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I posted the interviews with people who lost kids, you ignored it. Would you like another antiwar.com link? I guess even genocide is ok as long as it's your side doing it...
Fact is our society is too modern for people to want to actually fight a war.
Anyone predict the Kerch bridge getting hit on Putin's birthday?
Prediction: as long as Biden is in the White House and Democrats and neocons control Congress, the us government will continue to fund and engage in wars around the world that make us (Americans) less safe and take our money to spend it on killing people. This includes Ukraine. It is not in our best interest to be involved in any way, except in negotiating peace.
PeopleUnited says
Prediction: as long as Biden is in the White House and Democrats and neocons control Congress, the us government will continue to fund and engage in wars around the world that make us (Americans) less safe and take our money to spend it on killing people. This includes Ukraine. It is not in our best interest to be involved in any way, except in negotiating peace.
We got involved in 1994 when we negotiated "nukes for territorial integrity assurance" deal. Now it's either territorial integrity or nukes back. I'm fine with either.
We are not the ones who went froggy there.
PeopleUnited says
Prediction: as long as Biden is in the White House and Democrats and neocons control Congress, the us government will continue to fund and engage in wars around the world that make us (Americans) less safe and take our money to spend it on killing people. This includes Ukraine. It is not in our best interest to be involved in any way, except in negotiating peace.
We got involved in 1994 when we negotiated "nukes for territorial integrity assurance" deal. Now it's either territorial integrity or nukes back. I'm fine with either.
We are not the ones who went froggy there.
Obama stood down with the annexation of Crimea. Since the people voted to become part of Russia, all is good according to UN Charter. It is Russian territory. (We...
And you must think there was an insurrection.
Obama stood down with the annexation of Crimea.
Misc says
Obama stood down with the annexation of Crimea.
And just like that p.net is in love with Obama...
before the corrupt leftoid US stooges staged a coup in the Ukraine and installed a corrupt puppet government, Europe and putin got along pretty well.
mell says
before the corrupt leftoid US stooges staged a coup in the Ukraine and installed a corrupt puppet government, Europe and putin got along pretty well.
Why does the left want a war with Russia? They have been beating the drums for years.
Why does the left want a war with Russia? They have been beating the drums for years.
Its a white Christian nation.
It publicly turned its back to communism.
Why does the left want a war with Russia? They have been beating the drums for years.
We got involved in 1994 when we negotiated "nukes for territorial integrity assurance" deal. Now it's either territorial integrity or nukes back. I'm fine with either.
Onvacation says
Why does the left want a war with Russia? They have been beating the drums for years.
I'll explain. Whatever party is perceived to be in "power in the government" just goes along with ANYTHING their party does. This is why so many "conservatives" were perfectly fine with going into Iraq in Operation Desert Storm, and what Geneva was fine - whatever the Republicans did in the 1980's and early 1990's was 100% FINE.
Well, "Democrats" control the government, so anything that the "Democratic party" does is 100% FINE.
Maybe 10% of the population actually engages in real thinking, and I'd say less than 1/2 of them engage in thinking about government policies or long term consequences of global politics.
Ok, here's a prediction...Blackrock IMPLODES.
Prediction: Europeans will snap from their leftoid marxist globalist propaganda induced trance and fire more and more EU governments and restore peace and trade with Russia, the longer stooge zelinsky keeps warmongering w/ stooge putin the lesser welcome refugees will be.
This might be good one, given all the huge protests that alternative media show every single week.
Europeans refusing to die and freeze for the Globalist elites and their insane criminal enterprises in Ukraine and the world.
I could hit -5ºF for a month and easily survive without power. Do Europeans not grill? You can keep a house warm enough over a winter on 4-5 tanks of 20lbs propane and a heater.
Of course it is. The US has murdered, by current estimate, 9 million people over the last 20 years bombing Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, and Libya. You know who cares? Nobody, apparently.
Sadly, I have to predict the US will set off a nuke in order to call off the midterm elections, or maybe just to distract everyone from the vaxx deaths.
HIMARS will soon be firing from Kherson. The approaches to Crimea are within range. This will degrade Russian defenses/LOC's while "left wing" of the counter-offensive takes Mariupol & Melitopol by January. Then begins the decisive phase of the campaign...liberation of Crimea. https://t.co/UBk5Lc5JIO
— Ben Hodges (@general_ben) November 12, 2022
HIMARS will soon be firing from Kherson. The approaches to Crimea are within range. This will degrade Russian defenses/LOC's while "left wing" of the counter-offensive takes Mariupol & Melitopol by January. Then begins the decisive phase of the campaign...liberation of Crimea. https://t.co/UBk5Lc5JIO
— Ben Hodges (@general_ben) November 12, 2022
Not a prediction, just facts. All elections considered important by the NWO will continue to be rigged until they make their 2030 goal. Two down three to go!
You think Republicans will keep taking it laying down and not start cheating back?
You think Republicans will keep taking it laying down and not start cheating back?
What I want to know is will you take it lying down? Will the American people? I hope the answer to that is FUCK no.
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It goes without saying that everybody is welcome to add their favorite predictions.