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You shot your wad with this one - I don't think you could come up with more if you tried. (challenge)
Son of a gun, Elliemae is right. This was more of an overkill than a San Francisco bi-athlon.
I'm up in arms.
This topic was going great guns but I think we're jumping the gun here. We need to take stock of the situation. Still, I'm gonna stick to my guns if you don't mind, especially since I'm under the gun. After all, I don't want to get pistol whipped or go off half cocked. Actually, I admit that I'm a little gun shy but even if I wasn't, I really do believe it''s not polite to point.
Oh, get a grip! You're right on target with this thread, so I'm gonna come at this one with both barrels blazing. Steel, I wooden give you any ammuntion at this point. I've got you in my sights, rest assured that you're in range. I've been hunting for a fight like this all year. I'm all a-quiver for you and will guide you through this, Mikey.
You automatically assumed I couldn't shoot straight from the hip, but I'm a gun owner myself and won't be bolting. That would be a breech of all that I know - butt what do I do, here? Do I ask you to join in some double action? I've certainly got a nice rack - do you have one in the chamber now? Or do I ask you to muzzle yourself and go for some single action?
I wanted to quit punning wild turkey with a magnum of champagne (you quit your way, I'll quit mine). But I've got a scabbard on my nose and I can't camoflage it. I tried rifling through old posts looking for loaded puns, but couldn't scope any out any no matter how hard I tried. I'm betting you'll have a comeback - what the over & under on that?
I'm recoiling. Another round? I think I'll duck. I need to gat out of here before either the heat arrives or my pal Roscoe, who has a hot rod, gets here.
Get a grip. Here's a bullet-in: You can't brandish your gun puns around here. They might misfire. Besides that, I'll have you know that I'm highly educated. As a matter of fact, I graduated Magnum Go Kaboom.
Have mercy. I'm a straight shooter. I'm really not bad, I'm just drawn that way. Actually, I could use a belt right about now since I'm hell for leather. A Colt. 45 would do.
I'm not going to bolt--I want action. And I also would like a barrel of laughs, for which I might even be willing to give you some Browning points.
Just what is this, anyway? Sibling rifle-ry? You musket a kick out of this since you seem to be in your prime, not a flash in the pun.
Well, time for a silencer. This son of a gun has learned his Wesson.
I'm a loose canon and my balls are ready to fire. I'm no dud and I don't shoot blanks.
I've shelled out enough puns. You don't have to go ballistic on me, what a cop out.
Don't you mean blue ballistic? I'm no dum-dum. Happiness is a warm pun, so let's have a pow wow.
I'm gonna walk the straight an arrow from now on. I'm not trigger happy.
This is like the pun fight at the O.K. Corral. I guess it's worth a shot so long as you're in range.
You're right on target with that one - but you missed your mark on the others.
You go off on me for no reason, no concept of safety. I'm thrilled with the caliber of man you are. I bow to thee.
Are you still casing this joint to scope it out? Well, I'm up in arms about it. You need to control yourself, if that thought registers with you. You could use a cooling off period, that's my automatic response.
DID anyone get a bang out of this yet??
What I do in the privacy of my own bedroom is MY business!
Puns can be deadly weapons and I hear that Obama is planning to confiscate them, so I may have to go underground.
PS: From my cold dead hands, Mr. Obama.
I'm gunning for number one, that's for sure. I'd kill for that honor.
uhhhhhhhhhhh. I got nuthin...
Mikey, you are the best! I've had a rough week and one of the few things that I've had to look foward to is the brain exercises that you put me through. It takes my mind off of the stressful stuff.
Go forth & pun with that, my man.
I am not worthy of such an accolade.
But remember this: When puns are outlawed, only outlaws will have puns. At least that's what my pal Rick O' Shay keeps telling me, and shoot, he's sharp.
News, Student shot during gun safety class.
ORLANDO, Fla., Feb. 21 (UPI) -- A gun safety class attendee in Orlando, Fla., was accidentally shot in the foot by his instructor, police reported.
Robert Frauman Jr., 50, was one of three students at a concealed weapons certification class at Summit Church Saturday, when he was struck by the stray bullet, a church spokeswoman told the Orlando Sentinel, adding he was "doing well" and the bullet did not hit any bones.
*** This is what I call a holy dishonorable discharge. Seems like they need to set their sights on an instructor of a higher caliber. This is no way to get the lead out. It's aimless.
Why take pot shots? Â Where's the fire? This is certainly a booming business and it's smoking hot
right now, exploding onto scene.
It's possible that the instructor might have been loaded. He needs to bite the butllet.
BTW, this story really makes my day. I got a bang out of it.
I'd like to post more but I'm going off to take a pistol, then I'm heading to Target to apply for a revolving charge account. Shoot, it's a shot in the dark but I might as well since they've been gunning for me lately. While I'm there I just might pick up a Tickle Me Ammo toy for my nephew
But how do I conseal it for a surprise?
It's been a blast but since I'm calling the shots, I really have to take a powder right now.