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Lately I've discovered that Trader Joe's has a decent brandy for $10, looks like this:
It's really a bargain. You might get 20 shots out of it, so 50 cents each.
I'm no expert on brandy though. My only test is "Does it make me cringe?" This one does not.
Ceffer says
nobody recommends starches, refined wheat flour products, cereals, fast food chips or certain oils like Canola or margarine.
Tufts University 'Food Compass'
Seed Oils are Slowly Poisoning Us & Our Children.
...and they are in EVERYTHING.
Seed Oils are Slowly Poisoning Us & Our Children.
...and they are in EVERYTHING.
Not sure I agree with it all, but I remain very suspicious of all the new oils, especially rapeseed oil, aka "canola oil".
A meat only diet is not what I would recommend. To each their own.
mell says
A meat only diet is not what I would recommend. To each their own.
I go by the hypothesis that our ancestors fit their environment in order to survive in it, and we wouldn't exist, if they were killed by their environment. It was a tremendous advantage to have grandparents help raise children 1000 years ago.
For "my people", refined sugar didn't exist, beer did, but not refined alcohol. They got meat, on occasion, but often ate boiled vegetables. They had plenty of access to milk and eggs, but cheese not so much. Spices were a rarity. Salt wasn't too easy to get, but it was around, and they physically worked a lot.
Certain oils just didn't exist. Butter did, but not vegetable oil. Olive oil was a rarity and probably a treat. Lard was around, so was beef fat.
I'm Irish and Polish, I'd rather be dead than exist on their diet though. Polish f...
I consider a boiled potato with skin, given it's not laced with pesticides (preferably organic origin), a perfectly healthy food (similarly carrots/yams). Superfood so to say. Gentle on the stomach and gives you almost all the nutrients you need, readily and easily to absorb, high in potassium. That's why I think potato chips aren't necessarily bad for you, in moderation. Not as good as the real potato deal though of course.
A meat only diet is not what I would recommend.
I consider a boiled potato with skin, given it's not laced with pesticides (preferably organic origin), a perfectly healthy food (similarly carrots/yams). Superfood so to say. Gentle on the stomach and gives you almost all the nutrients you need, readily and easily to absorb, high in potassium. That's why I think potato chips aren't necessarily bad for you, in moderation. Not as good as the real potato deal though of course.
Especially omega 6 is not bad for you, I consider walnuts one of the healtiest foods to eat and they are high in omega 6.
Dholliday126 says
I think this is is best. Based on Dr. Gundry(comes off as a quack), but it really cleared up some inflammation issues. Instead of sugar, I use Stevia which takes some time to get used to, but once you do, eating sugar seems weird.
He gets a lot right, but there's a bunch of good food on his Don't Eat list. That's my biggest problem with any of these people. If you become too restrictive, you have to really embrace variety in other places, or you end up malnourished.
A big miss on that graphic, nuts need to be raw, and refrigerated after opening. Otherwise the oils become rancid.
Honey is a complex sugar, one of the best things you can eat, especially for seasonal allergies. Yogurt has naturally occurring pro-biotics, and consumption through food is always better absorbed than through pills. Quinoa is a complete protein, Basmati rice is...
I have a rule while traveling:
Don't eat food with a SYSCO Barcode. This would be all your chain restaurants like Olive Garden, BJ's, Red Robin, et al. Fast food only if you're really in a hurry (or craving, I guess.)
Look for one-offs with Yelp or Trip Advisor.
I find it darkly amusing that our overlords are so dead set on eliminating tobacco, which can slightly reduce birth weight doncha know, while force-feeding the plebs toxic seed oils that are almost certainly a primary reason for the obesity crisis. Seed oils, more often referred to as ‘vegetable’ oils, appear to systematically slow down metabolic function, meaning people who get a large fraction of their calories from these sources are burning less energy than they should be at a baseline level when they’re just sitting there doing nothing. The connection between metabolic slowing and the spike in obesity over recent decades should be obvious – sedentary lifestyles are doubtless a factor, but we aren’t that much physically lazier than we were in, say, the 50s. No one went to the gym back then, yet no one was fat. Odd, no?
Canola oil is made by slightly heating and crushing canola seeds at a processing facility. The seeds are then flaked to release the oil. Almost all commercial canola oil is extracted using hexane solvent, which is recovered at the end of processing. The extracted oil is refined using water precipitation and organic acid to remove gums and free fatty acids, filtering to remove color, and deodorizing using steam distillation.
Exposure to n-hexane can cause neurotoxicity, leading to symptoms such as vertigo, giddiness, and drowsiness. Longer-term exposures can lead to peripheral neuropathy, with symmetrical paraesthesia and weakness, particularly in the lower extremities.
Historically, it was restricted as a food oil due to its content of erucic acid, which in laboratory studies was shown to be damaging to the cardiac muscle of laboratory animals in high quantities and which imparts a bitter taste, and glucosinolates, which made it less nutritious in animal feed.[1][2] Rapeseed oil from standard cultivars can contain up to 54% erucic acid.[3]
Canola oil is a food-grade version developed in Canada (hence the name, see below) derived from rapeseed cultivars specifically bred for low erucic acid content. Also known as low erucic acid rapeseed (LEAR) oil, it has been generally recognized as safe by the United States Food and Drug Administration.[4] Canola oil is limited by government regulation to a maximum of 2% erucic acid by weight in the US[4] and the EU,[5] with special regulations for infant food. These low levels of erucic acid do not cause harm in humans.[4][6]
Brave search synopsis:
Canola oil is made by slightly heating and crushing canola seeds at a processing facility. The seeds are then flaked to release the oil. Almost all commercial canola oil is extracted using hexane solvent, which is recovered at the end of processing. The extracted oil is refined using water precipitation and organic acid to remove gums and free fatty acids, filtering to remove color, and deodorizing using steam distillation.(some text omitted to shorten quote...) ntent. Also known as low erucic acid rapeseed (LEAR) oil, it has been generally recognized as safe by the United States Food and Drug Administration.[4] Canola oil is limited by government regulation to a maximum of 2% erucic acid by weight in the US[4] and the EU,[5] with special regulations for infant food. These low levels of erucic acid do not cause harm in humans.[4][6]
I'm not a scientist like some of you guys. As a matter of fact, i just have a HS edumacation.
if there was another type of liquid that could be heated to 370 degrees, it would probably make food crispy also.
Am i fucked up?
but I am not worried about ingesting seed oils via processed food that was cooked/fried with them.
Interesting that Costco carries a brand of bacon without sugar
mell says
but I am not worried about ingesting seed oils via processed food that was cooked/fried with them.
If you're ok with eating processed food, why would you care what oil its in?
We now have to avoid most desserts as well, as even organic ones tend to have sunflower lecithin. Maybe that one is ok, haven't looked into it. Interesting that Costco carries a brand of bacon without sugar, but read the ingredients, and they add sunflower oil, to BACON. Almost as if the food industry is trying to trick us into poisoning ourselves...
but if not adulterated it's actually quite healthy.
mell says
but if not adulterated it's actually quite healthy.
kinda like cheap grocery store olive oil? if not adulterated it's actually quite healthy.
Also, Nuts are highly recommended in moderation. You're getting a bit of oil, but not enough to worry about.
I started getting high triglycerides a few years back, and started taking fish oil pills. They didn't do a thing for me until I saw my flight surgeon. He asked my dose and I said 1000mg per day. He said it's 4k per day! Since then, my tri's have dropped 50%. If I go off, they go back up.
I think this is pretty close to Mom feeding you Cod liver oil back in the day. Little sardines on a cracker (Chicken of the Sea ) are still a favorite of mine.
Also, Nuts are highly recommended in moderation. You're getting a bit of oil, but not enough to worry about.
I started getting high triglycerides a few years back, and started taking fish oil pills. They didn't do a thing for me until I saw my flight surgeon. He asked my dose and I said 1000mg per day. He said it's 4k per day! Since then, my tri's have dropped 50%. If I go off, they go back up.
I think this is pretty close to Mom feeding you Cod liver oil back in the day. Little sardines on a cracker (Chicken of the Sea ) are still a favorite of mine.
Patrick, I use olive oil for almost everything but according to this Davis study 53-94% of the imported brands failed standard testing.
Check if this helps,
Dr. Pradip Jamnadas: "ONCE A DAY, it is scientifically proven!"
HAHA - all the top recommended are junk foods except for kale and watermelon, both of which I hate.
richwicks says
HAHA - all the top recommended are junk foods except for kale and watermelon, both of which I hate.
You must be black. The reason I say this is because the only people I've ever heard that claim that they hate watermelon were blacks when speaking to white folk.
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Which of them are worth avoiding entirely?
Here are the fats and oils I think are bad:
- margarine (which is just canola and other crap oils hardened to make them stick in your arteries better)
- canola oil
- cottonseed oil (especially bad)
- palm kernel oil
I'm undecided about these:
- soybean oil
- sunflower seed oil
- avocado oil
- coconut oil
- peanut oil
I'm sure these are pretty good for you:
- olive oil
- butter
- lard (yes, I think lard is OK to eat)