Islamic attacks continue

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2017 Oct 1, 11:26am   27,217 views  95 comments

by curious2   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

"Knifeman yelling 'Allahu Akbar' shot dead after killing two in France
Police sources said the suspect had shouted “Allahu Akbar” (God is greatest) in Arabic as he attacked the women, aged 17 and 20, at Marseille’s main railway station.

Two police sources said one had her throat slit while the other was stabbed in the chest and stomach.

The assailant was shot dead by a soldier from a military Sentinelle patrol, a force deployed across the country as part of a state of emergency declared after Islamist attacks that began almost two years ago.

"Canadian police say a man driving a white car struck a police officer and stabbed him multiple times outside a football stadium Saturday.

Hours later, police say, the same man — this time driving a U-Haul truck — was pulled over a few miles away, drove off and struck four pedestrians.

The related attacks on Saturday night in Edmonton, the capital of Alberta, Canada, are being investigated as an act of terrorism, Edmonton Police Chief Rod Knecht said during a news conference early Sunday. He said an Islamic State flag was found in the passenger seat of the white Chevrolet Malibu the suspect was driving that night.

These attacks do not surprise anyone who has read what Islam says and does around the world. Partisans prefer to repeat slogans that enable them to feel good about themselves and their tribe, rather than thinking through the consequences of the policies they advocate. Spreading Islam means, inherently, spreading terrorism, military policing, mass surveillance, and eventually totalitarian Sharia rule.

You can say that Islam is not alone in doing bad things, and that America has also done bad things. That ignores the obvious. America has also done great things, from the Wright Brothers to the moon landing to the polio vaccine and the Internet. American policy has tended to get corrupted (especially since Nixon's disastrous deals with KSA), but America allows people to say what they think: for example, one of today's SNL "weekend update" pair called the President names I won't repeat here, on a show the President had hosted twice. Islam produces nothing but backwardness. Islam is a complete system (totalitarianism) that commands the violent overthrow of our government and any other that stands for liberty. Islam commands capital punishment for anyone who criticizes it or refuses to submit. Any tool or institution can be misused, but Islam was designed, fabricated, and optimized for the purpose of conquering and subjugating as many people as possible. Islam means literally "submission," and commands believers to use deception ("allah is the best deceiver") and violence ("strike terror into...the enemies of allah...kill the disbelievers wherever you find them") to force everyone ultimately to submit to Sharia.

When you see someone advocating Islam, or spreading it, please know what they are advocating.

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34   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Jan 9, 8:49pm  

"But in the eight months since Trump took office, more Americans have been killed in attacks by white American men with no connection to Islam than by Muslim terrorists or foreigners."

"More Americans killed by huge segment of population for all reasons, than 1% of the population for only terrorist reasons".

Wow, big surprise. Thanks Ezra Klein, editor of Vox and former employee of WaPo and "The American Prospect', a Left-Liberal Organ, for not misleading with flawed comparisons.

I bet American-born males committed more domestic violence than Muslim Men of Foreign Birth in America.
35   Strategist   2018 Jan 9, 9:17pm  

rando says

Why do Muslims always look so miserable? Not a hint of happiness.

If I could never party or have alcohol, I would be miserable too.
37   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Mar 21, 5:28pm  

Another Muslim Attack in Florida:

Police in Riverview, Florida, arrested a member of the extremist sect The Nation of Islam after he attacked his partner, stabbed his two children, and set their house on fire, the Tampa Bay Times reports.

Several neighborhood witnesses now say they saw Ronnie Oneal shoot his 33-year old girlfriend, Kenyatta Barron, out on the woman’s front lawn.

He then reportedly went into the home and stabbed the couple’s daughter to death, then attacked his 8-year-old son, and finally set the home on fire.

Witnesses also say that this Nation of Islam terrorist was screaming “Allahu Akbar” as he perpetrated his attacks.

“I was shocked,” neighbor Walter Ballard said. “That’s the only thing that went through my mind: How could he do something like this?”



Bonus: Perp claims White Devils possessed him, named "Ke-Ke"
39   Patrick   2018 May 12, 6:33pm  

The French president tweeted "Please do not share misinformation. Please only share information coming from a trusted source."

First response:

Ce n'est pas une agression MAIS UN ATTENTAT TERRORISTE ISLAMISTE ! Que cela vous plaise ou non ! Avoir peur de prononcer un mot ne fait qu'accentuer la peur de la chose elle même,et,est une preuve de lâcheté... Mot qui vous convient parfaitement : un lâche,comme tout le gvt

In English:

It is not an aggression BUT AN ISLAMIST TERRORIST ATTACK! Whether you like it or not! Being afraid to say a word only accentuates the fear of the thing itself, and, is a proof of cowardice ... Word that suits you perfectly: a coward, like all the gvt
40   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 May 12, 7:10pm  

250 dead in France since 2015 from Islamist Terror.
41   Patrick   2018 May 12, 7:21pm  

And the French government still claims that Islamic attacks have nothing to do with Islam.
42   Strategist   2018 May 12, 11:31pm  

someone else says
The French president tweeted "Please do not share misinformation. Please only share information coming from a trusted source."

someone else says
And the French government still claims that Islamic attacks have nothing to do with Islam.

Now that's a trusted source.
44   curious2   2018 May 13, 1:55am  

someone else says
And the French government still claims that Islamic attacks have nothing to do with Islam.

Serge Dassault and others in France are highly paid in Petrodollars (via arms deals with KSA) to keep saying that.

It reminds me of the tobacco companies denying any link between smoking and cancer. Just because 80% of lung cancer cases in the USA are linked to smoking, doesn't mean - oh wait, yes it does.
45   bob2356   2018 May 13, 4:25am  

Look at all these islamic terrorist attacks around the world. Fucking iranians exporting terrorism. Oh wait, these are all sunni terrorists funded and supported by KSA. Someone remind me why our president is sucking face with the suadi's and about to go to war with iran if he is actually concerned about terrorism. Oh right I forgot that MBS is going to fix all of this once he gets done extorting billions from anyone who could oppose him. The check is in the mail.
46   bob2356   2018 May 13, 4:49am  

curious2 says

It reminds me of the tobacco companies denying any link between smoking and cancer

The scientists who did the studies for the tobacco industry showing smoking has no link to cancer have moved onto doing climate denial studies for the energy companies. . Not a joke, You can start with the "two freds". (who both have degrees in astrophysics, not climate or medical) https://www.counterpunch.org/2015/07/31/manufacturing-denial/
47   Shaman   2018 May 13, 7:49am  

bob2356 says
Someone remind me why our president is sucking face with the suadi's and about to go to war with iran if he is actually concerned about terrorism.

This question has been puzzling me as well, especially considering the anti-war platform Trump ran on. The Syrian air strikes were also greatly troubling.
Until news broke somewhat underground that the two may have been related.

I accept that we the public don’t get to know about everything that happens in the geopolitical arena, especially when it comes to the big nasty problems with national security. But rumor has it that those Syrian air strikes took out Iranian (Hezbollah) infrastructure designed to carry out nuclear explosions in the region. Even just a dirty bomb (using the uranium they’ve enriched) would be a devastating international incident. And with the Russians being cozy with the Iranians, and wishing us no good will lately, there is every possibility that they could provide our own American uranium (obtained thanks to Hillary Clinton) to Iran, who transports it to Syria and sets off a dirty bomb traceable to the USA.

At that point, it would take a lot of convincing to ensure the world didn’t believe that America (and Trump) hadn’t just gone full retard and was nuking failed states at large. It would have been a horrible nasty mess, both with international relations and at home. The Democrats would run wild in the streets slavering at the mouth and whacking old ladies suspected of Russian Collusion and liking the President. Republicans would retaliate, bringing a gun to a knife fight and our Second American Civil War would be underway. Exactly as would suit the Russians best. Exactly as they demonstrably tried to foment after the 2016 election.

If he got wind of this plot, Trump would have no choice but to act with extreme prejudice, hitting Hezbollah hard and ramping up the presssure against Iran. Which is what he did.
Could it be an accident that he also approved air strikes to kill 600 Russian soldiers in Syria? Or was that a rough warning to the Bear to back the fuck off?

I think there’s more going on here than shows at the surface. There always is. Reductionist tendencies do nobody any good in trying to understand international politics.
48   Patrick   2018 May 13, 8:11am  

It is true that nearly 100% of these attacks are sunni.

Iran has nothing to do with them.
49   bob2356   2018 May 13, 9:23am  

Quigley says
I accept that we the public don’t get to know about everything that happens in the geopolitical arena, especially when it comes to the big nasty problems with national security. But rumor has it that those Syrian air strikes took out Iranian (Hezbollah) infrastructure designed to carry out nuclear explosions in the region. Even just a dirty bomb (using the uranium they’ve enriched) would be a devastating international incident. And with the Russians being cozy with the Iranians, and wishing us no good will lately, there is every possibility that they could provide our own American uranium (obtained thanks to Hillary Clinton) to Iran, who transports it to Syria and sets off a dirty bomb traceable to the USA.

Wow, tin foil hat time. That hillary is one hell of a girl. Only one vote of 9 and she didn't even attend the committee meetings, sending a staffer to take care of it. Then she got the president, the Utah nuclear regulators, NRC, and AEC to sign off on the deal. But whoops that damn hillary never got an export license for uranium one. So whatever they mine can only be processed in the the US or Canada and only used in the US. God, really big bribes don't go as far as they used to do they? Sorry to break your infowars bubble, but US uranium has not been shipped to Russia.

Why would russia need US uranium ore anyway? The US produces less than 2% world production of uranium. Russia is sitting on large amounts of ore and processed uranium. There are even bigger deposits next door to Russia in Kazakhstan also owned by uranium one (which is a Canadian company). Which is much more likely why uranium one was purchased. Why would they need the small amount of ore produced by the US even if they could get an export permit? Totally fake scandal.

Obama and Clinton colluding to hand over 20% America’s strategic uranium to the Russians? On cue, Fox News gabber Sean Hannity said this could be 'the biggest scandal' in American history.

But here's the thing ― by 20%, we really mean almost zero.

Those U.S. facilities obtained by Russia produce almost nothing. The uranium deposits are of relatively poor grade and are too costly to compete on the uranium market. But the facilities do have good milling capacity to process ore, if anyone gives it to them, which hasn’t happened in about 10 years. Theoretically, they could process 20% of our ore, but that will never happen. Uranium One couldn’t give these facilities away.
50   curious2   2018 May 31, 12:30am  

52   Onvacation   2018 Jun 5, 8:38am  


Why has the largest mass shooting in us history fallen off the radar?
53   Patrick   2018 Jun 5, 8:53am  

The Koran is interesting in its pervasive bitterness and righteousness.

It clearly reflects the deep psychopathology of its author, which believers are expected to accept into their heart as "good".

You find exactly the same kinds of rationalizations for murderous behavior in prisons, which perhaps explains Islam's popularity there. Islam tells the prisoners that they have been wronged and that they deserve revenge on the world.
58   curious2   2018 Aug 14, 8:32pm  

"From Westminster to Nice: Vehicle rampage attacks in UK and Europe
A driver has been arrested on suspicion of terror offences after a car collided with cyclists and pedestrians before crashing into security barriers outside the Houses of Parliament today.
This kind of event has become worryingly common in Europe in recent years, with hundreds of people killed and injured in vehicle attacks since 2016.

Nearly all of the perpetrators have been Muslims killing infidels on behalf of Islam.

I waited for confirmation before adding today's attack. BBC confirmed indirectly, by reporting which houses the police investigators are raiding, and quoting the neighbors. France24 says only that the perpetrator is a "British man," just as the previous Islamic attack in Westminster was also perpetrated by a "British man."

[Update: Sudanese immigrant Salih Khater drove to London from Birmingham. Like most countries that have allowed themselves to become more than 20% Muslim, Sudan is more than 90% Muslim. Birmingham has also recently become more than 20% Muslim. As the GTD database shows, increasing the percentage of Muslims increases the frequency of Islamic attacks.]

Islam was designed, fabricated, and optimized by the followers of the dead charlatan Mohammad to produce these effects. Long after the original fabricators died, their hateful fraud of Islam continues like zombies, killing people and consuming brains. Western liberals should oppose it, but instead identitarian (pseudo-)"liberals" insist on spreading it. The tragic consequences befall innocent people, this time cyclists in London, who had ironically probably supported migrants ("refugees"). I wonder if their views might change now, but I doubt it.
59   FortWayne   2018 Aug 14, 8:37pm  

Those people come and bring their problems with them.

You can’t bring refugees from third world country on a massive scale and assume they’ll instantly assimilate.

Most continue living their life the way they did before.
60   curious2   2018 Aug 14, 8:51pm  

FortWayne says
Most continue living their life the way they did before.

Especially if they consider their way morally superior, and western ways inferior.

You can successfully bring in Hmong or others who like the USA and want their children to do well in the west. You can't successfully bring in people whose religion commands them to hate the USA; the second generation ends up being even more dangerous than the first.
61   curious2   2018 Aug 20, 6:37pm  

62   Patrick   2018 Aug 20, 6:47pm  

curious2 says
“If you are not able to find an IED or a bullet, then single out the disbelieving American, Frenchman or any of their allies. Smash his head with a rock or slaughter him with a knife or run him over with your car or throw him down from a high place or choke him or poison him,” Abu Mohammad al–Adni, an [ISIL/Daesh] spokesman said in 2014."

There was an Egyptian Muslim a year or two ago who got in great trouble for documenting that ISIS is in fact perfectly Islamic, following the stated dictates of Islam with much greater fidelity than most other Muslims.

I wonder what happened to him.
63   curious2   2018 Aug 20, 6:53pm  

Many Islamic scholars, including at prominent Islamic universities, have said ISIL/Daesh does what Islam says. Calling ISIL/Daesh "un-Islamic" was a uniquely western lie. People in Arab countries tended to call ISIL "Daesh", which means "bigot," just as Americans might call Pat Robertson a Christian bigot (which he is). Most religions produce some percentage of bigots at every generation, but bigots can behave differently depending on what the religion tells them to do. ISIL/Daesh showed what Islam tells Muslims to do.

"Cole Bunzel, a scholar of Islamic theology at Princeton University...points to the corpus of Islamic jurisprudence, which continues into the modern era and which he says includes detailed rules for the treatment of slaves.

“There is a great deal of scripture that sanctions slavery,” said Mr. Bunzel, the author of a research paper published by the Brookings Institution on the ideology of the Islamic State. “You can argue that it is no longer relevant and has fallen into abeyance. ISIS would argue that these institutions need to be revived, because that is what the Prophet and his companions did.

Also this NPR interview describes ISIL/Daesh requiring contraception in order to implement Islamic law over Yazidi women:

"Professor Ali then pointed me to the hadiths. And this is the words and deeds of the Prophet Muhammad that talked about the importance of ascertaining paternity. That seemed to be just about the only right that a slave in this reading of scripture has, the right to know who the father of her child is.

And so in antiquity, according to these laws that are put out in these texts on Islamic jurisprudence, a fighter who - an owner who buys a new slave is supposed to wait basically one moon, so one month to determine whether she's pregnant or not, to see whether she has her period, right?...And in my early interviews, a lot of the women had told me that they were forced to take pills. [ISIL/Daesh] were aggressively pushing contraception. Some women were forced to take tablets, others were given the Depo-Provera injection. This is an injection that makes it so that you don't get pregnant for up to three months.

The interview goes on to note Muslim "refugees" committing lethal attacks in Europe.

"The two guys who blew themselves up at the Stade de France - they were the first suicide bombers to carry out their attacks. They came on a refugee boat. We don't know how the others came through. But given that at least four of them came in this manner, I think it's logical to assume that the others may have, as well.

And now in Germany, we're seeing - the Wuerzburg attacker was an immigrant, allegedly from Afghanistan, who was given refuge. And the Ansbach attacker was a Syrian refugee.

Not everyone who reads Islam obeys what it says, but some do. As long as people spread Islam, we will continue to see a succession of ISIL/Daesh/AlQaeda/whatever group doing what Islam says.
64   Rin   2018 Aug 20, 6:53pm  

curious2 says
Islam was designed, fabricated, and optimized by the followers of the dead charlatan Mohammad to produce these effects.

The original Mo' was a bozo. It was his successor, Abu Bakr, the First Caliphate, who'd launched the greatest invasion of the ancient world, obliterating common sense whether his armies went, and thus, giving birth to the middle ages.
65   Strategist   2018 Aug 20, 7:09pm  

Patrick says
There was an Egyptian Muslim a year or two ago who got in great trouble for documenting that ISIS is in fact perfectly Islamic, following the stated dictates of Islam with much greater fidelity than most other Muslims.

I wonder what happened to him.

Most likely......he swims with the fishes.
66   Patrick   2018 Aug 20, 8:45pm  

Rin says
Abu Bakr, the First Caliphate, who'd launched the greatest invasion of the ancient world

Somewhere in the Cartoon History of the Universe, the author points out that the amazing early expansion of Islam was not entirely by war, but also by offering the peasants a lower tax rate!

The Byzantine and Persian Empires were exploiting their peasants to such a degree that when the Turks and Arabs invaded and proclaimed their tax rates (1.5% of assets per year, plus some fixed sum, can't remember at the moment) the common people joined the invaders in overthrowing the existing regime.
67   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 21, 12:58am  

Patrick says
The Byzantine and Persian Empires were exploiting their peasants to such a degree that when the Turks and Arabs invaded and proclaimed their tax rates (1.5% of assets per year, plus some fixed sum, can't remember at the moment) the common people joined the invaders in overthrowing the existing regime.

They had just finished fighting a long and inconclusive war, the Ancient Equivalent of WW1. Both the Persians and Byzantines were exhausted, empty treasury, few men, famine, and of course superhigh taxes.

Another reason was Monophysitism, popular in the Levant, about the nature of the Christ being wholly and totally Divine and not at all human. Islam is more compatible with that than the dual nature of Catholic-Orthodoxy.

Had Mohammed came at a different time - even a decade before or after - Islam would be a footnote in history. "A Bandit named Mohammed raided as far as Cestiphon and Petra, but was defeated by the Kataphracts and beheaded in Antioch."
68   curious2   2018 Nov 10, 2:39am  

"About 4.20pm, a [truck] mounted the footpath on Bourke Street, near the corner of Swanston Street, and erupted in flames. A man now identified as Hassan Khalif Shire Ali got out of the vehicle.

He attacks pedestrians, fatally stabbing Pellegrini's co-owner 74-year-old grandfather Sisto Malaspina.

It is believed he then attacked 58-year-old Rodney Patterson and a 24-year-old security guard.
Shire Ali then produced a knife and lunged at the police officers.
Shire Ali was then shot by police in the chest and fell to the ground.

He was taken to hospital under police guard in a critical condition and later died.
He was originally from Somalia, and police said he arrived in Australia in the 1980s as a child.

"The Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack via its Amaq News Agency."

Importing him was obviously a mistake. If he could not be deprogrammed to renounce Islam, then he should have been promptly deported to a Muslim country. Instead, he was imported and allowed to remain in Australia, so now innocent Australians are injured or dead. Spreading Islam by importing Muslims is corruption, not compassion. It is a cruel betrayal of the innocent citizens who end up getting injured or killed. If someone says a western country 'needs' to do something for Islam via importing Muslims, ask why not send the Muslims to a Muslim country, where they can live their Islamic way without murdering westerners.
69   Shaman   2018 Nov 10, 9:29am  

No Muslim NEEDS to immigrate to the West. They only do it for purely selfish or ideological reasons. Poverty is no excuse.

Know which sort of middle easterners I don’t mind importing? The Christian ones. There’s one from Persia in a class my wife teaches. She’s struggling with low funds and her family over there is treated horribly by the Muslims, but she is trying to remain and get an education and a good job so she can help them out.
She met up with a Muslim Persian in class and awkwardness ensued as the Muslim just assumed her religion ... and was wrong.
70   Patrick   2018 Nov 10, 10:02am  

To claim that all religions are alike is just wrong.

Islam is extremely violent in its founder's personal example, its core beliefs, and its actions right down to the present moment, far beyond any other religion.

It would be nice to believe that all religions preach peace, but it just isn't true. Islam preaches resentment and war.
71   Bd6r   2018 Nov 10, 10:13am  

Quigley says
The Christian ones

Bahais from Persia are also fine. They are oppressed by Muslims as well.
72   Patrick   2018 Nov 10, 10:44am  

The Zoroastrians from Persia are also non-violent and also oppressed by Muslims. There are only about 100,000 left in Iran, and another 100,000 in Bombay.
73   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Nov 10, 3:55pm  

dr6B says
Bahais from Persia are also fine. They are oppressed by Muslims as well.

Ba'hai was illegal in Iraq until a few months ago, and most Muslims are mad about it being legalized.

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