trump lawyer sound unrealistic

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2020 Nov 20, 1:08pm   4,522 views  139 comments

by TechBrosWon   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

I am just hearing on this site and claims, That there were a server in Germany and network ports opened to 3-4 anti-US countries to manipulate votes.It is also claimed that this server is claimed by US forces.
It is very-very-1000x serious allegation.

Frankly not for senior lawyer in Trump's team, I would just discard this as loony conspiracy.
Even from trump's lawyer, It sounds too fantastical.

Looking at numbers and analysis It kind of make sense that something bad happened.
This server business looks very shady, Is over the top claims trick to hide data manipulation?

Assume tomorrow we find this all is untrue, trump will become laughing stock of the world.

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34   clambo   2020 Nov 20, 5:31pm  

Sikh asked me what I think may happen.
I don’t know, but I think if this goes to the Supreme Court, Biden and Harris are dead meat.
Justice Thomas hates Biden, and Justice Kavanaugh hates Harris.
Alito is pissed off that Pennsylvania disobeyed his order to separate ballots received later than November 3.
They didn’t.
In 2000 Bush vs Gore, several lawyers on the Bush side are now on the Supreme Court.
Roberts, Barrett, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh were on the Bush team.
The evidence will be overwhelming that Trump won the legal votes.
How this is resolved I don’t know.
I’m curious how long Biden would even last if he actually took office.
He’s a figurehead, he’s not even capable of speaking.
He’ll resign and say it’s a “health issue.”
35   TechBrosWon   2020 Nov 20, 7:04pm  


Never seen anything like that. Lawyer taking names:
Saying Bernie took money to allow Clinton election fraud.

This is is "slander" stuff and lawyer will never take names like this without proof especially of a senator. I think big hammer will fall soon.
I hope we return the power back to people again.
36   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 20, 7:21pm  

clambo says
Roberts, Barrett, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh were on the Bush team.

And Thomas ruled in favor of Bush in B vs. G.

That's 5 SCOTUS Judges who will have to go back on their previous cases or rulings to agree that State Houses don't have total unchecked and supreme power to regulate elections.

6 if you include the fact that Alito said publicly at an event that he held "B v. G" to be good law and precedence.
37   TechBrosWon   2020 Nov 20, 7:24pm  

If they can prove the widespread fraud they are talking about..even 1% of it ... There is no need to even go to SC.
People will be on streets to .. , Imagine feeling cheated out of your votes for years which people take so much pride for.
38   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 20, 8:10pm  

sikhguy says
If they can prove the widespread fraud they are talking about..even 1% of it ... There is no need to even go to SC.
People will be on streets to .. , Imagine feeling cheated out of your votes for years which people take so much pride for.

40% of Americans think there was enough Voter Fraud to change the outcome of the election - November 10th.

The Media's excuse is that they were "Primed" to think of Fraud, but the Media pushed the opinion (not fact) that Election Fraud was "Exceedingly Rare" for months and that Election Results "Would dramatically change" after Election Night. Months before the election Big Tech and Corporate Media was pushing that line.

What's ironic is that the media and press had abundant coverage in the past 10 years about the dangers of hacking voting machines, how easy it was to do it by hackers with physical access, etc. etc. etc.

Nobody can be declared the official winner until their is a complete audit and investigation of the election, including the Dominion Voting Machines and why Republican pollwatchers were chased only out of Monopoly Dem counties by Dem Officials only after Election Day when the mail ins were being counted (not ON election day when it was in person voting), unlike all the other counties in the states in Question. How Mail In Ballots went 65% for Biden until 11PM, when at 3-4AM several states simultaneously found 90%+ Biden votes on Mail In ballots after a pause in the count... all simultaneously in states with very different laws and systems - and just enough to swing the election, even where Trump was winning by near double digits.

As every single study on voting methods and fraud has concluded, mail in ballots are the #1 vector for fraud by long shot. Including a big one done by Carter & Bakker together in 2009.

Anything less is putting democracy at risk.
39   TechBrosWon   2020 Nov 20, 8:16pm  

I think Trump should be declared winner if he can prove the widespread fraud being claimed here.
Very unsettling video of treachery if true.

From here only two things can happen:
1) trump team bluffing us, Big shame on them.
2) they are ready to take down corrupt system and return it to people, They will be national treasure.

Let us see what happens.
40   Ceffer   2020 Nov 20, 8:21pm  

I am in the camp that I want the voting apparatus fixed first, worry about Trump later. I would be unhappy with a Biden 'victory' but i would accept it if it is not at the expense of our democracy.
i'm more vested in getting the voting apparatus right than in Trump's being re-elected, even though i would like that to be the outcome.
41   TechBrosWon   2020 Nov 20, 8:27pm  

If Trump is rightful winner, How can you save democracy by giving it to Biden.
Trump is right guy to fix it, No matter what.(Assuming they are not bluffing us)
42   Ceffer   2020 Nov 20, 10:37pm  

sikhguy says
If Trump is rightful winner, How can you save democracy by giving it to Biden.
Trump is right guy to fix it, No matter what.(Assuming they are not bluffing us)

i would 'give' it to anybody who won it without fraud. The integrity of vote is the cornerstone of our country that transcends any particular politician. Without that cornerstone, the country is gone no matter who holds office.

If Trump managed to get the voting fraud reined in across the board, for that act alone, he would be a hero, whether or not he 'won' the vote. i don't know if it is too much to ask, though, anymore.
43   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2020 Nov 20, 11:15pm  

Ceffer says
I would be unhappy with a Biden 'victory' but i would accept it if it is not at the expense of our democracy.

Therein lies the rub.
44   Robert Sproul   2020 Nov 21, 6:53pm  

just_passing_through says
I would be unhappy with a Biden 'victory' but i would accept it if it is not at the expense of our democracy.

Therein lies the rub.

I am feeling that we are well and truly fucked either way. A significant portion of this country is NOT GOING TO ACCEPT THE RESULTS OF THIS ELECTION HOWEVER IT IS SETTLED.
It seems more and more likely that we are in for Turchin’s 10 years of turmoil, which he says will range from 60’s style protests (which we have already exceeded) to civil war. Turchin has been so right in his predictions over the last 20 years that even his critics are paying him attention.

2020 sucked?
These are the good old days.
45   TechBrosWon   2020 Nov 21, 8:53pm  

Nothing like 1960s would happen. US is fundamentally not unfair.There are million people immigrating every year and getting gainfully employed.
Leftist intolerant have just hijacked the agenda on coasts, in deep of their heart nobody reasonable like them.

It is center right country and always will be. There is no place for white racists and lefty imbeciles, They will always remain fringe.
(May be we should setup stadiums for them to go at each other and we pay ticket price to watch the show)
We need smart immigration and it will happen.

What I don't know and worry about is corruption in fortune 500 and other big businesses, They are out of control and doesn't seem any fix on horizon.
46   richwicks   2020 Nov 21, 10:00pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostakovitch says

Why do you ever bother to post such nonsense? I truly don't understand.
47   richwicks   2020 Nov 21, 10:29pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostakovitch says
Read the comments sections at NewsMax and OANN - everyone is arming up and laying in the extra 100 million rounds of ammo for centuries long civil war that will end with a 10000 year Trump dynasty and unimaginable wealth arriving on moon beam for the surviving Trumpanzis.

I'm going to do something that I've never done to anybody on this board. I'm going to ignore you.

Generally I like to see all points of view and different thinking but really, you're just a mild irritant and have never presented a different point of view. You just make noise, ceaselessly.
48   Robert Sproul   2020 Nov 21, 10:39pm  

sikhguy says
We need smart immigration

Fuck "smart" immigration, whatever that is. Illegal immigration? I don't even want any legal immigration.
We add 2 Sacramentos an Albuquerque and a Tucson worth of people, legal and illegal, every year.
Year after year after year.

Covid job loss in the 10s of millions and the daft fucking Democrats can't wait to open the borders.
49   TechBrosWon   2020 Nov 21, 10:48pm  

Robert Sproul says
sikhguy says
We need smart immigration

Fuck "smart" immigration, whatever that is. Illegal immigration? I don't even want any legal immigration.
We add 2 Sacramentos an Albuquerque and a Tucson worth of people, legal and illegal, every year.
Year after year after year.

Covid job loss in the 10s of millions and the daft fucking Democrats can't wait to open the borders.

If it is a illogical hatred for immigrants, I have no time to argue.
If you are sensible, Give me 5 examples of kinds of immigrants you would like to have in US.
50   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2020 Nov 21, 11:29pm  

richwicks says
I'm going to do something that I've never done to anybody on this board. I'm going to ignore you.

Historically speaking, I recommend you don't. AF is genius.

On the other hand, you can't argue with 60 ignores. I just jumped from 1 to 6 recently how about that. I haven't noticed missing anyone's comment either.
51   Blue   2020 Nov 22, 1:07am  

Robert Sproul says
Fuck "smart" immigration, whatever that is. Illegal immigration? I don't even want any legal immigration.

Just like illegals, most of the "smart" legal immigrants are commies who believe can't succeed without big government help. Eventually to make this country like the hole they fled from.
52   richwicks   2020 Nov 22, 2:10am  

just_passing_through says
I'm going to do something that I've never done to anybody on this board. I'm going to ignore you.

Historically speaking, I recommend you don't. AF is genius.

He is? About what?

He just seems disruptive and if he is indeed a genius, he certainly doesn't share any brilliance that I've seen. Attempts to communicate with him are rebuffed, it's just over-the-top hysteria all the time - if I wanted that, I'd buy a television and watch corporate news.

In any case, he doesn't talk to me, he talks at me. I don't find that useful.
53   Shaman   2020 Nov 22, 6:11am  

I had to ignore AF this year after eight years of not ignoring him. He’s unhinged with his TDS and his posts are repetitive, annoying, and foul.
54   porkchopXpress   2020 Nov 22, 7:07am  

I ignored him years ago. He's like a child that keeps nagging you while you're trying to have a meaningful discussion with adults.
55   Bd6r   2020 Nov 22, 7:15am  

just_passing_through says
I just jumped from 1 to 6 recently how about that.

I lost my only ignore!
56   Bd6r   2020 Nov 22, 7:17am  

richwicks says
He just seems disruptive and if he is indeed a genius, he certainly doesn't share any brilliance that I've seen. Attempts to communicate with him are rebuffed, it's just over-the-top hysteria all the time - if I wanted that, I'd buy a television and watch corporate news.

He knows a lot about banking system and journalism, and if you can get him into serious conversation mode, he is extremely informative.
I personally find him quite amusing, other than repetitive TDs that defies logic.
57   Robert Sproul   2020 Nov 22, 7:26am  

sikhguy says
examples of kinds of immigrants you would like to have in US.

My overriding criteria would be immigrants that have a real, immediate, benefit to this country.
“Smart” immigration would include Public Charge laws, mass immigration into a Welfare State is the epitome of “stupid” immigration.
There would be a freeze on ALL immigration when unemployment went above 4%.
We would revisit the ridiculous Immigration Act of 1965 and reframe it to benefit America and Americans. (When Biden says “America First” is terrible I always wonder who the hell he thinks should be "First")

Polling indicates that several hundred million people globally would come to America if they could, easily doubling our current population. Which ones, and how many, do YOU think it would be “smart” to allow in? Whoever gets here first?
Should it have to actually benefit the citizens of this country or just be a benefit to who-the-fuck-ever is in some unfortunate situation in their own unfortunate country?
Current law favors whoever has family that has already managed to get here somehow, whether they were hardworking self-sacrificing legal immigrants, like I am sure your family is, or If they are Honduran’s that sell smack for the Mexican’s down in the Mission, (who the Mexicans disparage and abuse, "Hispanic Brotherhood" ain’t in it. Some of the most prejudiced people I have met are PO of a slightly different C) who have somehow managed to get some form of “legal residency” or amnesty.
58   TechBrosWon   2020 Nov 22, 8:02am  

Robert Sproul says
sikhguy says
examples of kinds of immigrants you would like to have in US.

My overriding criteria would be immigrants that have a real, immediate, benefit to this country.
“Smart” immigration..

Smart immigration is for US citizens, adaptive based on needs of us all not corporations or politicians.
Now both corporations and politicians are out of control and don't respond to people.

By the way smart immigration at time of pandemic can also mean zero immigration for while.
Now people are people, There will always be some affinity for people of your cultural background for 1-2 generations.
But some "whites" here would like to blame immigrants for disunity... The primary blame lies with KKK and ANTIFA affiliates(both primary whites) more than any immigrant.
59   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2020 Nov 22, 8:11am  

sikhguy says
By the way smart immigration at time of pandemic can also mean zero immigration for while.
Now people are people, There will always be some affinity for people of your cultural background for 1-2 generations.
But some "whites" here would like to blame immigrants for disunity... The primary blame lies with KKK and ANTIFA affiliates(both primary whites) more than any immigrant

KKK/Antifa/BLM those are minority hate groups. I really wish government put the foot down with these assholes to make them chill out. But when they see a benefit out of a group they blow it out of proportion, such as recent case with BLM where Democrats were bailing them out and giving them money, and thought they were cool. So fucked up.
60   theoakman   2020 Nov 22, 8:37am  

sikhguy says
Robert Sproul says
sikhguy says
We need smart immigration

Fuck "smart" immigration, whatever that is. Illegal immigration? I don't even want any legal immigration.
We add 2 Sacramentos an Albuquerque and a Tucson worth of people, legal and illegal, every year.
Year after year after year.

Covid job loss in the 10s of millions and the daft fucking Democrats can't wait to open the borders.

If it is a illogical hatred for immigrants, I have no time to argue.
If you are sensible, Give me 5 examples of kinds of immigrants you would like to have in US.

At this point in time, all immigration needs to be restricted to very low numbers. The only way of truly raising standard of living and wages domestically is to tariff other countries who syphon off our domestic businesses and simultaneously restrict the supply of labor through immigration. Maybe if we get going again, we can address allowing people to regularly immigrate here. And at that point, it should be merit based. We shouldn't be importing massive amounts of unskilled labor unless we have a demand for it that is not being satisfied by the domestic workforce.
61   TechBrosWon   2020 Nov 22, 8:55am  

theoakman says
sikhguy says
Robert Sproul says
sikhguy says
We At this point in time, all immigration needs to be restricted to very low numbers. The only way of truly raising standard of living and wages dome...

Here is what I would like to see:
1) Dirty globalists propped up by US government stops regime change and interference in other countries. This will reduce refugees.
>Sikhs wouldn't be here if British colonists haven't broken their prosperous Sikh empire.See India's share of world GDP before and after colonialism.This go even today in more subtle ways.You can't destroy countries like did in Iraq and not expect people to come to your shores.
2) Return power to people. If they do a survey of "American public" and ask "Would you like to go war to improve your financial well being?" , Most will answer NO. But still US elites go to wars.

Osmosis can only be stopped by better homogeneity. The walls will always be permeable.
62   Robert Sproul   2020 Nov 22, 9:00am  

theoakman says
unless we have a demand

Yes. Like it was for the first couple of hundred years, until the Emma Lazarus feel-good bullshit “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses..." changed the narrative.
63   Robert Sproul   2020 Nov 22, 9:11am  

FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut says
KKK/Antifa/BLM those are minority hate groups

Except this is a false equivalency.
BLM is perhaps the largest (and most dangerous?) mass movement in U.S. history.
Despite SPLC, and other Leftist hysterics, claims, KKK is a sad-sack group of maybe 400 goofballs.
64   RWSGFY   2020 Nov 22, 9:23am  

richwicks says
it's just over-the-top hysteria all the time - if I wanted that, I'd buy a television and watch corporate news.

65   TechBrosWon   2020 Nov 22, 9:37am  

Here is a question for you guys?
If It is proven in court of law that "Venezuela" election was stolen with CIA technology(as alleged) resulting in foisting cruel communist on them...Who should be held responsible? US public or elites?

Does it gives right to Venezuelans to immigrate to US freely as US government is responsible for destroying their country?
66   Robert Sproul   2020 Nov 22, 10:49am  

sikhguy says
Does it gives right to Venezuelans to immigrate to US freely

Nobody has a “right” to any of this kind of shit. Come and take it, if you can.
I have come to realize that people have ALWAYS expanded their range and influence throughout human history whenever they could. Nearly always violently. Our country claimed and took the territories that we have enjoyed dominion over.
Ohh! Ohh! Colonialism!! Read fucking history.
Now it is being taken back, in turn, in the “Reconquista”. We seem to be too weak now to resist. I have kind of resigned myself to the inevitability instead of getting pissed off every time I am asked to “Press 1 for Spanish”
Good luck to you, Pal. Where I come from the Mexicans kind of hate the Sikhs, and vice versa, no real POC brotherhood.
And of course they will win the Reproduction Rate and Family Based Immigration Competition.
67   TechBrosWon   2020 Nov 22, 11:06am  

You support breaking other countries by US?
I don't and neither support them interfering in our election process as likely happened this election.

In central valley of California, The number of Sikh-Mexican weddings are extremely common.
Attended two this year , damn the COVID scare. Always common as both are mostly blue collar communities.

Hate this/that is Lefty and KKK shit. All right of center don't care.
68   TechBrosWon   2020 Nov 22, 3:56pm  


This is end of it.
The allegations were infact fantastical, So Biden is president now.
I am not sure what this whole thing was.. I believe it was to make invalid election Valid.
69   HeadSet   2020 Nov 22, 4:11pm  

If Sidney Powell is not a member of Trump's legal team, what authority does she have to sue in court?
70   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2020 Nov 22, 4:14pm  

Robert Sproul says
FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut says
KKK/Antifa/BLM those are minority hate groups

Except this is a false equivalency.
BLM is perhaps the largest (and most dangerous?) mass movement in U.S. history.
Despite SPLC, and other Leftist hysterics, claims, KKK is a sad-sack group of maybe 400 goofballs.

well yeah, BLM is heavily funded by the left. it's fucked up. It's also why it was in all Democrat ran cities, because Democrats control police and DA's there. They basically intimidated anyone who would not go along with the left. The threat of "if you vote Republican we'll burn you down was very real".
71   porkchopXpress   2020 Nov 22, 4:14pm  

Conflict of interest. Sidney is about to turn this thing into a giant criminal conspiracy involving the CIA, high level politicians and Dominion. Trump can't be supporting that effort so his legal team is focused on the ballot fraud, shredding envelopes, dismissing pollworkers, etc.
72   richwicks   2020 Nov 22, 4:15pm  

Dbr6 says
He knows a lot about banking system and journalism,

Journalism? There is no journalism in the west.

I'm quite informed about propaganda. That's what people think journalism is.
73   porkchopXpress   2020 Nov 22, 4:18pm  

sikhguy says

This is end of it.
The allegations were infact fantastical, So Biden is president now.
I am not sure what this whole thing was.. I believe it was to make invalid election Valid.
Jesus dude. First sign of anything and you run for the hills. Remind me to never go to battle with you.

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