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2005 Apr 11, 5:00pm   161,674 views  117,730 comments

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109353   HeadSet   2020 Mar 15, 8:29pm  

Saw 3-4 sixty plus overweight smokers out front. If we want this to go away and go away quick, those people shouldn’t be allowed in public. The steps are draconian because unhealthy shit heads are going out in public. Boomers are stubborn shit heads. Including my mother in law. Sorry if you’re a boomer.

Why would boomers in general take offense? Not all of us are fat, overweight smokers.
109354   WookieMan   2020 Mar 15, 9:01pm  

HeadSet says
Why would boomers in general take offense? Not all of us are fat, overweight smokers

Agreed. Saw probably another 10-15 that were healthy. That’s why I said sorry to boomers. I know it’s not all of them. It’s just if you eat like shit and smoke you’re not likely to survive this. The higher the death count the more restrictions on all of us including boomer.

Those people should have been at home.
109355   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2020 Mar 15, 9:17pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
fat fucking old people

without comas there is a lot of room for misunderstanding there.
109356   mell   2020 Mar 15, 9:22pm  

WookieMan says
Logical response Mell.

But I just went for our last meal out due to IL banning it. Saw 3-4 sixty plus overweight smokers out front. If we want this to go away and go away quick, those people shouldn’t be allowed in public. The steps are draconian because unhealthy shit heads are going out in public. Boomers are stubborn shit heads. Including my mother in law. Sorry if you’re a boomer.

Need to wake up younger people to get involved. Not going to dox myself, but I’m an elected official. Not in a capacity to influence this stuff, but young people need to get off their asses tomorrow. This is being handled so ass backwards it’s..... shit.

Gen X. The problem is that even if the fat fuck boomers aren't allowed out their kids or younger relatives may give it to them. It's interesting though to see dynamics how the young get fucked to save the old.
109357   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 Mar 15, 9:33pm  

Booger says


These people are absolute fucking morons.

The Ralph’s less than a mile away had everything. My weekly groceries cost about $40 more than normal. Whatever. You couldn’t get me anywhere near a Costco at the moment.
109358   komputodo   2020 Mar 15, 9:44pm  

CovfefeButDeadly says
These people are absolute fucking morons.

I know...Don't they realize that there won't be any free food samples?
109359   WookieMan   2020 Mar 15, 9:58pm  

mell says
Gen X. The problem is that even if the fat fuck boomers aren't allowed out their kids or younger relatives may give it to them. It's interesting though to see dynamics how the young get fucked to save the old.

I'm mid 30's. I've already told my mom don't expect to see me or my kids anytime soon. Months. She's mid 60's and a 5 cig a day smoker. I will voluntarily self quarantine from my mother because she's at a much higher risk, albeit she's very healthy. Still not worth it. She's agreed until the dust settles. So no grandkid visits, etc. Sucks.

Older people need to understand the risk. It's easier to control 20% of the population versus 80% which includes fucking dirt ball kids that are probably covered in CV-19. I don't know.... I feel like this isn't all that complicated. Trump has no control over a virus. He's not handling it well though. Outside of China, Europe is a breeding ground for CV. He bans flights and EVERYONE rushes back home. They should have stayed in place.

My sister in law "should" get back Tuesday. We have zero intention of seeing her for 14-21 days coming from Europe. Her family is young and healthy. They should have stayed put in Europe regardless of wanting to come back home. O'hare in Chicago likely just infected 100's yesterday and today that are now walking around infecting others. 60 and older NEED to stay home otherwise fatality numbers increase and the reaction gets substantially worse.
109360   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Mar 16, 12:36am  

Tim Aurora says
According to your statistics 11.7 K died out of 57 million infected. that is 1 out of every 5000 . COVID-19 is at least 50 times more lethal. And it is very contagious too.

Can't tell yet. These are almost a year numbers, without radical shutdowns of air travel, sporting events, conferences, etc.

Outbreaks are always more lethal in the beginning because the sickest catch it and die first. This is almost invariably seen for any new strain of infectious disease. Then it evens out.

There are 69 deaths in the US, about half of which were in the same nursing home. Almost nobody under 65 died, and I think the one or two people that did had severe chronic illnesses to begin with and qualified for AARP membership themselves.

Closing down nursing homes, hospices, etc. to visitors makes sense. Closing down air traffic to specific countries makes sense. Closing cruise lines makes sense. Closing schools, college leagues, workplaces, etc. does not make sense. Big difference in the concentration of the elderly and infirm and the time period people are cramped into small spaces. Not too many over 65s with chronic illnesses in those places.
109361   Expat01   2020 Mar 16, 4:47am  

I distinctly recall watching Obama claim that there were few cases and they would all disappear. He also said he has made a virgin sacrifice and was waiting for the Gods to perform a miracle to get rid of swine flu. And then he also gave that massive rally where he claimed he was totally not responsible for anything and that Republicans were spreading swine flu in order to kill off Democratic voters. The he eliminated the pandemic team at the CDC, knowing already that COVID would arrive and that Trump would be president at the time and this move would damage Captain Bonespurs, that Great American Stable Genius War Hero who Should Have Been a Doctor Instead of President. And, of course, Obama passed a law forbidding testing for COVID which is why Trump could not even get testing kits.

Hey, America. My advice is to hold big Covid parties and be sure to lick each other's nostrils. Do the world a favor and spread it all over the US.

I am curious, though, as to why Trump supporters (generally hate Obama for political and racial reasons) are using Obama as the yardstick by which to measure Donnie. If, as you tend to claim, Obama is the worst president ever (except for your delusional President Hillary who would have brought about the End of Days by being elected), why are you so thrilled that Trump is doing no worse than him?
109362   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Mar 16, 7:31am  

Sale of guns and flamethrowers are up!!!!
109363   Misc   2020 Mar 16, 7:58am  

So now that their North Sea oil costs more to extract than they receive for selling it, they can now continue to live large by selling investments they have accumulated. Of course, they probably paid more for the investments than what they will sell them for. If you have to sell, and there are no buyers, the price rapidly goes to zero. Ahhhhhhhh, those clever Norwegians.
109364   Bd6r   2020 Mar 16, 8:25am  

109365   marcus   2020 Mar 16, 8:42am  

Ouch !
109366   socal2   2020 Mar 16, 9:09am  

WookieMan says
I've said it in another post, I'll likely still vote for Trump, but he's not leading right now. My own governor likely just emptied ALL grocery store shelves over the next 24 hours with the restaurant/bar closure. Nobody is leading and being logical about this because our leaders are all in the fucking crosshairs of the fucking virus because they're fucking old. I'm very much going to push for age limits for political leaders. I may even start a group. This is utter bull shit.

I think Trump is painfully aware that the garbage Media, Democrats and Never-Trumpers are itching to make this into a Katrina and sink his presidency as they did with GWBush. We have already seen it by the usual suspects at Patnet.

Since Trump hasn't started any new wars and hasn't had any major terrorist attacks to deal with (or even hurricanes), they are billing this out as his first big test as President and will by hypercritical on every move.

So Trump is in a bind and doing about as good that can be expected at this point.
109367   socal2   2020 Mar 16, 9:12am  

Expat01 says
I am curious, though, as to why Trump supporters (generally hate Obama for political and racial reasons) are using Obama as the yardstick by which to measure Donnie. If, as you tend to claim, Obama is the worst president ever (except for your delusional President Hillary who would have brought about the End of Days by being elected), why are you so thrilled that Trump is doing no worse than him?

Maybe because Obama was the most recent President with relatively recent history dealing with epidemics - and Obama's VP is going to be Trump's made political opponent this Fall?

Seems like a pretty logical yardstick to me. Especially when Biden and all of his supporters are campaigning on returning us to the "good old days" of malaise, open borders, Chinese outsourcing and high unemployment from 2008-16.
109368   WookieMan   2020 Mar 16, 9:28am  

socal2 says
So Trump is in a bind and doing about as good that can be expected at this point.

Anyone in leadership would be in a bind with this. I'd be a positive voter in an approval rating poll for Trump today. My issue is we know who it dying from this. Protect them, isolate and quarantine them, etc. instead of the entire fucking population. Most dying are too old to even work.

The response hasn't made sense from Trump and part of me believes it's because he himself is old along with tons of advisors, congress critters, etc. It's a virus, we're all going to get it at some point over the next year or so until a good vaccine comes about. Lock down the old and vulnerable and keep shit going. Instead we all have to suffer.
109369   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2020 Mar 16, 9:32am  

Clearly Norway needs to be introduced to American "diversity and inclusivity".
109370   zzyzzx   2020 Mar 16, 10:27am  

109371   zzyzzx   2020 Mar 16, 10:28am  

109372   zzyzzx   2020 Mar 16, 10:28am  

109373   WookieMan   2020 Mar 16, 10:41am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
STUPID FUCKING CUNT TRUMP made the WORST! POSSIBLE! scenario happen: thousands of diseased people who were overseas are now back in the states - and their first stop is USA! airports where they will all INFECT! each other and even more people before going home to infect the REST OF AMERICA!

Gotta agree with you on this one. Too lazy to find the link on Patnet, but I called this. I knew it was going to be a disaster.

I'm highly aware of the situation with my sister in law living in Austria for 8-9 months of the year. Once they heard of the travel ban they wanted to get out even though she was an American citizen. They've ended up deciding to stay over there as the employer her husband works for rents their apartment year round, so not a big deal.

This was handled poorly though for sure and given it was an airport, the feds had/have a say in operations.
109374   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2020 Mar 16, 10:43am  

109375   mell   2020 Mar 16, 10:51am  

Within a few days the numbers of infections thwarted by not letting people fly in from Europe will outnumber the infections caused at the airport. I can understand if you're for keeping airports open, but the amount of people entering the US daily on unrestricted travel from Europe is enormous. I can't say if the concrete situation at the airports was mishandled or not and by how much, but on the long run this reduces new infections. 125K travelers per day not coming in for 30 days is 3750000. Europe is currently the hotbed of infection, math doesn't lie.

109376   richwicks   2020 Mar 16, 11:01am  

People. Coronavirus is just one of the many viruses that we collectively recognize as "the flu". This is just, possibly, a new strain of it. Viruses constantly change otherwise they would stop existing as its targets would become entirely immune to them.

Remember MERS and SARS? The full name of MERS is Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus. The full name of SARS is Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus.

Honestly, you have the entire world's information in front of you, and you make no use of it. You still listen to a media propaganda system that:

1) Told you that Iraq had a weapons of mass destruction program in early 2000.
2) Told you that "Qaddafi was about to cause a humanitarian crisis", so this was prevented by bombing it, leaving it in civil war, with operating slavery markets.
3) Told you "Assad is gassing his own people!", although twice the OPCW has had whistleblowers explaining in detail how the Douma chemical attack was faked.
4) Told you that the Skripal's were poisoned by a fantasy nerve agent that killed only 3 creatures - the pets of the Skripal's - one cat and two guinea pigs, which were "euthanized". The Skripal's have not been seen since.
5) Told you Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide.
6) Told you Ukraine had a "revolution", when it was a US led coup. You realize you can talk to Ukrainians on the internet right? Please do.
7) Told you "Russia hacked out elections" without being able to tell us how, or even why.
8) Spent 3 years screaming "Russian collusion" with Trump.

And people still trust this collection of propaganda outlets. The flu is going to kill us all supposedly, so it's being used as a pretext to take down the economy in a bid to get a senile old pervert who is as corrupt as sin, placed into the Oval Office, where he will be the perfect meat puppet. Our government is entirely corrupt, our media is their propaganda arm, our intelligence agencies lie constantly, our DOJ engages in selective prosecution, and often malicious prosecution to put innocent people like Flynn into prison or letting Clinton walk after she admitted to Title 18 violations of placing classified material on a server that was known to be compromised.

All this pandemic scare, is another big distraction. Also, Tom Hanks' wife, and Trudeau's wife doesn't have Covid-19. At the time i write this, there are 1,629 cases in the United States out of a country with over 350 million people. They would have to have won the unlucky lottery.


And Patrick, I think this might be "it" for our stockmarket. Ever look at a graph of the DJIA priced in ounces of silver and gold? We're going back to a 1:1 correlation. I knew the boomers would all get screwed when they tried to retire. They kind of deserve it, being the least responsible, most selfish generation, in at least 100 years.
109377   rdm   2020 Mar 16, 11:16am  

mell says
I can't say if the concrete situation at the airports was mishandled

Well I can, It was completely mishandled. Not a hard call unless one is totally enthralled by membership in the cult and or is in the employ of the the Trump re-election campaign whose apparent motto is never, ever take responsibility for anything that goes awry.
109378   WookieMan   2020 Mar 16, 11:27am  

rdm says
Well I can, It was completely mishandled.

I have to agree with you. While Trump is probably influenced by others, he's the decision maker in the end. It should have been a flat out ban or nothing at all. It created false urgency to get back to the states and that's obviously what happened.

I guess maybe could have had more customs officials on duty would be another thing. To not see the writing on the wall that there was going to be a huge influx of people trying to get back was short sighted.
109379   mell   2020 Mar 16, 12:23pm  

rdm says
mell says
I can't say if the concrete situation at the airports was mishandled

Well I can, It was completely mishandled. Not a hard call unless one is totally enthralled by membership in the cult and or is in the employ of the the Trump re-election campaign whose apparent motto is never, ever take responsibility for anything that goes awry.

You should run for president then and provide another plan. Either you handle it lax or strictly. If you go strict intermittent chaos is bound to happen. Looks like we are having a shelter in place soon here in the bay area, so the state is going farther than federal authorities.
109380   richwicks   2020 Mar 16, 1:25pm  

I am amused that everything is some politicians fault, in a "free market" system..
109381   mell   2020 Mar 16, 1:36pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

The states should have appointed Americans abroad extraordinary ambassadors, given them a day stipend and whatever medical coverage State Dep't people get and told them to stay put until they could be tested and, on their own schedule and in their own time, return back to the states the hour you test negative - or better yet when the all clear comes three or 20 weeks from now.

That's not a bad idea - but do you think Americans with their innate distrust of government would have followed those orders? They would have smelled a shutdown coming and likely rushed back to the US regardless without being tested.
109382   Ceffer   2020 Mar 16, 1:47pm  

"Yeah, we're totally assfucking the public, but it's for their own good and the greater good! Thank God for enlightened government!"

"Homeless? Oh, them. With their tradition of self discipline and recognizance, we have nothing to worry about, COMPASSION FIRST. Besides they don't go into bars, stores and restaurants anyway except to steal and bring dead racoons."
109383   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2020 Mar 16, 1:55pm  

109384   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2020 Mar 16, 2:18pm  

richwicks says
I am amused that everything is some politicians fault, in a "free market" system..

AF isn't really posting stuff seriously. It's mostly sarcastic funny posts that dramatize liberal or conservative headlines slightly. This isn't different from things one will read on salon/motherjones/cnn or similar fringe websites, just with stronger language.
109385   Onvacation   2020 Mar 16, 2:40pm  

I find this extremely disturbing. The government is over reaching its authority in trying to stop this flu. Unless they know something about this flu beyond what we all know, they are overreacting to the extreme.

I'm on vacation today. I went to the YMCA this morning. Traffic was light and parking was easy. I get to the door to discover they are closed until "they can figure out how to serve the public during this health emergency".

I stopped at Trader Joe's on the way home to grab a sandwich and some snacks only to find a short line at the door. They were only letting a few in at a time. I got my sandwich, a couple burritos, pre-made salads, and enough lunch food to last a week, just in case. The store had plenty of fresh food, bread, vegetables, milk and eggs. They were completely out of sugar, pasta, sauce, and all paper products.

I get home check my email and sure enough, I am "working from home" for the next month.

Next thing I hear (here) is I'm on lock-down. Fuck them. I am taking the dog for a walk around the police station down the street and see if they want to arrest me.

If people were bleeding from their eyes and turning into flesh eating zombies I'd be worried, and put myself on lock-down. I don't see much risk in taking my dog to poop on city halls lawn.

109386   mell   2020 Mar 16, 2:45pm  

Onvacation says
Next thing I hear (here) is I'm on lock-down. Fuck them. I am taking the dog for a walk around the police station down the street and see if they want to arrest me.

You can still walk your dogs, go on a run or do whatever you ant outside as long as you don't gather with many other people ;) But yeah, it seems drastic.
109387   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2020 Mar 16, 3:17pm  

You can't see shit if you don't go outside.
109388   rocketjoe79   2020 Mar 16, 3:22pm  

5 states. But takeout is ok.
109389   Ceffer   2020 Mar 16, 4:01pm  

So. when do they shut off the cell towers and the internet, and the armored vehicles start rolling into the neighborhoods?
109390   Blue   2020 Mar 16, 4:57pm  

I get all sort of (unlike our AF style banters) unfortunately real messages from different groups, make me very angry.
Not sure if there is law to slow down these fear mongering clowns. These clowns are literally scaring the people around to lock them self down for almost two weeks already. Creating apocalypses situation to make everyone run to every store and buy all sorts of stuff and make empty shelves that I suspect will lost for months. I looked up online for rice that I need, the price is 3 to 8 times to the normal and decided to go with alternative. At this rate businesses many not have normal business in up coming months that will hurt families, businesses, country and the world. The fear is out of proportion, the government is suppose to step in and counter act rather than join them and making the situation much worst. Hopefully other states are not over reacting like CA.
109391   SunnyvaleCA   2020 Mar 16, 5:47pm  

I think that in a few weeks you'll look back at what people wrote above ^^^ and wonder why you didn't see this whole thing coming. I hope I'm wrong, but I think this is going to show just how fragile many members of society have become. We're supposed to "shelter in place" for 3 weeks. I think that by early April there will be an extension for a few more weeks. Meanwhile, unprepared people will suddenly realize just how truly unprepared they really are.

I just hope the water, electricity, and internet stay on. Then, it's just a matter of some morbidly obese people finally slimming down to merely obese. And maybe some feeble 80-year-olds finally making way for the younger generations.

Eh. Cancel the elections. Trump gets a do-over 4 years anyway due to the repeated frauds of the deep state.

I'm glad I have plenty of food and a lot of camping gear. (and water, yada yada yada)
109392   WookieMan   2020 Mar 16, 5:56pm  

rocketjoe79 says
5 states. But takeout is ok.

I don’t do takeout from a sit down establishment. Most people I know don’t and will just get fast food or pizza. Even a place that does takeout likely has no clue what quantity of product to buy. They’ll overbuy and have a bunch of food rot losing even more money.

No one in the restaurant industry saw this coming. In the Midwest this is the absolute slowest time of year (Jan-April). Most are cashflow poor. A ton of non chain restaurants will fail in the next 30 days here in IL.

No one is accounting for sales tax either. Local muni’s in IL are going to get smashed. Without a car dealership or big industrial/commercial base, restaurants are a huge source of tax revenue. It’s the largest source in my town...

God the more I keep thinking about this the worse I think it’s going to be.

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