An Antidote To Corporate Media

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2015 Feb 9, 7:43am   715,303 views  602 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

Patrick.net is an online forum, a bit like Twitter or Reddit, but with much more freedom of speech than either of those. Almost anything goes, but a few things don't, such as deliberately personally insulting another user, or deliberately misrepresenting what another user said.

I got the patrick.net domain name back in 1995 when I was one day too late for patrick.com. Missing the .com name turned out to be fine. I prefer the .net name now because life is all about human networks. This site was just my personal blog from 1995 to 2004.

In 2004 I started writing about the housing bubble, which catapulted the site to national fame for a while. I was interviewed on NPR, on Nightline on TV, and in other corporate media that I have since learned to recognize as poison. Here are my original the articles about the housing bubble (the dates on them are much later because I updated them):


The big housing bubble popped in 2008, and traffic fell, since it was no longer controversial to assert that we really had had a housing bubble.

About then, I decided to just let the public discuss other topics with each other and wrote my own forum software. I'm a programmer, so that was fun. At first I was kind of disturbed at the number of conservatives on the site, but as I discussed things with them and saw San Francisco literally turn to shit under far-left Democrat extremists, I changed my thinking.

And yet I didn't change my thinking all that much, because once again, I'm opposing corruption of government by the oligarchy. Before, my enemy was the NAR (National Association of Realtors) and I still think the NAR is nothing but institutionalized crime, but there are bigger fish to fry now, especially since the worldwide campaign to inject every human with a dangerous and ineffective genetic experiment, which was never approved by the FDA. (They approved "Comirnaty", which is not available, to deceive the public.)


It’s like Pharma just backed a truck up to the Progressive Values Factory; stole everything; modified core values in order to maim people, make money, and implement global totalitarianism; and the left is just out there smoking a cigarette on the loading dock saying, “Sounds good to me.” What!? What the heck happened to the left? Is there no one remaining in that tribe who is capable of logic and reason!? Quite literally the worst industry in the world stole the left’s most cherished values and no one on the left is the slightest bit offended by this (even though they are offended by everything else)!? We live in the bizarro upside down world.

I could go on, but you'll get the idea by reading the site.

I have a platform of ideas for improving America: https://patrick.net/post/1303173/2017-02-19-patrick-s-platform

And an explanation for how we got to this point.

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« First        Comments 414 - 453 of 602       Last »     Search these comments

414   Bd6r   2019 Apr 12, 8:29am  

Patrick says
Their continuous spin and lies about Trump certainly seem to be a major factor in spreading this disease. They hyped the Russia lie for nearly 2 and a half years, and it was entirely bullshit.

And it is counterproductive even from the point of TDS sufferers (other than them being able to achieve mental orgasms from bashing t-RUMP). Trump has a lot to be criticized about but they focus on emotionally satisfying issues that are either false or immaterial, thus destroying their and MSM already nonexistent credibility.
415   Patrick   2019 Apr 12, 8:40am  

achieve mental orgasms from bashing t-RUMP

Lol, that is the perfect way to put it.
416   anonEmous   2019 Apr 25, 6:55pm  

417   newhealthera   2019 May 1, 12:10pm  

418   percepat   2019 May 3, 7:09pm  

419   BayArea   2019 May 17, 5:02am  

Patrick says
I wonder how much the media is to blame for the epidemic of TDS.

Their continuous spin and lies about Trump certainly seem to be a major factor in spreading this disease. They hyped the Russia lie for nearly 2 and a half years, and it was entirely bullshit.

@Patrick - you mentioned in a recent thread that generations will repeat the same mistakes over and over. Young people will always be impressionable.

Because of this, the mainstream media can be dangerous when they predominantly report from an angle.

As people get older, wiser, and more experienced, it’s not surprising that the political trend goes from democrat to republican. And what can be more revealing? As people get older, wiser, and more experienced, they gravitate towards one a particular side of the political spectrum. How reassuring is that democrats?

“If you are young and conservative, you have no heart. If you are old and liberal, you have no brain”

Perhaps one of Donald’s greatest accomplishments during his presidency is exposing the mainstream media.
420   Patrick   2019 May 17, 7:09am  

Yes, the old media of newspapers and TV has consistently lied about Trump, which should be clear to everyone by now, especially after the Russia hoax. They are completely dead as a source of objective news.

Their revenue was almost completely shifted to Google and Facebook, which are unfortunately also dedicated to suppressing news they don't like. Their censorship has really ramped up lately, no doubt because of the 2020 election.

421   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 May 17, 7:17am  

When I was a kid every liberal HATED this song. But every liberal supported Axl’s right to write and sing it.

Not one “liberal” today would be ok with it. The left would literally lose their shit over this song, boycott and protest the band and their record company...

422   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 May 17, 8:37am  

CovfefeButDeadly says
When I was a kid every liberal HATED this song. But every liberal supported Axl’s right to write and sing it.

Not one “liberal” today would be ok with it. The left would literally lose their shit over this song, boycott and protest the band and their record company...

Imagine if they heard "Money for Nuthin'"

Not just the premise, but the lyrics... that faggot's got his own jet airplane...
423   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 May 17, 8:42am  

d6rB says

"Objectivity is male subjectivity"
424   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 May 17, 9:10am  

HonkpilledMaster says
"Objectivity is male subjectivity"

Objectivity is a social construct lol
425   HeadSet   2019 May 17, 10:46am  

FortWayneIndiana says
HonkpilledMaster says
"Objectivity is male subjectivity"

Objectivity is a social construct lol

Just like math.
426   Marie   2019 May 21, 8:13pm  

427   marcus   2019 May 21, 9:30pm  

Patrick says
How can anyone still believe the Russia bullshit after it was so thoroughly discredited after more than two years of the most fanatical and partisan investigation in history?

It didn't feel fanatical or partisan to me. I guess some of the commentary about it was partisan. And wile I thought it might implicate Trump, I honestly thought and I believe most people thought that they probably would not find reason to indict Trump. So it was mostly ended up being what people thought all along.

THe surprise was that he probably did obstruct justice, but just not enough to indict a sitting President.

I don't see how this is some major vindication for Trump. Right wingers liketo say he's the most investigated President ever ? Really. I don't know.

He is certainly the least transparent President ever, about his finances, his taxes and his business dealings.

WE certainly have never had a President that constantly acted as if they have everything to hide as much a Trump does.
428   WookieMan   2019 May 22, 3:48am  

marcus says
He is certainly the least transparent President ever, about his finances, his taxes and his business dealings.

What is the concern with his business dealings? If he makes money in Russia, what's the big deal? He'd be extracting some money from Russia and bringing it here. Is that good for Russia? And isn't this what the Democrats wanted in the first place? A global economy.

Obama even gave up on manufacturing jobs here and basically understood we're a global economy now. And don't think for a second that no democrat (or other Republican) isn't making money in Russia in some way shape or form. Was Obama a traitor for just giving up on manufacturing and being happy we're sending China tons of money to make our products?

There's so much faux outrage over something that has been pushed by both parties. If you got his taxes and saw he made money in Russia, what would you even say to that? Or anywhere for that matter? Outside of Iran and North Korea you've got money invested somehow in another country that you probably don't like through a pension or 401k fund. So make sure to beat yourself up at the end of the day you treasonous traitor (being sarcastic, not actually call you that).
429   Expat01   2019 May 22, 5:18am  

430   WookieMan   2019 May 22, 6:44am  

Expat01 says
As for Russian interference, this is undisputed.

Who is claiming Russia did NOT try to influence the election? We do it all the time all over the world. All countries do. Thought this was common knowledge.

Expat01 says
Mueller's report said that Trump's staff were too incompetent to carry out the collusion and a few key players refused.

Cool, so they didn't collude. Next....
431   Ceffer   2019 May 22, 12:39pm  

I will forever be indebted to Trump for finally, inexorably tossing up the skirts of the Globalists, exposing the carrion press for what it really is, and revealing the country destroying corruption of the Democratic Party and it's sock puppets. I don't care if he is a self aggrandizing lout or whatever, he has performed a service, unconsciously or not, of rolling out the tide of the swamp to reveal all the garbage and feces. Even if one were to argue he is part of it, it wouldn't have become so vividly clear if he hadn't been elected.

I wouldn't trust the NYT, CNN or WAPO etc. etc. with an egg boiling recipe.

It does mean that getting information about the world and history is a much more laborious, painstaking process and requires layers of information cross checking and elimination. It's out there, it just takes a lot more work.
432   Shaman   2019 May 22, 12:51pm  

jazz_music says
One of the many curses of our existing oligarchy is that discussion is stopped by oligarchs who have used their increasing power to disinform us to the point where we no longer share a reality, but we recite and prefer lies that make us better than the other people. Tribal country posturing.

You’re not wrong. CNN, WaPo, Facebook, Google, and most of the rest of the media have carefully crafted and filtered the news to support the oligarch narrative. Their idea of activism is supporting causes that divide the American public by racial, class, religious, cultural, and political lines. Every march, demonstration, or protest they cover is in support of one divisive cause or another. Never ever will they favorably review any activism that is intended to heal our differences, rather than divide us further.
Oh and who owns all these media sources? Why the oligarchs!

How can you be so close to right, and then twist it up until you’re completely wrong? Most confusing poster on the site, and that includes the Bass.
433   Onvacation   2019 May 25, 11:51am  

marcus says

He is certainly the least transparent President ever, about his finances, his taxes and his business dealings.

Mostly because he has finances, taxes, and business dealings.

Where is the uproar over SO MANY career politicians becoming obscenely wealthy while "serving the public"?

We need more business people that want to make America great and less politicians who want to be wealthy and powerful.
434   Patrick   2019 May 25, 12:13pm  

To be frank:

1. Nothing at all has been found on Trump. Nothing.
2. Even if there were, who gives a hoot as long as the country continues to do great under Trump?

Democrats are all about HATE HATE HATE for Trump. Democrats have no other platform than serving globalists who want to dissolve the country entirely and flood it with cheap and desperate labor. And those globalists hate Trump because he is messing with their plans, and thus the 24/7 negative reporting on Trump by oligarch-owned media.

It's sad, because Democrats used to stand for the interests of the working class. But not anymore. I await the glorious day when so many Democrats defect that the party is forced to regain at least a little bit of ethics.
435   Bd6r   2019 May 25, 1:57pm  

Patrick says

436   HeadSet   2019 May 25, 2:12pm  

Trump campaign encouraged a foreign adversary to use and misrepresent stolen information on social media platforms to defraud U.S. voters. Because the presidency was won in this way, the president’s election victory brought forth nothing less than an illegitimate presidency.

Seriously? What was "stolen" and what was "misrepresented?" Maybe the info on how the Dems rigged the primary against Bernie? And this did not "win the presidency." Trump won because he out competed Hillary in key battleground states.

That whole "won because of misrepresented stolen info" is so damn transparent and shoddy as to be spoken by an absolute shill. And only a shill would profess to believe it.
437   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 May 25, 2:31pm  

jazz_music says
America is good to young well trained physically competitive people who model silent obedience. Remove any of those qualities and you are fucked worse than so many other countries, unless your investments are secure enough to carry you.

LOL, the secret to achieving success in America now revolves around having an Oppression Narrative for yourself, and mediocre ability. The Media and Academia and Big Tech celebrate Desmond the Drag Kid, Omar Ilhan, etc.

By the way, the undertone to this comment calls to mind the "Are all Leftists Ugly?" idea.
438   MrMagic   2019 Jun 15, 12:54pm  

Still have this "flag" B.S. still going on I see.... amazing...
439   CBOEtrader   2019 Jun 15, 1:24pm  

marcus says
So it was mostly ended up being what people thought all along.

Lol, apparently you haven't been watching CNN/MSNBC et all who called him a trailer, etc... All lies. All of it. Every shred .
440   Yajedove   2019 Jun 25, 8:46am  

442   mell   2019 Jun 25, 12:11pm  

CBOEtrader says

Sure. Leaders NEVER called Obama names.

lol also I thought the leftoids are all about eradicating offensive words such as retarded coz feelings! everyone calling Obummer names was rayscyst! Ah but now let's celebrate calling bad orange man a retard! Iran good, orange man bad retard! WTF?? The left has truly gone full retard, most inconsequential and hypocritical movement of modern times.
443   5cdfb   2019 Jul 14, 8:07am  

444   Patrick   2019 Jul 16, 8:54am  

@5cdfb That does not sound like me. I doubt I deleted it.

Please make your argument again here (or maybe you just did!) and watch, see that it remains visible.
445   Onvacation   2019 Jul 16, 9:32am  

5cdfb says
offending one of your brainwashed

That's not offensive.

If you can make your point without attacking others it will not be deleted. Some people have a hard time with that.
446   Patrick   2019 Jul 16, 5:15pm  

Onvacation says
If you can make your point without attacking others it will not be deleted. Some people have a hard time with that.


Please do experiments! See that any comment which is not attacking other users or the site is allowed to remain.
447   Onvacation   2019 Jul 16, 6:25pm  

OccasionalCortex says
Onvacation says
That's not offensive.

Is or is not?

It's so hard to write sarcastically.
448   mell   2019 Aug 31, 3:55pm  

CovfefeButDeadly says
When I was a kid every liberal HATED this song. But every liberal supported Axl’s right to write and sing it.

Not one “liberal” today would be ok with it. The left would literally lose their shit over this song, boycott and protest the band and their record company...


One of my favorite gnr songs. Honestly openly racist and offensive, like most art and music used to be.
449   deearea   2019 Sep 23, 2:04pm  

450   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Oct 25, 2:39pm  

DoofusRicky says
That's exactly what I'm talking about.

Another screen name the DNC lets out of the box every six months.
451   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Oct 27, 12:46pm  

DoofusRicky says
On the 'Freedom to offend' website, you will get censored for typing out "That's exactly what I'm talking about".

You can't make this stuff up. Brother Patrick, I implore you to reconsider your policies.


You post here every few years.
452   Patrick   2019 Oct 27, 1:40pm  

DoofusRicky says
On the 'Freedom to offend' website, you will get censored for typing out "That's exactly what I'm talking about".

You can't make this stuff up. Brother Patrick, I implore you to reconsider your policies.

Reconsider the policy of not allowing users to personally insult each other? Nope. It works well and is the right thing to do.

You consistently deliberately insult the other users personally, and then insult the site for flagging your insults.

Don't do that, and nothing will be flagged. Try this simple experiment: register with a new email that I cannot possibly know about, and don't insult the other users or the site. Note how nothing gets flagged then!

If you really feel the need to shit on people, do it somewhere else.
453   Patrick   2019 Oct 29, 10:09am  

DoofusRicky says
You deleted a single post that read merely "That's exactly what I'm talking about."

One of the rules is not to insult the site itself. Making up false claims about the site is insulting it.

Please come up with a comment of yours that was flagged, but is not actually insulting the site or another user. If it was flagged by someone by mistake, I can undo that.

Note that flagged comments can be edited by you, thus you can see what they say by clicking "edit".

DoofusRicky says
Another screen name the DNC lets out of the box every six months.

You could flag that. I just want people to discuss issues and not each other or the site.

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