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2013 Jul 30, 7:41am   12,196 views  52 comments

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4   Shaman   2013 Jul 30, 3:57pm  

I only know one African guy, Uganda is his native country. He's pretty smart, a chemist, runs marathons just to stay in shape, and is a better line dancer than anyone I've ever seen (white cowboy hat btw)! He also seems to attract hot women. The guy's got it made here in America. He's also super nice, with a great sense of humor.
I also knew a Kenyan in college. He was smart, athletic, and friendly. A good guy to know!
So I'll second MMR on that. Might be anecdotal, but that's my experience.

5   thomaswong.1986   2013 Jul 30, 4:57pm  

MMR says

.Hell, most Africans in America never even heard of Jim Crow and probably wouldn't know what it was if it wasn't for this guy.

Most may know some form of discrimination, but most also know about winning and not making excuses. That's why most of the Africans I know(over 200) are killing it in America.

Killing it in the classroom, on the basketball court and on the football field. Especially Nigerians

I agree very much with this. I have known many from African and they just steam full ahead to pursue in succeeding with their dream, career, job, family and more. West is more of anchor of many who want to uproot themselves out of poverty..

But many like West have to keep the Black man down.

6   marcus   2013 Jul 30, 6:15pm  

MMR says

Real Africans in America for the most part(for any part really) aren't complaining about Jim Crow

So ?

What does that have to do with what I guess must be the fake Africans that are descended from American slaves and whose parents or grandparents couldn't even go in the same stores, restaurants and hotels, or use the same drinkng fountains or restrooms until just a few decades ago ?

I guess all of American black culture needs to just snap out of it and get a good job and quit whining right ?

There may even be something to that. But it's far easier said than done.

7   thomaswong.1986   2013 Jul 30, 6:32pm  

marcus says

I guess all of American black culture needs to just snap out of it and get a good job and quit whining right ?

well yes.. its the American way not to go whining... dont like where your at..
move out and move up. Shit some even moved west to start a new dream.


8   thomaswong.1986   2013 Jul 30, 6:39pm  

marcus says

There may even be something to that. But it's far easier said than done.

No it wasnt easy.. but they did it anyway. Its certainly is much easier today.

9   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jul 30, 10:58pm  

I thought the dude from Soul train blew his brains out?

10   finehoe   2013 Jul 31, 12:04am  

MMR says

so what makes Africans different from Black Americans?

Well, for one thing, they are self-selected high achievers and that's why they are here. The dull, less-ambitious ones stay in the old country.

11   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2013 Jul 31, 12:30am  

The Professor says

dodgerfanjohn says

Cornel West is a racist who no one listens to.

Of course I'm a sexist; I am a man!

The video I watched had a (black) man ranting against the injustice of the Obama government, against the injustice of the American government. He did not only rave about how the white man is keeping his people down he raged against drone strikes and the evil banks.

I did not see a racist. I saw a man that could eloquently talk of the situation in America today.

He is condemning Sharpton for not pushing the cause of African Americans enough. Cornel West is an unashamed racist.

12   Goran_K   2013 Jul 31, 12:36am  

I'm tired of all Trayvon Martin discussion.

By now the race hustlers have managed to twist and turn this entire incident into some disgusting race polarizing, ratings event for the big networks. The CNN townhall discussion was a joke. It only served to flame more racial divide, but hey, whatever sells more party city and Remax ads, right?

13   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jul 31, 12:49am  

The Professor says

I did not see a racist. I saw a man that could eloquently talk of the situation in America today.

Eloquent? He's Al Sharpton with a thesaurus.
I always thought he would have made an interesting panelist as a Jazz musician. As for political pundits goes, he'll say what ever he thinks Bill Maher wants to hear. He just has a beatnik hip way of saying those things.

14   MMR   2013 Jul 31, 12:51am  

Yes, especially with obstructionists like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Cornel West

marcus says

There may even be something to that. But it's far easier said than done.

15   HydroCabron   2013 Jul 31, 12:54am  

Goran_K says

I'm tired of all Trayvon Martin discussion.

Does this mean you'll be ramping down your posting rate on each Zimmerman/Martin thread? Are you considering a cap at, say, 2 posts per thread per day, or maybe 50 posts per thread?

16   MMR   2013 Jul 31, 12:55am  

What was their standard of living? My dad, from India, didn't have running water and electricity for part of his youth, yet they were the 'dominant' ones who could get an education and emigrate 40+ years ago.

Dull people get left behind in every society. Jesse Jackson, Al sharpton and other race-baiters win when black americans are kept dull. Now this Black Bitch Cornel West is chiming in. Cornel West, in other words, is a female dog who happens to be Black.

finehoe says

Well, for one thing, they are self-selected high achievers and that's why they are here. The dull, less-ambitious ones stay in the old country.

17   MMR   2013 Jul 31, 1:01am  

Most of the Nigerians who come to this country don't come with millions like the Chinese buying houses in the Bay Area, but they do work very hard, more often than not.

The reason why there is tension between blacks and african americans, is because the "privileged" coming from war torn corrupt countries take away every excuse black people in this country have for being upwardly mobile and most white people simply can't tell the difference between a black and an african until the african opens their mouth.

Most Nigerians I know are on financial aid, significantly different than most international students from China.


18   MMR   2013 Jul 31, 1:03am  

Oh, and a lot of Jamaicans and Haitians get their hustle on as well, presumably because they are so privileged in their home country.

Question: if life is so good for the privileged in the home country, why do they want to emigrate to the US.

19   finehoe   2013 Jul 31, 1:18am  

MMR says

if life is so good for the privileged in the home country, why do they want to emigrate to the US.

You've completely missed the point. Nobody said a word about privilege. Perhaps Africans in America may seem like superstars compared to black Americans is because the whole reason they (the Africans) are here is because they are smart and ambitious, which is why they have left their native countries to seek out more opportunities. Their status at home is irrelevant. If the average, everyday African who is satisfied with his lot and stays in his country is compared to the average, everyday black American, there might not be much difference.

20   marco   2013 Jul 31, 1:26am  

Judging from the frightened and absolutely racist comments here, I'd say Mr. West hit the nail right on the head.

Obama is owned by his contributors: White criminal Banksters, white criminal Wall Street oligarchs, and the white criminal Military Industrial Complex.

A supine President and a supine Attorney General, just lying down while all these contributor thugs hijack American society. Change You Can Believe In. Yes We Can.

21   marco   2013 Jul 31, 1:36am  

I graduated from Knox College, and majored in American History. I was sickened to see Obama invited there.For him to be even within ten miles of the site of the Lincoln-Douglas debates is nauseating.

Ten years from today, the Presidency of this corporate doormat will make George Bush look like Abraham Lincoln in comparison.

22   Shaman   2013 Jul 31, 1:53am  

marco says

I graduated from Knox College, and majored in American History. I was sickened to see Obama invited there.For him to be even within ten miles of the site of the Lincoln-Douglas debates is nauseating.

Ten years from today, the Presidency of this corporate doormat will make George Bush look like Abraham Lincoln in comparison.

He did free the Iraqis, right? Tried to free the afghans but they couldn't make up their minds whether they wanted to be ruled by corporate interests or fundamentalists of Islam.

23   finehoe   2013 Jul 31, 2:22am  

Quigley says

He did free the Iraqis, right?

No. Merely substituted one type of hell for another.

24   Goran_K   2013 Jul 31, 3:24am  

HydroCabron says

Does this mean you'll be ramping down your posting rate on each Zimmerman/Martin thread?

Only if you ramp down your outright stalking of me in each and every thread. Who are you again?

25   MMR   2013 Jul 31, 8:33am  

The point is Cornel West is a whiny little bitch......Africans take away all his excuses and make Blacks look bad in the process....this is one of the big reasons why Blacks and Africans in America often do not get along

finehoe says

You've completely missed the point

26   MMR   2013 Jul 31, 8:40am  

My point is the 'smart and ambitious' Africans often don't have a lot of money when they get here, not unlike their Black counterparts. Compare that with the Chinese who buy houses in the Bay Area for cash as an investment for their kids who are students at Universities in California.

Also, I will add, in many instances, educated Africans do not want their kids mixing with Blacks who are force-fed this 'learned helplessness' crap that you support and rationalize.

finehoe says

he Africans) are here is because they are smart and ambitious,

27   finehoe   2013 Jul 31, 12:16pm  

MMR says

that you support and rationalize.

I'm not supporting or rationalizing anything, you stupid wog. I'm just postulating a possible answer to why Africans
MMR says

steam full ahead to pursue in succeeding with their dream, career, job, family and more

28   rooemoore   2013 Jul 31, 12:29pm  

dodgerfanjohn says

Cornel West is a racist

Takes one to know one?

29   thomaswong.1986   2013 Jul 31, 1:25pm  

rooemoore says

Takes one to know one?

Alveda King: MLK’s niece says stop the ‘race-baiting’


Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s niece expressed her dissatisfaction on Monday with the NAACP, saying it’s “race baiting” by calling for a federal civil rights investigation into George Zimmerman.

“It is not helpful to race-bait,” Dr. Alveda King said on “The Steve Malzberg Show” on Newsmax TV

“[The] NAACP and all of the organizations … We need to wonder why they’re doing that, what kind of checks and money they’re getting behind the scenes to stir us up into racial anarchy.

“We should be speaking nonviolence, justice, peace and love as Trayvon’s parents are doing, by the way. So we need to ask why they’re race baiting, because they are.”

30   MMR   2013 Jul 31, 2:15pm  

Wog....really?....keep whining about people who are winning in life.....I will call you something that is less specific that applies to you....scrub.....btw what do you do for a living.....probably a professional loser.......faux-liberal idiot from DC no less

finehoe says

MMR says

that you support and rationalize.

I'm not supporting or rationalizing anything, you stupid wog. I'm just postulating a possible answer to why Africans

MMR says

steam full ahead to pursue in succeeding with their dream, career, job, family and more

31   MMR   2013 Jul 31, 2:24pm  

Listen you little white bitch....Since wog is a British term, let's make it clear: The NHS in Britain would be non-existent if it weren't for 'wogs' like me.....filthy dirtbag.

If others don't agree with me about who you wish was number one in America, I got news for you loser......it certainly isn't you....finehoe....you certainly are a hoe....although not necessarily a fine one......

I find it hard to believe that you'd be Ivy league material....Any MD from a foreign country could easily hold their own at Harvard, if white pricks that you're not even good enough to associate with didn't discriminate in the first place.


32   MMR   2013 Jul 31, 2:39pm  

If Harvard didn't discriminate......the percentage of Asians and Indians would mirror the UC schools such as Berkeley, UCLA, Irvine and San Diego. Food for thought you beneficiary of skin color....loser that you are Finehoe.

33   MMR   2013 Jul 31, 2:44pm  

Regarding people who make comments about 'chindians': ...fuck you too.....work harder.

34   Y   2013 Jul 31, 3:35pm  

Can I get the hi-res version of your avatar??

rooemoore says

dodgerfanjohn says

Cornel West is a racist

Takes one to know one?

35   HEY YOU   2013 Jul 31, 4:26pm  

A true racist has these memorized.


36   finehoe   2013 Jul 31, 11:27pm  

MMR says

Food for thought you beneficiary of skin color

LOL, guess I struck a nerve with you, silly bitch. Funny all the assumptions you make about me when in reality you don't know the first thing about me.

Certain countries are shitholes for a reason....

37   MMR   2013 Aug 1, 1:37am  

I know you're an idiot. Once again, minorities such as Asians, Indians and West Africans are winning and nothing your faux-liberal white ass can do about it other than make excuses for why Blacks can't improve their lot in life.

Those excuses are effectively, implicit support for the likes of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Cornel West. For the most part, Blacks on the dole and self-hating white faux-liberals make such excuses in the United States.

Democratic leaning minorities from other shithole countries still don't like all those excuses that white boys like you make for the less advantaged in this country.

Odds are you're a white boy and if you were lucky enough to go to an Ivy League school, you probably pushed out a more qualified Asian or Indian to get that seat based on your race.

finehoe says

eality you don't know the first thing about me.

38   Goran_K   2013 Aug 1, 2:05am  

This guy is at least easy to understand.

Have you tried to listen to Al Sharpton give an interview? His interview with Zimmerman's lawyer is an all-time classic. Al Sharpton sounds like someone who just learned English within the past 3 years, and is thinking way too hard about the words before he says them.

39   MMR   2013 Aug 1, 2:13am  

Finehoe....aka Big Pussy....what did you study in your 'Ivy League' education?

Let's assume that you're actually intelligent or driven enough to accomplish that(Get into an Ivy League school)? What would someone like you actually manage to study?

Wogs like us often get into medical school and stuff like that. What do you do in DC, work for a lobbyist, because you're parents were connected? Or some garbage think tank? Poli Sci major maybe? Or just about any other government sector job that requires no brains. I can't imagine that you're a scientist, one of the few respectable jobs available in the government sector.

Maybe you're a lawyer?.......Doctor>>>>>>>Lawyer FYI

Newsflash: if any of that is true or on the right track, as of today, you're not good enough to lick a wogs ass.

The wogs are coming for you and your job. That's the real apocalypse that certain people on this site allude to.

40   finehoe   2013 Aug 1, 2:47am  

LOL. Simmer down, girl!

41   dublin hillz   2013 Aug 1, 4:13am  

MMR says

Regarding people who make comments about 'chindians': ...fuck you too.....work harder.

I think that they key to asian academic and eventual career success is that the children and teenagers believe that studying hard is their job. And you find this even in families without "tiger parenting." If white and oftentimes jewish parents try to inculcate this belief in their offspring they are likely to encounter significant resistance and deviant behavior such as drug use, sexual promiscuity or more passive aggressive rebellion such as being on the wireless phone all day and tuning out parents. I would be curious to learn how asian families are able to transmit the cultural values conducive to studing without alienating their children. I imagine that confucian values may be helpful in this regard but I am not sure if that's the whole story.

42   curious2   2013 Aug 1, 4:43am  

MMR says

What do you [finehoe] do in DC, work for a lobbyist....

That was my guess too. Obamacare has pumped $1bn+ of lobbying $ into DC and it's easy $ for shills who are connected and have a credential that might seem superficially persuasive, e.g. an Ivy B.A. that means you played lax with the right people for 4 years and made the right connections. The whole strategy of that legislation is to elevate teamwork above logic, and the faux compassion melts away in the heat of the exchange below:

finehoe says

silly bitch.... wog

finehoe says

Certain countries are shitholes for a reason....

Thanks finehoe for those racist & sexist comments showing your true nature, it makes me feel better about disagreeing with you. W referred to "the soft bigotry of low expectations;" Obamacare sells people down a river of chemical enslavement to PhRMA and AHA executives.

dublin hillz says

I think that they key to asian academic and eventual career success is that the children and teenagers believe that studying hard is their job. And you find this even in families without "tiger parenting." If white and oftentimes jewish parents try to inculcate this belief in their offspring...

...their mileage will vary depending on when they start. Until the age of 7 or 8, children tend to believe what their parents tell them. After 8, they start increasingly making their own judgments. If you want a child to believe a crazy religion, you need to start young. It's the same with practical and logical beliefs like 'we're going to help you as a child and you're going to learn everything you can so you can support us when we're old, or because there are outsiders who have been persecuting our tribe for thousands of years." You have to build trust when you can. In Asian countries that lack "Social Security" and Medicaid, parents' futures depend on their children and they invest time right from the start in building up sturdy kids. Likewise Hebrew schools require young children to learn a difficult foreign language and warn them about a long history of terrible persecution so they have to be smart and strong to survive. In contrast, American TV commercial culture induces profitable dependence on PhRMA pills and prescribers, and pseudo-deities like Justin Bieber, and the parents are warned endlessly that their children are as fragile as porcelain dolls. Witness the panic that occurs if children see anything bad. The best "tiger mom" comment I've read was from an Asian mom who wrote about pushing her daughter to learn piano: in her family they know children are as hardy as weeds, and if her daughter started to get fat the mom would tease her to make her exercise more or eat less; American moms assume their children are terribly fragile and weak, and that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

43   finehoe   2013 Aug 1, 5:11am  

curious2 says

Obamacare has pumped $1bn+ of lobbying $ into DC

curious2 says

Obamacare sells people down a river

What the hell does Obamacare have to do with Cornel West?

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