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101479   Onvacation   2019 Mar 14, 7:02am  

FPBT says
shielding the president from potential criminal prosecution.

What's the crime?
101480   Onvacation   2019 Mar 14, 7:07am  

FPBT says
kag ... don't you mean cack?

101481   Goran_K   2019 Mar 14, 7:17am  

Onvacation says
Kakistocracy says
Reducing the left to Commies, SJWs, Liars, Libbies, Libruls, Losers, Snowflakes, Socialists, etc

Just callin' them like we see them.

I’ll wait for someone to recommend just ONE moderate lefty that has any sway on MSM.
101482   anonymous   2019 Mar 14, 9:40am  

Best wishes for a speedy and uneventful recovery.
101483   Tenpoundbass   2019 Mar 14, 11:04am  

Trump doesn't barf he Lawyers to do it for him.
101484   Tenpoundbass   2019 Mar 14, 11:07am  

If it's because of a government shut down then it's Nancy's fault.

I say fire all of the useless Gender confused freaks and the Centerpiece know nothing Title Nine morons over there and put the racist misogynist White Engineers back so America can be Great again.

People don't realize that Aeronautics be like it is, but it do. Let the people who know's how it is do what it does.
101485   rdm   2019 Mar 14, 11:16am  

Tenpoundbass says
Trump doesn't barf he Lawyers to do it for him.

OK now I get the attraction between Trump and Kim Jong un

101486   Tenpoundbass   2019 Mar 14, 11:35am  

I blame bad service at fast food joints.
101487   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Mar 14, 11:44am  

jazz_music says
Why Mass Shootings Keep Happening

They can't do anything. It's not like they didn't know. It's almost impossible to forcibly hospitalize somebody beyond a brief stay, which I believe the Parkland Shooter already got.
101488   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Mar 14, 11:49am  

This whole article is wrong.

For starters, most mass shootings aren't in schools and not by kids. The ones that make the TV are.

The vast, vast majority of mass shootings happen in Chicago, Detroit, South Central, and usually don't involve kids.

But the wokeist most socially justified don't care, because that means they would have to criticize a protected oppressed minority they depend on for elections.

Instead, it is celebrated in pop culture. Got hollow points for the snitches! Rat ta tat tat like dis and like dat.
101489   Shaman   2019 Mar 14, 12:04pm  

1) Trump wasn’t the only one to create the shut down. Pelosi dug in her talons and refused to do anything resembling a compromise for all that time.
2)Boeing shouldn’t have released this software update until it was tested. They actually are to blame and will be the ones to get sued, not Trump or the government.
101490   zzyzzx   2019 Mar 14, 1:05pm  

Quigley says
They actually are to blame and will be the ones to get sued,

Sued for how much? Doesn't an Ethoipan life have zero or negative value on the open market?
101491   MrMagic   2019 Mar 14, 1:34pm  

jazz_music says
Mass Shootings Are Rising. Here's How To Stop Them.
Dan Diamond

What do we know about Dan Diamond:

I write sharp takes on the health, policy and wonk news of the day.

..., and a social media junkie. Posts are eclectic; views are personal. Let me know what I've missed

Well Dan, you missed a bunch..

First, this article was written: Jun 18, 2015, 04:30am

jazz_music says
It's important to be clear here. Yes, mass shootings remain exceedingly rare compared to overall firearm deaths. (About 34,000 people died from being shot in 2013, versus 40-odd people killed in mass shootings.)

And there's where he twists the narrative. The majority of that 34,000 are suicides, by people who have mental issues and want to kill themselves. To try and lump them into "Mass Murders" is just more TDS on display.

jazz_music says
"While many mass shooters had mental-health problems," the researchers write, "there is no reason to believe that there has been an increase in mental illness rates in the last several years that could help explain the rise in mass shootings."

It doesn't matter if there's an increase, we're only talking about a handful of mentally deranged people doing these shootings in a population of 320 million. Crazy will ALWAYS be walking around.
101492   MrMagic   2019 Mar 14, 1:37pm  

jazz_music says
Threat-Assessment Professionals Know Why Mass Shootings Keep Happening

So do I.

The Liberal media and their non-stop 24/7 OrangeManBad and TDS broadcasts and Republicans are evil added to the daily Liberal brainwashing by teachers.

Is it really a surprise?
101493   RWSGFY   2019 Mar 14, 3:13pm  

The recipy is basically the same as the one to stop mass homelessness: making it much easier to involuntary commit nutters into mental institutions.

PS. Of course, this recipy will be thoroughly ignored, because both homelessness and mass shootings are playing into pinko's hand: the former is an excuse for more taxation in the name of more "services", "affordable housing" and handsomly-payed bureaucracy to run it all, and the latter is an excuse to push for gun bans/confiscations, etc.
101494   NDrLoR   2019 Mar 14, 3:23pm  

Hugolas_Madurez says
making it much easier to involuntary commit a nutter into a mental institution.
Leave it to democrats to give us two of the most destructive pieces of legislation of which they didn't have to suffer any consequences:

JFK - 10/31/63 The Community Mental Health Act

RFK - Immigration Act of 1965
101495   Reality   2019 Mar 14, 3:26pm  

The article and the title prove the consequence of being bad at math.

Threat assessment on individual persons in the context of statistical phenomenon as lop-sided as mass-shooting is by definition nonsense! Out of roughly 350 million people, there are less than 35 mass shooting incidents in a year (of the variety that the author was talking about, not gang warfare in inner cities where guns are already banned). That's 10,000,000 to 1. Even if a professional assessment methodology has 99% accuracy (there are hardly any psycho profile method accurate enough to meet that hypothetical 99% accuracy), such an approach would result in 3.5 million false-positives when applied to 350 million population . . . i.e. rounding up 99,999+ who wouldn't become mass shooters for every 1 would be mass shooter! Good luck finding that 1 in 100,000+ all matching your profile.

Banning guns in order to prevent mass shooting is less clever than proposing banning food due to more than 10,000 choking incidents every year!

A far more effective way of stopping mass shooting is in fact encouraging ordinary people to conceal-carry: as the would-be mass shooters often were stopped by other people on site having guns! Comes to think of it, confronting criminal while armed with guns is what police do too! Except police can't be at all places at the same time, whereas concealed-carry private individuals have a much better chance of being at the right place at the right time to stop mass-shooters.

Don't ban guns; ban politicians who want to violate the Constitution! Every anti-gun politician has the blood of victims of mass-shootings and inner-city shooting victims on their hands: as they make up tyrannical laws that prevent law-abiding citizens from self-defense!
101496   WillPowers   2019 Mar 14, 6:19pm  

Freedom and liberty have a price. If you are for free speech then you have to put with hearing shit you don't like, like this news propaganda piece you shared which glosses over the facts and fails to show both sides of the argument. Like in the case of Roger, who police "let Rodger go" twice before he went on a shooting rampage. Maybe the police didn't have a good reason to arrest him. Maybe that would have been a violation of his civil liberties. The article doesn't explain, only leaves the impression in the readers mind that this could have been avoided.

That is the price of having freedoms. Perhaps you are for a police state where no one has the right to own a gun. The article advocates for gun confiscation laws. Maybe you are for a Soviet style democracy where the citizens have the right to shut up and eat crow.

Remember what Benjamin Franklin said about trading your freedoms for safety. Those who so choose safety over freedom deserve neither freedom nor safety. I paraphrase.
101497   RWSGFY   2019 Mar 14, 6:58pm  

jazz_music says
Read the other thread about Australia and how they stopped mass shootings

Except they didn't:

101498   PeopleUnited   2019 Mar 14, 7:04pm  

jazz_music says
Read the other thread about Australia and how they stopped mass shootings completely with a few laws.

Because we have these examples it seems that there is no debate any more.

Just do it or not.

Maybe tweak the Australian approach.

Does everything have to be an unsolvable problem for poor America? With endless debates and any solutions never good enough?

Just because profitability for political donors is involved?

Australia is not USA. It is pedantic to think to even compare the two.

The quote above said "it seems there is no debate anymore." I'd be happy to debate that.

mass shootings are being used as propaganda to distract people from the real problems of the modern world. The rich contol (nearly) everything that is why the rich are funding gun control propaganda. They want to be the only ones with guns.
101499   Goran_K   2019 Mar 14, 7:41pm  

Hugolas_Madurez says
The recipy is basically the same as the one to stop mass homelessness: making it much easier to involuntary commit nutters into mental institutions.

PS. Of course, this recipy will be thoroughly ignored, because both homelessness and mass shootings are playing into pinko's hand: the former is an excuse for more taxation in the name of more "services", "affordable housing" and handsomly-payed bureaucracy to run it all, and the latter is an excuse to push for gun bans/confiscations, etc.

The truth, nothing but the truth.
101500   Ceffer   2019 Mar 14, 8:22pm  

Typhoid HEYYOU is on a vectored rampage! Good thing he doesn't have ebola or we'd have to get out the flame thrower.
101501   Patrick   2019 Mar 14, 8:24pm  

Huh, can't find it. Is there any public link?
101502   Ceffer   2019 Mar 14, 8:25pm  

What a relief. I thought it was 'Duckmeister' and Iwog was coming back. Iwog's carcass is probably in a ditch somewhere, beaten to death by an Immense Hirsute Lesbian he insulted into spittle tossing rage.
101503   steverbeaver   2019 Mar 14, 9:47pm  

Well make sure to target practice. Sad marksmanship is inexcusable.
101504   Ceffer   2019 Mar 14, 9:57pm  

Are those his butt buddy protectors from Marion Penitentiary?
101505   RWSGFY   2019 Mar 14, 11:00pm  

AOC and "brilliantly" don't belong in the same sentence. By fucking definition.
101506   Ceffer   2019 Mar 15, 1:27am  

Trump's tiny little fingers let him pick his nose really well for about a quarter of a centimeter up. The rest, he just has to blow out like the rest of us.

Trump flips the bird at people all the time, but nobody can tell, they think it's a knuckle.
101507   Ceffer   2019 Mar 15, 1:30am  

Hey, give her a handful of Valiums and she can be stage managed to read from a programmed script! Congrats, AOC. Obama needed nose candy and a teleprompter, AOC just needs be brought down a bit. Maybe some kind of heroin lite for the mania.
101508   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2019 Mar 15, 3:22am  

In the third video, she blasts him about spelling errors and gives him detention!
101510   Tenpoundbass   2019 Mar 15, 6:11am  

"Like I know a lot about banking and finances and stuff you know?" Actual AOC Quote.
101511   Onvacation   2019 Mar 15, 6:12am  

jazz_music says
The criminals are the people who'll get a gun no matter what.

Yep. Please don't take away the ability for law abiding citizens to defend themselves.
101512   Expat01   2019 Mar 15, 7:43am  

AOC is a minority, a woman, smart, successful and liberal. So she is inherently a threat to ignorant, right-wing American males. I suppose that if AOC cried "Fire" in your home, you would roll back over in bed and fall back to sleep, smug in the knowledge that the commie bitch is lying. Yup, that sums up American Trumpturds. And you are dying in your sleep as you bend over for Trump and the Republican party.

You scream she is a commie because she wants to put taxes back where they where during what many Trumpturds call America's Golden Age. You whine that these taxes on the super rich will destroy your lives when 99% of you earn under 100k a year, about ten million short of where the 70% tax would kick in. You rant and rave about rich bankers stealing from America but then whine about poor wittle Manafort who is a helpless victim of a Witch Hunt despite having stolen millions from America.

Basically, your delusions and prejudices have blinded you to the obvious facts that the elite who are fucking you over are left, right and center. They are rich, white, male and powerful for the most part. You will NEVER be one of them. You are poor, you will stay poor. You are undereducated, you will stay ignorant. Your kids will live in the same trailer park and work at the same garage as you. You will drool over Playboy models and the toys you see on tv but you only get them by going into debt. But you still send the same greedy, lying cunts to Washington. And when someone like AOC comes along, you scream "Burn the Commie Witch!" out of ignorance, racism and misogyiny, not realizing that the people she is trying to help is you.
MAGA, indeed.
101513   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Mar 15, 8:08am  

Expat01 says
Basically, your delusions and prejudices have blinded you to the obvious facts that the elite who are fucking you over are left, right and center. They are rich, white, male and powerful for the most part. You will NEVER be one of them. You are poor, you will stay poor. You are undereducated, you will stay ignorant. Your kids will live in the same trailer park and work at the same garage as you. You will drool over Playboy models and the toys you see on tv but you only get them by going into debt. But you still send the same greedy, lying cunts to Washington. And when someone like AOC comes along, you scream "Bu...

101514   Tenpoundbass   2019 Mar 15, 8:18am  

Liberal Agitation number one reason.

A Liberal prayed for this day when some Fuckass in NZ decided to relocate a shit ton of Muslims to some backwater town called "Christ Church" and build two mosques.

I don't condone what happened, but I'm calling it for what it is.

I'm sure Theresa May and Anglea Merkle did a victory dance last night.
101515   Goran_K   2019 Mar 15, 8:23am  

TrumpingTits says
Elgatouno says
Remember that guy in San Diego? You know, the one that got the tank from the armory? Drove that shit all over. Point is cities have armories, with tanks.

So? What good is that going to do when a city is cut off from supplies? Run over the hordes of libtards that don't even have a few days of food/water prepped under the staircase?

Also tanks are sitting ducks in urban environments. The Syrian government doesn’t even roll them into urban areas they don’t control anymore because of the attrition rate.
101516   Shaman   2019 Mar 15, 9:10am  

Expat01 says
AOC is a minority, a woman, smart, successful and liberal. So she is inherently a threat to ignorant, right-wing American males.

You’d have to be 50% more correct to even make it to “wrong!”
Hahahahaha what a maroon.

AOC is a JOKE to conservatives. We kind of crush on her a bit, with the way she says things that show her absolutely PRISTINE ignorance and lack of judgement. We also enjoy the way her asinine arguments sway the dumber side of the Democrat party towards a fringe that hardly anyone supports. This creates a divide in the party much like the tea party did for the GOP. They have revolts and rebellions based on the inane words of a woman whose biggest accomplishment before primary-ing a FWM Democrat(using the power of racism) was making the perfect dirty martini. She’s a thorn in the side of the Democrat establishment, and works only to limit their power and sway, while pushing moderate Democrats towards the Right side of the aisle and away from the tired old ideas her sort espouses.

We love AOC kind of like you’ll love your wife’s chihuahua who annoys your asshole neighbor by pissing on his newspaper every morning. She’s great!
101517   CBOEtrader   2019 Mar 15, 9:38am  

A socialist looking for infractions of code minutiae.

*cheers around conrades*
101518   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Mar 15, 10:41am  

jazz_music says
Hate crime shooting today at a mosque in New Zealand. Many people killed and injured during afternoon prayers.

New Zealand has Background Checks and Gun Licensing requirements that Libbies want.

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