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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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106199   EBGuy   2019 Oct 25, 4:27pm  

"Smell that? You smell that? Short squeeze, son. Nothing else in the world smells like that. I love the smell of a short squeeze in the morning. You know, one time we had short interest that was 23% of the float. When it was all over, I walked up. We didn't find one of 'em, not one stinkin' short. The smell, you know that ozone smell, the whole hill. Smelled like… "
Tesla’s stock rally is costing short sellers $1.4 billion
106200   EBGuy   2019 Oct 25, 4:27pm  

"Smell that? You smell that? Short squeeze, son. Nothing else in the world smells like that. I love the smell of a short squeeze in the morning. You know, one time we had short interest that was 23% of the float. When it was all over, I walked up. We didn't find one of 'em, not one stinkin' short. The smell, you know that ozone smell, the whole hill. Smelled like… "
Tesla’s stock rally is costing short sellers $1.4 billion
106201   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Oct 25, 5:31pm  

SunnyvaleCA says
With anti-Trump leaks come from those hearing every day, I wouldn't exactly call it "closed door."

And another thing to consider... if the testimony were mostly bad for Trump (not just the select leaks), don't you think the House would be holding hearings out in the open? Yeah, it's "secret" so only the out-of-context and bad parts can be selectively leaked.

This and only this. I can’t believe how easily people swallow the msm propaganda. What is this, hysteria no. 50?
106202   richwicks   2019 Oct 25, 5:39pm  

jazz_music says
If your government has no principles, no honor, neither do you. Why do people allow this?
Same reason as there are mass shootings.

That's your government doing that. Ever fire a gun? Fire 700 rounds from the weapon of your choice, not a handgun, in 15 minutes.

That's what supposedly happened at the Mandalay Bay done by this guy:

Remember that? Remember Jesus Campos - the security guard? Where is he now?

They think you're stupid, but I know you're not stupid at all - you're just gullible.

Your government murdered a ton of people on October 1, 2017 for two reasons - 1) to try to start violence they could associate with Trump 2) to damage the 2nd amendment. Your government did that. I know you don't believe it - but go to a range and fire off 700 bullets. Anybody that has actually gone to a range knows the story is bullshit. We all know.

Go to a range get all the weapons of your choice, and just fire off 700 bullets, in 15 minutes. See if you can do it and when you're exhausted after 100, maybe 200 rounds, you'll realize who the enemy is. It's not me, they are in DC.

We constantly try to educate you and you propagandized zombies just can't be reached. I'm absolutely serious - go to a gun range. 15 minutes 700 rounds. I know you don't want to see the real world, but I want you to see it. Easy test, costs you a bit of money, but when you're done, you'll be certain.
106203   marcus   2019 Oct 25, 5:46pm  

106204   richwicks   2019 Oct 25, 5:54pm  

rdm says
Trump is no moron but he cultivates that perception intentionally

That sir, is ridiculous. The old 17 dimensional chess argument done one better.

Oh for fuck's sake - Trump is NOT playing 17 dimensional chess, or even 4 dimensional chess, or even chess.

He's playing checkers - the problem is that the MORONS on the other side are playing tic-tac-toe.

Stop thinking the fuckers that have been running the nation for the last 16 years are smart - they're not smart. I'm smarter than they are, you are too. All they are, is ruthless, criminal, and sociopathic. All it takes to defeat the fuckers is not to be an idiot, and to ignore their kindergarten tactics, and of course - to stay alive.

"He's a Russian agent". Really? That's how goddamn stupid they think I am. You're not this stupid, you just have grossly misplaced trust. 2 1/2 years of "Russian collusion", you'd think when Mueller, the fucker that helped lie this nation into the Iraq War, showed up and testified like a befuddled, stupid, crazy old man it would be over, but nope, people are EXTREMELY gullible.

You are NOT stupid, you're just gullible.
106205   Shaman   2019 Oct 25, 5:59pm  

Fuck, I have a semi-automatic shotgun and after 100 shells at clays I am done.
106206   richwicks   2019 Oct 25, 6:08pm  

Quigley says
Fuck, I have a semi-automatic shotgun and after 100 shells at clays I am done.

I swear to god they make up these ridiculous stories to drive sane people insane and they keep upping the ante and doubling down, over and over and over again.

Think about law enforcement, either they don't know the story, or they literally can't put 2 and 2 together. They are on range all the time, how could they NOT know? What about anybody that's been in the military??? Shit, if I was a MARINE, I might be able to fire off 700 rounds in 15 minutes, maybe.
106207   Onvacation   2019 Oct 25, 6:30pm  

jazz_music says
crimes. --I forgot what they are exactly.

Yeah we know.

106208   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 25, 9:45pm  

richwicks says
He's playing checkers - the problem is that the MORONS on the other side are playing tic-tac-toe.

I think that's exactly right.

But also, the "other side" (which is pretty much everyone except Trump) might know what is good for US citizens, but they are corrupt enough that they don't care. They are in politics to sell out the citizens for personal gain. At least Trump is trying to look out for the best interests of US citizens, even if he is sometimes wrong and oftentimes ineffective (thanks to the corruption of the "other side").
106209   Ceffer   2019 Oct 25, 10:34pm  

Their motto is: "I bet we can fool you with fake news at least once!"
106210   rdm   2019 Oct 25, 10:44pm  

SunnyvaleCA says
For Hunter its: Failure to register as a foreign lobbyist, money laundering, and tax evasion; just like Paul Manafort. For Quid Pro Joe: the nickname speaks for itself

Then fucking prosecute him/them. You got evidence of a crime take it before a grand jury and get an indictment. For fucks sake the Justice dept is a wholly owned subsidiary of Trump. Barr is Trumps fuck buddy This is all blather and conspiracy theory wet dreams cranked up by the anal chamber the right has its heads immersed in. When it comes to looking at real evidence it doesn't hold up. But there are facts and alternative facts, in other words lies.

BTW How's that indictment of Andy McCabe going? They lost the the case against Greg Craig while Manafort, and Trump's ex right hand moron and world's worst attorney Michael Cohen are in prison and Gates and Flynn await sentencing. Lev and Igor indicted, Rudy under investigation and yet we have iron clad cases against the Bidens and can't get indictments. Why is it only Trumps cronies get convicted while the murderous Clintons and other assorted Dem criminals get away with...murder? I'm sure our resident Russian trolls will blame the rot in the system. Or it could be they are innocent...nah that cant possibly be true
106211   Ceffer   2019 Oct 25, 10:50pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
Her first edict will be to declare all pets gay and to give all of Mexico Medicare for free.

Haven't they already done that?
106212   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 25, 10:50pm  

The Impeachment Hearing - never authorized by a vote in Congress - contains members from committees that really have no direct business with an impeachment (Intelligence, Oversight, Armed Forces) - but excludes the Judiciary Committee (where traditionally all impeachments begin, from Johnson to Clinton).
106213   Ceffer   2019 Oct 25, 10:54pm  

Has anybody actually read these rules, or has Pelosi stated: "We'll have to impeach before we can see what was in the rules."?
106214   theoakman   2019 Oct 26, 6:16am  

Onvacation says
What offence did Trump commit? I can't think of anything that rises to high crime or misdemeanor.

Now the way Joe and Hunter shook down Ukraine, that's criminal.

richwicks is right we are ruled by a murderous criminal organization.

Supposedly, he threatened to withold free money for Ukraine
106215   Shaman   2019 Oct 26, 6:24am  

theoakman says
Supposedly, he threatened to withold free money for Ukraine

That monster!
106216   Shaman   2019 Oct 26, 6:27am  

WaltertheoFlanders says
Elections have consequences. What is your point? Are the doing something wrong, or just different? And if wrong what rule or law are they breaking? Or are you saying this isn't fair. 😂

Writing their own rules such that rule of law is subverted is a perversion of the Constitution. It’s not rule of law, it’s rule of tyrant. Even Democrats in the House aren’t happy with how these proceedings have progressed without the consent of the general Congress. Clearly, this inquiry process is just intended to smear Trump and hurt his re-election campaign.
106217   Onvacation   2019 Oct 26, 8:07am  

WaltertheoFlanders says
Wrong again, it is intended to draw up articles of impeachment.

For some yet to be discovered crime.
106218   Expat01   2019 Oct 26, 8:25am  

LOL. Republicans are butt-hurt because the system is being used against them. The Orange One is a everything the left claims he is which the right agreed when Trump was not a viable candidate or president. Liar, cheat, serial failure, rapist, unfaithful heathen and a blithering ignoramus.

When it was Bill Clinton getting a blow job in the Oval Office, this was suddenly the end of Democracy and he had to be punished. The proceedings were secret and cost $70 million dollars. Any Democrat complaints were brushed aside as mere political grandstanding and bias. Well, now we have a president who is being charged with selling out American foreign policy to promote and favor his re-election. He has asked a foreign power explicitly to interfere in the elections. Sounds a bit worse than a blowjob to me, but I am not a Republican so my moral compass is normal.

I invite any intelligent Trump supporter here (yes, both of you) to play a mind game if you can. Imagine everything Trump and his family have done (his life, not just the presidency) was done by a Democrat (call him Joe Clinton if it makes you hard) and figure out if you would vote for him, let him babysit your kids or impeach him. I know this is futile; Trump supporters are apparently incapable of playing this game. But give it a try.
106219   rdm   2019 Oct 26, 8:26am  

richwicks says

You are NOT stupid, you're just gullible.

Yep I would say its a question of suggestibility isn't that right? It is unfortunately the human condition not restricted to left or right and used by totalitarian regimes. Put the idea out there and then move people slowly in a direction until they are completely taken in. Like Trump being the genius, is just playing at being a moron that explains it all to get over on the libs. Or sure Trump is playing checkers but the libs are even dumber. in other words the whole thing is a rotten mess, Or the poster who in a previous thread said we should dump Old Europe and become allied with Russia, is that the game plan?
106220   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 26, 7:58pm  

WaltertheoFlanders says
Yeah, yeah that's the ticket.

Please tell ... what did Obama do for me? What are the Democrat contenders going to do for me?
106221   Onvacation   2019 Oct 26, 8:04pm  

jazz_music says
Most of America runs around parroting sitcom one liners wanting to get a laugh.

And they have iPhones and are obese.
106222   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Oct 26, 8:24pm  

jazz_music says
SunnyvaleCA says
Please tell ... what did Obama do for me?
Why not ask that question to your favorite search engine and then pick the list from your preferred source? —because you don’t want to know the answer.

Here’s an example


Why are you citing propaganda? And lol@ preventing a depression. It WAS a Depression. Merely calling it a recession doesn’t make it so.

And oh, President Obama just happened to preside over the very worst recovery ever.

106223   ignoreme   2019 Oct 26, 8:39pm  

Let’s ask a different question. What was one substantial policy where Obama differed from GWB?

Obama care? You mean Romney care?

Trump is night and day difference from Obama, Clinton, or any Bush. If anyone of these presidents were in power today we’d be at war with Turkey in Syria while flooding the country with H1Bs and sending all our money to China after signing TPP.
106224   richwicks   2019 Oct 26, 8:53pm  

jazz_music says
richwicks says
People keep screaming about how awful Trump is -
Please keep screeching about how wonderful the orange shitbag is. I want you to have to deal with the consequences. Karma is beautiful in many ways.

I'm not saying Trump is wonderful.

I'm saying he's not entirely awful. Our last two presidents were shit. They were garbage. I'm completely satisfied with somebody who isn't garbage.

I would agree with you in Karma - if it existed. You support the establishment scum that have dragged us into 18 years of war. If there was karma, you'd be bombed, your family would be killed, and you'd be migrating to a foreign country after a puppet dictator imposed by a foreign nation was installed. That is what you are supporting.

Notice Trump hasn't started a new war yet. That's a vast improvement over the two previous assholes.
106225   Misc   2019 Oct 26, 8:57pm  

ignoreme says
Let’s ask a different question. What was one substantial policy where Obama differed from GWB?

Obama care? You mean Romney care?

Trump is night and day difference from Obama, Clinton, or any Bush. If anyone of these presidents were in power today we’d be at war with Turkey in Syria while flooding the country with H1Bs and sending all our money to China after signing TPP.

Obama raised taxes on the rich. The 3.8% extra capital gains tax that funded the massive increase in eligibility for Medicaid would never have been done by W.
106226   richwicks   2019 Oct 26, 8:58pm  

Misc says
ignoreme says
Let’s ask a different question. What was one substantial policy where Obama differed from GWB?

Obama care? You mean Romney care?

Trump is night and day difference from Obama, Clinton, or any Bush. If anyone of these presidents were in power today we’d be at war with Turkey in Syria while flooding the country with H1Bs and sending all our money to China after signing TPP.

Obama raised taxes on the rich. The 3.8% extra capital gains tax that funded the massive increase in eligibility for Medicaid would never have been done by W.

No he didn't. Provide the tax form from both before and after, and explain how he increased taxes on only the rich.

You repeat bullshit you have heard, but you never looked at. Be more skeptical.
106227   Ceffer   2019 Oct 27, 1:43am  

Now that's what I would call political theater.
106228   Booger   2019 Oct 27, 10:04am  

106229   Tenpoundbass   2019 Oct 27, 10:07am  

OccasionalCortex says
I am starting to think that Shrillary is behind all this.

I think many in the news industry understands, Trump did not go down so easy. And a lot of culpable people are about to be thrown on the other side of the hoaxes, fraud and deceit.
106230   Booger   2019 Oct 27, 12:46pm  

106231   Ceffer   2019 Oct 27, 2:47pm  

It's working.
106232   mell   2019 Oct 27, 5:16pm  

106233   HeadSet   2019 Oct 27, 7:37pm  

That's what they ALL had to say about the need to impeach Bill Clinton back in 1999 when he perjured himself about "not having sex with that woman."

Clinton perjured himself, suborned perjury, was fined $90k by a judge and lost his law license.
106235   marcus   2019 Oct 27, 9:19pm  

FAKE NEWS !! How Dare you.

Besides, suppose it is true. We all know that baseball is a globohomoist sport.

IT's a gay unamerican sport mostly liked by radical libtard extremists like George Will.


106236   marcus   2019 Oct 27, 9:32pm  

I hope this gets picked up by international news, so that the rest of the world can see that a lot of Americans get it..
106237   krc   2019 Oct 27, 9:58pm  


Just another example of the value system of today's rich (globalist, anti-american). If you think blue collar folks are affording this game - you are kidding yourself. The WS game is for wealthy liberal elites that show up when their team is finally winning. Generally, DC population is very far left of center. The type of person who lives in DC does not have middle American values and more closely resembles the coastal liberal elites. Who are you kidding... just more proof that he is fighting the native bureaucracy that abhors American jobs, American values, and American constitutional rights.

No surprise to me. At least that chant was clever - reusing his past campaign slogans...
106238   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Oct 27, 10:37pm  

marcus says
I hope this gets picked up by international news, so that the rest of the world can see that a lot of Americans get it..

I’ll suppose that you are going to ignore that this happened several times to President Obama.

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