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40441   everything   2013 Dec 18, 2:57am  

Depends on which news agency..


40442   anonymous   2013 Dec 18, 2:57am  

bob2356 says

debyne says

I just want you to know that I've got my Reynolds tin foil hat on..

I'm starting a new executive clothing line of beryllium lined tin foil hats custom fitted to the users head. I can see there is huge demand.

HUGE demand. I'm thinking something along the lines of what Magneto wore in XMen.

40443   Waitingtobuy   2013 Dec 18, 3:30am  

bgamall4 says

You provide the death certificates of the children. There aren't any, btw.

bgamall, do you ever use Google?

If this is part of a Zionist conspiracy, answer two questions for me:
1) What do they get out of it?
2) If it is true, then why didn't they get Congress to pass any laws such as registering weapons, background checks, etc? Nothing has been done since Newtown and a lot more weapons over the past year have been put on the streets. If it is a conspiracy, they did a crappy job lobbying.

As for your birth father being Jewish, that doesn't inoculate you against any charges of anti-Semitism. I don't love some of Israel's policies, especially the settlements, but you can still be pro-Israel and disagree. Not everything is some Zionist plot. Your denial of these cute kids being murdered to me is along the lines of Holocaust and Bosnian ethnic cleansing denial. And then you heap on some bs about it being part of a Zionist plot.

As for the kids being in the Super Bowl choir, I can't think of a better place to hide kids than to put them on television in front of 111 million viewers.

Genius, I tell you, genius!

40444   New Renter   2013 Dec 18, 3:36am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

Pubah Pat, would you sponsor a program like this? If we gave you a piece of the action?

I take it you have some ideas for the concession stands as well?

40445   Papercut   2013 Dec 18, 3:45am  

Funny all the comments here calling Schiff's point blasphemy. Schiff's point is a truism and is crystal clear - how do people not get that?

40446   mell   2013 Dec 18, 3:51am  

Papercut says

Funny all the comments here calling Schiff's point blasphemy. Schiff's point is a truism and is crystal clear - how do people not get that?


40447   Homeboy   2013 Dec 18, 3:52am  

rooemoore says

Gee, if it was such a massive conspiracy wouldn't they have photoshoped it to fit the narrative?

That's the beauty of conspiracy theories. The perpetrators have to be both geniuses and idiots at the same time.

40448   Homeboy   2013 Dec 18, 3:57am  

Robert Sproul says

I don't know what the fuck happened at Sandy Hook.

A crazy gun nut shot some children.

Robert Sproul says

Or on 911.

Some guys from Saudi Arabia highjacked planes and crashed them into buildings.

Anything else you'd like to know?

40449   Robert Sproul   2013 Dec 18, 4:22am  

Homeboy says

Anything else you'd like to know?

I don't like to nitpick but, were they State sponsored?
If so who knew about it and when?
Study up on what Brian Williams told you and get back at your leisure.

40450   Robert Sproul   2013 Dec 18, 4:27am  

I don't particularly buy into the scenarios bgmall peddles, but i fully understand that once you internalize the FACT that the supplied narrative is manipulated, (for foreign or domestic policy rationales or opportunism, because of upcoming elections, determined partisan spin, to coverup institutional and departmental ineptitude and error or just 'cause they are pathological secret keepers), you then don't know when you CAN believe them.
About anything, ever.
There is no institution, public or private, that really cares if the general population is truthfully informed.
So people, like Homeboy, that believe that Brian Williams (or Homeboy's secret crush Rachael Maddow) is telling them everything they need to know will always be irritated at someone who, though they may not have access to THE TRUTH, at least retains their skepticism and tries to figure it out.

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers" -- Thomas Pynchon

40451   Homeboy   2013 Dec 18, 4:35am  

Robert Sproul says

I don't like to nitpick but, were they State sponsored?

Sandy Hook, no. Apparently evidence has just come to light that the 911 hijackers were sponsored by people in Saudi Arabia.

Robert Sproul says

If so who knew about it and when?

I guess the Saudis who sponsored it knew about it whenever they decided to sponsor it. Americans knew about it when it was happening. U.S. intelligence had a lot of good clues that it was going to happen, but they pretty much dropped the ball on that.

Any more questions?

40452   Robert Sproul   2013 Dec 18, 4:37am  

Homeboy says

Any more questions?

When you dream about Rachael Maddow is she using a strap-on?

40453   Homeboy   2013 Dec 18, 4:47am  

Robert Sproul says

When you dream about Rachael Maddow is she using a strap-on?

No, she's doing scissors. Your comment is actually really weird, since the 911 conspiracy theory is more of a left-wing thing, and while Maddow doesn't seem to believe in it, Randi Rhodes, who is probably even more left wing than Maddow, does.

40454   bob2356   2013 Dec 18, 4:51am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

But just as a logistical point, can you tell where the disappeared kids went and what or who was actually buried during the funeral services and how the coroners and embalmers who pulled into the conspiracy and kept quiet?

You are usually so right on that i'm mystified why would you actually ask a conspiracy nut like bigmouth to provide logical explanations of all the inconsistancies. That's just silly.

40455   Homeboy   2013 Dec 18, 4:53am  

tatupu70 says

No--again, I don't think you comprehend what I wrote. It seems like you have a problem with nuance. What I wrote was that is was a much more complicated issue than you seem to believe and that there were compelling reasons to both bailout GM and to allow GM to go into bankruptcy.

tatupu70 says

See--now this is page one from the trollish playbook.

Page one? I don't think so. A lot more thought went into that insult than just saying, "Duh, you're getting emotional."

40456   HEY YOU   2013 Dec 18, 4:55am  

Of course mortgage apps. are falling, no one wants to make an offer or have to deal with paperwork to buy a house that's OVERPRICED by 90%.

40457   🎂 tatupu70   2013 Dec 18, 5:03am  

When you resort to posting lame pictures, you've pretty much given up, huh.

40458   anonymous   2013 Dec 18, 5:26am  

Robert Sproul says

Homeboy says

Any more questions?

When you dream about Rachael Maddow is she using a strap-on?

I think I just leaked a little.

40459   EBGuy   2013 Dec 18, 5:36am  

Ducky said: Fed continues QE, gold gets slammed.
In all fairness, they are slowing down the printing presses.

40460   anonymous   2013 Dec 18, 5:43am  

This video presents facts that just can't be true! More importantly, the narrator is f'ing hilarious

40461   anonymous   2013 Dec 18, 5:50am  

debyne says

Strategist says

If the kids are still alive, where are they?

If you want to prove the shooting was a hoax, just prove the kids are still alive.

How about using victim photos of children who are alive and had nothing to do with the "massacre"?

Nobody have an explanation for this? Anyone? I really need closure...PLEASE! Strategist...where the hell are you?!?!? I need your wisdom.

I can't believe a gov't conspiracy and mainstream media could disgrace a living child!


40462   Robert Sproul   2013 Dec 18, 6:12am  

Well, I am completely uncomfortable having any kind of an opinion about any Sandy Hook shit.

But, people should be able to understand that there is an enormous amount of ground between thinking that Cheney/Mossad planted thermite and believing the self-serving 911 Commission Report is more of a coverup than a "report"

The corporate media's job is to keep us distracted and to control the boundaries of public discourse. Hence the appellation of "conspiracy nut" to any one that thinks that the we don't yet know who killed JFK.

I wish the more credulous amongst you would explore the Pat Tillman CONSPIRACY. Or the CERTAIN FBI prior knowledge re: OK City.
Or this:
FBI agents, as reported in the NYT, were indeed overseeing the bombers in the '93 WTC bombing. The article, "Tapes Depict Proposal to Thwart Bomb Used in Trade Center Blast," reported:
"Law-enforcement officials were told that terrorists were building a bomb that was eventually used to blow up the World Trade Center, and they planned to thwart the plotters by secretly substituting harmless powder for the explosives, an informer said after the blast.

The informer was to have helped the plotters build the bomb and supply the fake powder, but the plan was called off by an F.B.I. supervisor who had other ideas about how the informer, Emad A. Salem, should be used, the informer said.

The account, which is given in the transcript of hundreds of hours of tape recordings Mr. Salem secretly made of his talks with law-enforcement agents, portrays the authorities as in a far better position than previously known to foil the Feb. 26 bombing of New York City's tallest towers. The explosion left six people dead, more than 1,000 injured and damages in excess of half a billion dollars."

They lie about everything all the time because they have no fear of the corporate controlled media, or respect for the American people.

And again:
"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers" -- Thomas Pynchon

40463   anonymous   2013 Dec 18, 6:21am  

Iwag says

now this idiot is in every thread parroting the lie that prices will be up substantially in 2014

So far the idiot is you who has predicted continuous crashing for the last 5 years and was completely wrong. Meanwhile my house has gotten refinanced which has brought it down on a monthly basis to way below rent costs but also the value has gone up so I was able to secure a 100k home Equity which is laying around waiting to be used :) Meanwhile rents have skyrocketed.
If I had paid attention to your kind I would be royally f-ed now.

But I know...crash is coming...next year...or after next year...or the one after that one..or possibly one more after that one...damn it...a crash WILL COME!!


Merry Xmas!

40464   anonymous   2013 Dec 18, 6:53am  

Robert Sproul says

Well, I am completely uncomfortable having any kind of an opinion about any Sandy Hook shit.

That feeling is what's referred to as cognitive dissonance.

40465   dtbristol   2013 Dec 18, 7:00am  

bgamall4 are you saying that no children died and that it was just an elaborate hoax? So all the teachers and staff were in on it? What about the parents and the kids that went to the school? Why was this done to begin with according to you? Who benefits?

40466   Reality   2013 Dec 18, 7:00am  

bgamall4 says

Papercut says

Funny all the comments here calling Schiff's point blasphemy. Schiff's point is a truism and is crystal clear - how do people not get that?

Schiff is a 1 percent fool. These corporations can afford to pay a little more. Henry Ford paid people to make and buy his cars. Eventually, if the world's workers cannot afford to buy what they make, the world will enter the mother of all depressions.

LOL. Another idiot fooled by old Henry's propaganda. There were more than 15 million copies of Model T made. How many workers did Henry Ford have during the time of Model T? 10,000? 100,000? Even if every single one of Henry's worker bought a Model T, they would have amounted to less than 1% of total production volume. Henry Ford had to pay more because work on his production was BORING! He was talking the talk to stir up restlessness among workers at other carmakers, which had higher production cost. If Henry were alive today, he'd probably lobby for raising minimum wage in order to bankrupt his competitors.

40467   HydroCabron   2013 Dec 18, 7:14am  

bgamall4 says

If it was not for the internet, MSM would have us all believing that 9/11 was not caused by the neocons and maybe some of their Israeli friends.

Were it not for the Internet, fewer people would waste their money on homeopathy, more would get their children vaccinated, and fewer would get scammed by Alex Jones and similar low-life shysters.

40468   anonymous   2013 Dec 18, 7:27am  

dtbristol says

are you saying that no children died and that it was just an elaborate hoax? So all the teachers and staff were in on it? What about the parents and the kids that went to the school? Why was this done to begin with according to you? Who benefits?

I know you're not asking me, but I'm going to give you my opinion anyway. I don't know what really happened because so much has been hidden from the public. What I do know is that things are not what they seem and there's something definitely fraudulent going on. If the gov't would release the security video and allow an independent investigation, we may be able to actual know what happened. However, that will never happen because the truth was hidden for a reason.

Based on the mere fact that stricter gun laws were implemented in both New York and Connecticut right after Sandy Hook happened are symptoms of real motive, and I do believe that the gov't has every interest in disarming the public for purposes of easier control.

40469   Strategist   2013 Dec 18, 7:34am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

bgamall4 says

Tony, I don't believe anyone died. It wasn't a false flag, but rather a hoax.

Even if that was true, how do you get a whole town to participate in a hoax that requires them to repeat devastatingly cruel lies about the deaths of their own kids? Who would have any hope of success in asking just one of the parents to participate in this fraud? Even the most sold-out zealot would know no parent could countenance the suggestion of any kid either being harmed or their deaths fictionalized for an amorphous political movement.

Clinton could not keep his Monica affair a secret. How the hell do you convince a whole town?
All it takes is one person to spill the beans and sell their story to the media for $1 million.

40470   Iwag   2013 Dec 18, 7:34am  

So far the idiot is you who has predicted continuous crashing for the last 5 years and was completely wrong. Meanwhile my house has gotten refinanced which has brought it down on a monthly basis to way below rent costs but also the value has gone up so I was able to secure a 100k home Equity which is laying around waiting to be used :) Meanwhile rents have skyrocketed.
If I had paid attention to your kind I would be royally f-ed now.

But I know...crash is coming...next year...or after next year...or the one after that one..or possibly one more after that one...damn it...a crash WILL COME!!


Merry Xmas!

Look at this massive idiot, he is bragging about having a mortgage that he was able to "refinance"! lol

that's great! that's greeaaaaaaaat! hahaha

Merry xmas

40471   HydroCabron   2013 Dec 18, 7:53am  

Strategist says

Clinton could not keep his Monica affair a secret. How the hell do you convince a whole town?

And then there's Watergate: they couldn't do a simple burglary job on a hotel room without getting caught.

To hear the modern conspiracist tell it, Nixon would have picked up the gray phone (on the White House desk, with the Star of David on the receiver), placed a call to Illuminati Central Ops, and had the burglars quietly released. Reel-to-reel tapes, which self-destruct 5 seconds after play, would have informed the editors and managers of all media outlets to keep schtum. Any uncooperative hotel security or maids, or, in particular, young ambitious reporters with no respect for authority, with big mouths would have been liquidated within hours, à la Three Days of the Condor or The Parallax View.

All Illuminati members connected with the operation, including entire swaths of the CIA, FBI, State Department, and CREEP hierarchies, as well as all their ex-spouses, children, and sex workers, would have kept quiet for the rest of their lives.

This requires a belief in extremely high competence among government officials, which has never been seen in 4,500 years of recorded history. But maybe the Illuminati-Zionists deliberately created that record of incompetence, going back to Imhotep at the time of the Old Kingdom in Egypt. Maybe they are just that good - the preservation of the State of Israel demands nothing less.

Of course, if they are really that good, it would be simpler and cheaper to have just built Israel outright and preserved it over thousands of years, but I guess these devils prefer the hard, roundabout way. Hence the need to fake elementary-school massacres to gain power in a country in which AIPAC already owns the President and Congress.

40472   CDon   2013 Dec 18, 8:09am  

SubOink says

Meanwhile rents have skyrocketed.
If I had paid attention to your kind I
would be royally f-ed now.

@SubOink - isn't this the anniversary of your purchase? If so, I hope you post that again. I kinda like seeing how much bearish pushback you get on each anniversary...almost as a barometer of where we are in the economic cycle.

40473   HydroCabron   2013 Dec 18, 9:17am  

bgamall4 says

You are so full of shit. You know the technological advancements in our age.

If the Illuminati-Zionists could stage the Kennedy Assassination in front of several hundred people, and keep around 1000 people - the bare minimum number who would have to know that the killing was planned - quiet for up to 50 years, then the Watergate burglary would have been no problem.

40474   ttsmyf   2013 Dec 18, 9:44am  

WOW! The UNtrustworthy are certainly in control of what information is apparent to the people!

Say hey! This was in the Wall Street Journal on March 30, 1999. Note "... how much it will buy."

Holy cow/interesting/compelling ...!

And where is it up to date??? Right here ... see the first chart shown in this thread.
Recent Dow day is Wednesday, December 18, 2013 __ Level is 103.7

WOW! It is hideous that this is hidden! Is there any such "Homes, Inflation Adjusted"? Yes! This was in the New York Times on August 27, 2006:

And up to date (by me) is here:

WOW! The UNtrustworthy are certainly in control of what information is apparent to the people!

And http://patrick.net/?p=1230886

40475   Dan8267   2013 Dec 18, 9:56am  

Strategist says

The truth is....no one cares for the Walmart workers. They don't give a rat's ass for them. People only care for themselves. Anyone who claims otherwise is lying.

Not entirely true. Yes, people don't care about Walmart workers. However, it is a false dichotomy to state that either people must care about strangers or people only care about themselves.

Clearly, mothers in general care about their children. Siblings care about each other. Friends, to a large degree, care about one another.

Human beings are not purely altruistic, but altruism is a major factor in our evolution.

40476   Dan8267   2013 Dec 18, 10:03am  

Strategist says

Higher wages foe Walmart and McDonald workers means I have to pay for it. No way

Actually that's not so as I proved here.

Your conclusion is based on the faulty assumption that production costs determine price. This is only the case in which profit margins are near zero.

In most situations the price is determined by what the market will bear, not how much it costs to produce a good or service. For example, that $120 shirt in the mall cost only $2 to make and ship to the U.S. It costs $120 because that is what the buyers will pay for it.

Similarly, the Walmart workers produce far more wealth than they get back in pay and benefits. Hence, the cost of those Walmart goods is not determined by the expense of the workers, but rather buy what the Walmart customers will bear.

See the post I reference for the math.

40477   Strategist   2013 Dec 18, 10:31am  

Dan8267 says

Similarly, the Walmart workers produce far more wealth than they get back in pay and benefits. Hence, the cost of those Walmart goods is not determined by the expense of the workers, but rather buy what the Walmart customers will bear.

See the post I reference for the math.

I read the math you posted I think yesterday. I don't think it's realistic.
Look at this math.....
If the minimum wage roughly doubles to $15.00 what about all the workers who get $12.00? Do you think they will be happy with the new minimum wage of $15.00? No, they will not. They will say, hey, I am better qualified than this teenager whose only skills are to pick his nose. I finished 10th grade, and worked my way up. I want to keep getting minimum plus 50%. So now he deserves $22.50. The same thing happens to everyone above him. Eventually the whole country gets double wages.
If the whole country now makes twice as much, do you think everyone who goes out to spend will be able to purchase twice as many cars, homes, shoes, vacations etc.? NO. Not possible. Goods and services have to be PRODUCED first. All you will have is a doubling of prices and everyone will be back to square one. It's called - Wage push inflation.
The point is simple....Real wages are determined by productivity, not adding zeroes to the pay check. Only an open market can determine what the fair wages ought to be, not you, me or the President.
I agree we ought to have some form of minimum wages to prevent exploitation, but demanding twice as much because "We want a living wage" is ridiculous, and not gonna happen.

40478   Dan8267   2013 Dec 18, 10:39am  

Strategist says

I read the math you posted I think yesterday. I don't think it's realistic.

Look at this math.....

Your statement regarding the doubling of the minimum wage have nothing to do with the realism of the math I posted. The numbers are factually correct, and the math itself is mere arithmetic. It is indisputably correct.

However, feel free to attempt to point out a factual or mathematical error. You will not be able to correctly do so.

As to the issue of whether or not doubling the minimum wage would be good for the economy or not, I defer to The Atlantic which makes a good case that raising the middle wage, which is at historic lows, would be good for the economy.

40479   Strategist   2013 Dec 18, 10:48am  

Dan8267 says

Strategist says

I read the math you posted I think yesterday. I don't think it's realistic.

Look at this math.....

Your statement regarding the doubling of the minimum wage have nothing to do with the realism of the math I posted. The numbers are factually correct, and the math itself is mere arithmetic. It is indisputably correct.

However, feel free to attempt to point out a factual or mathematical error. You will not be able to correctly do so.

As to the issue of whether or not doubling the minimum wage would be good for the economy or not, I defer to The Atlantic which makes a good case that raising the middle wage, which is at historic lows, would be good for the economy.

Your assumptions behind your math are incorrect, not your addition.
A sharp jump in the minimum wage will inevitably increase teen unemployment. This in turn will lead to higher crime, especially in inner cities, followed by higher incarceration costs. How does that help the economy?
If you want to really help the economy and society in general lets spend more money in education and turn more people into productive, taxpaying citizens. How about free education like in Finland, all the way to PhD? I would gladly pay more taxes for that, but free handouts or doubling up minimum wages cannot work.

40480   humanity   2013 Dec 18, 10:59am  

Dan8267 says

I defer to The Atlantic which makes a good case that raising the middle wage, which is at historic lows, would be good for the economy.

Yes but just think of the new businesses that could emerge in this country if we can bring the cost of labor down !!

If we could get children working for say $10 per day, just imagine how much better we could compete with China !

The next step at this point is ending all public worker unions. We can find adequate people to do those jobs for way less, with no benefits. If cops have to engage in a little crime on the side, to get by, like they do in Mexico and many third world countries, then so be it.

Once we end all public worker unions and lower their pay and benefits down, we'll be ready to ratchet things down a level or two in private sector jobs too (the public sector will no longer be an option - corporate workers will have no choice but to accept lower pay). It's a zero sum game after all. How can corporations increase returns to shareholders if they can't bring the cost of labor down ?

When inflation kicks in we just won't raise their pay as much as prices increase (that is, as fast as the dollar is losing value). They will hardly even realize their pay is dropping.

Now is the time for real estate investors to think hard about where the private gated communities and the resort communities are going to be and where the shanty towns will be. Every major city is going to have to have huge ghettos or shanty towns. This is simply part of the price of free market capitalism.

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