obomba, obummer, the lady's got a couple of points.

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2012 Sep 21, 2:30am   16,803 views  47 comments

by coriacci1   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  


I believe Barack Obama was put into office to do what no Republican could ever have gotten away with. Obama has extend the wars, created new wars, extended the Bush tax cuts for the rich, given additional bail out money to the banks, allowed the health insurance industry to write the healthcare bill, extended the Patriot Act and signed the NDAA.


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1   Honest Abe   2012 Sep 21, 8:11am  


Under Barry Barack Hussain o'bamma, the foreign exchange student, now president, the price of gas has doubled, welfare rolls have exploded, unemployment lines are growing, average income is down, etc, etc. But wait, he's not done yet...its Bush's fault.

Anyone that wants four more years of this is mentally deranged.
Oh wait, Romney earned too much money - I hate him, I'm jealous of him, I envy him - no I don't, I'm not a liberal.

Romney also donated twice what obummer did, and about 4,000 times as much as Joe "the court jester" Biden.

2   Politicofact   2012 Sep 21, 8:49am  

I read the whole article, it's without merit or fact and a total hit job piece, 100% BULLSHIT!

Utter drivel.

3   Honest Abe   2012 Sep 21, 12:43pm  

politicofarce - I get it, YOU'VE got Stockholm Syndrome. That's where the victim (you) fall in love with your captor (obammmma). Case closed.

4   Homeboy   2012 Sep 21, 4:30pm  

Honest Abe says

Anyone that wants four more years of this is mentally deranged.

You would rather have 4 years of someone who is contemptuous of 47% of the population?

5   Honest Abe   2012 Sep 22, 12:07am  

Homey - Romney isn't contemptuous of anyone. He simply pointed out the UGLY truth. The ugly truth is government dependency - fostered and encouraged by liberal policies, aided by RINO support.

Oh wait, its Bush's fault that obamma is a dismal failure, one who has, and if given the opportunity, will continue to fundamentally changing America for the worse, by dismantling freedom and liberty that real Americans cherish.

If you love oppressive laws and socialistic policy so much why not just move to Cuba? All you know is what Jon Stewart tells you to know.

oBamma is to America what Decon is to rats.

Court of Common Sense rules in favor of Honest Abe.

6   37108605   2012 Sep 22, 12:35am  

Honest Abe says

But wait, he's not done yet...its Bush's fault.

It is always going to be his fault don't you know.

Isn't it sad how many brainwashed people there are in America?

7   37108605   2012 Sep 22, 2:01am  

Cloud says

I for one am looking forward to seeing what percentage of his income, Harry Reid has given.

One year Nancy Pelosi spent 100 thousand dollars in booze on her government jet flying her and her family back and froth from home to Washington. There is nothing they won't do for perks and power.

And now Nyorkers can't drink large sodas. Whats next suspending Ha beaus Corpus? Oh that's right, OBAMANDAA

Yeah and they have the fucking nerve to bitch about Republicans and rich. Isn't that a joke!

And btw what is Pelosi's married name?

8   rdm   2012 Sep 22, 6:17am  

coriacci1 says

I believe Barack Obama was put into office to do what no Republican could ever have gotten away with. Obama has extend the wars, created new wars, extended the Bush tax cuts for the rich, given additional bail out money to the banks, allowed the health insurance industry to write the healthcare bill, extended the Patriot Act and signed the NDAA.

And on top of that he is a socialist, terrorist supporting, welfare loving kenyan. When you believe contradictory conspiracy theories perhaps it is time to look inside and see why you hate the man.

9   37108605   2012 Sep 22, 6:34am  

rdm says

coriacci1 says

I believe Barack Obama was put into office to do what no Republican could ever have gotten away with. Obama has extend the wars, created new wars, extended the Bush tax cuts for the rich, given additional bail out money to the banks, allowed the health insurance industry to write the healthcare bill, extended the Patriot Act and signed the NDAA.

And on top of that he is a socialist, terrorist supporting, welfare loving kenyan. When you believe contradictory conspiracy theories perhaps it is time to look inside and see why you hate the man.

I cannot tell if you are being ironic or serious.

10   Shaman   2012 Sep 22, 7:00am  

It's pretty clear now to me that party politics is a show comparable to a WWE performance. The results are pre-scripted, the rancor is staged, behind the scenes they are all conspirators, and the fans believe deep in their wildly beating hearts that it's all for real.

11   mell   2012 Sep 22, 7:27am  

Politicofact says

I read the whole article, it's without merit or fact and a total hit job piece, 100% BULLSHIT!

Utter drivel.

Nonsense - most of the things mentioned in this article are facts. Why don't you point out where you think it's not truthful? Obama is basically a continuation of Bush with a few minor modifications.

12   Patrick   2012 Sep 22, 1:01pm  

Cloud says

we think folks should keep more of what they earn and that people should actually work

You say you think that, but you're not consistent about it.

Why don't you ever object to non-productive rent-seeking the same way you object to taxes?

Why do you say that poor and middle class people should work, but rich people shouldn't have to?

Why do you always approve of the rich living off of the work of poor and middle class people?

13   mell   2012 Sep 22, 1:22pm  

Obummer also appointed an ex-Monsanto vice president as senior advisor to the FDA. I feel truly sorry for the sheeple that refuse to acknowledge that he has completely sold them out while they were high on hopium and change.

14   Homeboy   2012 Sep 22, 6:29pm  

Honest Abe says

Homey - Romney isn't contemptuous of anyone. He simply pointed out the UGLY truth. The ugly truth is government dependency - fostered and encouraged by liberal policies, aided by RINO support.

Oh, I'm glad you cleared that up. Because that sounds EXACTLY like contempt. Good thing we have you here to tell us it isn't.

15   37108605   2012 Sep 22, 8:37pm  

Homeboy says

Honest Abe says

Homey - Romney isn't contemptuous of anyone. He simply pointed out the UGLY truth. The ugly truth is government dependency - fostered and encouraged by liberal policies, aided by RINO support.

Oh, I'm glad you cleared that up. Because that sounds EXACTLY like contempt. Good thing we have you here to tell us it isn't.

No, your statement sounds exactly like someone who cannot handle the ugly truth.

16   37108605   2012 Sep 22, 9:07pm  

mell says

Obama is basically a continuation of Bush with a few minor modifications.


17   mell   2012 Sep 23, 3:44am  

Cloud says

And how do you square how deeply in bed Obama's administration is in with Goldman Sachs? Lust and power.

Right. That's the insanity of it all. Let's see, Bush commits major war-crimes but nobody charges him with anything and he pardons his crony felons before leaving the office. Obama basically continues military interventions in a number of countries without proper declaration of war, his buddy Corzine defrauds over a billion and does not get prosecuted, AG holder sends weapons to Mexico, nothing happens. Pelosi makes big bucks on insider trading, Waters funnels millions to her husbands failing bank, nada consequences. Right, you have to commit a real major crime like getting head in the oval office to receive a proper impeachment. And some are trying to tell us why Obama is better than Romney or any other big-party shill? Come on people, put the pom-poms down, stop the cheerleading at get real. If Obama had kept only 50% of his promise to fight for the small guy back then when he was giving his heroic speeches of hopium and change before he took office, at least half of Goldman sucks and JP Morgue would sit in jail by now.

18   37108605   2012 Sep 23, 4:16am  

bgamall4 says

Honest Abe says

the price of gas has doubled

Obama launched an investigation on the people colluding to push gasoline prices upward. Also, he has kept them from making gasoline soar. He is against it. Romney would not be against soaring gasoline prices. Obama was slow, but got us out of two wars, both illegal wars.

Romney is a guy who wants finance to be king even more than Obama does. If you vote for the lesser of two evils you have to vote for Obama.

Gary Anderson strategicdefaultbooks.com

DREAMER they are all alike. They all work for the same Master you fool. Wake up. Lesser of two evils? I haven't seen that one yet.

19   Politicofact   2012 Sep 23, 4:26am  

Did anyone actually read this so called article? It's bullshit.

It starts off blaming Obama for signing the NDAA forced on him my McCain!

20   Homeboy   2012 Sep 23, 5:01am  

Reader says

Homeboy says

Honest Abe says

Homey - Romney isn't contemptuous of anyone. He simply pointed out the UGLY truth. The ugly truth is government dependency - fostered and encouraged by liberal policies, aided by RINO support.

Oh, I'm glad you cleared that up. Because that sounds EXACTLY like contempt. Good thing we have you here to tell us it isn't.

No, your statement sounds exactly like someone who cannot handle the ugly truth.

You seem to be arguing that Romney is not contemptuous of 47% of the population because it's "the truth". That makes no sense. Contempt is contempt, whether justified or not. It sounds like you would be perfectly fine with a president who is contemptuous of the very people who elected him. I don't think the rest of the population shares your view.

21   Politicofact   2012 Sep 23, 5:02am  

lol Romney is contemptuous of his own Father..

1) Received welfare
2) Release 12 years of his taxes as a STATEMENT that everyone should do this when running for President.
3) Was socially conservative

22   coriacci1   2012 Sep 23, 5:08am  

Homeboy says

You would rather have 4 years of someone who is contemptuous of 47% of the population?

i would rather have someone like this:

President Kennedy calls out the steel companies (1962)


23   37108605   2012 Sep 23, 5:13am  

coriacci1 says

Homeboy says

You would rather have 4 years of someone who is contemptuous of 47% of the population?

i would rather have someone like this:

President Kennedy calls out the steel companies (1962)


If push came to shove

24   37108605   2012 Sep 23, 5:15am  

Homeboy says

I don't think the rest of the population shares your view.

Yes, THAT is the problem.

25   Politicofact   2012 Sep 23, 5:31am  

George Romney worked to overhaul the state's financial and revenue structure, culminating in Michigan's first state income tax, and greatly expanded the size of state government. Romney was a strong supporter of the American Civil Rights Movement. He briefly represented moderate Republicans against conservative Republican Barry Goldwater during the 1964 U.S. presidential election. He requested the intervention of federal troops during the 1967 Detroit riot.

26   Politicofact   2012 Sep 23, 5:33am  

Romney was a candidate for the Republican nomination for President of the United States in 1968. While initially a front-runner, he proved an ineffective campaigner, and fell behind Richard Nixon in polls. Following a mid-1967 remark that his earlier support for the Vietnam War had been due to a "brainwashing" by U.S. military and diplomatic officials in Vietnam, his campaign faltered even more, and he withdrew from the contest in early 1968. Once elected president, Nixon appointed Romney Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Romney's ambitious plans for housing production increases for the poor, and for open housing to desegregate suburbs, were modestly successful but often thwarted by Nixon. Romney left the administration at the start of Nixon's second term in 1973. Returning to private life, Romney advocated volunteerism and public service, and headed the National Center for Voluntary Action and its successor organizations from 1973 through 1991. He also served as a regional representative of the Twelve within his church.

27   Politicofact   2012 Sep 23, 5:33am  

Mitt Romney has become his fathers worse enemy Nixon!

28   37108605   2012 Sep 23, 6:15am  

Politicofact says

Mitt Romney has become his fathers worse enemy Nixon!

Trickey Dickey ROCKED

29   bob2356   2012 Sep 23, 10:32am  

Cloud says

I don't object to raising taxes on "wealthier people" if the socialists in your party would agree to cut dramatically the size and growth of government.

Excellent, I assume you would start with a 50% cut in military spending.

30   mell   2012 Sep 23, 12:53pm  

bgamall4 says

Reader says

DREAMER they are all alike. They all work for the same Master you fool. Wake up. Lesser of two evils? I haven't seen that one yet.

They are similar, but not alike. Historically, rich presidents, like Teddy Roosevelt have challenged the wealthy and protected the middle class. Obama is doing that by keeping oil prices down as we speak. I guarantee you Romney would not do that. Why do you think the banksters want Obama out? Fool.

Gary Anderson strategicdefaultbooks.com

The bankstas could care less if Obama or Romney wins, they have both on their salary list. In fact they had no problem voting Obama in and spend roughly equal amounts on both candidates, making sure they own both.

31   Homeboy   2012 Sep 23, 3:16pm  

coriacci1 says

i would rather have someone like this:

President Kennedy calls out the steel companies (1962)

JFK isn't running in this election. He's dead. Did you miss the memo?

32   Homeboy   2012 Sep 23, 3:17pm  

Reader says

Homeboy says

I don't think the rest of the population shares your view.

Yes, THAT is the problem.

Your problem.

33   37108605   2012 Sep 23, 9:18pm  

bgamall4 says

mell says

The bankstas could care less if Obama or Romney wins,

Then why are they trying very hard for Obama to lose. Especially the hedge funds, who want off the TBTF systemic risk list so they can gamble more. You can google that hedge fund systemic risk list and read up on it.

Gary Anderson strategicdefaultbooks.com

First of all, the proper phrase is they could NOT care less (which they couldn't.) Secondly, why are they trying "very hard" for Obama to lose? You must be blind because that is NOT the case at all. They are all in bed together. You saw who was in office during the bank bailout!

34   37108605   2012 Sep 23, 9:22pm  

mell says

bgamall4 says

Reader says

DREAMER they are all alike. They all work for the same Master you fool. Wake up. Lesser of two evils? I haven't seen that one yet.

They are similar, but not alike. Historically, rich presidents, like Teddy Roosevelt have challenged the wealthy and protected the middle class. Obama is doing that by keeping oil prices down as we speak. I guarantee you Romney would not do that. Why do you think the banksters want Obama out? Fool.

Gary Anderson strategicdefaultbooks.com

The bankstas could care less if Obama or Romney wins, they have both on their salary list. In fact they had no problem voting Obama in and spend roughly equal amounts on both candidates, making sure they own both.

Yes, true. Besides the minor correction of (could NOT care less.)

35   37108605   2012 Sep 23, 9:28pm  

bob2356 says

Cloud says

I don't object to raising taxes on "wealthier people" if the socialists in your party would agree to cut dramatically the size and growth of government.

Excellent, I assume you would start with a 50% cut in military spending.

Why are you spinning? That isn't what he asked you.

36   37108605   2012 Sep 23, 9:33pm  

bgamall4 says

rich presidents, like Teddy Roosevelt have challenged the wealthy and protected the middle class.

Oh yes, they "protected" their pockets that's what they protected. They have you believing they are protecting the so-called middle class, how they love to sell that bullshite to you people and you eat it up.

Your party pushes "protecting" middle class because what is essentially lower income and welfare they make a fuckload a money off of ...starting with UNIONS, dues, fees, social programmes, clinics, Medicaid, educational bullshite, rights protections, etc. etc. etc. and all the real money put out results in Xtimes back which goes straight back into their Democratic pockets.

37   37108605   2012 Sep 23, 9:47pm  

Cloud says

Patrick says "Why don't you ever object to non-productive rent-seeking the same way you object to taxes?

Why do you say that poor and middle class people should work, but rich people shouldn't have to?

Why do you always approve of the rich living off of the work of poor and middle class people?"

The leaders in your party are filthy rich why don't you ask them these questions?

Also what do you mean by "rich." And how do you define "living off" of the poor? Do you mean by making profit off a loaf of bread? Do you mean by making profit?

Are you giving away your new book for free?

It is ok for Nancy Pelosi to have private jets and a 100k airline booze bill paid by us because she is on your team? You really believe she is on your team.

Patrick, he has valid points here. Especially the examples provided.

38   37108605   2012 Sep 23, 10:24pm  

Homeboy says

Reader says

Homeboy says

I don't think the rest of the population shares your view.

Yes, THAT is the problem.

Your problem.

I was agreeing with you MORON.

39   37108605   2012 Sep 23, 10:27pm  

Cloud says

The Democrat leaders are filthy rich. They use the poor to gain power and don't care if they have to bankrupt the country in the process- with the broken system called socialism.

I know. I agree with you 100% above and beyond you are right. What part of what you say they don't want to accept is pure denial IMHO.

Let them fall for their utter bullshite full force.

We know better, and we are NOT alone.

40   Newman1979   2012 Sep 23, 11:08pm  

According to Zfacts.com, 3/4th's of the National debt occurred under Republican Administrations. 20 out of 20 years were deficits. If Republicans had run balanced budgets, the debt would be around $4 trillion,not $16 trillion. According to Forbes, Obama had the slowest growth in Federal spending in over 30 years.
Romney proposes a $5 trillion addition to the National debt and a double down on the Bush tax cuts that are, at $4.3 trillion and counting, 1/4th of the entire National debt. I wish people on this blog would deal with facts in their posts.

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