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Freedom pills usually work against tyrants.
I like mine chambered in .300 Blackout in counts of 30.
Pew pew!
Almost all of the supposed “leftism” that one sees today is being driven from above by capital. The people driving this agenda are:
the big investment managers (BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street);
the World Economic Forum;
the CIA; and
Big Philanthropy (the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, George Soros, Laurene Powell Jobs, the Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation, etc.).
The billionaires, the oligarchs, the holders of capital, the richest people in the world, are driving the “left” agenda. They write about it in their annual letters to shareholders and they talk about it nonstop in public speeches — this is their vision for how they want to remake the world.
The ruling class uses a whole host of bougiecrats to implement the plan including:
the management consultants (McKinsey, PWC, Booz Allen);
the PR Firms (Edelman, Weber Shandwick, Hill+Knowlton, Ogilvy); and
the thoroughly corporate Democratic Party.
No actual leftists are involved in this process at all.
At first this makes no sense. The political left and the billionaires should be mortal enemies. But somehow the billionaires are playing dress up, pretend, cosplay leftism while the actual left base does not exist.
Okay so let’s think through why this might be the case. Let’s look at this from the perspective of the ruling class that is implementing this agenda:
1. If one wants to take over the world, it helps to have a movement or at least the appearance of a movement.
The political right is bad at movement politics. For conservatives, the fundamental unit of society is the individual, not the collective. Social movements make conservatives cringe. So if one wants to take over the world, one needs to embrace the aesthetics and rhetoric of the left (while excluding any actual leftists who might get in the way). The appearance of a movement gives legitimacy to this ruling class project for world domination.
2. The trillion dollar grifts of the ruling class require massive government spending.
So again, one cannot run that through the political right, they are too busy trying to shrink government (they often fail at that, but that’s their stated goal). The trillion dollar vaccine grift, the trillion dollar health insurance grift, and endless multi-trillion dollar wars all around the world require a political party that believes in Big Government. So the ruling class has to run these grifts through the Democratic Party.
3. The corporate embrace of astroturf leftism actually makes sense from a marketing perspective.
Women make up half the population, so including women doubles the size of the market.
The spending power of dual income gay and lesbian couples (who are often childless) is massive, so they are a coveted market as well.
People of color, of course, a huge market (most of the world). ...
It should be noted that none of these corporations are being forced to do anything —they are eagerly embracing the instructions from above as if they were their own ideas.
4. It’s a lot easier to oppress and enslave people if they do not realize that they are being oppressed and enslaved.
‘No sweetie, you’re not being poisoned, made a debt slave, and drained of all income and wealth — you are being saved from deadly diseases through Safe & Effective Vaccines™️!’
‘No sweetie, you’re not being chained to Central Bank Digital Currency, imprisoned in 15 minute cities, and forced to eat synthetic food — you’re saving the planet and yourself from Catastrophic Climate Change™️!’
‘No sweetie, you’re not being sterilized and castrated in order to reduce the population and enrich the ruling class — you’re being empowered to be your True Authentic Self™️!’
So the left political project now is just kitsch, a toxic mimic of its former self, deployed by the ruling class to enslave and depopulate the world.
The question is, why are so few people on the left able to see this? Naomi Klein, Noam Chomsky, and Michael Moore, to name a few, should have been able to spot the Covid psyop in about 5 minutes. Instead they became rabid cheerleaders for fascism and genocide.
I have a few attempts at an answer:
I think the left identifies with the ruling class at this point;
After losing for 150 years straight it must have felt nice to finally start winning, albeit in service of everything they once opposed; and
The modern left took to fascism like a duck to water so the authoritarian tendencies must have been there all along.
But there is no reason the rest of us have to go along with this sick and twisted charade. We must speak simple truths out loud every day:
There is no political left.
The current scheme (of endless pandemics, vaccines, lucrative treatments for vaccine harms, CBDC, fake food, 15 minute cities, 5G, internet of bodies, 24/7/365 surveillance, social credit scores, digital vaccine passports, etc.) is being run from above by the ruling class.
The ruling class seeks to enslave and depopulate the world.
They must be stopped by any means necessary.
When we prosecute the architects of the iatrogenocide, our life expectancy and standard of living will soar.
Free speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, free markets, and free people produce the best outcomes for people on this planet. Let’s return to that.
This is something a friend forwarded to me. No real confidence in it.
But who knows? I’m going to Havasu on the 5th, so not being in LA for any potential nuclear war seems like a good plan. Although I did book this trip a couple weeks ago.
Except that the same thing will happen in a million other scenarios due to the over-centralization of everything for majority of the population. This is literally what we've prepared for, what preppers can and will survive.
Except that the same thing will happen in a million other scenarios due to the over-centralization of everything for majority of the population. This is literally what we've prepared for, what preppers can and will survive.
This book is a must, and it's FREE
I figure any disaster would require me to get out of the city area, so stockpiling food or gear wouldn’t gain me anything.
You could survive with a lot of food, in a remote area, with plenty of weaponry and ammo, and at least 2 people that can handle a weapon. If you have a year's worth of food, you damned well better know how to farm, and know people who currently are farming. You can be a slave to them. You'll be pulling a plow with an ox or a horse, so hopefully you are handy in making an old style plow. You will be weeding, as well. Better know how to can, and have canning supplies.
They do plan to survive even nuclear fallout, and run by ex-military, but I am a bit skeptical on that point as nuclear winter fucks all of us, almost no matter what. But I don't see happening as even the sociopaths would die.
This is something a friend forwarded to me. No real confidence in it.
But who knows? I’m going to Havasu on the 5th, so not being in LA for any potential nuclear war seems like a good plan. Although I did book this trip a couple weeks ago.
Well, supposedly we have less than 48 hours left (!) if I'm to believe what Shaman posted, and I don't.
It’s probably woo, but just because something has never happened doesn’t mean it won’t ever happen, or couldn’t happen tomorrow.
I don’t trust the people who run the world. Satanist pedophiles, all of them.
They’d initiate WWIII convinced in their own invincibility.
It doesn’t matter to me if there is a hidden war going on in the background with countless parties spreading misinformation and counter disinformation, with 1000’s of so called patriot truthers repeating (often incorrectly) anything that pops up in their social media feeds.
Maybe I should have chosen my words more carefully. I meant there is nothing I can do, nothing I can prove and so I can’t let it concern me too much.
all they would do is accuse me of being a flat earther.
Hard experience has shown me that I’m not going to change anybody’s view and in fact I’m just creating stress and problems for myself.
I understand and agree with your points about sociopaths and the elites who hold us in contempt. I would love to end global war and I am concerned about a nuclear World War 3.
I just see the internet as causing just as many problems as it was meant to solve.
And there’s little I can do about that. I’m not getting lost though in some impotent, black pilled depression. I’m just focusing on my own life. I’m as ready as I’ll ever be for monumental change.
Nothing has happened. No zombie apocalypse, alien invasion, martial law military coup, stock market collapse (in fact Nasdaq 100 is at a yearly high). Nothing
richwicks says
I know there's assholes
You mean, "there're assholes".
Just my feeble attempt at being funny.
The point of the internet is global communication to end war, to end frauds, to stop propaganda.
Consider the mentality of somebody who would make a post in an attempt to incite panic. Somewhere out there there's some fucking bastard cunt asshole out there that posted this:
Did you ever think our government, in concert with many governments all over the world, would try to make us take a potentially fatal shot every four months or we couldn't work or travel? I never guessed that one.
Documents Provide Rare Glimpse Into How Arabella Advisors Exerts Centralized Control Over a Vast Left-Wing Advocacy Network
Andrew Kerr and Joseph Simonson
July 10, 2023
The Student Experience Research Network sounds innocuous enough. The organization says it exists to "advance the research, relationships, and capacity necessary to build an education system in which every student experiences respect as a valued person and thinker."
In reality, the group funds research with the goal of promoting DEI practices in education and partners with other left-wing organizations to promote "inclusive mathematics environments" and push universities to abandon standardized tests. Earlier this month, the Student Experience Research Network took a victory lap after the University of California system said it would toss out the SAT in its admissions process.
The Student Experience Research Network and hundreds of other left-wing activist groups like it are controlled from the top down by Arabella Advisors, a for-profit consultancy that plays an integral role in Democratic causes, fueled by donations from billionaires including George Soros and Pierre Omidyar. The company, which distributes billions to Democratic pet projects, has established five tax-exempt nonprofit groups that pay Arabella a hefty fee—ostensibly for back-office work—and in turn operate a vast array of left-wing advocacy groups including the Student Experience Research Network.
Greetings Earthlings! Ratio here…
Are we experiencing slavery? Is it first world slavery?
CIA Rabbit holes present themselves to your sphere with their gravitational pull and you are lucky to pull up long enough before you tell your conspiracy friends you “figured it all out”.
Just think, the second I write this, the second you click on this it is flagged in a NSA database somewhere and turns up in a queue of an analyst who then reviews it and flags it further to at some point maybe bring it to someone’s attention. The criteria are set forth. Something like, if the content creator has millions of followers then lets engage our partners in big tech to tamp down the energy involved with a potential outcome of an awakening that might challenge the power structure.
I wonder, though, how far it goes back - the power structure. Are we talking as far back as the masons? Is it the Sumerians? Bible timelines? Did it start with the Nephilim? Were we implanted here on Earth after the atmosphere of Mars collapsed? Was it when Tiamat/Planet X destroyed the planet between Mars and Jupiter to give us the Asteroid belt? ...
When it comes down to it we are dealing with evil. The type of evil that exists in the world today that says, yes, we need control over the global money supply and siphon off profits indefinitely and set up the system so there is no way around it.
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How can global policy and media across the world be so coordinated?
Kind of makes one tempted to believe in "conspiracy theories".
I really do think there is a cabal of billionaires who own the media and the government and which shifts course when things start to get hot, like right now. They are not "the Jews" but a collection of billionaires from many countries. Many of them are Jewish, but many are not.
Can we identify them by name? Bezos and Gates for sure, but what are the other names? I would especially like to know the names of the ones that desperately want to remain hidden. Klaus Schwab? Top leaders in China like Xi Jinping?