Transgenderism Is A Mental Illness, Not A Civil Rights Issue

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2016 May 14, 6:38pm   19,101 views  49 comments

by Blurtman   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

If someone came to a doctor and asked him to cut off a perfectly healthy arm because it just felt "wrong" for the arm to be there, should the doctor do it? This isn't an idle question because this does happen with a mental illness called Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID). People who have it feel as if they're not supposed to have a certain body part, like an arm or leg. As a general rule, doctors won't remove a healthy body part; so some of these poor deluded people crush, mangle, burn, or otherwise deliberately destroy their own arms or legs in order to get a surgeon to slice them off.

This raises a question: Are surgeons who refuse to remove healthy limbs from people with BIID doing them a service because they're mentally ill or are they denying them their civil rights? MOST of us would say that a surgeon who refuses to cut off a healthy leg is doing the right thing.

Of course, not everyone would agree. In fact, there are some people who will tell you that mental illness is a “super power.”

Members of the mad pride movement do not always agree on their aims and intentions. For some, the objective is to continue the destigmatization of mental illness. A vocal, controversial wing rejects the need to treat mental afflictions with psychotropic drugs and seeks alternatives to the shifting, often inconsistent care offered by the medical establishment. Many members of the movement say they are publicly discussing their own struggles to help those with similar conditions and to inform the general public.

Some Icarus Project members argue that their conditions are not illnesses, but rather, “dangerous gifts” that require attention, care and vigilance to contain. “I take drugs to control my super powers,” Mr. DuBrul said.

It’s easy to laugh at this silly idea. Hearing voices or thinking the CIA is using a mind control ray on you is supposed to be a super power? Seriously?

But, this is a relatively small movement that happily hasn’t gained wide societal acceptance. Meanwhile, something just as ridiculous, the idea that you can change your sex, is accepted by many people in society.

There are people demanding that we change the birth certificates of people who’ve had sex reassignment surgery to reflect the gender they now claim to be. Children are being told to use whatever bathroom they feel most comfortable using. Kids under the age of 10 are being given drugs and treatment to prepare them for sex change surgery later on.

This is what happens when you cater to a pathology instead of treating it.

If you are born a man, you can mutilate yourself and take female hormones, but you can’t become a woman. If you are born a woman, you can mutilate yourself and take male hormones, but you can’t become a man.
When children who reported transgender feelings were tracked without medical or surgical treatment at both Vanderbilt University and London's Portman Clinic, 70%-80% of them spontaneously lost those feelings. Some 25% did have persisting feelings; what differentiates those individuals remains to be discerned.

We at Johns Hopkins University—which in the 1960s was the first American medical center to venture into "sex-reassignment surgery"—launched a study in the 1970s comparing the outcomes of transgendered people who had the surgery with the outcomes of those who did not. Most of the surgically treated patients described themselves as "satisfied" by the results, but their subsequent psycho-social adjustments were no better than those who didn't have the surgery. And so at Hopkins we stopped doing sex-reassignment surgery, since producing a "satisfied" but still troubled patient seemed an inadequate reason for surgically amputating normal organs.


Is Obama a pandering dumbass? What medical or scientific evidence has he presented to back his position? Can't the token Surgeon General state a position?

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1   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 May 14, 6:41pm  

Do female bodybuilders who go anabolic transgendered, or do they just have an obsession with muscles. Which, by the way, eventually changes their mentality to more masculine.

2   Blurtman   2016 May 14, 6:51pm  

thunderlips11 says

Do female bodybuilders who go anabolic transgendered,

You'd have to ask them. They may still identify as female, but have made a choice to compete more effectively through chemistry. I find it very odd that we haven't heard from the US Surgeon General on the issue. When did Obama get an MD degree?

3   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 May 14, 6:54pm  

This thing is way to complicated, I say leave it alone under more information arises. I think it could be legit, based on hormonal imbalances (which explains why so many middle-aged men suddenly discover they are women after living perfectly happy as a man until 55). But much of it is just "Sissy" sexual 'strategy'.

4   Blurtman   2016 May 14, 7:03pm  

thunderlips11 says

This thing is way to complicated, I say leave it alone under more information arises. I think it could be legit, based on hormonal imbalances (which explains why so many middle-aged men suddenly discover they are women after living perfectly happy as a man until 55). But much of it is just "Sissy" sexual 'strategy'.

Sure, but Obama is not leaving it alone. I believe he is pandering to a traditionally Democrat voting umbrella group (LGBT). Continuing your example of anabolic steroid abuse, should those who exhibit steroid rage be accommodated by society? I am only asking if Obama has described current medical opinion to justify his position. And where the hell is the US Surgeon General on this issue?

5   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 May 14, 7:05pm  

You're right, man. This is just virtue signalling/pandering.

It's a dumb political strategy. All the working class whites the Dems are going to lose this year will outnumber every LGBT by several orders of magnitude, even if every LGBT votes Democrat.

I think the Media is trying to make this some kind of goofy ass Wedge issue to distract from the Economic ones that are at stake: Some reform vs. Business as Usual.

"What a kind person I am, never mind science or any kind of medical opinion."

6   Blurtman   2016 May 14, 7:11pm  

I have a friend who has a lesbian teenage daughter who now believes she is transgender. Obviously there may be something organic about gender dysphoria. But where the hell is the US Surgeon General on this issue? Is he merely a token patsy who has been asked to keep quiet and not rock the political pandering boat? And how can a medically unqualified executive decide policy in the absence of medical opinion?

7   lostand confused   2016 May 14, 7:15pm  

thunderlips11 says

I think it could be legit, based on hormonal imbalances (which explains why so many middle-aged men suddenly discover they are women after living perfectly happy as a man until 55).

That could just be living in a feminazi world and realizing men are just slaves-so give in and become a woman!! If you can't beat them-join them!! You don't find too many middle eastern men wanting to be women-they just increase the size of their harem!!

Although with this Obama order, you don't have to cut your dick off or even dress like a woman-you just have to say you feel like a woman!!

8   Tenpoundbass   2016 May 14, 7:26pm  

What about Men that still identify as Men but since the standards of who is invited into the womens room these days are so incredibly low.
They think nothing of having a romp in the ladies restroom to see if their little girl is safe because they saw a dude in a skirt with beard scruff go walking in.
Or the guy that "Says" he only walked in to find his little girl.

Dudes are just better off in their own restroom, regardless how they are dressed.

9   lostand confused   2016 May 14, 7:51pm  

Yeah, I think Obozo got scared with trump's rise. last election he magically made birth control pills mandatory or some such and that led to the meltdown with Rush Limbaugh. I think him/dems were looking for the same-but this time he overreached and I think it will be the dems that face the blowback.

10   Blurtman   2016 May 14, 7:51pm  

Obummer and obese AG Lynch are misusing title IX as a cudgel to enforce their views on transgender rights. The apparent basis is a claim of sex discrimination against the transgendered. Can a man who is denied use of a woman's locker room then use Title IX to seek access? Inherent in lard-ass Lynch's argument is the view that a man who identifies as a woman is due to same rights as a biological woman. OK, that is an hypothesis. The other view is that the man with gender dysphoria can use the men's locker just like other men. So where is the medical and scientific data to back up Lynch and Obama's opinion? Where the helll is the US Surgeon General on this?

11   Dan8267   2016 May 14, 7:52pm  

Blurtman says

Transgenderism Is A Mental Illness, Not A Civil Rights Issue

Same thing for religion, but if enough people suffer from that mental illness it becomes a Constitutional right.

Why should the delusion of ghosts and gods be privileged and protected instead of a reason to deny someone the freedom to vote or hold office like any other several mental illness that prevented people from grasping reality?

12   lostand confused   2016 May 14, 7:55pm  

Blurtman says

Obummer and obese AG Lynch are misusing title IX as a cudgel to enforce their views on transgender rights

Hmm could AG Lynch be a transgender-born a man??

13   Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses   2016 May 14, 10:48pm  

number of sex crimes in bathrooms by transgender people still holding steady at zero. (I'm sure there will be one someday, but so far zero)
sex crimes by GOP lawmakers in bathrooms? quite a few.
sex crimes by catholic priests against children? hundreds.

So yeah, tell me again how you fucking idiots just want to protect children and all.

14   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 May 15, 12:43am  

Blurtman says

I have a friend who has a lesbian teenage daughter who now believes she is transgender. Obviously there may be something organic about gender dysphoria. But where the hell is the US Surgeon General on this issue? Is he merely a token patsy who has been asked to keep quiet and not rock the political pandering boat? And how can a medically unqualified executive decide policy in the absence of medical opinion?

By the way, "Die Cis Scum" Girl, grew out of her "I'm between genders" phase and is comfortable again being a chick.

15   mmmarvel   2016 May 15, 11:48am  

Tenpoundbass says

What about Men that still identify as Men but since the standards of who is invited into the womens room these days are so incredibly low.

They think nothing of having a romp in the ladies restroom to see if their little girl is safe because they saw a dude in a skirt with beard scruff go walking in.

Or the guy that "Says" he only walked in to find his little girl.

A man walked in behind a pre-teen girl in a Target restroom claiming he identified as a woman. The girl's father knocked the man's teeth out claiming he identified as a tooth fairy.

16   HydroCabron   2016 May 15, 11:57am  

Tenpoundbass says

What about Men that still identify as Men but since the standards of who is invited into the womens room these days are so incredibly low.

Good thing you're focused like a laser beam on NAFTA, immigration, Glass-Steagall and H1B's.

Otherwise these poo-poo potty private parts issues might distract you!

Just like the Tea Party elected all those candidates who ruthlessly slashed spending and DID NOT pass any abortion legislation whatsoever (so stop saying that!), Trump is all about jobs and the real issues, and not about abortion/Mexcrement/fags/trannies/gross-I'm-gonna-puke/bathrooms/why-can't-we-turn-back-the-clock-to-1958-and-make-this-go-away.

17   Dan8267   2016 May 15, 11:59am  

mmmarvel says

A man walked in behind a pre-teen girl in a Target restroom claiming he identified as a woman. The girl's father knocked the man's teeth out claiming he identified as a tooth fairy.

Then the father was sent to pound-me-ass prison because the man was a TSA agent who evidently has the right to molest girls for the sake of "national security", or an FBI agent who evidently has the right to molest girls to "search for drugs and other contraband" and he had a "reasonable suspicion".

Your anger is misdirected. You're daughter isn't going to get raped by a transgender; she's going to be raped by cops and other government agents acting under unjust laws. Shit like this happens every single day. It's happening right now as you are reading these words. And it's gotten a lot worse since 9/11.

18   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 May 15, 12:35pm  

HydroCabron says

Good thing you're focused like a laser beam on NAFTA, immigration, Glass-Steagall and H1B's.

I'm glad you constantly tell us the positive reasons you have for voting for Hillary.

19   Shaman   2016 May 15, 1:35pm  


Yep, we definitely don't need worry about men in the girls' bathroom.

20   marcus   2016 May 15, 2:30pm  

Quigley says

Yep, we definitely don't need worry about men in the girls' bathroom.

Brilliant. And that has to do with one in 2000 male children that identify as female children and being able to use the girls children's restroom while in school, how ?

21   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2016 May 15, 2:36pm  

Quigley says


Yep, we definitely don't need worry about men in the girls' bathroom.


As I said, its mostly not the people with gender dysphoria that you will have to worry about, its the dudes who will lie and say they are transgender that you have to worry about.

I could care less if the dude urinating next to me looks like and thinks hes a woman. In fact, I could care less if a woman wants to use the restroom next to me...its happened more than I can count at concerts.

But I am really worried that randoms dudes will claim to be transgender and use the restroom to oogle women or worse, sexually assault them, away from cameras and away from other men who could step in for protection.

22   marcus   2016 May 15, 2:42pm  

marcus says

one in 2000 male children

It's probably closer to one in 40,000 in Texas, where the Lt. Governor wants to refuse 10 billion in education aid from the federal govt rather than enforce a law that affects virtually no children at all, it just protects an extremely small minority, in the same way that there are extreme accommodations that are made for children with a myriad of different types of disabilities. You know, because of that crazy liberal idea that all children deserve school.

23   lostand confused   2016 May 15, 5:00pm  

Forget the girls and women. I don't want the IHLs suddenly walking into men's restrooms!

24   anonymous   2016 May 16, 6:25am  

'm glad you constantly tell us the positive reasons you have for voting for Hillary.



25   Y   2016 May 16, 6:41am  


Tenpoundbass says

They think nothing of having a romp in the ladies restroom to see if their little girl is safe because they saw a dude in a skirt with beard scruff go walking in.

26   Y   2016 May 16, 6:47am  

And this.
dodgerfanjohn says

But I am really worried that randoms dudes will claim to be transgender and use the restroom to oogle women or worse, sexually assault them, away from cameras and away from other men who could step in for protection.

27   HydroCabron   2016 May 16, 9:06am  

If you're so concerned about children that you spin elaborate stories of hairy, macho 6'8" dudes identifying as trans so they can ogle your daughter, you should probably care about thorough background checks for weapons ownership, and maybe even a database of who owns what weapon.

28   NDrLoR   2016 May 16, 9:23am  

HydroCabron says

thorough background checks for weapons ownership, and maybe even a database of who owns what weapon.

A good idea!

29   finehoe   2016 May 16, 10:13am  

Blurtman says

if someone came to a doctor and asked him to cut off a perfectly healthy arm because it just felt "wrong" for the arm to be there, should the doctor do it?

They already do that with foreskins.

30   Dan8267   2016 May 16, 10:26am  

Look, people not using their CIS-based bathroom will result in a post-apocalyptic hellscape like the one documented below.


Oh sure, it starts out as a way to maximize real estate by sharing common areas, but it ends up with everyone dancing to Barry White, the sexiest of all singers.


So stop bathroom sharing. After all, none of us wants to live in the 1990s. That decade was just fucked up.

31   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2016 May 16, 11:13am  

Again you miss the point. Under current laws, lady walks into restroom, sees linebacker with wig, leaves immediately and notifies police/security who remove said dude.

No such remedy if dude can say "I'm a chick" and it's legally ok.

32   elliemae   2016 May 16, 11:31am  

WTF does it matter? If it doesn't affect you, who gives a fuck?

Seriously, the stalls in women's bathrooms have doors. If the person in the stall next to me stands up or sits down, has a dick or two (or none), I wouldn't ever know. This is a non-issue.

33   CL   2016 May 16, 12:36pm  

Don't rapists obey the little signs, and then check if they have the right peepee parts before entering bathrooms?

I mean, if we prevent law-abiding transgendered people from entering a bathroom, then only outlaws will enter the wrong bathrooms. And that's not a country I want to live in!

34   CL   2016 May 16, 1:46pm  

marcus says

also the fact that too many males are assholes that piss all over toilet seats without any consideration for someone that might need to sit

FWIW, anecdotally, word on the street is that women are even bigger pigs than men. My intrepid investigator spotted shit on the BACK of a toilet recently, she being amazed at how one could position themselves to achieve that.

35   Ceffer   2016 May 16, 2:04pm  

The transgendered will clearly begin wearing pasties on their penises and twirl them in the faces of the real women in the restroom. Our real women deserve better.

36   NDrLoR   2016 May 16, 2:48pm  

CL says

My intrepid investigator spotted shit on the BACK of a toilet recently

TWICE, someone hasn't made it into the ladies' room at one of the branch libraries and left a deposit on the floor. How does someone wait until it's coming out before they decide to tend to business.

37   Y   2016 May 16, 3:47pm  

You have identified the genetic calling card of the IHL, with emphasis being on the "I".

CL says

My intrepid investigator spotted shit on the BACK of a toilet recently, she being amazed at how one could position themselves to achieve that.

38   Y   2016 May 16, 3:51pm  

Well, say your at an important meeting and at the critical junction you excuse yourself for quick relief.
If your a dude, and you see some snatch next to you trying to piss in a standup urinal, a boner may arise.
How do you think that will affect the important meeting when your forced to immediately walk back into the room under critical time constraints?
"doesn't affect you" my ass...

elliemae says

WTF does it matter? If it doesn't affect you,

39   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 May 16, 5:38pm  

Is this another SJW hoax like the Whole Foods cake (now confessed & admitted) and Haven Monahan?

Women accused of being trans in Wally World Bathroom.

Gal looks very SJW in appearance!

40   Portal   2016 May 16, 8:11pm  

And as this thread continues the TPP is getting passed. Colluding by Obama and the republicans.

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