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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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106832   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Nov 16, 10:27pm  

OK, Trump... step up to the plate and show 'em how it's done. I won't settle for anything less than 70% ! (OK, I'll be perfectly happy with a marginal victory. :-) )
106833   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Nov 16, 11:22pm  

This is the second very odd election in a Red-leaning State where the Republican downticket (AG, Sec/State) win handily, but the Dem Governor wasn't tossed?

I know the KY Gov wasn't a great communicator and got the overpaid civil servants all upset, and I know Bel Edwards is about as Conservative a Dem as one can hope for, but it seems odd to me.

The Republican Secretary of State smashed by 18%, the Judgeships all went Republican by mostly double digits, but the Governorship wasn't retaken by a 2% margin.

If angry Dems are showing up and complacent Republicans staying home, there should have been more narrow losses/near victories for Republican downticket offices.

The downticket was strong, but the main office weak.

I wonder if dead people are only voting for governor.

In any case, it's no gain for democrats, they retain a Governorship in the South and picked up no other Statewide office.

106834   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Nov 16, 11:28pm  

Although it is a warning for Dems: You can win with Conservative Democrats, just not with Progressives.
106835   ForcedTQ   2019 Nov 17, 6:39am  

Why the fuck must I be ok with them stealing my tax dollars and them giving it to Ukraine? I’m not. The fact that soldiers died before July 25th is not due to Trump putting a request on Ukraine, so you can throw that bullshit part of the bleeding heart fuck head graphic right the hell to the curb.
106836   Shaman   2019 Nov 17, 6:44am  

The candidates matter. If Republicans in a “safe red” state nominate a douche bag and he’s facing an all American rather conservative nice guy Democrat, the Democrat can absolutely win. Happened in Kentucky, Louisiana, and Alabama a couple years back when Roy Moore blew it for the GOP. I’ve decided that Jeff Sessions would be the best bet for replacing Doug Jones... he’s got incumbent advantage since he used to be Senator there, tons of name recognition, and he’s publicly stated that he’s on board with the Trump Train. He can beat the Democrat there easily and up the Senate total.
106837   WookieMan   2019 Nov 17, 6:49am  

NoCoupForYou says
Although it is a warning for Dems: You can win with Conservative Democrats, just not with Progressives.

This IS and should be the biggest takeaway. There are left leaning policies that independents and some conservatives can get on board with. The problem in many areas is they're steering the car soooooo hard left that it flips and burst into flames after rolling over 10 times. No one with a brain wants to be in that car.
106838   Chiromancer   2019 Nov 17, 8:26am  

NoCoupForYou says
they retain a Governorship in the South and picked up no other Statewide office.

Just as Louisiana has been becoming redder Virginia is becoming bluer. I think all this win and Kentucky gov. proves is that Trumps power to influence races in deep red states is limited, it exists for sure but it's no magic bullet Dem killer. And this is a problem for him. Will the purple state politicians want him to campaign for them?
I think not but he has to be very active in those states for his own reelection. Should be interesting.
106839   Tenpoundbass   2019 Nov 17, 8:45am  

Every Democrat I know at work that has been following Roger Stone, since his arrest.
Thought it was a bullshit charge, and a bullshit prosecution.
They are aware the jury was stacked and they are aware the Judge is biased and has a vendetta against Trump.

They are scared not celebrating the Sham Stone conviction.
106840   Onvacation   2019 Nov 17, 9:08am  

Tim Aurora says
He is now close to 14000 lies

In your opinion, what is the most heinous lie Trump ever told?
106841   mell   2019 Nov 17, 9:43am  

jazz_music says
mell says
dangerous leftoid cultural marxist judges are when put into place.
WTF bunch of gobbledy goop of words to conjure fear, outrage and an enemy.

Your expectations are a fantasy based on the lies they keep pumping you full of.

Change the channels!

What was Stones crime besides 'lying' to congress about something congress had no right to invade his privacy for in the first place. This is a solely 'informational' crime with no victims. Almost Orwellian in nature. When we convict someone of 'lies' facing up to 50 years while we acquit an illegal invader who shoots a young woman in broad daylight at the SF pier facing no consequences you know the regressive rotten leftoids were what Orwell had in mind with Ingsoc. Fuck that.
106842   mell   2019 Nov 17, 9:47am  

NoCoupForYou says
Although it is a warning for Dems: You can win with Conservative Democrats, just not with Progressives.

Yeah I mean he's a pro lifer. Aka a nazi devil for the regressive modern leftonaut. He's got nothing in common with the squadders and sjws.
106843   WookieMan   2019 Nov 17, 10:55am  

Tim Aurora says
@Patrick, I want BobD banned for attributing false statements to me. I never said that

Not sure if it's an error with the quote function or if he's trolling you. Regardless, this is your initial reaction? Ban the guy? Calm the F down man. It's a fucking forum dude. You are here VOLUNTARILY!!! Create your own if you don't like it. Nothing is stopping you...
106844   Patrick   2019 Nov 17, 10:55am  

Look like you're right. Also, he registered from Russia. Though most paid or automated trolls actually seem to be coming from China in my experience with this forum.

OK, first step is that BobD's comments now all go into moderation until approved by a moderator.

Let's see if he keeps doing things like that.
106845   rdm   2019 Nov 17, 11:03am  

BobD says
bombshells from the FISA report to drop. It will be devastating

How did that bomb shell Nunes report that the cult was ejaculating (prematurely) over go? Is Andy McCabe indicted? Greg Craig found not guilty. Trump's associates are the only ones getting indicted and convicted. Why is that? Oh Barr might concoct some bullshit that will cause tingles to to the cults overly stimulated taints but doubt anything will come of it. But, Fox news says, just wait for the next report, its the real bombshell. The pool of drool is getting rather stale.
106846   SoTex   2019 Nov 17, 11:46am  

Tim Aurora says
Of course, the candidates have to be local. In the north, they have to be progressive and in the south conservatives.

In Guam they have to know how to swim.
106847   SoTex   2019 Nov 17, 12:03pm  

BobD says
It does help.

Floating in the ocean with no arms and no legs doesn't count, Bob.
106848   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2019 Nov 17, 12:25pm  

It’s a quote bug.

It shows it wrong. I’ve been hit by that bug too.

Tim Aurora says
@Patrick, I want BobD banned for attributing false statements to me. I never said that

BobD says

Tim Aurora says
I think it’s just TDS.

Yup TDS for sure
106849   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2019 Nov 17, 12:26pm  

It’s funny they call themselves progressive, when they are regressing by destroying thousands of years of learned wisdom that society learned hard way.

NoCoupForYou says
Although it is a warning for Dems: You can win with Conservative Democrats, just not with Progressives.
106850   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Nov 17, 12:55pm  

Tim Aurora says
Of course, the candidates have to be local. In the north, they have to be progressive and in the south conservatives.

Not so - you're not gonna win Pittsburg or Rustbelt Cities with Super Progs.
106851   Patrick   2019 Nov 17, 12:56pm  

Oh yeah, it's possible to select text from somewhere else and then click the "quote" link, and it will show up as a quote of whatever comment had the quote link.

@BobD OK no moderation needed for you I think. Sorry if it was just that bug.
106852   WookieMan   2019 Nov 17, 1:11pm  

BobD says
WookieMan says
Not sure if it's an error with the quote function or if he's trolling you.

It was, sorry Tim I didn't mean to attribute that to you. I highlighted the text but hit quote in the box above. I apologise. My bad.

In error or not, still a bit bummed we have users that want to immediately BAN someone (you) for what seems like site and/or user error. It's happened to most users here with the quote function, myself included, so not your fault (or the site). The reaction to a mistake is absolutely absurd though by the user you accidentally quoted.
106853   Ceffer   2019 Nov 17, 1:23pm  

He's dying of CNN Ebola: epidemic fakery dissolving into more fakery.
106855   Booger   2019 Nov 17, 2:21pm  

WookieMan says
Not sure if it's an error with the quote function

This. I've seen it happen several times.
106856   Tenpoundbass   2019 Nov 17, 2:55pm  

Yup Reagan was gaining in popularity and the sitting President was already being touted as the worst President in US History.
This is an old playbook by the Party of the KKK. They put on their outfits and play Republicans, when they are in a tight jam.
106857   Patrick   2019 Nov 17, 3:20pm  

Whatever happens to Trump, we have had 3 years of absolutely glorious economic progress, good progress in resisting media propaganda, and no new wars.

These are YUGE accomplishments. Trump is already one of the best presidents ever if one simply looks at the objective facts. The mere fact that he managed to get elected against the wishes of our owners is very impressive.

But hate is a drug which blocks the ability to see reality.
106858   RC2006   2019 Nov 17, 4:04pm  

Both are left's creations.
106859   Ceffer   2019 Nov 17, 4:20pm  

Patrick says
Trump is already one of the best presidents ever if one simply looks at the objective facts.

We don't want the facts. We want THE TRUTH!
106860   Bd6r   2019 Nov 17, 4:40pm  

5K of clan members are a YUUUUGE problem, esp in light of 1.4M gang membership, and in light of fact that 50-60% of Hispanic gang members are illegals.
Also, I am offended by Islamic slave raiders in 17th century.
106861   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2019 Nov 17, 5:02pm  

Left likes banning and controlling.

WookieMan says
BobD says
WookieMan says
Not sure if it's an error with the quote function or if he's trolling you.

It was, sorry Tim I didn't mean to attribute that to you. I highlighted the text but hit quote in the box above. I apologise. My bad.

In error or not, still a bit bummed we have users that want to immediately BAN someone (you) for what seems like site and/or user error. It's happened to most users here with the quote function, myself included, so not your fault (or the site). The reaction to a mistake is absolutely absurd though by the user you accidentally quoted.
106862   Bd6r   2019 Nov 17, 5:25pm  

jazz_music says
How many of y’all does it take to make the ongoing mass shootings?

0.0000 in Chicago

jazz_music says
How many Nazis does it take to make a problem?

No idea, but they are not a problem in US because they are in minuscule numbers and it is impossible to get # of idiots down to 0.
106863   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Nov 17, 5:38pm  

Tim Aurora says
For all of you who are arguing that the aid was released.

It's not just that the aid was released, it's that the aid was released before any official statement of compliance from Ukraine and before the whole impeachment squad brouhaha. i.e.: Trump released the aid not for a benefit and not because he was getting heat domestically. I'm sorry for those who just can not see plain logic.

Quid Pro Joe, on the other hand, specifically demanded action for releasing aid money. And Quid Pro Joe even bragged about his threats being directly effective.
106864   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Nov 17, 7:12pm  

The Southern Poverty Law Center is a lying propaganda outlet.

As far as the rest, exactly as 6rdB said, there will always be idiots. If they commit crimes, arrest them. If they spout about crimes, put the FBI on them.

Otherwise, the only ones that care are leftist propagandists trying to cover their own tracks.
106865   mell   2019 Nov 17, 8:01pm  

jazz_music says
mell says
What was Stones crime besides 'lying' to congress

Roger Stone is convicted of:

1. Obstruction of justice, lying to Congress and witness tampering by trying to get Randy Credico to lie to Congress

2. Lying to Congress that he did not have emails or texts about Julian Assange

3. Lying when he claimed his references to being in touch with Assange were actually about a 'go-between' - Randy Credico

4. Lying that he didn't ask his 'go-between' to communicate with Assange

5. Lying that he didn't text or email the 'go-between' about WikiLeaks

6. Lying that he had never discussed conversation with his 'go-between' with anyone in the Trump campaign

And I will be laughing like hell if Trump fucks him and grants no pardon. Because Trump fucks everybody that believes in him and it's just too typical. LOL

None of the governments business in the first place to put him before congress under oath. So you have no crimes.
106866   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Nov 17, 8:10pm  

mell says
None of the governments business in the first place to put him before congress under oath. So you have no crimes.

Yep, tens of millions of dollars and the full weight of the FBI with an independent counsel.

All they got was a notorious household-name Political Trickster who has been in the business longer than the most of agents and lawyers on the case were alive.

Too bad Stone didn't make a Journalist Defense.
106867   SoTex   2019 Nov 17, 8:26pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
Has Edwards ordered all house pets to be gay yet?

More barf pics please. After all, it is Sunday.
106868   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Nov 17, 8:39pm  

Tim Aurora says
So if one is caught while committing a criminal act and do not complete it because they got caught, it is not a crime. I do not think so. I think attempted murder is still a crime (actually in this case many Ukrainians died).

The whole thing was over before it became a thing.

Now, where's the whistleblower? You can bet your ass since WaPo, CNN, NYT, MSNBC was all gung-ho on promoting the Deep State Lifers "Honor, Integrity, etc." that the Whistelblower is one biased Mofo.

106869   Chiromancer   2019 Nov 17, 8:57pm  

NoCoupForYou says
None of the governments business in the first place to put him before congress under oath.

If election interference isnt the governments biz whose biz is it? But that aside the guy lied under oath seems like somebody named Clinton was impeached for that in a case about sex. I suppose that was ok with you back in the day? These clowns just dont know when to shut up or take the fifth and they lie constantly in everyday life maybe they just can't help themselves. Sad
106870   mell   2019 Nov 17, 9:41pm  

Chiromancer says
NoCoupForYou says
None of the governments business in the first place to put him before congress under oath.

If election interference isnt the governments biz whose biz is it? But that aside the guy lied under oath seems like somebody named Clinton was impeached for that in a case about sex. I suppose that was ok with you back in the day? These clowns just dont know when to shut up or take the fifth and they lie constantly in everyday life maybe they just can't help themselves. Sad

I don't think the Clinton impeachment was proper either as this was Bill's private affair. Unless he endangered the country. But certainly impeachment for lying about a blow job is equally bs to me. The Trump impeachment is a charade as well. Nothing will come out of it. But it's said that illegal immigrants can shoot a young woman on broad daylight at the SF pier and get acquitted while Stone could face up to 50 years without committing a real crime. Only in leftoid America. Time to stop this nonsense.
106871   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Nov 18, 1:25am  

Tim Aurora says
SunnyvaleCA says
It's not just that the aid was released, it's that the aid was released before any official statement of compliance from Ukraine and before the whole impeachment squad brouhaha

So if one is caught while committing a criminal act and do not complete it because they got caught, it is not a crime. I do not think so. I think attempted murder is still a crime (actually in this case many Ukrainians died).

But that doesn't seem to be the case here. It looks like Trump released the aid without actually demanding a quo.

I think Trump just wanted to put himself in a position of authority. Basic negotiating. Now Trump can say he had a great meeting, felt confident in the new Ukrainian president, and — as a show of good will — release the funds while declaring he hoped for great relationship with Ukraine and it's new government. Trump did that even though the Ukrainians made no public statement about following up on Trump's suggestions.

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