Blacks and Obama double standard

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2013 Jul 22, 2:25am   23,798 views  159 comments

by FortWayne   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

When Treyvon was killed, they parade and expoit the moment. Media takes their time to blow the situation out of proportion so they can sell more commercial slots. Obama says that his kids could look like Treyvon...

But when a white baby in a stroller gets killed by black thugs, there is no parade for justice there... just silence.



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1   upisdown   2013 Jul 22, 2:31am  

FortWayne says

When Treyvon was killed, they parade and expoit the moment. Media takes their
time to blow the situation out of proportion so they can sell more commercial
slots. Obama says that his kids could look like Treyvon...

But when a white baby in a stroller gets killed by black thugs, there is no
parade for justice there... just silence.

No, it just gets people like you riled up enough to go on and then post stuff like this.

lol, but I understand the why of your madness, I just don't agree with it. But a buck-is-a-buck, right?

2   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2013 Jul 22, 3:15am  

upisdown says

FortWayne says

When Treyvon was killed, they parade and expoit the moment. Media takes their

time to blow the situation out of proportion so they can sell more commercial

slots. Obama says that his kids could look like Treyvon...

But when a white baby in a stroller gets killed by black thugs, there is no

parade for justice there... just silence.

No, it just gets people like you riled up enough to go on and then post stuff like this.

lol, but I understand the why of your madness, I just don't agree with it. But a buck-is-a-buck, right?

No, theres countless acts that occur each year that are far worse than the Trayvon Martin death, committed by blacks against whites. You just never hear about it because its only published locally. Theres no Black Civil Rights Mafia to take up the cause so these things just fall by the wayside. Things like raping a white couple and murdering them......Trayvon Martin not only should have been a non story, the media and Black Civil Rights Mafia got the entire story wrong. TM was the aggressor and was the sole reason for his own death. These people OTOH were absolutely innocent victims of vile rapes and murders at the hands of black thugs...people who deserve torture prior to death:


3   FortWayne   2013 Jul 22, 3:37am  

robertoaribas says

was the baby single out and followed due to its race?

was it incorrectly presumed to be a bad baby?

did the killers do this in some quasi legal role they had as neighborhood safety?

did they call the police to report the bad baby before the encounter?

No, the baby was just murdered in cold blood. But it didn't get a presidential comment "If I had a son...". Treyvon did though... Obama and his lap dog media are being very selective here based on race. It's not right.

4   Klondike   2013 Jul 22, 3:48am  

I think the case of Roderick Scott is a much better comparison.

5   leo707   2013 Jul 22, 4:30am  

Klondike says

I think the case of Roderick Scott is a much better comparison.


Yeah, this is a much better comparison, but there are a couple of key differences:

1. Scott was arrested right away, was charged with murder, and stood trial without much question as to if he should.
2. The two never came into actual physical contact.
3. Scott had interrupted an actual crime in progress (breaking into cars).

6   Rew   2013 Jul 22, 7:10am  

robertoaribas says

did 1000's of post say the baby was bad because it had smoked its binky?

Bad babies high on binky ... I love this thread.

Edit: I know if it is me, I shoot on sight the little binky suckers. They are dangerous ankle biters up to no good. They always cry and get away with it too.

7   Y   2013 Jul 22, 7:36am  


robertoaribas says

let's see: the murders of the baby are sought, if caught, they are convicted. In other words, the system works. The death of the baby is a tragedy of course, but no legal system can prevent all crimes before they happen.

Did I miss anything?

8   Y   2013 Jul 22, 7:37am  

It's a democratic district.
They let one of their own slide....

John Bailo says

See that.

Booked when apprehended.

First degree murder.

Things that didn't happen in GZ's case.

9   PolishKnight   2013 Jul 22, 7:47am  

John Bailo says

FortWayne says

But when a white baby in a stroller gets killed by black thugs, there is no parade for justice there

What didn't happen with George Zimmerman:

Police have arrested two teenagers suspected in the shooting death of a baby in a stroller and the wounding of the baby's mother.

Brunswick Police Chief Tobe Green said Friday that 17-year-old De'Marquis Elkins is charged with first-degree murder as an adult.

See that.

Booked when apprehended.

First degree murder.

Things that didn't happen in GZ's case.

And if the Zimmerman jury is presiding the result might be -- the baby attacked two teens with a rattle...to save themselves they fired while screaming for their lives!!

Indeed, that's rather the point: The baby didn't post racist tweets and make racial epithets and then attack teens because he was "creeped out". The baby, unlike Trayvon Martin was:

truly an innocent child.

It says a lot when someone can't see that. For fun, I checked out Kent, WA on Wiki. What a surprise, mostly white and Asian.

10   Shaman   2013 Jul 22, 7:59am  

Unless he's truly mentally challenged, Roberto must be trying to say (with a horrible attempt at an analogy) that the cases aren't in any way related to each other.

He's wrong, though. Both involve a killer of one race and a victim of another. Since it has become agonizingly clear that the media, the POTUS, and the Democratic Party has their racial favorites, the disparity in coverage means something. Maybe it's less newsworthy because the evil deed of baby killing is so obvious there needs be no debate, whereas the TM vs. GZ case had some wiggle room.

What Roberto fails to realize is that his race is not a winner here, but has been clearly relegated to inferior status by the media. Anther dirty Latino kills an innocent black boy and gets away with it? Marches, demonstrations, death threats, and acts of hate towards Hispanics are now condoned.

11   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2013 Jul 22, 8:01am  

robertoaribas says

dodgerfanjohn says

No, theres countless acts that occur each year that are far worse than the Trayvon Martin death, committed by blacks against whites. You just never hear about it because its only published locally.

Or perhaps because the system works, and puts the black murders in jail or on death row.

The distinction escapes you, not unexpectedly...

This is an idiotic comment even for you. The GZ/TM case was an issue before there was even any verdict rendered...before the trial even started.

On top of which, the system did actually work correctly in the GZ case, leaving your comments as...?

12   edvard2   2013 Jul 22, 12:36pm  

I find this and several other posts like it to be childish, immature, and in very poor taste. Nuff' said.

13   Moderate Infidel   2013 Jul 22, 1:00pm  

edvard2 says

I find this and several other posts like it to be childish, immature, and in very poor taste. Nuff' said.

Fun to read though and comment ain't it.

14   Y   2013 Jul 22, 1:55pm  

Apparently you are not intelligent enough to copy a quote, let alone get it right.

robertoaribas says

"these goons always get away with it"

robertoaribas says

You are not intelligent enough to have an opinion on anything I say.

15   FortWayne   2013 Jul 23, 12:54am  

robertoaribas says

maybe because someone who wasn't even law enforcement, decided he must be no good, followed him, called the police, said,

BS Rob, you know he was on neighborhood watch in a dangerous neighborhood. Police aren't the only people who watch out for criminals, and you know that.

And what about this one? Where is Jesse and Al? Where are all the blacks screaming about injustice and murder? This guy killed 3 women... if black protester agitators are right in their mob mentality... why wait for the trial just go straight into public lynching... but you know they won't... because Jesse and Al don't stand to profit from it, nor does media.


16   Goran_K   2013 Jul 23, 1:01am  

All you need to do is watch video of the black reaction to OJs acquittal and then do the same for Zimmerman's acquittal.

17   Goran_K   2013 Jul 23, 1:21am  

Reactions to OJ acquittal:

Dave Chapelle's hilarious commentary about OJ reaction by black people (it's not racist because he's black):

Black reaction to Zimmerman acquittal:

18   FortWayne   2013 Jul 23, 1:25am  

Goran_K says

All you need to do is watch video of the black reaction to OJs acquittal and then do the same for Zimmerman's acquittal.

That tells the whole story.

19   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2013 Jul 23, 2:30am  


You actively omit facts and intentionally misstate what happened, then call me unintelligent?

Better check again why you teach 13th grade.

20   Goran_K   2013 Jul 23, 2:58am  

When it comes down to it, if "progressives" didn't have double standards, they would have no standards at all.

The fact that they can crucify Zimmerman, a bleeding heart liberal who voted for Obama, and challenged the Sanford Police department on it's treatment of black people in public, is sickening.

They even took the guys ethnicity away from him so they could create this witch hunt.

But guess what, Paula Deen is current on her taxes, and Al Liberal front man Sharpton owes $2.6 million in back taxes to the IRS. That's all that needs to be said about that.

22   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jul 23, 3:20am  

Obama did REAL good, you good Boy!

For the first time in 30 years or more, I am now hearing White people tell an off color joke, with out the rest of the Whites in the room, chiming in and chastising that person for his ignorant politically incorrect act.

And get THIS!!!!

More so with the Young, that have been raised not be racist.
The older Whites still refrain from such dialog.

And rightly so, as they are the ones with Jobs that they stand to lose.

Obama taught them that. Way to go chief, you ought to be proud.

23   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2013 Jul 23, 3:40am  

Did that idiot of a President actually say he was followed in a department store because he was black? Really? Really?

I've noticed at the Ralphs in DTLA on the corner of 9th/Flower that the security people follow anyone carrying a backpack and looking disheveled. Its because theres people who constantly steal booze. Is that racial profiling? What if every single person carrying a backpack was one ethnic background? What then?

Lemme give Obama a clue...no one was following him because he was black. I've seen pics of him in his younger years. They were following him around because he looked like a little turdburglar. No one says "ooooh theres a darkie, they gonna be trouble".

24   Bap33   2013 Jul 23, 3:47am  

robertoaribas says

no legal system can prevent all crimes before they happen.

nope .. but a well armed population will curb the crime done by those unwilling to face a victim that MIGHT be able to defend themselves or have someone near-by able to come to their aide. Vigilance can and does stop crime. Armed response can and does stop crime. And liberal justice that comes up with lax punishment, instead of swift execution, results in more crime, just look at Michael Madison.

25   Bap33   2013 Jul 23, 3:50am  

I may have been followed every time I ever went in a store as a young person. I may have. I have no idea if I was because I did not look around, I did not worry about it, I did not try to steal anything, and I never have ever been checked for a stolen item. And I am as much negro as Lord Barry, but no arab blood. Maybe it's the arab blood that people were worried about?

26   Goran_K   2013 Jul 23, 11:29am  

Speaking of double standards, can you guys guess which senator co-sponsored a similar "Stand your ground law" in Illinois?


Like I said.......
Goran_K says

When it comes down to it, if "progressives" didn't have double standards, they would have no standards at all.

27   marcus   2013 Jul 23, 11:36am  

FortWayne says

Obama and his lap dog media are being very selective here based on race. It's not right.

So what are your thoughts on this part of Obama's recent speech ?

But I did want to just talk a little bit about context and how people have responded to it and how people are feeling. You know, when Trayvon Martin was first shot, I said that this could have been my son. Another way of saying that is Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago. And when you think about why, in the African-American community at least, there’s a lot of pain around what happened here, I think it’s important to recognize that the African-American community is looking at this issue through a set of experiences and a history that — that doesn’t go away.

There are very few African-American men in this country who haven’t had the experience of being followed when they were shopping in a department store. That includes me.

And there are very few African-American men who haven’t had the experience of walking across the street and hearing the locks click on the doors of cars. That happens to me, at least before I was a senator. There are very few African-Americans who haven’t had the experience of getting on an elevator and a woman clutching her purse nervously and holding her breath until she had a chance to get off. That happens often.

And you know, I don’t want to exaggerate this, but those sets of experiences inform how the African-American community interprets what happened one night in Florida. And it’s inescapable for people to bring those experiences to bear.

The African-American community is also knowledgeable that there is a history of racial disparities in the application of our criminal laws, everything from the death penalty to enforcement of our drug laws. And that ends up having an impact in terms of how people interpret the case.

Would it be better for the media to ignore the outrage that poured out from the black community/media ? Should this have been ignored ? Perhaps we should have a totalitarian system where one person or a small number of people get to decide whether the media covers the pain and outrage that existed in some corners over this type of thing.

IT's not right ?

You want to make the history go away too I suppose.

I say it is right, and that race isn't even the issue. The issue is that it shouldn't be so easy to get away with murder.

28   marcus   2013 Jul 23, 11:45am  

Quigley says

Marches, demonstrations, death threats, and acts of hate towards Hispanics are now condoned.


Wait who's the idiot ?

You think anyone is protesting or condoning acts of hate for hispanics (beyond Zimmerman or his family) ?

Pleasse share some links to stories about acts of hate against Hispanics that are even loosely connected to the Zimmerman verdict. (not including threats to Zimmerman or his family).

29   Shaman   2013 Jul 23, 11:58am  

The racial profiling that Obama lamented in his speech is sadly justified. Black culture is a disgrace, producing unwed mothers, gangsters, pimps, players, and whores who then produce the next generation of traumatized children. These kids grow up with that same culture that produced their parents and learn that to survive, one must be strong, ruthless, and look out for their own individual interests over all.

Profiling such people is necessary, and you can't shame the public into stopping a behavior that gives such an advantage for survival.

The best armor a black person can wear in the face of this pervasive and destructive culture is a business suit or other nice clothing that clearly show the wearer is divorced from hip hop culture and the danger its adherents present to society at large.

Until black culture can be resurrected from within to value citizenship, basic morality, and family values, being a member of that race will have a very clear downside.

30   marcus   2013 Jul 23, 12:00pm  

FortWayne says

Blacks and Obama double standard

And the biggest racist moron on patnet award goes tooooo (drumroll)....

31   marcus   2013 Jul 23, 12:07pm  

MAybe this horific event happened because of a sick black kid, who got even sicker over the Zimmerman verdict.

Not to say I think it's anything less than extremely evil and off the charts sick, maybe his thinking was along the lines of, "hey, if everyone is going to assume that I'm an evil, disposable, dirtbag, then I'll act like one."

32   foxmannumber1   2013 Jul 23, 12:09pm  

Nothing wrong with being racist.

It keeps people safe.

33   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2013 Jul 23, 12:26pm  

marcus says

MAybe this horific event happened because of a sick black kid, who got even sicker over the Zimmerman verdict.

Not to say I think it's anything less than extremely evil and off the charts sick, maybe his thinking was along the lines of, "hey, if everyone is going to assume that I'm an evil, disposable, dirtbag, then I'll act like one."

Nah, it happened because TM's parents are shitty parents who failed to monitor their childs attire and actions.

His parents were too stupid, selfish, whatever to slap TM upside the head when he tried to be invisible by wearing a hoodie like that or whatever stupid shit he was doing, and failed to instruct him not to be a dumbass and sneak up on peoples houses.

Oh yeah, and to run away if someones being creepy nearby.

Oh and to call the cops instead of his weeble shaped friend. That too.

34   Homeboy   2013 Jul 23, 1:33pm  

dodgerfanjohn says

Nah, it happened because TM's parents are shitty parents who failed to monitor their childs attire and actions.

His parents were too stupid, selfish, whatever to slap TM upside the head when he tried to be invisible by wearing a hoodie like that or whatever stupid shit he was doing, and failed to instruct him not to be a dumbass and sneak up on peoples houses.

Oh yeah, and to run away if someones being creepy nearby.

Oh and to call the cops instead of his weeble shaped friend. That too.

You sicken me.

35   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2013 Jul 23, 1:41pm  

robertoaribas says

dodgerfanjohn says

Nah, it happened because TM's parents are shitty parents who failed to monitor their childs attire and actions.

wow you really are even more of a stupid asshole than I though!!!

maybe you are a stupid asshole, because your parents didn't monitor your actions and let you grow up to be a completely moronic stupid asshole?

Outstanding argument from the 13th grade teacher!

Lets look at the evidence that you are what you despise, Roberto:

"Completely useless. Probably think Calculus is an emperor. If you have no other option in registering for his class, hire a tutor."

"Dropped the class within the first couple weeks because I realized I was paying him to do absolutely nothing. He doesn't teach at all, tells you to look up everything online, and is very unhelpful. I honestly don't understand how he still has a job. SCC needs to find a new teacher ASAP."

"If you want to teach yourself calculus this is a perfect class for you. Barely teaches you anything."

"Ribas is a nice but terrible math teacher. I took the in-person class but it might as well have been online. In class you watch video lessons and he sits in the front doing nothing. If you ask for help he is rarely useful. Most of the time he tells you that you aren't on the right track and walks away. I got an A only because I worked my butt off."


36   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2013 Jul 23, 1:41pm  

Homeboy says

dodgerfanjohn says

Nah, it happened because TM's parents are shitty parents who failed to monitor their childs attire and actions.

His parents were too stupid, selfish, whatever to slap TM upside the head when he tried to be invisible by wearing a hoodie like that or whatever stupid shit he was doing, and failed to instruct him not to be a dumbass and sneak up on peoples houses.

Oh yeah, and to run away if someones being creepy nearby.

Oh and to call the cops instead of his weeble shaped friend. That too.

You sicken me.

OK. I'm def not for everyone.

38   Homeboy   2013 Jul 23, 2:35pm  

dodgerfanjohn says

OK. I'm def not for everyone.

That person died. It's not funny.

39   Bap33   2013 Jul 24, 7:10am  

marcus says

Not to say I think it's anything less than extremely evil and off the charts
sick, maybe his thinking was along the lines of, "hey, if everyone is going to
assume that I'm an evil, disposable, dirtbag, then I'll act like one."

someone tell marcus that I do understand and agree with this point he makes. Growing up negro is not easy. But, these days, it is not easy because of how other negros in the recent past and present have been acting. It is not non-negros causing their issue.

40   FortWayne   2013 Jul 24, 7:21am  

marcus says

Would it be better for the media to ignore the outrage that poured out from the black community/media ?

It's all pretend stuff by few blacks who cry victim all day long and take every opportunity to riot so they can rob local liquer stores. Al and Jesse make a good living out of doing that. They did this during Rodney King trials, they also did it every year when Lakers won championships.

And Obama double standard, he pretends that rioting blacks are all innocent little lambs who have been hurt by society, but he ignores "a set of experiences" of non blacks or black business owners whose businesses and lives have been destroyed and turned upside down by these same rioting blacks he refers to.

Biggest racists and scourge in this country are ghetto blacks, because their thinking revolves around hating white people or well-off blacks, and taking opportunities to knocking over liqueur stores during riots. They don't better their life through work, they live on welfare and better their life by robbing everyone around them.

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