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even if it takes a change to the law,
STFU Bubba and resume traversing 3rd-world countries and continue telling them how you single handedly abolished their poverty and hunger problems, from the podium in the conclave to those 3 tyrannical people, after getting there in a mostly limo and SUV convoy.
The Weekly 'Standard'. LOL
The monthly chart clearly shows gold speculation fueled by the threat of government default.
The monthly chart clearly shows gold speculation fueled by the threat of
government default.
Ya think???
And maybe some hype by selfish individuals.
Plans usually term at the end of the year. Are they going to let people grandfather into old plans forever?
WOW! The UNtrustworthy are certainly in control of what information is apparent to the people!
Say hey! This was in the Wall Street Journal on March 30, 1999. Note "... how much it will buy."
Holy cow/interesting/compelling ...!
And where is it up to date??? Right here ... see the first chart shown in this thread.
Recent Dow day is Tuesday, November 12, 2013 __ Level is 100.5
WOW! It is hideous that this is hidden! Is there any such "Homes, Inflation Adjusted"? Yes! This was in the New York Times on August 27, 2006:
And up to date (by me) is here:
WOW! The UNtrustworthy are certainly in control of what information is apparent to the people!
What should Obama do, MANDATE that the insurers issue policies and dictate their terms?
Because, then he actually WOULD be a dictator. Funny the way Republicans feel free to fault Obama for failing to do this, when they've spent over 5 years hating him for being a socialist dictator who shoved Obamacare down America's throat.
What should Obama do, MANDATE that the insurers issue policies and dictate their terms?
Because, then he actually WOULD be a dictator. Funny the way Republicans feel free to fault Obama for failing to do this, when they've spent over 5 years hating him for being a socialist dictator who shoved Obamacare down America's throat.
Once he forces everyone to participate, all rules go out the window. Why do you hate Fascism?
What should Obama do, MANDATE that the insurers issue policies and dictate their terms?
No, I think Republicans would just want Obama to remove the MANDATED minimum requirement for the bronze, silver and gold plans, and then insurance companies would naturally offer whatever they were offering before.
I think you'll find that British savers (and consequently the average tax payer) were the ones swindled by Icelandic banks, you sad conspiracy nut.
You pathetic cockroach, the British had risk. They took the risk. What do you want, risk free? When you invest understand the risk. Trouble is the financial order is tied to derivatives so they refuse to allow risk and countries that should default cannot. You are pathetic.
The bloody article you link to talks about Icelandic banks peddling unrealistic interest rates to UK savers. The Icelandic government initially said that they'd meet the financial obligations of their banks and then reneged on that, leaving UK tax payers to foot the bill, and yet your headline says that Gordon Brown betrayed Iceland. FFS, you are one stupid so-and-so.
How did Iceland save Great Britain? IIRC Iceland was occupied by the Brits and later the US during the war...
“There’s no way we can sugarcoat it anymore, and I don’t say that as a political shot at anyone.â€
might as well skip the sugar and go straight to meth and crack...
I think guys who bang dolls are still a few steps above Bronies and Furries.
Those guys are messed up.
I learn something new every day, now I know what a "bronie" is. Ewww!
Yaaaawwwwnnnn, just how many more of these are you going to post this week?
I take it that you know exactly how annoying that you are and how little attention is paid to you, otherwise you'd find a more effective way to be obnoxious by now.
What's with all the masculine features?
I can hear the one on the right now,,,"do I look fat?"
WOW! The UNtrustworthy are certainly in control of what information is apparent to the people!
Say hey! This was in the Wall Street Journal on March 30, 1999. Note "... how much it will buy."
Holy cow/interesting/compelling ...!
And where is it up to date??? Right here ... see the first chart shown in this thread.
Recent Dow day is Wednesday, November 13, 2013 __ Level is 100.9
WOW! It is hideous that this is hidden! Is there any such "Homes, Inflation Adjusted"? Yes! This was in the New York Times on August 27, 2006:
And up to date (by me) is here:
WOW! The UNtrustworthy are certainly in control of what information is apparent to the people!
Let's see, she could ... no not for that. Well, maybe ... no, ew, no never no way. Okay then she could, no she couldn't, she wouldn't and I wouldn't want her to. So there you go, no way, no how, never, ever, ever, ever, no matter what she did or didn't do - she won't get my vote.
Fuck bitch piss cunt spooge cock-puking ass fuck shitter!
That is: No.
She has my vote.
It's about time we had a cabinet consisting of sadistic power lesbians, they will kick the world's ass!
It would help if she would put the video of her caning Bill after the Monica scandal with a bamboo rod on you tube.
If she can prove that she will be more competent and less liberal than GOP candidate.
19% of this country is bat shit stupid right wingers, who would say they trust Fox news, that 2+2 = 5, then Obama claiming 2+2=4.
Roberto.. do you too get that "Tingle" when you see Obama...
APOCALYPSEFUCK is Comptroller says
PatNet Asks: How Could Hillary Clinton Get Your Vote for President?
two women enter.. one woman leaves....
i say its Thunderdome with Palin...Clinton hasnt got a chance...
If it's revenue neutral, it is NOT a "fiscal shit storm". There is no "rest of the story". If you think I was claiming that there is no cost, you didn't read what I wrote. OF COURSE subsidies cost money. Duh. But they are PAID for, according to the CBO analysis. Engage your brain a bit before you throw out false charges of "dishonesty".
Oh bullshit. You posted the half the cbo information saying repealing the aca would increase the federal budget deficit. The implication is clear, that aca is somehow saving money therefore reducing the budget deficit. That's dishonest in any book.
What's with your obsession with twisting facts to make the aca look better than it is? Why won't you face up to the reality that the aca doesn't lower the cost of health care one cent. It only changes who pays. I will completely agree with you that aca will be a success if shuffling payers is your only criteria.
God it's hard to see the forest with all the fucking trees in the way.
The only thing he did is make Romneycare go nationwide. ... That he is lying hypocrite is not in question. But the opposition is a bunch of loons who try and shut down the govt and make us default on our debt-something we will never be able to recover from. Sigh-is it too much to ask for a politician who cares a little bit about the country?
Well said. In the long run, Obama isn't going to be remembered as the first black president, but rather as a terrible president. Unfortunately, we're stuck with hoping for an alternative in the Democratic Party, because the Republican Party isn't going to produce a nominee that isn't god-awful.
He will be remembered as the shittiest door to door used insurance snake oil salesman, the world has ever known
the liberals are silent on the matter...
My point flew over your head like a 747.
Notice how the magazine name has to imply that they are somehow the norm, or 'Standard'?
It reminds me of some other propaganda outlet that calims that it is 'Fair and Balanced'.
Poll: More People Trust Fox News For Information
In related news...
Poll: Median American becoming stupider as smart-dumb gap continues to increase
Is that even a word that a person speaking on this topic should even be using?
Don't besmirch psychology. Occasionally, psychologists make correct diagnosis and help their patients, unlike another social "science" I know of.
That's good, I think that's the way TPTB, taxers, n bankers would want it.
This is a consumer driven economy, they are consuming, or being consumed, makes no difference to the financial systems.
And why home prices cant rise
No matter how much QE or low rates
He sounded like a typical 16 year old making excuses.
He ranted on Obamacare and shifted fault to everything but the lack of tought or planning that went into Obamacare, nor did he address that nobody even read the bill when it was passed.
He sugar coated the 100,000's of people that registered at the site, and did not buy coverage, claiming they were unable to choose a plan. But then in conclusion he wrapped up by saying people can browse plans just fine, that it has worked all along. So how does that work?
People aren't buying insurance through the exchange because 80% of the people who don't qualify for subsidies can't afford the premiums. And even those with subsidies still wont be able to cover their portion of the premium.
For a family working at McDonald's who for what ever reason don't qualify for Welfarecare, most likely wont be able to afford even a reduced $80 a month premium.
Shit you can't even buy two sacks of groceries for $80 these days.
The Democrats and Obama are so far out of touch with reality of the economy and plight of the working families they have become fairy tale characters more than Civil servants and politicians.
Obamacare was only created to pluck the pigeons, and America knows it.
Bill Clinton is a really smart guy, but I don't think he thought this one through. The way the system worked before is that you could get these catastrophic insurance policies, but then if you got a serious illness, you could end up bankrupt. I believe some of them didn't even cover hospitalization. The thing was, if you got sick, you couldn't then say, "Oh, by the way, I want to sign up for the good insurance that actually covers my illness", because the insurance company would simply say, "Pre-existing condition. Fuck you." So you would be SOL.
But NOW, insurance companies are legally barred from saying "fuck you". They HAVE to sell you an insurance policy, and they can't ask you if you have a pre-existing condition.
Well, you're only healthy until you're not, if you know what I mean. So would we allow the "I'm healthy right now at this moment" crowd to buy insurance policies that don't cover anything for pennies, and then when they get sick, suddenly sign up for the good policy that covers everything? O.K., who's gonna pay for that? How long do you think the system will remain solvent if everyone is on the $40/month bare bones plan and then just switches to the good plan after they get sick? As it is, the "young invincibles" will pay MUCH less than older people. That's not good enough for them? They want to pay nothing at all?
WOW! The UNtrustworthy are certainly in control of what information is apparent to the people!
Say hey! This was in the Wall Street Journal on March 30, 1999. Note "... how much it will buy."
Holy cow/interesting/compelling ...!
And where is it up to date??? Right here ... see the first chart shown in this thread.
Recent Dow day is Thursday, November 14, 2013 __ Level is 101.3
WOW! It is hideous that this is hidden! Is there any such "Homes, Inflation Adjusted"? Yes! This was in the New York Times on August 27, 2006:
And up to date (by me) is here:
WOW! The UNtrustworthy are certainly in control of what information is apparent to the people!
Given the fecal/oral route preferred by both, the comparison is valid.
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