Honest Abe's threads
The terrorists are labeling liberty lovers as "terrorists"
Honest Abe
on 3 Jul 2012
13 comments, latest
11 years ago
http://www.infowars.com/homela What a joke, it would be funny if it wasn't so frightning and pathetic. Big brother wants us all to be afraid of the boogeyman, spy on one ...
Millionaire Success Factors
Honest Abe
on 9 Oct 2013
92 comments, latest
11 years ago
In a survey of rich people, here is a summary of what they said was important to their success: Well disciplined Used their business to create wealth Strong spiritual ...
Is Red State America Seceding?
Honest Abe
on 11 Oct 2013
145 comments, latest
11 years ago
http://www.wnd.com/2013/10/is- The Montpelier Manifesto says: Lend your name and join the honorable task of rejecting the immoral, corrupt, decaying, dying, failing American Empire and seek its rapid and peaceful ...
Disability Fraud solution.
Honest Abe
on 10 Oct 2013
30 comments, latest
11 years ago
http://ftmdaily.com/daily-brie When taxpayer dollars that are reserved to protect the most vulnerable of our society are siphoned off by able-bodied fraudsters, it’s time to rethink the system. Here’s one ...
Who's ripping you off at the gas pump?
Honest Abe
on 9 Oct 2013
6 comments, latest
11 years ago
http://www.exxonmobilperspecti The author an analyst for a taxpayer watchdog group gives a quick rundown of the basics, like crude oil costs, which can account for roughly three-quarters of the ...
Obama Transparancy - hahaha
Honest Abe
on 10 Oct 2013
Posted 11 years ago
http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/s The U.S. government's aggressive prosecution of leaks and efforts to control information are having a chilling effect on journalists and government whistle-blowers, according to a report released Thursday ...
If Obamacare is so good, why does Obama
Honest Abe
on 8 Oct 2013
10 comments, latest
11 years ago
If obamacare is so good why does he reject and refuse it for himself and his family????? #politics
No Country For Young Men
Honest Abe
on 7 Oct 2013
9 comments, latest
11 years ago
http://confoundedinterest.word As Obamacare began its roll out last week, it is an opportune time to discuss the reality of Obamacare. In order to pay for the elderly, illegal immigrants ...
We Don't Always Shut Down The Government, but when we do..
Honest Abe
on 7 Oct 2013
9 comments, latest
11 years ago
Jimmy Carter, B.J. Clinton & Barackovitch Hussain Obama: "We don't always shut down the government but when we do, its always someone else's fault". #politics
Honest Abe
on 8 Oct 2013
2 comments, latest
11 years ago
http://thepeoplescube.com/peop The plot of this conspiratorial movie is centered around a drifter who discovers special Ray-Bans which reveal hidden messages behind billboards, television, magazines, and posters, such as, "Obey, ...
Socalist dream crumbles...as usual
Honest Abe
on 7 Oct 2013
3 comments, latest
11 years ago
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/new The army has been sent into toilet paper factories, fights for basic foodstuffs have resulted in several deaths and new, multi-million dollar oil tankers are sitting idle in ...
A common sense solution to dependency
Honest Abe
on 19 Sep 2013
1 comment, latest
11 years ago
http://detroit.cbslocal.com/20 You are using Internet Explorer 6. Internet Explorer 6 is unsupported by this site and you may experience layout and functionality issues. It is recommended that you upgrade ...
McCain attacked as a treasonous liar
Honest Abe
on 13 Sep 2013
1 comment, latest
11 years ago
What Rich People Admire
Honest Abe
on 27 Aug 2013
78 comments, latest
11 years ago
Rich people admire other successful people. Poor people resent rich and successful people, the so called evil 1%'rs. If you view wealthy people as bad in any way, you ...
Romney 37, Obama 0
Honest Abe
on 8 Oct 2012
66 comments, latest
12 years ago
Just finished a 2,400 mile, 7 day road trip through California, Oregon and Washington. Saw overwhelming support for Romney on signs, placards and billboards throughout all three states. None ...
Honest Abe
on 10 Oct 2012
2 comments, latest
12 years ago
http://www.newsmax.com/newswid I guess their definition of marriage hasn't "evolved". I told you this would happen...and here it is. Never doubt Honest Abe. P.S. don't forget to go see Atlas ...
Built by Obama, What You See is Not What You Get.
Honest Abe
on 18 Sep 2012
51 comments, latest
12 years ago
http://thepeoplescube.com/peop You didn't make that You didn't own that You didn't achieve that You didn't eat that You didn't think that You didn't feel that You didn't hear that ...
Romney Poster on Michigan Highway
Honest Abe
on 21 Sep 2012
Posted 12 years ago
http://thepeoplescube.com/peop Well now, a bunch of good reasons to vote ROMNEY, wouldn't you agree. I think I shall award both Pinkie and Krasnodar with an extra ration of sun-dried ...
The Bizarre Consequences of Liberal "Thinking".
Honest Abe
on 18 Sep 2012
17 comments, latest
12 years ago
http://news.providencejournal. Father-Daughter and Mother-Son dances baned. Its only fair, after all how would Sally feel if she has two Mothers but no father? Who would she dance with?? The ...
"We Will Barry You"
Honest Abe
on 11 Sep 2012
29 comments, latest
12 years ago
http://thepeoplescube.com/peop Its not foreign enemies we have to worry about after all, it appears to be an inside job. We cannot expect the Americans to jump from capitalism to ...
The Bankrupting of a Nation
Honest Abe
on 19 Apr 2012
60 comments, latest
12 years ago
Is it true 40% of American households recieve a direct financial benefit from the government? 40%? Thats the result of creeping tyranny...trickle down misery...just what the existing regime wants, ...
"A Couple of Years Ago this Guy Would Have Been Carrying Our Bags"
Honest Abe
on 2 Sep 2012
2 comments, latest
12 years ago
http://www.weeklystandard.com/ Hahaha. I wonder how B.J. Clinton will attempt to explain this away. Perhaps it will be the way he explained that "I never had sex with that women", ...
DNC allows 2 hour Islamic Prayer Session.
Honest Abe
on 28 Aug 2012
5 comments, latest
12 years ago
http://www.theblaze.com/storie This is yet another reason I'm not a lib. Nothing the Democrats do surprises me anymore. #politics
A Picture is Worth a 1,000 Words
Honest Abe
on 23 Aug 2012
31 comments, latest
12 years ago
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new The picture says it all. #politics
Everything Else Is Just Noise
Honest Abe
on 17 Aug 2012
19 comments, latest
12 years ago
I believe it all boils down to this: America is split - approximately 25% are for big, manipulative government which ultimately results in oppression, dependency and tyranny...approximately 65% are ...
And the consumer takes it in the shorts again.
Honest Abe
on 20 Aug 2012
1 comment, latest
12 years ago
http://www.michigancapitolconf Nothing new here, just more of the same nonsense which has shackled America for 60, 80, maybe even a hundred years. Kinda reminds me of the story at ...
Demographic Mega-Trends
Honest Abe
on 13 Aug 2012
10 comments, latest
12 years ago
The economies of the developed world are all lumbering under unsustainable welfare statist economies. Charles Darwin worried that the least intelligent people would bare more children than the most ...
Honest Abe
on 11 Jun 2012
80 comments, latest
12 years ago
I'm frankly amazed at the amount of energy devoted to disparaging realtors? Why all the hatred? Seriously. Is it because your home lost value? Because you paid too much ...
Interest on the national debt
Honest Abe
on 12 Aug 2012
2 comments, latest
12 years ago
http://www.babylontoday.com/na All of this information will be new to liberals, but they will simply deny all of it, claim its unimportant, or compare it to a monopoly board game. ...
More Blatant Political Tyranny
Honest Abe
on 10 Aug 2012
1 comment, latest
12 years ago
http://www.newsworks.org/index Why is this type of garbage always from the libs? What do they have to hide? Whats their problem? Casts them in a negative light, don't you think?
Why "Social Security" is actually Socialized Insecurity
Honest Abe
on 3 Aug 2012
17 comments, latest
12 years ago
http://libertycrier.com/financ Heck, this is something even liberals should get behind. Watch it and weep.
Political Tyranny On Display.
Honest Abe
on 31 Jul 2012
171 comments, latest
12 years ago
Liberal politicians have finally come out of the closet with public displays of political tyranny. The liberal bastions of Boston and Chicago are using politics in an attempt to ...
If you got a business you didn't build that, someone else made that happen.
Honest Abe
on 19 Jul 2012
172 comments, latest
12 years ago
OMG. What a totally offensive, devisive statement. Did the president of the United States REALLY say that? Thats got to down as one of the stupidest things ever said. ...
Taxpayer $ -> Solyndra $ -> Obama $. Gee, what a surprise!!
Honest Abe
on 24 Jul 2012
3 comments, latest
12 years ago
http://news.yahoo.com/obama-fu Its only $500,000 million taxpayer dollars. Heck, anyone can make a mistake (about the soundness of any proposed venture) just ask Barney Frankenstein. Besides Solyndra didn't go out ...
Unemployed who vote = conflict of interest.
Honest Abe
on 23 Jul 2012
5 comments, latest
12 years ago
The unemployed, who depend upon liberal government policies and practices, won't vote for a candidate based on merit. They will vote for the candidate who pledges to give away ...
Who can take your money?
Honest Abe
on 11 Jul 2012
42 comments, latest
12 years ago
http://www.youtube.com/embed/L The government can. A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take everything you've got. Is a liberal smarter than a boiling ...
"All politicians should leave office the way I did
Honest Abe
on 6 Jul 2012
1 comment, latest
12 years ago
Chael Sonnen, cage fighter, ex-politician, ex-con, made this magnificent statement: "All politicians should leave office the way I did - in handcuffs". Do others feel the same...or is it ...
Who are the 1 percenters ?
Honest Abe
on 30 Jun 2012
27 comments, latest
12 years ago
http://www.foxnews.com/opinion What a surprise! Government employees game the system, and the taxpayer. Could this be part of the reason so many people are pissed off at the government, government ...
New Voter Drive Promotion
Honest Abe
on 28 Jun 2012
1 comment, latest
13 years ago
http://dailycaller.com/2012/06 Government dependency = guaranteed votes. Indentured voters continue to gather at the government provided food trough. What a great way for liberals to swell the voter rolls. HEY ...
An Antidote to Corporate Media
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