiving my tax payment. Fuck them all.

Fuck also those who hire foreigners to replace American workers.
105816   Shaman   2019 Oct 15, 10:02am  

I think his superpower is being 100% wrong about every single thing. I’m gonna call him “Wongcus.”
It’s actually quite impressive. You can set your watch and accurately predict the future by reversing his conclusions and betting on the opposite result.
105817   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 15, 10:18am  

Happy liberation from Stone Age Death Cults day!
105818   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 15, 10:48am  

I to am an indigenous person. The only place I have ever called home is America. From birth till death America will always be my place of origin. Making me an indigenous person.

— TONI (@MuhhPrivilege) October 14, 2019

Check the replies, have fun!
105819   Ceffer   2019 Oct 15, 11:00am  

Does this mean on this day I don't get my own special pronoun any more?
105820   CBOEtrader   2019 Oct 15, 11:18am  

Quigley says
I think his superpower is being 100% wrong about every single thing. I’m gonna call him “Wongcus.”
It’s actually quite impressive. You can set your watch and accurately predict the future by reversing his conclusions and betting on the opposite result.

Hes right about the Trump deficit being a big problem.

Although, I dont think this is Trumps fault whereas he blames the tax breaks. We are paying $200 billion more per year pm interest payments due to higher debt and higher rates, as compared to just a few years ago under Obama.

^^ this interest payment increase is most of the deficit increase.

Also if you look at federal spending, its healthcare and MIC that take up our federal dollars. Trump is addressing both of these issues as much and as well as could be expected.

Ending wars, lowering medical costs via increased freedom, etc... I think trump is doing pretty well here.

Deficit still a huge problem though, marcus right on that
105821   HeadSet   2019 Oct 15, 12:13pm  

No I don't hate any race race, much less african americans. It is the young teenage mothers which was the problem. It was fatherless kids growing up in a violent env which is a problem.

And whose policies promoted and encouraged having fatherless kids?
105822   richwicks   2019 Oct 15, 12:30pm  

Patrick says
The answer, amazingly, is Trump. But that's only because the political left has utterly and completely failed to protect the working class of the various nations, and instead become obsessed with imaginary "racism" by whites (not by anyone else!), tranny bathrooms, and the right of men to fuck each other in the ass.

The "left" doesn't actually care about any of these issues. Maybe the stupidest of "the left" follow this garbage, but that's it. I'd say about 1/2 of the United States is "stupid". Interestingly, about 1/2 of the United States who is registered to vote is registered as either a "Republican" or "Democrat", and the other 1/2 is registered independent..
105823   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 15, 2:53pm  

Trump is enforcing (or at least convincingly threatening) that asylum seekers will be returned back across the border (to Mexico side) to wait for their (mostly bogus) asylum claims to be adjudicated. That means the caravans will be waiting and causing problems for Mexico, so Mexico is now turning the caravans around at their southern border (which has a big, beautiful wall and guards with machine guns).

This is excellent news for USA citizens who don't want to live in a 3rd-world country. There's also a positive feedback loop: as Mexico turns around the caravans, people in the would-be caravans give up hope and so don't even try in the future; with fewer caravans, Mexico's defenses against them are even more effective; that results in even a higher percentage of caravans being stopped and more would-be caravans not even trying, etc.

When I heard months ago about Trump negotiating this, I thought at the time it would be a huge win for USA border security.
105824   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 15, 3:25pm  

clambo says
Others who run businesses like Carly Fiorina thought that American wages in tech were too high so to help the bottom line she decided to hire foreigners with H1B visas to reduce the payroll expense when HP took over Compaq. I know personally an American who was fired so guys from India could take his job at lower pay.

It's a self-reinforcing problem now, too. American's won't now take jobs in certain sectors because they are discriminated against and forced out by the H1Bs. American's can't take jobs in many construction crews is the USA because they don't speak Spanish (yes, in the United States). Many American's won't move to Silicon Valley because they don't like the deteriorating conditions, high costs, being packed in like sardines, and feeling like a minority in their own country (which they are).
105825   clambo   2019 Oct 15, 3:56pm  

sunnyvaleca is correct; now the future will be even worse.

The offspring of the illegals here are academic underachievers=bad students, and high tech will continue to complain of a shortage of "qualified candidates" for high tech.

It's sad to see what is happening and it's even sadder to talk to people who are not observant enough to see the problem or actually approve of making foreigners the preferred workers in the USA.

Everyone moaned about Bourdain killing himself; I say good riddance, he was always in restaurants in the USA where they charged a bundle and the kitchen was entirely illegals.

One of the reasons I loved Pollo Tropical in Florida and In n Out Burger in California is they don't hire illegals; the Habit hires illegals almost exclusively it seems to me.

I can afford to eat anywhere I please but I don't usually like the experience enough to pay the freight. My favorite expensive joint is in Jupiter FL, The Woods.

I'm digressing as usual.
105826   theoakman   2019 Oct 15, 5:00pm  

tune in for next week's manufactured outrage. How the hell are lefties not exhausted from all this? I mean, at this point, people from the right just yawn at every story.
105827   Bd6r   2019 Oct 15, 5:04pm  

105828   Tenpoundbass   2019 Oct 15, 5:17pm  

That isn't stopping them from running this secret charade sham, and the media legitimizing it.
That is Pelosi and Schiff's intention, not a legitimate impeachment. They want to poison the well when his Lawmen come forward with the indictments.
They'll now have precedence of Trump refusing the cooperate with their kangaroo court. So between outright flat out resisting them. They will be going to Obama's activist Judges to have special Immunities awarded to them, under some political persecution bullshit suit.

These are slippery slimy scumbags from the shit pipes of Hell, do really think it's Over?
105829   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 15, 5:40pm  

From the article:
House won't vote now on whether to begin impeachment inquiry

This just means they will continue along with an investigation without having a vote to see if a majority in the house wish to have an investigation. That breaks with precedent. It also means the Democrats, who control the majority in the house, can exclude normal investigative norms such as due process, cross examination of witnesses, ability for Republicans to call witnesses, etc.

This article is basically saying the investigation continue on, but just in a non-standard and covert way. The end result is that Trump supporters will (correctly) believe it was a sham that was covered up by the secrecy.

Here's something to note... can a single disgruntled congress person harass the POTUS and all of his staff with hundreds of subpoenas because that single person claims Trump acted badly? I doubt that would hold up in court. No, Nancy needs to have a vote for inquiry with majority affirming; then the subpoena has the "full power of the House of Representatives" and could legitimately hold up.
105830   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 15, 5:50pm  

OccasionalCortex says
And the drop off in border arrests should have started taking effect as of June or so. But where is the news coverage of that?

That would be a Trump plan causing great cheer among most USA citizens, so you won't be hearing any of that.
105831   marcus   2019 Oct 15, 6:56pm  

marcus says
Patrick says
The ruling parties thought they had successfully and permanently killed democracy... until the people disobeyed direct orders to vote for Hillary and elected Trump instead.

I was agreeing with much of what you said, until here. But also the "them" behind globalization was something that made sense to many of us.

IT always seemed to me that some sort of world cooperation, if not world government was inevitable, if we were to have hope of avoiding nuclear war and if we had hope of protecting the global environment.

Something like a U.N., that is sort of, to the worlds states, the way the US to it's states. We've been gradually moving in that direction, becasue of collective common sense. IT's a way we might sustain humanity.

The idea that avoiding the destruction of the planet through nuclear world war or environmental degradation is someone elses proble...

@PAtrick. This (above) was actually meant to be a thoughtful response showing my point of view and the extent to which I reject the globalization boogeyman. But yes globalization has been happening. And it's not all good, although by many measures the quality of life in third world countries has gone up more than ours has gone down.

In the communist era, we advocated for capitalism. WE advocated for global capitalism that would be better for the world than communism. In my view globalization was a consequence of that. IT certainly wasn't a leftist conspiracy.
105832   Ceffer   2019 Oct 15, 6:57pm  

"We're not here to call bluffs -- we're here to find the truth, to uphold the Constitution of the United States. This is not a game for us. This is deadly serious."

HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa! Woman CAN tell a joke.
105833   finehoe   2019 Oct 15, 7:08pm  

TrumpingTits says
Too bad logic & facts pissed all over it, eh?

Where are these "facts"? Certainly not in your post.

"The U.S. factory sector declined in the three months ended in June, the second straight quarterly decline, the Federal Reserve said Tuesday.
For the second quarter, production was down 1.2% after a 1.9% decline in the first three months of the year. Manufacturing fell at a 2.2% rate in the second quarter after a 1.9% drop in the first three months of the year."


TrumpingTits says
They are only in historical context. In Trump Era context, they have gone down

This passes for "logic " in your world? 'Crossing are only high by historical standards, but they've gone down under Trump'. That doesn't even make sense. If they're high by historical standards, then that means they are higher now than they were in the past. Higher than under Obama, higher than under Bush.

You have no room to lecture people on critical thinking skills if this is what passes for yours.
105834   Patrick   2019 Oct 15, 8:49pm  

@marcus I don't think globalization was a leftist conspiracy either. Both parties were in on it big time, because there was (and is) big money to be made in taking bribes from China, and much bigger money to be made outsourcing US manufacturing there.

I'm just very disappointed in the Democratic Party, which used to be the party of working people, but now has completely abandoned that and instead is taking money from Soros etc to divide the public with divisive and irrelevant sexual issues.

I'm not disappointed in the Republicans because I expected nothing else from them.

I'm happy that Trump is out there annoying millions of hypocritical Democrats by pointing out their betrayal of the country. That is his function in life, and he does it extremely well.
105835   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Oct 15, 9:10pm  

marcus says
@PAtrick. This (above) was actually meant to be a thoughtful response showing my point of view and the extent to which I reject the globalization boogeyman. But yes globalization has been happening. And it's not all good, although by many measures the quality of life in third world countries has gone up more than ours has gone down

Helping other nations of the world at our expense is stupid. World isn't reciprocal, once others rise up, they just kill previous leaders. That's entire fucking human history.
105836   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 15, 9:21pm  

If Pelosi manages to indict in the house, it goes to the senate. In the senate, Trump has (slight ... we hope) majority support. The senate can bring all sorts of witnesses, issue all sorts of subpoenas, and raise all sorts of questions. Does Pelosi really want to hand the Republican-run senate an enormous public forum 8 months before the election? Sounds like a bigly dumb move to me.

How would the senate act? If the Republicans join the Democrats and vote to remove Trump, the entire Republican party is done. Sitting R senators will lose their seats — which R senators are going to vote for that?
105837   SoTex   2019 Oct 15, 9:40pm  

Quigley says

It was worth it...
105838   marcus   2019 Oct 15, 10:52pm  

Patrick says
pointing out their betrayal of the country. That is his function in life

MOre like your fantasy reason that makes no sense for voting for him, when we all know your real reason.

It's true that democrats aren't representing the interests of workers, but campaign finance regulations, or the lack there of are what have guaranteed that.

It's almost as if you think Trump gives a fuck about the working people ?
105839   Shaman   2019 Oct 16, 4:26am  

SunnyvaleCA says
Does Pelosi really want to hand the Republican-run senate an enormous public forum 8 months before the election? Sounds like a bigly dumb move to me

And she’s not dumb, she just plays dumb on tv for her dumb constituents. If she actually pulls the trigger on impeachment, she might as well be signing her own resignation as Speaker. There’s no way all those freshman Congress critters will retain their marginal seats with a groundswell of public disapproval brought on by the coup attempt and its inevitable failure.
105840   CBOEtrader   2019 Oct 16, 5:31am  

marcus says
when we all know your real reason.

Marcus the mind reader.

Didnt you know Dems are magic!
105841   Onvacation   2019 Oct 16, 5:48am  

And they have cell phones! At least they aren't starving.
105842   Onvacation   2019 Oct 16, 5:49am  

jazz_music says
Expand your power base through nepotism and corruption.

How's that working out for Biden?
105843   HeadSet   2019 Oct 16, 8:29am  

It's almost as if you think Trump gives a fuck about the working people ?

Yes, Trump is the only one fighting the unfettered illegal migration that drives down wages, and the only one fighting to bring factory jobs back from slave labor China.
105844   HeadSet   2019 Oct 16, 8:35am  

How's that working out for Biden?

And Clintons. Billy boy got his wife elected Senator by displacing whoever would have ran in Daniel Patrick Moynihan's guaranteed Dem would win district, then tried to get her elected President. Now Chelsea is a "definite maybe" for NY 17th House district.
105845   joshuatrio   2019 Oct 16, 9:00am  

Our workplace streams CNN 24/7 on giant monitors and I can confirm that this whole Ukraine nonsense has officially left the news. Crazy how the left blows up and hammers it a million times into your head that the orange man is bad, then drops the story when they can't prove jack.

It really gets old. Trump is going to win 2020 due to this nonsense.
105846   Ceffer   2019 Oct 16, 10:11am  

Discovery and cross examination are the dire enemies of the LibbyFucks and they know it. It is going to be fake news and throwing mud with no follow through. It's why they can't do what they do without abridging process, engaging in selective, abusive prosecution, and generally wiping their asses with the Constitution.
105847   fdhfoiehfeoi   2019 Oct 16, 10:49am  

Did you know politicians will say anything to get your vote!?!?

Too bad OP didn't just use critical thinking skills to analyze taxes over this period. He would have quickly seen that taxes have never been cut. Or use critical thinking to understand that government never gives back power once obtained, and taxes are their sole source or revenue, so cutting them would require giving up power.

So the real tragedy here is the absence of critical thinking skills...
105848   fdhfoiehfeoi   2019 Oct 16, 10:53am  


First in drone bombings and killings!
First in imperialism!
First in national debt size!
First in murder(some call "defense") contract spending!
First in number of illegals flooding the country!
First in social services offered to illegals once they arrive!
First in prison population(% and overall)!

105849   socal2   2019 Oct 16, 11:07am  

WaltertheoFlanders says
Can you point to anything that says different? I didn't think so.

Uh - maybe the fact that Pelosi won't allow a vote for a formal impeachment inquiry?
105850   socal2   2019 Oct 16, 11:18am  

WaltertheoFlanders says
Which is up to her to decide. Is there any rule or law saying she must have a vote?

Then the Media can stop breathlessly reporting 24/7 that the House is proceeding with impeachment. All we currently have is just more fishing by Schiff for brains and the rest of the girls in the Democrat party.

Check out CNN's twitter video on impeachment today.

105851   Shaman   2019 Oct 16, 11:57am  

Yep, if there is no vote and no movement and no discovery and no revealed exculpatory evidence then there never will be either an impeachment or a trial. Pelosi and the media are currently trying to back away slowly from the mess they caused. I think they chickened out when they saw the polls showing Trump’s approval numbers RISING in spite of their efforts to smear/impeach him yet again.
America is on to the Demoncrats and we know the media is fake news. We aren’t fooled. The tail can no longer wag the dog.
105852   Bd6r   2019 Oct 16, 11:59am  

OccasionalCortex says
they can't really present Articles of Impeachment w/o having that full vote to start the investigation.

I do not think impeachment is the goal. Perhaps influencing next elections is the goal - they try to throw all type of made-up shit and hope that something will stick.
105854   Tenpoundbass   2019 Oct 16, 12:36pm  

Just Losers doing what Losers do best. Lose!

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