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2005 Apr 11, 5:00pm   173,381 views  117,730 comments

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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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36421   Shaman   2013 Aug 21, 2:56am  

Btw, I understand that realtors who wish to lure Chinese cash buyers to their listed property try to make the price end with an "8." Like $508,888 or $698,000.
I guess 8 is the number for wealth there or something.

36422   Tenpoundbass   2013 Aug 21, 3:52am  

It's always a terd taste contest with you guys.

36423   NDrLoR   2013 Aug 21, 4:12am  

bgamall4 says

The neocons in the Republican Party planned 9/11/2001 and they planned the resulting wars.

Only nuts believe this, but it's a pretty good commentary on the left today.

36424   freak80   2013 Aug 21, 4:37am  

Dan8267 says

The moral of the story is that natural resources must be wisely managed and a society must avoid depleting resources faster than it can renew them whether
through overpopulation or unrestrained consumerism.

What about driving an expensive sports car? ;-)

36425   Tenpoundbass   2013 Aug 21, 5:15am  

As much as I love a conspiracy there's just no way we bombed the world trade center. Why fly a plane into, why now just push the button at 10am on 9/11/01 and marvel at the implosion, while they blame Osama Bin Laden for it?

It make no sense to fly two planes into them. If the managed to set bombs off in the WTC in the 90's then it would have been highly plausible that people would have bought it, if the official word was terrorist rigged another bomb and were successful this time.

Flying two planes serves no purpose at all. Unless G. W. Bush was diabolical genius capable of knowing exactly how everything after 911 would play out to the tee.

I don't see anyone in our government that smart.

Everything has happened post 911 is just the same greedy scum bags being opportunists as the same motherfuckers, that are giving us the same fucked up health system in America. When most Americans believed we were getting a healthcare overhaul.

36426   anonymous   2013 Aug 21, 5:28am  

Call it Crazy says

That's definitely a sign of organic growth of the recovery!! Hmmm, make sure someone dies so you can buy a house.... Nice!!

I didn't say that its a sign of organic growth. You missed the point.

36427   Tenpoundbass   2013 Aug 21, 5:42am  

bgamall4 says

We have proved 9/11 here on these forums.

You didn't prove 9/11 you speculated.

36428   Dan8267   2013 Aug 21, 6:17am  

freak80 says

What about driving an expensive sports car? ;-)

I wanted a safe convertible, so I took the intersection of the set of all convertibles and the set of all safe cars and it was a singleton.

What's the point of living in Florida if you don't drive a convertible? The friendly police? The excellent public school system? The state's mastery of federal elections?

36429   Tenpoundbass   2013 Aug 21, 6:57am  

You're only proving my point, about how our government never lets a good crisis go to waste.

We're fucked at this point, anything that needs fixing, we end up with a worse process. Because now in a post 911 America, we take already fucked up situations, and make them more fucked up with cronyism and bad defensive journalism, with a hint of Orwellian regulation. Get used to the Cure for all of America's problems being solved by corporations monetizing the situation.

36430   ttsmyf   2013 Aug 21, 7:06am  

Recent Dow day is Wednesday, August 21, 2013

36431   socal2   2013 Aug 21, 8:21am  

bgamall4 says

I hope this doesn't shatter your faith in your Republican government


Gawd dude - linking to Iran's state run news site as if that gives you any credibility?

The nutters running Iran also believe the Holocaust was a myth and the Jews control everything.

Do you believe that conspiracy too?

36432   Shaman   2013 Aug 21, 9:00am  

If Dr. Phil loses his female audience, he loses his show. He was stupid to even bring up the issue, and stupider to question the feminist agenda! His show is just vaginavision. Most of that crap is, these days. I cut the cord two months ago and honestly I'm much happier.

36433   Y   2013 Aug 21, 9:05am  

Sounds like Dr. Phil isn't the only one who lost his balls.

36434   Y   2013 Aug 21, 9:06am  

they are just prepping for 2014 version of obamacare...

36435   FortWayne   2013 Aug 21, 9:37am  

Dan8267 says

I'd post a funny YouTube video demonstrating said campaign, but YouTube has banned me for watching too many cat videos. Die YouTube Die!

It's the youtube version of rehab. They make you go cold turkey on the cat videos.

36436   HydroCabron   2013 Aug 21, 9:39am  

Benghazi is way, way worse than 9-11.

After 9-11, thousands of federal bureaucrats were fired and cabinet-level Bush Administration officials were dismissed; Bush honored his pledge to restore honor and dignity to the White House.

The Travel Office firings, the Lincoln Bedroom, and now Benghazi: When will the liberal media wake up to these outrageous scandals?

36437   mell   2013 Aug 21, 9:44am  

Quigley says



36438   HEY YOU   2013 Aug 21, 10:48am  

M-F, FF,& AF only apply to little boys.

36439   HydroCabron   2013 Aug 21, 10:50am  

Has anyone in the United States had vaginal sex this decade?

36440   Y   2013 Aug 21, 11:33am  

Oh? When did you immigrate from Saudi Arabia??

bgamall4 says

CaptainShuddup says

You didn't prove 9/11 you speculated.

No, if you put all the evidence together it is a certainty that our government was involved.

36441   AverageBear   2013 Aug 21, 11:51am  

A-Fuck, what's wrong? Why so blue? Keeping waxing eloquent about Walmart. I'll keep buying more shares of this fine dividend growth company. I'll stop buying and sell when they stop raising the dividend. What will I do w/ the proceeds? Why i'll pour them into the other 15-20 dividend growth companies.

I sure as shit don't do all my shopping at Walmart, don't eat at McDonalds, don't smoke Marlboros, and don't swill Coke driving down the road in a big scary truck. But guess what? Millions of people do around the globe. And that's why I invest in WMT, MCD, KO, PM (or MO), and CVX, among others.

Boo fuckin' hoo. Nobody can change my watch battery, some stores aren't perfectly clean, and (horror of horrors), there are TONS of people like me trying to save money, and i have to (GASP!) wait in line....

That alone should tell you that if so many people are willing to tolerate these supposed atrocities, it tells me that Walmart is doing fine. Moths to the Flame, I tells ya.......Buy on the dips, and never sell until they stop increasing the divvies. Like shooting fish in a barrel....

You think only poor people shop at Walmart? Wait till obamacare kicks in, turning millions of full-time workers into part-time slaves. And the only way these freshly minted slaves will make ends meet is by shopping at walmart. (BTW, Soilent Green will be located in isle 5, made up of the old folks that (ahem) didn't convince the death panels)...

Smellz ya later!

36442   rdm   2013 Aug 21, 12:04pm  

bgamall4 says

My natural father was Jewish and I was adopted at three months.

And I am circumcised, that gives me about the same level of credibility as you have to spout conspiracy theories about "the Jews", that is zero, which is apparently close to your IQ.

36443   Blurtman   2013 Aug 21, 12:46pm  

Zombies need to shop somewhere.

36444   denise   2013 Aug 21, 1:30pm  

Mark D says

names are thrown around here all the time by not only men but also women, in even in this thread. a fact you conveniently ignored. i didn't see you come in here earlier and give Patrick the "helpful" feedback you are trying to give him now? what's the difference this time? because this time the victim is a woman?

don't you find that is sexist of you? your action has shown what a men-hater you really are. and don't act like you are concerned about Patrick's readership. you are here to defend your fellow men haters. talk about pathetic, you should look the mirror as well.

That's pretty convoluted. In fact I do find the whole atmosphere around here to be pretty disgusting, and I have said so.

I don't hate men. I think most people who hate the opposite sex have probably had some very bad experiences and probably they contributed to that with lack of judgment in who they've gotten involved with, poor relationship skills, lack of insight into themselves and/or a paranoid worldview that seeks easy scapegoats.

I have not had such experiences. Selfish people, mean people, users, liars, con artists - they're not hard to recognize. I don't let people into my life if I don't think they're good people with good intentions, and I don't use or abuse people myself.

I'm not concerned about Patrick's readership. I am curious, though, about why he makes no effort to raise the tone of discussion. Presumably he would like to expand his readership. Presumably he would like to be proud of his site. But maybe not. Maybe he's an asshole too.

36445   marcus   2013 Aug 21, 1:53pm  

denise says

I am curious, though, about why he makes no effort to raise the tone of discussion.

Btw, one other point. Some people like friendly debate. But when done in writing with personal friends, because of that issue about how hard it is to see tone in writing, you risk hurting a friends feelings if you argue with them in emails or online.

But arguing with people you don't know in a forum like this eliminates this problem. Sort of. Many of us still have the ability to avoid dysfunction or extreme rudeness most of the time in this forum, and understand that even here, respect has value. There are several people around here that I respect a lot.

Speaking for myself, I'm pretty respectful with most, but I'll admit, I let my inner asshole come out some times with certain personalities around here. Funny thing is, that a couple of those that I'm most blunt with, that I profoundly disagree with on politics, I sort of think of as brothers anyways. It's kinda weird.

36446   deepcgi   2013 Aug 21, 3:09pm  

Just because people are digging deep to find large cash reserves to buy real estate right now doesn't mean it is a wise investment, remotely sustainable, or irreversible.

The money is based on nothing but hope and fear. Both can disappear instantly.

36447   finehoe   2013 Aug 21, 9:50pm  

HydroCabron says

Has anyone in the United States had vaginal sex this decade?


36448   AverageBear   2013 Aug 21, 10:03pm  

bgamall4 says

The neocons in the Republican Party planned 9/11/2001 and they planned the resulting wars.

How can you explain the first attempted WTC bombing back in '93 when Clinton was prez? Did the 'neocons' plan this too?

I don't blame Clinton for the '93 attempt, and can't blame Bush for 9/11 either.

36449   Y   2013 Aug 21, 10:06pm  

if your certain your government was involved, you must be saudi..

bgamall4 says

SoftShell says

Oh? When did you immigrate from Saudi Arabia??

What is your point?

36450   AverageBear   2013 Aug 21, 10:07pm  

bgamall4 says

The neocons in the Republican Party planned 9/11/2001 and they planned the resulting wars.

.....With 98 senators approving the war, IIRC. That includes senators Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, etal.

36451   marco   2013 Aug 21, 10:18pm  

Not in the Bay area they haven't ... all the cheerleaders here for SF Bay area real estate sure look cute in their pleated skirts ... and soon they'll be able to conduct all their romantic activities in a "glow" that will illuminate them forever....

"3 scientists from the GEOMAR Research Center for Marine Geosciences showed that radiation on the West Coast of North America could end up being 10 times higher than in Japan..."

36452   Y   2013 Aug 21, 10:25pm  

You go two of those? I bet you're double jointed as well..

marcus says

but I'll admit, I let my inner asshole come out some times

36453   lostand confused   2013 Aug 21, 11:03pm  

denise says

Maybe he's an asshole too

denise says

I am curious, though, about why he makes no effort to raise the tone of

?? You talking about the tone !!!

36454   zzyzzx   2013 Aug 21, 11:50pm  

Repost! Original thread is here:

36455   zzyzzx   2013 Aug 21, 11:53pm  

It's unlike them to give figures like that. At least when I worked there these type if things tended to not publicized. That and they tended to do more frequent layoffs in smaller groups.

36456   Blurtman   2013 Aug 22, 12:20am  

Kill the bankers.

36457   deepcgi   2013 Aug 22, 1:11am  

A Britain and Canadian crash dead ahead.

36458   HEY YOU   2013 Aug 22, 1:34am  

Lies! All lies!
Trickle down voodoo economics through 11? tax increases
has saved the economy.

36459   Vicente   2013 Aug 22, 1:38am  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Shostakovich says

One man said he was told that he should get his watch battery changed at a pawnshop since no one there knew how to do it.

Changing a watch battery? How quaint!

I hope he picked up a buggy whip, there's one free in every pack of tube socks.

FWIW it's been years since I've seen a STAFFED jewelry counter that could change watch batteries in Target stores either.

36460   mell   2013 Aug 22, 1:40am  

Tax increases are the best thing ever happened. We can give the money to bankers, realtors and deadbeats! Bullish ;)

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