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2005 Apr 11, 5:00pm   164,785 views  117,730 comments

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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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111171   Tenpoundbass   2020 May 21, 3:09pm  

OccasionalCortex says
Hong Kong H1B co-worker of mine back in early 2017 says to me that he decided to move back to HK, "...because Trump is a dictator who will call me a Coolie on TV every chance he gets".

We don't need people like that in America anyhow.

Our disastrous CIO that was running the company into the ground. Hired a Jamaican Netsuit consultant, and threw him in my room.
Since the Netsuit and Verenia folks were taking so long to deliver promises they over sold. He nor I got a chance to ever do anything but sit in my office and talk about politics.
When he first came,he thought I was a nasty person for my political views and my alternate series of events in the news rotation than CNN, MSNBC and NPR was feeding him.
At frist we clashed and busted heads. But as time wore on, we started getting on. And would have civil political talks. After I made him aware he was conditioned to not talk about politics as an intellectual, but rather shout down any push back on the official narrative.

Once we got past that barrier, we became great friends, I still talk to him today.
I think the breakthrough came, when I put it to him. That if shit hits the fan in America where would he go? He told me, back to Jamaica.
I said lucky you, that's why Americans HAVE to be Patriots, we have no where else to go. If you left Jamaica for a better life, why would you want the Liberals in this county to make life more so miserable here that it's not even the country you came here for? If you're American, then you defend America not political narratives.
You can be an American, or you can be an immigrant, that aligns politically that gives you free shit at the detriment of the American here.
But you can't be both.

When we talk now, he's looking at the news much different than when I met him. He'll ask me what do I think about (that), and I'll give him my pov, and he would either agree or just was curios what I thought. He loves hearing my take on the current events.

Even if he would vote for the Michelle Obama / Bernie Sanders ticket in a minute.

At least he respects other people's opinion now, and doesn't shit on America by just blindly regurgitating CNN. That's about all anyone can ask for.
111172   Shaman   2020 May 21, 3:16pm  

What these TDS posters are known for is their extreme PROJECTION of their own cultish fantasies and proclivities on people they deem as “the other.”
Basically, they wrap their own psychological problems up and accuse other people of owning them. It’s baffling to conservatives, not even insulting as it would be to someone who is battling those issues. We are all like, “what now? Are you serious? You can’t be serious. Oh shit! I think you actually are seriously accusing us of the EXACT mental health issues you’re clearly exhibiting! We just aren’t used to that level of self-deception. It’s rather breathtaking!
I don’t bother trying to convince these idiots of their folly. They’re immune to logic and common sense, probably a lost cause to the rational world. I expect the OP of having some Biden-style dementia acting here too. Although he hasn’t yet called me a dog-faced pony soldier so it might not be as advanced as the Dem nominee.
111173   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2020 May 21, 3:26pm  

Where we go one, we go all.

Where we go one, we go all.

Where we go one, we go all!

Where we go one, we go all!!

111174   marcus   2020 May 21, 3:40pm  

111175   Tenpoundbass   2020 May 21, 3:49pm  

Trump gives us what no other Democrat ever can. Memes!
111176   Reality   2020 May 21, 3:51pm  

Useful idiots working for tyranny tend not to live for long after their work and usefulness, and/or when their future value is lower than the cost of keeping their mouths shut. e.g. Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby, Vince Foster, Ron Brown, etc..
111177   marcus   2020 May 21, 4:00pm  

Some right wingers were addicted to talk radio and Fox News, Briebart (or even Alex Jones) type nonsense long before Trump. He just took it to an entirely new level.
111178   Reality   2020 May 21, 4:25pm  

jazz_music says
56,000 dead of the 95,000 are the fault of Trump mishandling the pandemic.

Why don't you care?

You are in a cult.

Outsiders are devalued by projection. This is when group members attribute to outsiders personality traits that they themselves possess but wish to deny. Projection is a way of protecting the self from punishment and rejection. By applying negative personality traits to others, we are inferring we do not also suffer from them.

“Projection offers protection from the anxiety of being bad and the punishment of being abandoned. In addition, by making other people bad in our own mind, we can legitimise behaviour toward them that would otherwise be morally unacceptable, even to the point of sanctioning cruel and vicious actions.”

“The effect of projection is often a perception of the other person as being fundamentally different, a morally inferior species, undeserving of empathy.”

That explains why the phrase "the deplorables" was invented.

That explains why some people want to lock-down the society and condemn wide swath of people to house-arrest without due process, instead of respecting those "other people" for their rights intrinsic to being human beings.
111179   RWSGFY   2020 May 21, 4:33pm  

OccasionalCortex says
Hong Kong H1B co-worker of mine back in early 2017 says to me that he decided to move back to HK, "...because Trump is a dictator who will call me a Coolie on TV every chance he gets".

That person is not very bright.
111180   Shaman   2020 May 21, 4:44pm  

China is stupid to try to incorporate everyone in Hong Kong into their communist machine. That’s a recipe for a million dissidents migrating around their country and stirring up resistance against their totalitarian rule.
111181   marcus   2020 May 21, 4:45pm  

Tenpoundbass says
Trump gives us

1) Anti-globalization lies (what you want to hear), "he's going to bring manufacturing jobs back."

2) Immigrant bashing and not so subtle dog whistles to let you know he's with you (or at least he understands you).

3) Most of all, he satisfies the Trump cultist anger and hate and their desire to tear the country apart. While simultaneously deluding themselves that they are saving it.

We need to go in the other direction, finding common ground instead of this divide and concur bullshit that the right is being sold.
111182   EBGuy   2020 May 21, 4:50pm  

Is the Third Opium War about to get hot?
111183   Tenpoundbass   2020 May 21, 5:30pm  

Paul Ryan is fighting for his life here, if the Democrats go down, the Rinos go down. They fully understand how slimy the Liberals can be more than anyone.
If the indictments start coming, they'll be fingered, and the Liberal Law Arsenal will pin it all on the RINOs.

Of course, ultimately we all know if it gets to close to everyone. They'll blame the dead guy, Shit Stain McCain.

He's dead! Just like Democrat voters.
111184   ignoreme   2020 May 21, 5:32pm  

Shaman says
That’s a recipe for a million dissidents migrating around their country and stirring up resistance against their totalitarian rule.

Lol. A million dissidents is nothing to them. They got more then that number of Uyghurs in re-education camps right now.

They have population control down to a science and you’re if you think other governments aren’t taking notes then I got a bridge to sell you.

But hey, China isn’t the problem right?
111185   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 May 21, 5:33pm  

Trump is only focused on CHYNA to hide the fact he's been a Russian Asset since before the Berlin Wall came down.
111186   B.A.C.A.H.   2020 May 21, 5:42pm  

Boo Hoo. They sound like the Boers wanting independence while the exploiting other ethnic groups.
111187   Patrick   2020 May 21, 5:47pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostakovitch says







@APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostakovitch You do realize you're basically agreeing with Trump on this, right?
111188   Patrick   2020 May 21, 5:52pm  

It was a revelation for me when I met a young Chinese woman at a tech meetup in SF who was just off the "boat" (ie, 747) in the last few weeks, and had literally never heard of this moment.

I was chatting with her because she was trying to learn about SF tech culture, and from my point of view, she was reasonably hot, about 23.

I kept trying to explain the guy who stood in front of the tank, and I'm convinced she was not faking. This event has been so thoroughly suppressed in China that it was simply not available to her.

History has successfully been rewritten in China.
111190   AD   2020 May 21, 6:00pm  

marcus says
finding common ground instead of this divide and concur bullshit that the right is being sold.

That is just Democrat newspeak of forcing an open border, having amnesty for illegal immigrants, going back to Obama era trade policies and apologist foreign policy, etc.

Anybody against that is labeled racist, xenophobic, etc.
111191   Patrick   2020 May 21, 6:00pm  

That's not a woman.
111192   Patrick   2020 May 21, 6:05pm  

jazz_music says
Cultism stinks like death

Leftism is a cult.

The political right are simply trying to survive the onslaught of outsourcing to China and insourcing illegals.
111193   Shaman   2020 May 21, 6:22pm  

marcus says
We need to go in the other direction, finding common ground instead of this divide and concur bullshit that the right is being sold.

You’ve got that exactly backwards. Democrats are selling the divide and conquer narrative, elites and clerisy are great, everyone else is a deplorable and probably a racist! That’s divisive. The media has been relentlessly divisive.
Trump is just the little kid with the balls to call out in the middle of the street “The Emperor has no clothes on!”
And boy does the evil empire hate that level of honesty!
They call it “divisive” and “unPresidential” and “a threat to our democracy” while in reality they are projecting onto Trump all the things that they actually are and do!
Meanwhile Trump’s coalition continues to expand with minority groups and people of color as the media BS grows absolutely transparent in their lust to take down this ORANGEMANBAD!

We can see it clearly.
Clearly you can not.
If this was an eye test you’d be legally blind.
111194   Shaman   2020 May 21, 6:26pm  

jazz_music says
Tenpoundbass says

More lies from flying Trumpanzee death cult

Death cult? Whose death? It’s not infants because we are working to keep them from being killed by Democrats. It’s not kids because we work to keep them safe from the Epstein’s and Bill Clintons of the world.
It’s not young adults because we want them to work and prosper and make a living wage (Dems want them as slaves).
It’s not Middle Aged adults because Dems call ya Deplorables for wanting a slice of the American pie.
Are we killing granny at least? Nope, currently that job is occupied by the Covid crew (Dems) who unleashed a shiny new plague on the world in the name of unseating the ORANGEMANBAD!

So do tell us what sort of death we have in this “death cult?”
Or are you just talking BS like usual?
111195   CBOEtrader   2020 May 21, 7:03pm  

marcus says
We need to go in the other direction, finding common ground instead of this divide and concur bullshit that the right is being sold.

No group since the civil war has been as divisive as today's democrats. The russian collusion hoax, constant race baiting, dividing Americans against themselves... The republicans have never done anything like this.
111196   CBOEtrader   2020 May 22, 12:24am  

Tim Aurora says
Joe is as center as they come.

Joe will go w whatever the sjws demand.

Trump is as centrist as a potus gets.
111197   richwicks   2020 May 22, 1:25am  

jazz_music says
During the 1970s, Steven Hassan was a senior member of the Unification Church, an offshoot Christian sect led by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon. Hassan was so loyal to the Unification Church that he pledged to die or kill at Moon's command.

Here, want to see how you know you're reading propaganda?


When the same exact fucking thing is posted by multiple people, that's when you know you're reading fucking propaganda.

Anyhow, after 3 years of preparation, this is what the Democratic party has settled on to present as a candidate, because, after all, Trump is a crazy and senile and out of his mind, etc:


Out of all the Democrats that can be chosen, clearly, this is the most competent, most sane person that the DNC voters could pick out of the entire Democratic party... After all the bitching and moaning that Trump is mentally incompetent, THIS is the guy they picked - to fix that...
111198   Booger   2020 May 22, 3:50am  

111199   Misc   2020 May 22, 5:38am  

Upon further review of this thread, I think the liberals here have given away Joe Biden's secret test for Supreme Court nominees.
111200   BayArea   2020 May 22, 6:47am  

111201   Onvacation   2020 May 22, 7:34am  

jazz_music says
As for definitions, a "destructive cult" is an authoritarian pyramid-structured group with someone at the top who claims to know all things and says God is working through him or her. Trump does that as well. Donald Trump is also trying to control people's behavior, the information they have access to, and their thoughts and emotions, to make them dependent and obedient and under his control. Consider the novel coronavirus pandemic and how Trump has all these followers who do not trust real experts and only take what Trump says to be true. Trump's followers also don't believe in science and medicine

Do you really believe more than a very small minority, much smaller than those infected with TDS, believe this bullshit?
111202   Onvacation   2020 May 22, 7:36am  

jazz_music says
I am not deranged, you are.

You are bleating on like oh liberals are this liberals are that. Click bzzt bleep.

OK Boomer.
111203   Onvacation   2020 May 22, 7:42am  


jazz_music says
Speaking of adversaries or outsiders as if they were all the same; characterising them by negative traits only; attributing unflattering motives to them but not oneself.

Lacking interest and information concerning the actual statements and actions of opponents or outsiders.

Failing to consider the possible validity of an adversary’s point of view.

Not taking a critical look at one’s own position.

Disapproving or rejecting a member of one’s group for departing from the group position, devaluing the dissident, regarding him or her as an annoyance or a problem.

Feeling self-righteous.

If you have a friend suffering you may have lost a friend. If you have a family member suffering just nod in agreement, say something like, "how could we ever have elected a reality show clown" and then change the subject. There is no known cure after someone has been deeply infected with TDS. If it is not yet a serious case you can try logic but once they have "RESIST!" bumper stickers or are talking about how great Biden is, it is too late.
111204   Onvacation   2020 May 22, 7:45am  

jazz_music says
The wrecking crew tiptoes in the shadows making our country over so the rich get richer and you get pushed into the sidelines until you become a financially unviable commodity.

Boycott China and make Gavin end the lock-down!
111205   Shaman   2020 May 22, 7:53am  

Let’s see how you age in 30 years.
111206   Reality   2020 May 22, 7:59am  

Not surprising now the partisan Democrats are resorting to tasteless and pointless ad hominem attack against a real rape victim.
111207   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 May 22, 9:10am  

Check your phobia of immenseness AF!
111208   rdm   2020 May 22, 9:10am  

She's a big un. As we used to say, built for speed and comfort.
111209   rdm   2020 May 22, 9:15am  

Reality says
Not surprising now the partisan Democrats are resorting to tasteless and pointless ad hominem attack against a real rape victim.

I luv the trumpists suddenly becoming ardent feminazis when a Dem is accused.
111210   SoTex   2020 May 22, 9:18am  

Covered in cat hair.

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