by Heraclitusstudent ➕follow (8) 💰tip ignore
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People should stop focusing on the number of deaths and instead look at how China has greatly reduced its greenhouse emissions.
Too many comments on this board are just first degree racists.
Booger says
Apparently new cases are popping up in Italy or Japan and no one knows why, or what's the link with China.
Given this is the case, there may be millions infected, like, soon.
I'll venture a prediction: there will be cases popping up like this in the Bay Area within 2 weeks.
Should show that manufacturing some basic stuff should be a matter of national security. We should be making all of our own components, tools, and machinery.
Imagine, if you will, an America with its own manufacturing capabilities, tens of millions of jobs, and independence from Middle East oil imports. That is the America of @realDonaldTrump. The Democrat ”globalist” nightmare is dying before our eyes.
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) February 24, 2020
Traffic at the port has slowed to a crawl. Factories remain shuttered in China. Companies over here are running out of inventory.
This could be a black swan event.
Trump will be a one term president if the economy tanks between now and November.
Trump will be a one term president if the economy tanks between now and November.
E-man saysTrump will be a one term president if the economy tanks between now and November.
If the market tanks because of the Corona Virus - do you really think people are going to blame Trump who is trying to get a better handle on the borders and decouple us from China?
mell saysI don't think it will spread here
$20 says you are wrong and full blown hysterical panic is arriving shortly. If you are Asian, look asian, have an asian speaking accent or have been to asia recently - lay low and start packing.
Trump will be a one term president if the economy tanks between now and November.
You may say 1% death is a joke. 1% of 1 billion is 10 millions.
What? Hasn't this been around since December? It's basically March and we're under 90K infected worldwide in 2-3 months, originating from a country with 1B plus people. We're talking 0.0000128% of the world has an infection. 0.00000037% overall have died. *All based off 7B world population.
You may say 1% death is a joke. 1% of 1 billion is 10 millions. And 1% can be your mother, or your kid, or you.
you are arguing with a bot.
I do think this bot has a human that intervenes from time to time though. Some of the responses are impossible to program.
BEIJING, CHINA -- China on Monday declared an immediate and "comprehensive" ban on the trade and consumption of wild animals, a practice believed responsible for the deadly coronavirus outbreak.
The country's top legislative committee approved a proposal "prohibiting the illegal wildlife trade, abolishing the bad habit of overconsumption of wildlife, and effectively protecting the lives and health of the people," state television reported.
Previous temporary bans have been put in place, including after the SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) virus killed hundreds of people in China and Hong Kong in 2002-03 and was also traced to wild animal consumption.
Liberals have partisan incentives that run the other way, toward emphasizing the White House’s unpreparedness in the face of a clear and present threat. But these incentives have so far been outweighed by liberalism’s ideological bias toward global openness, its anxiety about saying or doing anything that might give aid and comfort to anti-globalization forces, its fear of ever sounding too, well, Trump-y in the face of foreign threats. Thus the liberal instinct toward minimization: It’s not much worse than the flu, panicking makes things only worse, don’t spread conspiracy theories about its origins, racism toward Chinese people is the real danger here.
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