U-Turn in quality of living ahead of us.

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2012 Sep 7, 2:11am   29,859 views  47 comments

by REpro   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Sure, the economy is adding jobs these days...but most of those positions pay pretty poorly. Some 58% of the jobs created during the recovery have been low-wage positions, according to a new report by the National Employment Law Project. Only 22% have been mid-wage jobs and 20% higher-wage positions. These low-wage jobs pay $13.83 an hour or less.

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1   zzyzzx   2012 Aug 31, 12:15pm  

It's already U-turned. We are still waiting for it to turn back up. Sadly, that won't happen until unemployment in Mexico, China, and India is close to zero.

2   everything   2012 Aug 31, 1:02pm  

Friend just got a job at Walmart, starting at 9 bucks an hour, takes either one richy, or two workers to support a household.

3   REpro   2012 Aug 31, 1:21pm  

With so low wages whose is going to buy houses from baby boomers?

4   gbenson   2012 Sep 1, 1:44am  

I do volunteer work with 2nd graders teaching them about government and the economy. This topic is one of the lessons and even they totally get it. Not sure why our political leaders don't.

The exercise goes like this. You give a dollar to kid A and tell him he just got paid. Then you have kid B kid pretend to be a business that makes or sells something. (For simplicity everything costs a dollar). I make it interesting by telling them that if kid B can't come up with a business or service that kid A needs, then kid A keeps the dollar. (I have yet to lose a dollar)

Its easy to go all the way around the room, with one business servicing another the the dollar flowing through your micro-economy. After all the kids have gone its my turn again. I tell them I make XXX (a supplier to their business), but I am located in China. I put the dollar back in my wallet and walk out of the classroom.

Micro-economy destroyed.

5   Tenpoundbass   2012 Sep 1, 1:49am  

Obama is the low wage king, that is why the sneaky majority, is going to vote in the business guy, that looks like he knows what he's doing.

Well if not we can get a lot of mileage with the Mr. Turner meme

"This is where I would put my Job, If I had one."

6   Raw   2012 Sep 1, 2:04am  

Call it Crazy says

....""The recovery continues to be skewed toward low-wage jobs, reinforcing the rise in inequality and America's deficit of good jobs," said Annette Bernhardt, NELP's policy co-director. "While there's understandably a lot of focus on getting employment back to pre-recession levels, the quality of jobs is rapidly emerging as a second front in the struggling recovery."

Crap.... it's George Bush's Fault......... again......

First everyone complains the poor have no jobs.
Now everyone complains only low paid jobs are being created. If you are uneducated you will be poor, and low paying jobs is all you will get.
Surely you did not expect $100.00 per hour jobs for someone with no skills?

7   Raw   2012 Sep 1, 2:07am  

REpro says

With so low wages whose is going to buy houses from baby boomers?

Low wage earners can rent. The rest will buy.
The last time I checked even millionaires were having a hard time competing for the limited availability.

8   REpro   2012 Sep 1, 4:59am  

Raw says

Surely you did not expect $100.00 per hour jobs for someone with no skills?

Well, you don’t see the problem. More and more educated people, especially among new graduates the only option is a $9/Hr. job. Recently Bernanke admitted this saying: “It’s a waste of people talent”. They for sure feel to be cheated by the system.

9   bmwman91   2012 Sep 1, 6:16am  

REpro says

Well, you don’t see the problem. More and more educated people, especially among new graduates the only option is a $9/Hr. job. Recently Bernanke admitted this saying: “It’s a waste of people talent”. They for sure feel to be cheated by the system.

You have to account for WHAT the education is in too. Not all degrees produce an individual of high earning potential. Kids are sold a story telling them that a college education entitles them to a middle or upper-middle class life. Promises of entitlement, of any sort, are very dangerous.

Then there is the whole, "the US has been living high on the hog for a long time, via cheap, finite energy sources that were militarily obtained." I hear more and more about how this generation will be the first to be less-well-off then their parents. It is touted as a sign of the great decline. Personally, I see it as reality. How the hell can every generation be better-off than the last? It is completely unsustainable. If it somehow kept up indefinitely, everyone would be born with $100B to their name, 1,000 acres of the most fertile land, 10,000 servants and vast equity investments that always appreciate. This flawed narrative of unending growth that our entire society is based on is also going to be our ruin. GROWTH in anything, over time, is an exponential curve. Nothing in nature can sustain that, period. Our problem as a species is that we have self-awareness, and we seem to think that our ability to think makes us exempt from nature's laws. Clearly, we aren't actually USING said ability to think, or we would do everything a lot differently! Humans, taken as a whole, are NO different than any other species. We are purely reactionary creatures. Individuals are capable of more, but as a whole we are nothing more than cattle.

Frankly, shit is going to get ugly for a little while. The adjustments that we will be forced to make in lifestyle are coming, and so many people are so heavily invested in their current lifestyle and unable to adapt to a step-function in life that there will be a great, probably violent clamoring of people futilely attempting to maintain a life that has no place in the coming world. That time will pass, and I sincerely hope that we, as a whole, learn from the experience and don't repeat it. America has been enjoying the highest material quality of life in the world for the least overall struggle. The rest of the world has been watching and wants a piece of that pie, and is willing to work a lot harder for it than we currently are since there are precious few Americans left that remember just how bad things can be.

Sorry about the doom & gloom. Personally, I find a lot of value in having LESS material shit, so I think that the "adjustment" will be healthy, overall.

10   mell   2012 Sep 1, 6:40am  

REpro says

With so low wages whose is going to buy houses from baby boomers?


11   Eman   2012 Sep 1, 9:12am  

REpro says

With so low wages whose is going to buy houses from baby boomers?

I believe I answered this question already. It's the Chindians. :)

12   REpro   2012 Sep 1, 10:02am  

E-man says

With so low wages whose is going to buy houses from baby boomers?

I believe I answered this question already. It's the Chindians.

Your answer probably is closest to reality, since Roberto, Iwong and you focus on low-end portion of housing stock.

13   ne5534   2012 Sep 2, 7:56pm  

If you want reality read Chris Hedges book: "Empire of Illusion". Do a search for the following and you can see an interview of him about it:

Chris Hedges: "Brace Yourself! The American Empire Is Over & The Descent Is Going To Be Horrifying!"

For the past 30 years Americans have not cared at all about living beyond their means, no one cared about the debt, we just wanted to believe the best political liars who offered us a Free Lunch. It is no one's fault but our own. Blame yourself for being a fool.

We wanted Disneyland. We threw a real big party, and now we have $16 Trillion of debt. Borrowing money makes you think you are rich when you are not. When the credit line gets cutoff, its time for bankruptcy, and then your standard of living goes off a cliff. We're almost there.

Most Americans still don't even see the cliff. They can't stand to hear bad news. No surprise, they haven't seen it for 30 years. It's been there all along. Reality is not optional. You can't change the channel like a TV show. Only requires common sense: YOU CAN'T LIVE ON A CREDIT CARD FOREVER.

The US Fed Gov is now spending nearly 2X more than it takes in Taxes. We're nearly out of road to kick the can down. Yet people still don't care. They are still buying into the lies of the Reps or Dems.

Politics is just a Carnival Side Show designed by the bankers to keep the stupid public occupied. People are still falling for it, they still believe in Door#1 or Door#2 like it is some game show. We had a chance to vote for an honest man, Ron Paul, but still the people just want the best liar. They still don't get it.

The only way people will ever get power is to stop asking for the Free Lunch and live within their means. But they don't want reality, they want Disneyland. America should be renamed: "Home of Disneyland, Land of the Free Lunch"

What will it take? Collapse. That is the only solution now available. History repeats itself, as David Walker / GAO said it will be the same as the Fall of Rome. Only this will be much worse.

The Demographics spell certain doom, just as it has for Japan, then Europe, and next the US. 10,000 people in the US now turning 65 everyday for the next 20 years. 2/3's of the US will not be working,
expecting the 1/3 remaining to support them in the lap of luxury. Mathematically impossible. Pure insanity.

Yet people still don't want to face the facts, they don't want to hear the truth, they just want the Free Lunch. The train is headed straight into the wall. Enjoy the ride. It gets much more bumpy from here.

14   gbenson   2012 Sep 3, 2:11am  

ne5534 says


ne, I am still perplexed by this type of argument. The US has been running on credit cards for over a century. As long as our treasuries are considered secure and Republicans don't do something stupid on the debt ceiling, then there's no issue with the debt. Is big, and don't get me wrong, I think politicians mostly spend unwisely, (military spending should be 1/2 - 1/3 of what it currently is), and the financial industry has gone insane (most due to deregulation), but during WWII the debt to GDP was considerably higher than it is now, so historically speaking, we could spend our way out of the current economic situation and not be in dire straights. That is if we had a Clinton style budget and generate a surplus during the good times (and actually use the surplus to pay down the debt instead of giving perpetual tax breaks to everyone).

What we can't keep doing is off-shoring everything and wonder why we have no middle class left to buy anything. There is one thing and one thing only that drives an economy, and that's demand. No demand = eventual collapse. Austerity does NOT stimulate demand.

15   mell   2012 Sep 3, 2:34am  

That's simply not true. The ramification of the debt spending can be felt more and more each and every year. The buying power of the dollar has deteriorated so much that even once cheap foreign goods have become at least reasonably expensive and inflation has taken its toll on the middle class. Sure you can run a tab for a long time, but to say it has no noticeable effects is crazy. Also citing the Clinton years which were already partially fueled by the forming housing bubble, what makes you think that they can ever get a budget with a significant surplus ever again (that is one where the debt principal shrinks significantly after interest and all other spending has been paid)?

16   Bap33   2012 Sep 3, 2:36am  

dude, you live in San Jose ... it is THE mexican gang playground that is famous for murdering people, and having teenaged girls disappear, at a very alarming rate. Their invader gangs have ruined Los Banos city and schools.

Do a youtube search for San Jose mexican gangs (Nortenos/Surenos) and see what's going on. They are disgusting. Welfare dollars keep those teen gang breeders fat and happy. Then, while Papi is in prison perfecting his craft, Mamas is living on full blown welfare, procreating as fast as possible, laughing at the silly people that she walks past in the check out line, her two carts filled to the max by the working people her kind victimizes through abuse, theft, intimidation, rape, murder and enslaving the productive people be absusing every program the libs ever created.

San Jose would have been saved by Prop 187 and border enforcement. Even Great America would be enjoyable. Now, you MUST attend on a week day because the weekends are bring-your-gangster-to-the-park days.

Can the legal citizens of San Jose sue the Gov for allowing this to happen?

Oh, wait, the Gov is going to pay the welathy whites back with this new bullet train that will allow the elite to ship off the invaders to the central valley counties of Fresno and Merced, where the service workers will live and commute to the bay to slave. Meanwhile, the beautiful people can have access to the newly emptied slums around San Jose, knock them down and start building Fortress 2.0, using the commuting invader labor --- just a hunch. After all, the rich bayarian whites do not like the heat, the fog, the dust, the smell of dairies, and they know the blue collar valley population is very stiff-necked against "diversity", so the idea of having the gang populating service class infest the valley makes the bayarian's hearts swoon ...

Anyways, I'm only guessing.

17   bob2356   2012 Sep 3, 2:39am  

gbenson says

but during WWII the debt to GDP was considerably higher than it is now, so historically speaking, we could spend our way out of the current economic situation and not be in dire straights.

You are forgetting about state, local, and personal debt as well as unfunded liabililties none of which existed during WWII.

Clinton's budget worked fine during the dot.com boom with oil at $10.00 a barrel, but won't work during the housing bust with oil at $100.00 a barrel.

18   REpro   2012 Sep 3, 7:56am  

gbenson says

during WWII the debt to GDP was considerably higher than it is now, so historically speaking, we could spend our way out of the current economic situation and not be in dire straights

Before was different.
Right after WWII U.S. was a “Power House”, having 90% of word production output. Rest the world economy was simply destroyed.

19   swebb   2012 Sep 3, 3:37pm  


I pretty much agree with everything you said...except this:

"GROWTH in anything, over time, is an exponential curve"

You can have continued growth forever and it's not necessarily exponential. If GDP grows by a dollar a year, it's not exponential...it's only when the amount of growth is proportional to the whole.. (2% annual GDP growth, or even 0.001%)

It's clear, though, that our system that "requires" exponential growth isn't sustainable. Not as obvious that it can't keep going for the rest of my life, though I don't count on it.

20   moonmac   2012 Sep 3, 9:20pm  

Americans that say government debt doesn't matter need to be tarred and feathered in the Public Square before these immoral scum bags destroy our country for good!

21   37108605   2012 Sep 3, 9:35pm  

REpro says

With so low wages whose is going to buy houses from baby boomers?

NO ONE is going to buy anything from anyone (that is the reality THEY don't want anyone to realise) that's my take.

22   37108605   2012 Sep 3, 9:35pm  

moonmac says

Americans that say government debt doesn't matter need to be tarred and feathered in the Public Square before these immoral scum bags destroy our country for good!

Oh man, thats CHANGE YOU CAN BELIEVE IN mister.

23   ne5534   2012 Sep 3, 10:35pm  

The comments are fascinating. Nothing has changed.

>> but during WWII the debt to GDP was considerably
>> higher than it is now, so historically speaking

That is flat false. Our debt vs. GDP is now higher than ever
before in history. Look at the data. And our GDP is a joke now.
The GDP number includes GOV SPENDING - that is an expense!!!
That is overhead, not revenue. Gov stats are rubbish.

>> we could spend our way out of the current economic situation
>> and not be in dire straights.

Are you brain dead? Does that make any sense to you?
In what Universe? "Spend our way out" ????????????

Let me pose a simple question:
Let's say there are 2 people: one saves all his money, and one spends all his money. Which one goes broke, and which one gets rich?
The answer is obvious to anyone with a lick of common sense.

Do you understand Demographics?
Who spends more and pays more taxes:
- someone age 30-50
- someone age 50-70

There is no growth possible now. Only contraction.
The tide is going out. Employment has been falling since 2000,
and real personal income has been falling for nearly 20 years.

Wow, the mentality of the public is truly scary.
We are in a whole lot of trouble.

24   Buster   2012 Sep 3, 11:10pm  

moonmac says

Americans that say government debt doesn't matter need to be tarred and feathered in the Public Square before these immoral scum bags destroy our country for good!

Dick Cheney; http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/political-animal/2011_09/remember_deficits_dont_matter032197.php

25   freak80   2012 Sep 4, 6:33am  

The future is pretty bleak for the USA, no question. Our political system is completely dysfunctional and the extremists have taken over both major parties. Our whole suburban living arrangement assumes $20/bbl oil. Our population is aging. We have massive debt which will require currency devaluation and inflation. Our culture considers nothing sacred beyond wealth, money, power, and pleasure: if the next generation must be sacrificed on that altar then so be it.

26   Ceffer   2012 Sep 4, 6:55am  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Shostakovich says

That's right. Billionaire Chindians are going to move in to watch white people starve, kill and eat each other, while they laugh and drink Pabst on their front porches, serene with the knowledge that America is the best of all possible places to raise their families.

There will be lots of openings for au pairs in the fortress neighborhoods, to escape cannibal anarchy.

27   dublin hillz   2012 Sep 4, 7:34am  

freak80 says

Our culture considers nothing sacred beyond wealth, money, power, and pleasure: if the next generation must be sacrificed on that altar then so be it.

It is still more humane that soviet gulags aka abortion factories for the living!

28   dunnross   2012 Sep 4, 10:41am  

Raw says

Surely you did not expect $100.00 per hour jobs for someone with no skills?

I didn't, but all the RE agents and HELOC Ponzis did. And now they are expecting house prices to go back to the bubble-high levels.

29   rooemoore   2012 Sep 4, 10:42am  

Ruki says

Ceffer says

There will be lots of openings for au pairs in the fortress neighborhoods, to escape cannibal anarchy.

As long as they look like this, I'm game:

Romney Is Only Going To Win Because Obama Fucked Up

Dennis, first you need a girlfriend(blind date?). Then somehow you have to convince her to marry you (not the hardest part). Then you have to convince her to have sex with you (harder part) and have children with you (impossible?).

Then you get to write(fantasize) about having an au pair.

30   REpro   2012 Sep 5, 2:47am  

freak80 says

We have massive debt which will require currency devaluation and inflation.

Currency devaluation and inflation cannot be done by US only. That will create too much imbalance. Only when bankers around the world sniff each other, be willing and ready, and then it'll happen. Sure, so many countries will benefit with that.

31   bubblesitter   2012 Sep 7, 2:08am  

Now,that is what has reduced UE rate from 8.3% to 8.1%? Let me get this right,if we push the mortgage rate to 0.01%,can a low wage earner afford a $1 million mortgage? ...yes? no?

32   REpro   2012 Sep 7, 2:41am  

The answer is: No.
Debt to Income will be exorbitant. Ultimately he/she be in very high risk to quit paying down this huge mortgage anytime.

33   Oxygen   2012 Sep 7, 2:50am  

REpro says


s/he is the most efficient way to write it.

on a side note, anyone who takes headline statistics at its face value is a dumbass. granular data, along with the headline stats, is the meaningful approach. unfortunately, most of America is full of dumbasses.

34   37108605   2012 Sep 7, 9:29pm  

Call it Crazy says

....""The recovery continues to be skewed toward low-wage jobs, reinforcing the rise in inequality and America's deficit of good jobs," said Annette Bernhardt, NELP's policy co-director. "While there's understandably a lot of focus on getting employment back to pre-recession levels, the quality of jobs is rapidly emerging as a second front in the struggling recovery."

...that is change you CAN believe in baby.

35   37108605   2012 Sep 7, 9:31pm  

Ruki says

Ceffer says

There will be lots of openings for au pairs in the fortress neighborhoods, to escape cannibal anarchy.

As long as they look like this, I'm game:

Romney Is Only Going To Win Because Obama Fucked Up

The reality I have seen is that most of these babysitters (and that is ALL they are to me) are third world people of questionable origin and background.

36   37108605   2012 Sep 7, 9:35pm  

freak80 says

Our culture considers nothing sacred beyond wealth, money, power, and pleasure:

But it's all fantasy this sacred view of so-called "riches" that is a large reason why social media is popular amongst an ignorant mass public. Social media and games fuel fantasy ...sick but true. The depressed aspirational moron can waste hours on end hitting "Like" buttons for things they are never ever going to be able to purchase, and in that way they satisfy a need to be part of that world without really being a part of it.

It is all mass mind control.

37   37108605   2012 Sep 7, 9:37pm  

REpro says

With so low wages whose is going to buy houses from baby boomers?

Oh that is something they do NOT want you to figure out.

38   37108605   2012 Sep 7, 9:38pm  

Ruki says

But no matter what, just don't think that suddenly the middle class over here will get any relief as a result.


39   37108605   2012 Sep 7, 9:48pm  

ne5534 says

The tide is going out.


1996 Agreement between the US and Mexican setting a minimum price on vegetables? CLINTON

Result? "Brown claims that the minimum price agreement is not enforced, and that the minimum price has not been raised in 16 years, while the cost of producing the crop in the U.S. has doubled." Source:

40   JG1   2012 Sep 8, 3:54am  

REpro says

Raw says

Surely you did not expect $100.00 per hour jobs for someone with no skills?

Well, you don’t see the problem. More and more educated people, especially among new graduates the only option is a $9/Hr. job. Recently Bernanke admitted this saying: “It’s a waste of people talent”. They for sure feel to be cheated by the system.

Only if they buy into Obama's view that government has to provide and guarantee this and that. Which ignores that it's the pursuit of happiness that's guaranteed, not happiness (or a job, or a good-paying job).

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