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2005 Apr 11, 5:00pm   172,944 views  117,730 comments

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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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36651   FortWayne   2013 Aug 26, 4:53am  

freak80 says


If you think this is a conspiracy theory than you are not paying attention. Why would our government spend billions and suffer PR disasters over this? What is their motivation? They sure as hell don't give a damn about a few dead muslims... but personal gain they do care about, hence this war is about profit (oil).

36652   Blurtman   2013 Aug 26, 5:53am  

Research CIA operatives on staff at CNN. Quite troubling. And that sell-out Richard Engle was stating hearsay from an opposition leader as fact as to why Assad would do this. That guy used to have credibility. If you are correspondent in a war zone and you cross the USA, you get taken out.

36653   freak80   2013 Aug 26, 6:23am  

bgamall4 says

The conspiracy is to take out every government in opposition to Israel in the middle east. That includes Syria and Iran.

How do you know this?

36654   freak80   2013 Aug 26, 6:53am  

rcgroups.com is an RC boat/plane/car enthusiast website. You're getting your "news" from there??

36655   ttsmyf   2013 Aug 26, 6:55am  

Recent Dow day is Monday, August 26, 2013 __ Level is 95.5

36656   HydroCabron   2013 Aug 26, 7:06am  

freak80 says

rcgroups.com is an RC boat/plane/car enthusiast website. You're getting your "news" from there??

You have to run silent, run deep to stay under the radar of the false-flag neocon Rothchilds's. The RC site is a front for transmitting truth without attracting suspicion.

36657   anonymous   2013 Aug 26, 7:44am  

Which specific market are you referring to?

Or does your prediction assume that real estate will behave the same way, everywhere?

36658   socal2   2013 Aug 26, 7:52am  

Ahh - bgamall is deleting posts he can't confront again.

For a guy that goes around blaming everyone as a war criminal or dupe to the "big conspiracy" - he certainly had thin skin and can't take the heat.

Seriously dude - you give Patrick.net a bad name with all of your crazy infowars rubbish. Can't believe Patrick allows you to post this crazy shit day in and day out.

36659   anonymous   2013 Aug 26, 7:56am  

Oh I got it

Why fart and waste it
When you can burp and taste it

36660   wss1685   2013 Aug 26, 8:35am  

I live in Los Angeles and am speaking for the southern cal region. I agree with you on most points, but disagree with you on the fact that housing is going to continue to rise over the next year or two. Once sales slow and the bidding war cools down, sellers will have to drop selling prices to obtain sales. There will be no more bloating of price beyond market value. Rather than an increase in prices, I believe that pricing is going to be stagnant in the next year and maybe even decrease ever so slightly. Demand will still be there, but not nearly as insane as right now. Market is too speculative right now. Once word gets out that market is cooling and bad time to buy, which I believe the Bears are doing a good job of, buyers will back off and think twice.

36661   David9   2013 Aug 26, 8:37am  

egads101 says

Buy during this lull if you have not already

Please, let me get this straight. I'm to purchase Real Estate, in California, according to the advice of a 3 year old male, dancing panda, who calls himself the 'Housing Oracle'? on the Pat.net?

Actually, thank you very much for the wisdom on that.

egads101 says

The beast that buy can eat more,

Here the dancing, 3 year old male, Housing Oracle Panda suggests I should compete with invisible cash rich investors?

Got it. Thanks.

36662   AverageBear   2013 Aug 26, 9:13am  

Quigley says

Anyone still wear a wristwatch? If so, why? Don't you have a cell phone?

I have a wrist watch, and an iPhone. It takes .2 seconds to get the time instead of fumbling for the iPhone in my pocket or the holster. Even more convenient if you are on a subway or trolley to and from work like myself. Less time out of holster = less chance of dropping the thing. The watch is a common classic design, and I enjoy wearing it. It's an old friend that i got as a gift from my wife.....

It's similar to my 1974 BMW 2002. People ask me why I drive that over my new car. If you have to ask, you'll never know....

36663   freak80   2013 Aug 26, 9:39am  

bgamall4 says

do you know who Wesley Clark is?

The guy who ran in the 2004 Democrat Primaries against John Kerry?

Why would I watch the video? It's not from a credible source.

36664   Dan8267   2013 Aug 26, 9:46am  

FortWayne says

That watch is correct at least twice a day.

Actually, the watch is correct 64 times a day because there are 32 non-overlapping time zones on any day of the year.

Some time zones have 15, 30, or 45 minute offsets in addition to an integer hour offset. One timezone has a +13 hour offset, but that overlaps with the -11 hour offset with a calendar day change, so it would not affect the correctness of the watch.

Remember, there is no such thing as a "standard" timezone. The recognized timezones are established by nation states using a temporal offset of Universal Time Coordinates (UTC), and a rule of when to apply an additional offset for Daylight Savings Time (DST).

So, in principle, the number of non-overlapping timezones recognized internationally at any time would be limited by the number of recognized countries. Luckily, most countries don't feel the need to have their own timezones, although there are exceptions. Yeah, I'm talking to you Kiritimati, a.k.a. Christmas Island.

That island changed its timezone offset to UTC+14 just so that it could be "the first nation to bath in the sunlight of the new millennium" instead of the last. Worst still, the dumb ass marketers got the year wrong. The millennium began in 2001, not 2000 because the Gregorian Calendar, like the Cesarian Calendar that preceded it, does not have a year zero. Although since most people preferred to believe that the turn of the century happened on the year 2000, maybe we should have a year zero. That way, the year 2000 would be the first year of the 20th century because we're also going to have a zeroth century too for consistency, biatches!

Oh, and don't even get me started on October 1582. I think I'm the only person who has ever written a calendar control that handles that month correctly.

36665   Dan8267   2013 Aug 26, 9:53am  

FortWayne says

Walmart business plan is simple. Come into an area and dump products at break even or less until everyone around goes out of business.

Selling for less than cost to run competition out of business is called price dumping and I believe it's illegal in most states.

36666   Goran_K   2013 Aug 26, 9:55am  

Dan8267 says

Perishable, yes. Fresh, no.

I don't know if it's the GMO, pesticides, or what, but the food section of the Walmart in Irvine has some super fresh produce. It's unreal how fresh it looks.

36667   freak80   2013 Aug 26, 10:20am  

Dan8267 says

Selling for less than cost to run competition out of business is called price dumping and I believe it's illegal in most states.

Not a problem for Wal-Mart. They have enough money to buy the governments of most states.

36668   AverageBear   2013 Aug 26, 10:30am  

I wish my last car crash was like this recent silver 'crash'. Soooo glad I stuck to my guns and kept SLW... Wish I had dry powder to add back in late June.

36669   bob2356   2013 Aug 26, 10:36am  

bgamall4 says

theoakman says

ahh yes, there's no way Bin Laden can equip the towers with that many explosives, yet somehow, the U.S. government managed to do it.

Bin Laden didn't have George Bush's brother, Marvin, in charge of security. Look it up.

Just out of curiosity do you have hemorrhoids or are you a perfect asshole? Bush's brother was a director at a security company called Securacom that lost the WTC contract in 1998. He left Securacom in June 2000. This is public record.

Since you are far to stupid to understand how corporate governance works I will let you in on a secret. Directors don't have any operational responsibility. They set policy. No matter how much you want to believe it he wasn't pointing security camera's in the WTC in 2001 even if he were still with the company and even if the company still was doing work for the WTC.

It's very disturbing to think that you are actually walking around somewhere in America without adult supervision.

36670   freak80   2013 Aug 26, 10:37am  

bgamall4 says

That is what the video is about if your mind is frozen, which it is.

My mind is frozen? What are you talking about?

36671   HEY YOU   2013 Aug 26, 10:42am  

Wonder if he has a financial connection to the military industrial complex(cruise missile manufactures)?
Maybe we should ask the same question about all the war pumpers.

36672   Bigsby   2013 Aug 26, 10:51am  

bgamall4 says

FortWayne says

If you think this is a conspiracy theory than you are not paying attention. Why would our government spend billions and suffer PR disasters over this? What is their motivation? They sure as hell don't give a damn about a few dead muslims... but personal gain they do care about, hence this war is about profit (oil).

No, it is a conspiracy theory. The conspiracy is to take out every government in opposition to Israel in the middle east. That includes Syria and Iran. The lies about chemical weapons mirror the lies about WMD when confronting Iraq. We as a nation lie so much we have no clue where the truth exists anymore.

Where do you get this nonsense from? The US liberated Kuwait. Kuwait loves Israel. Oh hang on, it doesn't. The US deposed Saddam. Iraq loves Israel. Oh, hang on... etc. etc.

36673   HydroCabron   2013 Aug 26, 1:08pm  

Glass-Steagall will be reinstated and all bank regulations will be restored to the state of regulation extant in 1972.

Bring back autos-da-fé, illumination by candlelight, and bloodletting while you're at it.

Such regulations are from a time of suffering, screams, eternal night, and pestilence in our land. No one wants to go back to that!

36674   Vicente   2013 Aug 26, 1:26pm  

Dan8267 says

Selling for less than cost to run competition out of business is called price dumping and I believe it's illegal in most states.

You really think that is enforced? It would be difficult to prove without getting all UP IN the books. And we know the bigger/richer the corporation, the more likely the lawyers and accountants have money & means to prevent that.

36675   Dan8267   2013 Aug 26, 1:45pm  

Vicente says

You really think that is enforced?

No idea. I just said it was illegal most places.

I suppose it could be provable with large companies like Walmart, which are exactly the companies that would profit by doing it. But I'd suspect that our government would just slap Walmart's wrist at the most if it did catch that company or any large corporation price dumping.

36676   lakermania   2013 Aug 26, 1:46pm  

Blame Bush, it's the gift that keeps on giving haha

36677   Bigsby   2013 Aug 26, 2:50pm  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

Where do you get this nonsense from? The US liberated Kuwait. Kuwait loves Israel. Oh hang on, it doesn't. The US deposed Saddam. Iraq loves Israel. Oh, hang on... etc. etc.

I am talking about forced regime change you idiot.

Oh right, so according to you the US didn't force regime change in Iraq. And you call me an idiot.

36678   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2013 Aug 26, 3:07pm  

i'm pretty certain that home prices will continue to go up for the rest of the year. nothing to discuss now but bearish wishful thinking that will never come true.

BTW, i have not been wrong ONCE ever since i turned bullish. just saying.

with great confidence, i will revisit this thread after NYE celebration.

36679   Bigsby   2013 Aug 26, 3:11pm  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

Oh right, so according to you the US didn't force regime change in Iraq. And you call me an idiot.

I have no idea what you are talking about. Of course the US forced regime change for reasons that were lies. There were no WMD's.

Now the Republicans want regime change based on attacks that are not proven. And there is evidence that western corporations were talking about a false flag against Syria.

What do you mean you have no idea what I'm talking about? Look at the bloody post you wrote that regime change response to. Give me strength.

36680   Bigsby   2013 Aug 26, 4:13pm  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

What do you mean you have no idea what I'm talking about? Look at the bloody post you wrote that regime change response to.

Oh, this? "Where do you get this nonsense from? The US liberated Kuwait. Kuwait loves Israel. Oh hang on, it doesn't. The US deposed Saddam. Iraq loves Israel. Oh, hang on... etc. etc."

What is your point? Are you implying that Iraq is liberated? Tell it to the 100 thousand Iraq people who died in the war. And if anything, there will always be tribal and ethnic strife there.

They will find a cause, and it likely will not be supporting the United States.

Bgamall (paraphrasing): the US wants to change the regimes in the region to make them friendly to Israel.
Me (paraphrasing): You mean like Kuwait and Iraq? (which changed but aren't friendly to Israel)
Bgamall (verbatim): I am talking about forced regime change you idiot.
Me (paraphrasing): So Iraq.....?
Bgamall (paraphrasing): Oh the US didn't liberate Iraq.
Me: ????, but they bloody well forced a regime change, did they not?

Do you get my point now?

36681   AverageBear   2013 Aug 26, 9:09pm  

freak80 says

Not a problem for Wal-Mart. They have enough money to buy the governments of most states.

....That's why you should invest in WMT. And the cigarette companies for that matter (PM, MO, etc)... You think the gubmint is gonna kill that golden goose that brings in all those taxes from the poor nicotene-addicted taxpayers?

36682   deepcgi   2013 Aug 26, 9:49pm  

False Flag? The question of whether a nerve agent was used on civilians is not up for debate. If the Syrian government isn't responsible, and it isn't somehow the Syrian rebels, there NEEDS to be a world war. If the conspiracy theory is true, allies have crossed the line and a global correction needs to be made. There are times when pacifism is beyond foolish. If you find evidence that US government interests are responsible (even by allowing it), then it is time for revolution.

What are the motivations of the UN inspectors here? Chemical agents have a shelf life. Who is making them and storing them if not the Syrian government?

If you are going to make a conspiracy claim, think about the appropriate response. Talking it over cordially is ridiculous. Just cheer for the Russians and Chinese to kick our ass.

36683   deepcgi   2013 Aug 26, 10:17pm  

It would be the responsibility of the Russians and Chinese to prove a conspiracy theory. If they can't, they have to step back. This is the UN, not the USA. They had better have some info from inside the Syrian government, because it is about to be removed. The trouble is that the CIA's track record, from a layman's point of view, seems lame indeed. What good to us is an unstable Eqypt? Let alone Syria. Inaction on this would send what message exactly?

Someone is storing nerve agent in Syria. It must be found and destroyed, regardless. Right?

36684   Shaman   2013 Aug 26, 11:09pm  

This is all very disturbing. The happenings of the last 12 years, the wars we've entered and fought, the false flag attacks, it's all making me give credence to the people saying "watch out, it's not what it seems!"

Even if it is exactly what they say, and the government of Syria is gassing te al quaida sponsored rebellion there, I don't think it's worth a world war to "right this wrong." It's not even worth a couple of cruise missiles. Let the Muslims sort out their own problems. If they weren't dying in gas attacks, they'd be blowing themselves up. What's the difference? I don't see how this is our responsibility. Oil, money, and power must be the true motivations of our Dear Leaders.

36685   HydroCabron   2013 Aug 26, 11:13pm  

Clearly the United States must go to war whenever possible, as this has always changed the world for the better and advanced our interests.

Killing people with chemicals is immoral, while killing them with bullets and shrapnel is not.

As a Constitutional Conservative with no faith in government, I see no inconsistency in having the State Department and Pentagon run elaborate, poorly-defined missions with no exit strategy, because neither is a government organization.

God Bless America! Jesus wants us to bomb the appropriate brown people, because that's what He preached on Earth.

36686   zzyzzx   2013 Aug 26, 11:28pm  

Perhaps we should send the Syrian rebels some Gatling guns!

36687   Blurtman   2013 Aug 27, 12:00am  

Push a button. Send the missiles off to some far away land. We all watch Dancing with the Stars. We all watch Miley Cyrus. We don't hear the explosions. We don't see the blown apart people. We don't see the burned alive people. We cheer America, as we reach for another latte.

36688   freak80   2013 Aug 27, 12:12am  

sbh says

Let the deep pockets have their way. I don't understand you. It's perfectly legal to sell at a loss. Why do you hate freedom?


36689   cloud15   2013 Aug 27, 12:48am  

I can say without a sherd of doubt abut my zip code 95124- bordering LG.
Sold in last 7 days ( the ones in contract with higher mortgage rates ) were still selling way over asking prices .

36690   SiO2   2013 Aug 27, 1:28am  

Think how interesting life would be
If in couplets speak would we

How to speak haiku?
Autotranslation we need
A good job for Dan

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