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My pet peeves are Muslims who double park their camels and Muslims who wear turbans made with towels displaying the Motel 6 logo.
This goes for Catholics, too.
I didn’t write that post myself, I copied it from and I still think it’s true.
Most Muslims are fine people, but Islam does encourage violence much more than any other religion.
It's sad, because we should all be able to worship together but the doctrine teaches hatred. I can understand the right to defend one's religion but this is a bit far.
Maybe a re reading of the old testament is in order, before we claim one religion is more violent than others. (unless you are Buddhist then of course, you would be right in comparison with almost any religion)
Fundamentally “ALL†religions are violent.
They're not equally violent. They're just not, and it's dishonest to pretend that they are. Islam is a religion born in violence, and the text of the Koran is clear telling Muslim followers to murder non-muslims
In another thread on Islam, Patrick summed it up as well as I've ever seen:
Do not to make friendship with Muslims (5:51), kill the Muslims wherever you find them (2:191), murder them and treat them harshly (9:123), fight and slay the Muslims, seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (9:5).
Oh wait, did I say “Muslim� Actually those are all quotes from the Koran with chapter and verse about how Muslims should treat non-Muslims. I just swapped out Jews, Christian, etc, and put in Muslim instead. So do you mean to say don’t assume the Koran is right?
Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan was simply following the teaching of the Koran.
and again Patrick states the obvious truth:
But even the most fanatical Christian is a not a threat to public safety.
Disgruntled young men who find Jesus just try to convert you and 300 other people. Disgruntled young men who find Mohammed try to kill you and 300 other innocent passengers on a plane.
Draw a cartoon of Jesus, and Christians will just pity you. Draw a cartoon of Mohammed, and a Muslim with an ax shows up at your door.
Very well said
"They’re not equally violent."
Dead is dead, how the dead got that way is immaterial. And who died the bloodiest death of them all, is a non issue when you are pushing up daisy beneath the alter of any religion.
The fact is Christianity has a long bloody trial in its wake.
I was going to say that Muslim is the only religion that hasn't gotten a Modern culture friendly overhaul to make provisions for our modern society.
If Moses were to come down from the hill today, with his stone tablets. He would have a hard time competing with the words on the iPad, convincing the Goat fuckers that's wrong when Youtube makes it look so fun.
Lemme ask you this, where were the Christian and Jewish groups for that matter that Rallied and protested the Violent manner we went after both Ben Laden, and Saddam Husein. We went there on a religious crusade mission, fused with bring the Oil back home.
What in the hell are we training the Navy Seals, Green Barrett, and Special Forces for?
We have the technology to inject in the world news that Saddam Husein died in his sleep. After a 6'2" armed forces best we have to offer, shoved a 5 inch blade in his skull.
But where's the "hallelujah!" in that?
"We Smote the Heathens over yonder", sounds a lot sexier, than we got "HIM".
Did anyone read my link? A pig flew!
Why do I care? Because I wasn't on that plane. Nope, I wasn't. I wish I was, I truly wish that I was on that plane and got to make a comment like, "It just slept, like a pig in a blanket until it went hog wild..." "I snorted with excitement..." "The pig's owner was with her mudder..."
I would have had some delightful comments immediately - yes, even at 35,000 feet - because I don't need the interweb to help me out be witty and topical (although it helps on many occassions). I would have done it without Mikey...
And this story would top any other of fellow party goers. Example: Some woman says, "I walked out the door with my dress tucked inside my pantyhose and my butt hanging out..." (that's a fairly common female hazard, by the way), and some guy says, "I saved a puppy from drowning..." and I would say, "I was on the plane of the pig that flew."
It would have been a nearly religious experience.
Just sayin'
Good lard, why ham it up, Ellie? Don't be a brat. This is what I call ham on wry but please hold the crust. Do you really need to hock your views and chew the fat on this issue? You're just bacon for trouble. This topic is a pig in a poke. No reason to go hog wild and get sloppy.
Sow-ry to rib ya, baby, but when will you ever loin? These aren't the days of swine and roses.
Maybe a re reading of the old testament is in order, before we claim one religion is more violent than others. (unless you are Buddhist then of course, you would be right in comparison with almost any religion)
Each religion has a strong history of violence, it's just that the Bible does not instruct violence as the Koran does.....but that might be a result of its author having been a soldier of war.
man has a history of violence, and sometimes violence is EXACTLY what is needed. Violence, much like any other weapon, is a tool. There really is such a thing as necessary use of force, God said so.
But, The Son of God said to not hate and not murder (and even said if you hate you already murder). Kill another man when it is warranted, you bet. It's part of The Law. And as a matter of responsibilty to the saftey of others you are responsible to carry out your duty. It that means you have to kill attackers/rapists/child molestors/bombers, then you do it. Out of duty and responsibilty - not hate.
Hate another man, never.
Murder another man, never. (you abortion folks may not like the fact that there is a difference between killing and murder, but there is.)
The islamuslam fable was wrote by a drugged up child molestor. And the South Park threat shows the world, once again, what the liar mohamd has brought to this world. The nation of death is upon us all.
Good lard, why ham it up, Ellie? Don’t be a brat. This is what I call ham on wry but please hold the crust. Do you really need to hock your views and chew the fat on this issue? You’re just bacon for trouble. This topic is a pig in a poke. No reason to go hog wild and get sloppy.
Sow-ry to rib ya, baby, but when will you ever loin? These aren’t the days of swine and roses.
You penned me down on that one. I was looking for truffles & I found it.
This may sound like baloney, but I really don't mean to be a weenie. I'm stuck, so please don't squeal on me.
genius … pure genius
maybe so, but he’s hogging all the good puns.
Yeah, you better pen something now, or you'll end up eating slop.
The islamuslam fable was wrote by a drugged up child molestor. And the South Park threat shows the world, once again, what the liar mohamd has brought to this world. The nation of death is upon us all.
Exactly.. yet there are so many who deceive and pretend that islam is no more violent than other religions
New York Times columnist Ross Douthat had a interesting commentary on the South Park debacle. At the end of his piece, he made this comment: "This is what decadence looks like: a frantic coarseness that bravely trashes its own values and traditions, then knuckles under swiftly to totalitarianism and brute force."
Found this quote from the bible seems really violent
Kill People for Working on the Sabbath (Exodus 31:12-15 NLT)
"The LORD then gave these further instructions to Moses: 'Tell the
people of Israel to keep my Sabbath day, for the Sabbath is a sign of the
covenant between me and you forever. It helps you to remember that I am the
LORD, who makes you holy. Yes, keep the Sabbath day, for it is holy.
Anyone who desecrates it must die; anyone who works on that day will be cut
off from the community. Work six days only, but the seventh day must be a
day of total rest. I repeat: Because the LORD considers it a holy day,
anyone who works on the Sabbath must be put to death.'"
what about this bible verse? nice. . This one doesn't matter right? but the verse that gets peoples panties in a bunch about gays does?
Bap33 says
genius … pure genius
maybe so, but he’s hogging all the good puns.
Yeah, you better pen something now, or you’ll end up eating slop.
That was the final straw. I was barn to be punny, but it's a hairy endeavor. Let's just pork get that I tried, and I'll remain ill-infarmed.
Is this topic becoming a boar or is it jowls me? It's being butchered by puns. Sorry to be frank but I never sausage squealing. dog gone it.
Sorry, I was dreaming of being in Charlotte - and your web of lies distracted me. :)
what about this bible verse? nice. . This one doesn’t matter right? but the verse that gets peoples panties in a bunch about gays does?
The point is is that the values and traditions of our Western civiliation derive from Judeo/Christianity whether you believe in or like the tenets of either one--not Islam, a religious tyranny. For whatever reason, it is the practice of certain Westerners to trash the values and traditions and sacred icons of their own civilization. They do this with no fear of retaliation, which is the way it should be--but there is no bravery exhibited in such behavior. These same cutting-edge Westerners quake at the threats made by Muslims and are only too happy to toe the line in obsequiousness to their threats. They don't have the courage of their beliefs, they just do what costs them nothing. But you know all that.
If modern Christians retaliated in kind and as frequently as Muslims to the insults paid to their beliefs and sacred icons, the landscape would look like Hiroshima in 1945.
You have to understand that there is a difference between moderate and extremist Muslims.
The extremist Muslims want to chop off your infidel head for Allah.
The moderate Muslims want an extremist Muslim to chop off your infidel head for Allah.
I love the notion that people who warn us about pollution, carbon-belch-planet-fry, and looming water shortages are trying to drain our wallets, but those who warn us about the latest horrific enemy du jour are not.
For a while, commies were a godless, liberty-raping atheistic threat to goodness and niceness, lurking in your closet, waiting to suck your blood in the night. The only thing that fearmongering accomplished was to launch the careers of Nixon and Joe McCarthy. Vietnam fell to the commies, and it's a pretty nice place today - too bad about 60,000 dead U.S. boys.
Looks as if the war-lust against Iran is being cooked up. Time to kick some ass - I'm sure it will make a difference this time! We just haven't had enough wars.
Just one more war and one more tax cut, and we'll have peace and prosperity forever.
Click here to hear how Muslims were commanded to terrorize non-believers: