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38949   thomaswong.1986   2013 Oct 29, 2:52pm  

bgamall4 says

You misunderstand the respect with which JFK was given by the American people.

The American people dont respect cronies who have ties to organized crime like the Mafia's, Sam Giancana, which the Kennedy's have been neck deep in for decades past. Perhaps we are better off with Kennedy's clan being out of power.

Since you a big conspiracy buff.. how do explain JFKs ties to the Mafia ?
Why did Kennedy need the help of the Mafia and equally corrupt unions to get elected?

There is your answer...

38950   thomaswong.1986   2013 Oct 29, 3:08pm  

Mark D says

the History Channel made a documentary claiming LBJ was behind the whole thing but the higher power made them stop airing it. LBJ was bought by the Military Industrial Complex and organized the whole thing.

Dont need the History Channel to remind many that it was Kennedy and Democrats on the whole who were claiming the Missile Gap and where seeking higher military spending...

"During the campaign, Kennedy charged that under Eisenhower and the Republicans the nation had fallen behind the Soviet Union in the Cold War, both militarily and economically, and that as president he would "get America moving again."

38951   Rin   2013 Oct 29, 3:11pm  

Here's one issue with the disjointed conspiracy team.

If Gerry Ford and Nelson Rockefeller were so close and tight knit, on the whole conspiracy cover up, then why did Ford drop Rockefeller from his re-election ballot? In other words, why was Rocky dropped by virtue of him, being too liberal in the eyes of other conservatives? Would fellow conspirators drop each other, at the drop of hat?

I think that thing here is that yes, there was a conspiracy but no, it didn't involve everyone under the sun.

38952   Y   2013 Oct 29, 3:17pm  

What is it with you and these false flags?
Every post you are sticking a false flag up somebody's ass.
Don't you have any true flag stories to tell?
bgamall4 says

Ceffer says

Why should I be ashamed because the American public has such poor judgment?

You pervert. Didn't you know that it was Kennedy who stopped the false flag Operation Northwoods from happening? Didn't you know it was Kennedy who sought to issue money instead of relying on the Federal Reserve? The exact things that so called libertarians call for today, he gave his life for you putz.

38953   Homeboy   2013 Oct 29, 4:02pm  

Call it Crazy says

A blunder ??? REALLY?? A slip of the tongue??? Freudian slip??

How many times did he repeat it over and over for multiple YEARS in many speeches???

And you'll sit here and call it a "blunder"???


Calm the fuck down there, Skippy. I don't understand the point of your histrionics here. It's not necessary for you to hold down the question mark key when you are typing. I called it a blunder. Apparently you seem to equate "blunder" with "one time minor inadvertent mistake", but that is not what I said. Neither did I say "Freudian slip" or "slip of the tongue". So don't put words in my mouth, asshole.

Same question to you: Nobody is claiming that Obama was correct to say that. So what is your point?

38954   Homeboy   2013 Oct 29, 4:08pm  

Call it Quits says

50 to 75 percent of the 14 million consumers who buy their insurance individually can expect to receive a “cancellation” letter or the equivalent over the next year because their existing policies don’t meet the standards mandated by the new health care law.

Waaahhhh! Obamacare won't allow me to keep my high-deductible plan. Obamacare deductibles are too low.

thunderlips11 says

Obamacare offers cheap insurance - that comes with massive deductibles and pitiful copays.

Waaaahhhh! Obamacare deductibles are too high.

Wow, you guys can't even agree on what you hate about Obamacare. You're making the exact OPPOSITE points. You couldn't MAKE this stuff up. LOL.

38955   drew_eckhardt   2013 Oct 29, 4:27pm  

BoomAndBustCycle says

That's basically CANCER coverage... or bad car accident coverage... It's expensive yes.. but it's better than nothing.

As I illustrated it's better than more comprehensive coverage except in very constrained circumstances. If the plan pays your health care providers they can add 25% and keep the rest as profits (obviously this would not be a problem with not-for-profit government insurance).

If you pay your providers you don't pay the markup and get the better of the insurer's negotiated discount and what you can get for cash.

With the lesser coverage you also avoid the 59% markup (28/9.3 federal and state rates) on your share of costs (obviously this would not be a problem without the current government tax policies which favor expensive employer plans and increase profits for the companies providing them).

38956   drew_eckhardt   2013 Oct 29, 4:31pm  

ThreeBays says

Dang $1500/mo, that's expensive. Not some $400/mo plan people are complaining about being double what they paid before.

That's probably 2 adults and one or more kids, and just $918 a month in take-home pay if you paid it all yourself (28/9.3 federal and state rates, 1.45% Medicare, no FICA or SDI)

$306/3 = $313 a person which is less than the $400/month people are complaining about on individual plans.

If you're not hitting the FICA and SDI wage caps it'd be $810/month and just $270 a person.

38957   Vicente   2013 Oct 29, 4:44pm  

thomaswong.1986 says

"During the campaign, Kennedy charged that under Eisenhower and the Republicans the nation had fallen behind the Soviet Union in the Cold War, both militarily and economically, and that as president he would "get America moving again."


Wait that was another President.

I'm not sure why our usual bunker crowd would care much about this revelation. Kennedy was a Democrat after all, and pinning it on another Democrat is of course satisfying but ultimately as long as he's dead..... who cares?

38958   drew_eckhardt   2013 Oct 29, 4:59pm  

ThreeBays says

drew_eckhardt says

$940/3 = $313 a person which is less than the $400/month people are complaining about on individual plans.

The $400 complaint was for a family I believe.

Pre-ACA young people were getting $80 policies and family plans were about 3X one adult so that remains a valid complaint.

38960   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2013 Oct 29, 5:19pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Comptroller says

An oligarch buys the very last business in the world and disbands the last union and sends the last job to the Chinese gulag and then everyone in America volunteers to suck him off for the chance to wash his car for a tip or a piece of cheese.

Then everyone eats each others' faces.

Basic Adam Smith.

That's all correct.

I got to say you're a smart cookie.

38961   Tenpoundbass   2013 Oct 29, 11:48pm  

one and two are the same thing.

the third answer is people like Homeboy hitting submit about ten times. There's no damn 24% of any group left in this country that has anything positive to say about Obamacrap but Libots.

38962   Y   2013 Oct 30, 12:08am  

Too early to tell for the program.
The act of signing up for it definitely does not emote confidence.
The lies told to get it through the legislature definitely does not emote confidence.
But the program itself?? Too early to tell...

38963   PeopleUnited   2013 Oct 30, 12:27am  

No, because I never had any faith to begin with. It was a disaster, congress didnt even read it before they voted on it. It will be a disaster. It was designed to be a disaster. It will likely destroy what is left that was working in healthcare and its failure will bring about Barry's ultimate goal, total state/federal run medicine.

38964   anonymous   2013 Oct 30, 12:36am  

ThreeBays says

Obamacare haters should know full well Obamacare is Romneycare. It's Republican Care. Do some research... ACA is the plan republicans have wanted for decades, and Romney implemented in Massachusetts with individual mandate and all. The only reason Repubs hate it now is because it was signed by Obama.

I agree that people are completely uneducated about Obamacare. As an independent, I'm actually in favor of this type of health insurance implementation because it fosters more competition across the private insurance companies, and we have to get everyone with at least catastrophic coverage in order to ultimately spread costs more evenly and bring costs down for everyone.

38965   edvard2   2013 Oct 30, 12:41am  

No, because as someone else said- it JUST started. Secondly, the latest little trick the right-wingers are playing is spreading the half-truth that MILLION are losing their insurance when in fact, all that's happening is that about 5% of the population on private plans are on plans that lack the basic requirement of the ACA. So as such, they are then able to sign back up and in turn get plans that are actually better, and in most cases at the same cost or cheaper.

Either way, I assume the GOP and their eager, faithful followers will keep right on spending every waking minute wasting it on trying to defeat a law that is already in action.... and they'll do so right up to the 2016 elections where they will lose as a result.

38966   zzyzzx   2013 Oct 30, 1:10am  

What the libtards are missing is that people are naturally going to be hesitant to enter all their personal info into a website that's famous for being craptacular.

38967   MisdemeanorRebel   2013 Oct 30, 1:12am  

Homeboy says

Waaaahhhh! Obamacare deductibles are too high.

Wow, you guys can't even agree on what you hate about Obamacare. You're making the exact OPPOSITE points. You couldn't MAKE this stuff up. LOL.

I'm giving my honest opinions.

I'm in favor of single - payer, not more Public-Private Cooperation Taxpayer Funded Bullshit that fixes nothing except bonuses for Insurance Company Executives.

$5000-$10000 deductibles are ludicrous.

As I explained above, the reluctance of people to get testing is not helped by massive deductibles, which represent anywhere from 20-33% of their entire yearly income. Because the median household makes $38k, a $5000-$10000 deductible does not do much about the "Wait until you can't stand it any more, then go to the ER problem". To say nothing about 40-50% drug copays.

That is Walmart Grade, "Look, we provide Insurance, really we do" type insurance.

Who gives a crap about Romney Care? We need the NHS.

38968   edvard2   2013 Oct 30, 1:14am  

What wingers are missing is that people aren't being hesitant at all, but that indeed the current system has bugs, and a lot of that is from the overwhelming amount of traffic from people trying to sign up.

38969   HydroCabron   2013 Oct 30, 1:27am  

If the Constitution forbids slavery or any other essential component of liberty, then the Constitution is unconstitutional!

38970   Tenpoundbass   2013 Oct 30, 1:32am  

edvard2 says

What wingers are missing is that people aren't being hesitant at all, but that indeed the current system has bugs, and a lot of that is from the overwhelming amount of traffic from people trying to sign up.

It's chief primary operating function right now, is to defer people to Medicare. The actual potential insurance buyers are avoiding it like a Wafflehouse on MLK blvd.

38971   smaulgld   2013 Oct 30, 1:37am  

edvard2 says

nd a lot of that is from the overwhelming amount of traffic from people trying to sign up.

That is not true- the site just doesn't work. and they paid $650 million for it.
Whether you like Obama care or not this type of "glitch" is not acceptable. Obama said it was like Apple.
Imagine if people couldn't use their iphones or ipads for a month and the CEOof apple kept saying "Apple is more than an iphone, its a good product".

38972   smaulgld   2013 Oct 30, 1:39am  

edvard2 says

What wingers are missing is that people aren't being hesitant at all,

If you are mandated, better not hesitate!

38973   Robert Sproul   2013 Oct 30, 1:47am  

thunderlips11 says

not more Public-Private Cooperation Taxpayer Funded Bullshit that fixes nothing except bonuses for Insurance Company Executives.

We needed dramatic reform of a broken system.
We got Obama care.
By some estimates, at least a third — and perhaps as much as half — of all the money spent on health care in the United States is wasted, and all we are doing is arguing about who should pay for this waste.
And fund the average CEO salary of 11 million bucks.

38974   Automan Empire   2013 Oct 30, 1:49am  

Taxes are due on April 15 every year. If only 1% of people who owe, have paid their taxes by Feb. 2, does that mean that the IRS is a failure and that taxes will never be paid?

38975   edvard2   2013 Oct 30, 1:51am  

smaulgld says

That is not true- the site just doesn't work. and they paid $650 million for it.

Whether you like Obama care or not this type of "glitch" is not acceptable.

A story was on the morning news today about how that in the case of Massachusetts's own healthcare plan, which Obamacare was heavily modeled after, it too had a lot of technical glitches when it started. Besides- that has nothing to do with trust and people's hesitancy to sign up.

38976   mmmarvel   2013 Oct 30, 1:59am  

Hard to lose faith in something that I never did have faith in. In many ways it's even a bigger disaster than expected and anticipated. A bad program shoved down our throats by an idiot president.

38977   HEY YOU   2013 Oct 30, 2:12am  

"...not in actuality vote for anything that would legalize human slavery."

I can't believe he would insult The Confederate States of America.

38978   New Renter   2013 Oct 30, 2:35am  

Why do we need to repeal the 13th and 14th amendment when we have mortgages? After all Debt is Slavery!

And graduate school. Postdocs too.

38979   Y   2013 Oct 30, 2:42am  

Just more liberal hogwash, taking things out of context...

Jim Wheeler, a Republican from Gardnerville, was talking to a crowd of Storey County Republicans in August he when said “yeah I would” vote for white slavery if that’s what his black constituents wanted.

what goes around comes around...

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Comptroller says

Here's a case of Conservative who had it right, a Nevada assemblyman righteously committing himself to the restoration of the great American institution of slavery.

38980   Shaman   2013 Oct 30, 2:47am  

Debt is the "New Slavery" whereby the production of the slave may be siphoned off by "collections" and "fees" and actually increases over time! It's wonderful because 1) your slaves work harder than ever to try to afford their payments and also provide for their own basic needs.
2)they hardly ever run away
3)rather than trying to abolish this practice, new englanders are actually passing laws to make this new slavery even harder to escape!
4)if the slaves complain, you can always tell them that "it's their own fault" and feel totally righteous!

38981   New Renter   2013 Oct 30, 3:04am  

Quigley says

they hardly ever run away

Two words - Strategic Default!

38982   HydroCabron   2013 Oct 30, 3:09am  

Benghazicare is like slavery. Everyone in the Old Confederacy of Dixie Robert E. Lee Antebellum Noble Cause should have the right to inflict Benghazicare on all blacks they own.

38983   Dan8267   2013 Oct 30, 3:11am  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Comptroller says

The Constitution guarantees us all the Freedom to enslave. Without that, Freedom would have no meaning!

Essentially, this is what Right to Work legislation is all about: weakening labor's bargaining position by making cooperation among laborers impossible and thereby lowering labor's wages to below living wages.

The politicians who propose "Right to Work" do so, not because they care about the worker, but because they want to screw over the worker.

38984   finehoe   2013 Oct 30, 3:26am  

zzyzzx says

Clinton seems to be the worst offender here

Clinton only signed NAFTA. Most of the other Free Trade Agreements were enacted under Bush II and Obama:

The United States-Australia Free Trade Agreement (FTA) entered into force on January 1, 2005.
The United States-Bahrain FTA, which entered into force on January 11, 2006.
On January 1, 1994, the North American Free Trade Agreement between the United States, Canada, and Mexico (NAFTA) entered into force.
The United States-Chile Free Trade Agreement (FTA) entered into force on January 1, 2004.
On August 5, 2004, the United States signed the Dominican Republic-Central America-United States Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR) with five Central American countries (Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua) and the Dominican Republic.
United States-Israel Free Trade Agreement, which was the first FTA entered into by the United States, in 1985
United States-Jordan Free Trade Agreement, which was fully implemented on January 1, 2010.
U.S.-Korea trade agreement on March 15, 2012
The United States and Morocco signed an FTA on June 15, 2004. The Agreement entered into force on January 1, 2006.
The United States-Oman FTA, which entered into force on January 1, 2009.
On December 14, 2007, the United States-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement Implementation Act became law, and the PTPA entered into force on February 1, 2009.
The United States-Singapore Free Trade Agreement has been in force since January 1, 2004.

38985   Tenpoundbass   2013 Oct 30, 3:29am  

"Obamacare, should be called Terriblecare. "

"I mean who creates such a fucked up healthcare system and then names it after them self?"

"Wasn't healthcare supposed to be affordable? I mean this is terrible, it should be called Terriblecare..."

This was what former Obama Okeydoke, (who voted for the lying bastard twice, because the news told him that Romney was going to destroy the jobs) told me last night. .

I then asked him, "you mean worse than how it is now?"

But Terriblecare, I liked it, I hope it sticks.

38986   HEY YOU   2013 Oct 30, 3:48am  


"These plans should be called the “ Bankruptcy Plans”, since you risk bankruptcy due to the high level of co-insurance."
Now I've got to find how many have bankrupt on free market healthcare & insurance.

38987   HydroCabron   2013 Oct 30, 4:13am  

Benghazicare is such a vicious, Satanic, Hitlerian, Stalinist, Maoist, Kafkaesque nightmare of fear and loathing, that private alternatives will have no problem competing with it and offering cheaper plans.

38988   Homeboy   2013 Oct 30, 4:41am  

DEATH PANELS!!!!!!!!!!!1111

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