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2019 Feb 17, 4:30pm   3,233,548 views  44,050 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

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7441   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2020 Oct 4, 7:57pm  

Booger says

Jesus it's real, I looked up the tweets. Well... I quit eating McD's at maybe at 16. Except for road trips where I'd grab a chocolate shake and fries on some dang ol' highway somewhere.

Going to hold out for Dairy Queen from now on.
7447   SunnyvaleCA   2020 Oct 7, 12:04pm  

Booger says
"I don't usually roll coal, but when I do, I make it count!"
7451   BoomAndBustCycle   2020 Oct 8, 5:23pm  


Funny these guys don’t look like left wingers!?

Your rhetoric that no right wingers are violent is getting old. I guess it’s your attempt to balance out the biased left wing media... but it just makes you sound like an extremist yourself.
7452   Patrick   2020 Oct 8, 6:45pm  

Funny that no actual violence was committed, just an accusation of planning a kidnapping, coincidentally right before the election. Reminds me more than a little of Jussie Smollet.

Meanwhile there have been more than 500 real, actual, on the ground violent riots by BLM and pantyfa across the US, and oh, zero riots by anyone on the right. Zero.

If you're still in doubt about the fact of daily leftist violence, try this simple experiment: put on a MAGA hat and walk around in public.

Now why would you be nervous about that? What is your body telling you that your brain is in denial about?

Is your body wrong, or your brain?
7454   BoomAndBustCycle   2020 Oct 9, 12:30am  

Patrick says
Meanwhile there have been more than 500 real, actual, on the ground violent riots by BLM and pantyfa across the US, and oh, zero riots by anyone on the right. Zero.

Name more than 10 civilians killed by BLM with their obituaries as proof in the last 4 years. Being a victim of “BLM Terrorism” is ridiculously low. Your odds of dying from covid are higher. (See what I did there). And if you are not a moron that goes out in a counter-protest at 2am wearing a MAGA hat your odds of being a victim are zero.

More BLM protestors have been run over by cars and shot in the face by rubber bullets than any attacks they’ve committed on innocent civilians.

Look, I don’t go to Harrison, Arkansas wearing a BLM T-shirt for the same reason a person wearing a MAGA hat in Compton is a moron. Our country is divided as fuck and Trump is driving that wedge deeper every fucking day. I’m not one of those people that thinks everything he does is bad. But his rhetoric is literally fomenting rage in this country that’s not going away until he’s gone. Fingers crossed by end of the year.
7455   Misc   2020 Oct 9, 1:45am  

BoomAndBustCycle says
Patrick says
Meanwhile there have been more than 500 real, actual, on the ground violent riots by BLM and pantyfa across the US, and oh, zero riots by anyone on the right. Zero.

Name more than 10 civilians killed by BLM with their obituaries as proof in the last 4 years. Being a victim of “BLM Terrorism” is ridiculously low. Your odds of dying from covid are higher. (See what I did there). And if you are not a moron that goes out in a counter-protest at 2am wearing a MAGA hat your odds of being a victim are zero.

More BLM protestors have been run over by cars and shot in the face by rubber bullets than any attacks they’ve committed on innocent civilians.

Look, I don’t go to Harrison, Arkansas wearing a BLM T-shirt for the same reason a person wearing a MAGA hat in Compton is a moron. Our country is divided as fuck and Trump is driving that wedge deeper every fucking da...

Fox counts 17 deaths since Floyd's death.


That's also approximately the number of unarmed Black deaths caused by police per year. Most all of these deaths resulted from resisting arrest. Like you say, in a country of 330 million people this is ridiculously low. This is manufactured outrage.

If Black Lives Mattered to Blacks, they could focus on the child sex trade. An estimated about 200000 American children are in the sex trade per year. An estimated 62% of those are Black children or about 125000 people. The only real hope these victims have is the local police, and the Black community is vilifying the police on made up fairy tale abuse accusations.


On one hand, you have Biden who actually got down on one knee in support of this made up crisis. On the other hand, you have Trump grounded in reality supporting the police.
7460   richwicks   2020 Oct 9, 11:08am  

Booger says

This is a stupid thing to do. The "news" media has been painting Trump supporters are violent, mindless assholes for 3 years - we don't need any dickheads trying to push confirmation bias.
7461   Bd6r   2020 Oct 9, 11:57am  

7462   Patrick   2020 Oct 9, 11:59am  

richwicks says
confirmation bias

TDS confirmation bias is off the charts these days. The TDS-afflicted desperately look for the slightest hint of "racism" and "fascism" to confirm their hate, and are utterly blind to the extreme racism of the left, and the violent intolerance of free speech by the left.

To see the truth would utterly upend their carefully constructed false reality.

It must be a difficult way to live, given that actual reality is so far removed from their beliefs. A think a lot of their hate is driven by the fear of admitting that they have been so very wrong for years.
7464   Bd6r   2020 Oct 10, 8:34am  

7466   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Oct 10, 12:07pm  

Dbr6 says

Oh what happened with yelp and twitter lately? Sorry I haven’t paid attention to them lately.
7467   Bd6r   2020 Oct 10, 12:28pm  

Fortwaynemobile says
Oh what happened with yelp and twitter lately? Sorry I haven’t paid attention to them lately.

@Fortwaynemobile - Yelp will now label some businesses as "raycist" based on user comments - I wonder how well that will go over...
7468   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Oct 10, 12:44pm  

Dbr6 says
Fortwaynemobile says
Oh what happened with yelp and twitter lately? Sorry I haven’t paid attention to them lately.

@Fortwaynemobile - Yelp will now label some businesses as "raycist" based on user comments - I wonder how well that will go over...

Holy shit, that’s racketeering. Can you link me one as example?
7469   Ceffer   2020 Oct 10, 1:03pm  

Yelp and its congeners are extortion and blackmail libel rackets operating under color of Constitutional speech protection and consumer education.

People seem to be paying less attention to them as time goes on, but the anonymous begrudged (usually over common deadbeat billing matters or minor consumer gripes) have a field day there trashing at will, and then, the site comes to you to solicit paid 'advertising' which enables you to control your content. At least that's how it worked a while ago.
7471   Bd6r   2020 Oct 10, 1:46pm  

Fortwaynemobile says
Holy shit, that’s racketeering. Can you link me one as example?



From the horses' mouth, as they say. Not using Yelp at all from now.
7472   Hircus   2020 Oct 10, 3:05pm  

Businesses have complained about yelp since the very beginning. Bad reviews show up, and then yelp calls them and offers various benefits of their premium services, which in
ways will help make those bad reviews, or the impact of them, go away. They word things carefully, but at the end of the day, you pay $$$ and your bad reputation gets diminished.

So ya, they've been accused of cleverly disguised extortion and racketeering for a lonnnng time.

This new racism alert is likely the next chapter. It will start out looking like they have no profit motives, just virtuous "social justice" by being "good stewards of their platform". But in time, after they've established this publication of these accusations of racism as being normal in society, some profit angle will probably emerge. And their users get to feel virtuous in the mean time when negotiating where they should have lunch w/ friends - "oh, yelp said TexasBigBBQ might be racist. Can we go to SoyFactory instead?"

Then again, this really might just be hostile leftists blackmailing yelp execs into doing this by accusing them of not doing enough to fight racism. I could see "You have the platform, if you refuse to use it for the force of good, you must be a racist too!!! Silence is violence!!"

We should ask yelp if they're willing to tag and warn users of businesses that have pedo employees?
7473   Booger   2020 Oct 10, 3:30pm  

Label any vegetarian / organic / soy factory as racist.
7474   Patrick   2020 Oct 10, 3:33pm  

Does Yelp allow Yelp to be reported as racist for being obsessed with race?
7479   WookieMan   2020 Oct 11, 5:15am  

BoomAndBustCycle says
But his rhetoric is literally fomenting rage in this country that’s not going away until he’s gone. Fingers crossed by end of the year.

THIS. THIS is what's causing the division. The Democrats have focused on "removing" Trump and not anything of substance. Not policy. Not what they'd do better (because they can't) They're the ones pushing the Trump narrative and dividing. I wasn't a Trump supporter, but people like you saying "fingers crossed by the of the year" are driving people into Trump camp. You're divisive.

Also, it can't be the end of the year. Inauguration is in January....
7480   RWSGFY   2020 Oct 11, 8:50am  

BoomAndBustCycle says
More BLM protestors have been run over by cars and shot in the face by rubber bullets

Not enough.

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