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110110   WookieMan   2020 Apr 20, 9:54am  

socal2 says
WookieMan says
Can you stop an airborne virus??? I'll wait.

Progs think they can control the weather 100 years from now if we enact certain tax and regulation policies today.

So don't underestimate their grasps on Science.

Funny you mention climate/weather. We're far better off in that realm with more dead people from this virus. They produce emissions. Unfortunately I don't think the (EDIT: increase in) overall death rate during this period will move much more than 0.5% worldwide. So I guess more people get wetbulb'd

The hypocrisy of people up in arms about this virus AND global warming is rather amusing. One helps the other, but they're too afraid to admit their bullshit.
110111   socal2   2020 Apr 20, 10:14am  

Tim Aurora says
My point is Trump, who is a pathological liar, should have been able to see through the Chinese lies , especially with his intelligence agencies giving him all the reports, I was. I ordered a mask on January 27th, and I had no access to any intelligence. Patnet started a COVID-19 thread at the beginning of January.

Short of implementing a quarantine and travel ban in and out of the entire New York metro area back in February against the will of the local Democrat Governor and Mayors - what could Trump have done that would have made a meaningful difference?

Even today, there are no obvious silver bullets or missed opportunities that could save us from what is inflicting the entire planet.
110112   RWSGFY   2020 Apr 20, 10:17am  

Tim Aurora says
I ordered a mask on January 27th, and I had no access to any intelligence.

So you decided that WHO is unreliable and should not be trusted?
110113   RWSGFY   2020 Apr 20, 10:19am  

Tim Aurora says
Trump fucking administration is inefficient at all things.

Because they waited for WHO to declare the public emergency? Does that mean that trusting WHO was a mistake?
110114   WookieMan   2020 Apr 20, 10:26am  

socal2 says
Even today, there are no obvious silver bullets or missed opportunities that could save us from what is inflicting the entire planet.

Bingo. Tim you owe this guy a beer.
110115   WookieMan   2020 Apr 20, 10:42am  

It's so easy to make RepCons look like fools as tears run down their faces as their loved ones drown.

Do you and AF have a bet going to get the most ignores on Patnet? Serious question.
110116   rdm   2020 Apr 20, 11:01am  

socal2 says
try to divide our nation for political gain during time of crisis.

This might be a valid point if it wasn't for the pie hole and stubby twitter fingers of Trump dividing the country every fucking day. Is he uniteing the country in crisis? Everything is beautiful as long as you don't question Trump's actions and views, continually kiss his ring, don't get too much plubicity. and constantly say what a great job he is doing, in other words mimic Pence, a repugnant sycophant and in house mortician. Liberate Minnesota , Michigan, Virginia. Conveniently all run by Dem Govs. Such a great uniter.
110117   socal2   2020 Apr 20, 11:09am  

rdm says
Everything is beautiful as long as you don't question Trump's actions and views,

Everything is cool if the Media and Democrats don't lamely claim Trump is responsible for thousands of deaths because he wasn't a dictator enough.

It would be even cooler if we didn't see that the Media and Democrats are total hypocrites from statements made just a few days ago.

Remember this?

*Cuomo rips idea of banning New Yorkers from traveling to other states*

*New York Gov. Cuomo says Trump has no authority to impose quarantine: ‘It would be illegal’*

I can't surf or go to the beach in California because New Yorkers needed to continue to ride their disease ridden subways and were free to fly all over the country infecting the rest of us?
110118   HeadSet   2020 Apr 20, 11:10am  

Do you and AF have a bet going to get the most ignores on Patnet?

Esprit de Corps for Ignore Whore du Jour, the poor boor.
110119   rdm   2020 Apr 20, 11:13am  

socal2 says
what could Trump have done that would have made a meaningful difference?

You cant be serious. I know he claims his response was a 10 and he takes no responsibility....for anything. He (his administration) did virtually nothing regarding testing for months while lying about it to the public and we are still behind the curve as he now dumps all responsibility on the states. Way behind many countries on a per-capita basis. The supply of PPE has been a disgrace, this has likely caused many healthcare and first responders to contract the disease. If the Feds had recommended the shelter in place when or before CA. it could have significantly lowered the death rate. Just a few of his greatest misses
110120   RWSGFY   2020 Apr 20, 11:17am  

rdm says
If the Feds had recommended the shelter in place when or before CA. it could have significantly lowered the death rate

I'm pretty sure that if Feds had recommended SIP when or before CA none of the blue states would implement it. Including CA.
110121   WookieMan   2020 Apr 20, 11:31am  

rdm says
If the Feds had recommended the shelter in place when or before CA

Is that something you want though? The federal government to tell you to stay home? Telling you to shut your business down and in the process not be able to feed your family or help out your employees? It's a god damn airborne virus. It's not a burglar that we can shoot or put up a fence to keep out. It's here. It has spread. It's not leaving. The cat is out of the bag, get over it. Open back up and move resources where they need to be as hot spots creep up. Not complicated.
110122   socal2   2020 Apr 20, 11:35am  

rdm says
If the Feds had recommended the shelter in place when or before CA. it could have significantly lowered the death rate. Just a few of his greatest misses

Did you miss the links and quotes I provided by Cuomo?

He was threatening to sue Trump on March 28th for floating the idea of locking down New York.
110123   RWSGFY   2020 Apr 20, 11:36am  

WookieMan says
Is that something you want though? The federal government to tell you to stay home?

Even if it did: look at how well the will of federal govenment to enforce immigration laws is followed by the donkey-ran state governments.
110124   RWSGFY   2020 Apr 20, 11:38am  

Tim Aurora says
I saw signs that it had a potential of becoming a pandemic and took necessary action

The downside of you being wrong on taking that "necessary action" against WHO recommendation when you took it is the price of couple of masks ($6, probably). The guy who took necessary action mere 3 days after your insightfull move had much more things to consider. Like trillions more.
110125   RC2006   2020 Apr 20, 11:39am  

110126   zzyzzx   2020 Apr 20, 11:41am  

110127   rdm   2020 Apr 20, 12:05pm  

WookieMan says

Is that something you want though? The federal government to tell you to stay home

There were many states that used the excuse of the federal government not recommending the stay at home order to not implement it and or delay implementation. They followed the Trump administrations lead such as it was.

Personally I don't like any government telling me to do stay at home but we live in a society in which certain governments have been given authority to enforce such dictates for what is perceived as the greater good
110128   Shaman   2020 Apr 20, 12:08pm  

Timmy and rdm: bbbbbut ORANGEMANBAD!
Okay guys... we are backing away slowly.
110129   rdm   2020 Apr 20, 12:14pm  

socal2 says
He was threatening to sue Trump on March 28th for floating the idea of locking down New York.

This is a red herring. The statement was "what could Trump have done that would have made a meaningful difference" I gave three examples. What Trump threatened to do and never did is not relevant to the question at hand. Could he have done it legally? practically it would have taken days tor weeks to sort out so it was simply bullshit posturing. CA went into the shut down I believe on March 20, The Bay area even sooner. Did NY wait too long, for sure that's on Cuomo and Trump.
110130   socal2   2020 Apr 20, 12:29pm  

rdm says
This is a red herring. The statement was "what could Trump have done that would have made a meaningful difference" I gave three examples. What Trump threatened to do and never did is not relevant to the question at hand. CA went into the shut down I believe on March 20, The Bay area even sooner. Did NY wait too long, for sure that's on Cuomo and Trump.

You gave 3 chickenshit and impossible metrics.

- Trump should have personally stepped over the CDC and FDA to tell them they are fucking up with the testing back in February? I know Trump is a stable genius, but how could Trump know the testing was fucked up when all of the experts at the CDC and FDA were saying they have testing covered?
- Trump should have personally inventoried every hospitals' PPE supply and then forced international companies to ramp up back in February?
- Trump should have locked down New York against the will of Cuomo and DeBlasio?

Lots of things seem easy or sensible with the benefit of hindsight. Having a President overstep our Federal constraints and impose dictatorial powers over duly elected State government is a big fucking deal......especially back in Feb/March when we have few cases or deaths.

But leave it to dishonest Progressives to try and use an international tragedy to gain political power.
110131   RWSGFY   2020 Apr 20, 12:32pm  

Tim Aurora says
All he did was ask for 2.5 billion a month later

Um, no. It started with the travel ban on Jan 31st.
110132   RWSGFY   2020 Apr 20, 12:35pm  

Tim Aurora says
It is costing Trillions now.

Right. Because we're dealing with a pandemic. Per WHO this was not at the level of public emergency up until Jan 30th. You bought your mask on Jan 27th. Pat yourself on the back for defying the WHO and acting early. The price of your decision was literally $6.
110133   socal2   2020 Apr 20, 12:36pm  

rdm says
There were many states that used the excuse of the federal government not recommending the stay at home order to not implement it and or delay implementation. They followed the Trump administrations lead such as it was.

Name one State - and let us know how many PROVABLE additional deaths that resulted.

Were big Democrat run States like New York, Michigan and New Jersey simply waiting on Orange Man Bad to do the right thing for their State?

Maybe New York would be doing better if they listed to Trump in March and didn't threaten to sue him?
110134   RWSGFY   2020 Apr 20, 12:41pm  

Tim Aurora says
If yo are going to quote me quote the whole relevant line

I quoted and commented on that line in post #45.
110135   RWSGFY   2020 Apr 20, 12:42pm  

Tim Aurora says
If yo are going to quote me quote the whole relevant line


Right. Because we're dealing with pandemic. Per WHO this was not at the level of public emergency up until Jan 30th. You bought your mask on Jan 27th. Pat yourself on the back. The price of your decision was literally $6.
Tim Aurora says
It is costing Trillions now. All he did was ask for 2.5 billion a month later to which the Congress said he needs more and gave him 8+billions.

I quoted and commented on that line in post #45.

And stop writing on top - it's annoying.
110136   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Apr 20, 12:53pm  

Tim Aurora says

Remember in November:

Fartwell shamed people for wearing masks in March.
Pelosi and DeBlasio encouraged people to attend festivities in Chinatown and gather in large groups, both in February and March.
Biden was more upset over "Xenophobia" than the Virus.
Dems were united against travel bans and border controls to slow the spread, citing WHO, that repeated the claim that China had no new cases of Coronavirus since early January (laughably rubbish) and that it could not be transferred via human contact.

The Dems were handing out impeachment pens while Trump was organizing the first task force.
110137   rdm   2020 Apr 20, 1:09pm  

Tim Aurora says
- Trump should have personally stepped over the CDC and FDA to tell them they are fucking up with the testing back in February? I know Trump is a stable genius, but how could Trump know the testing was fucked up when all of the experts at the CDC and FDA were saying they have testing covered?
- Trump should have personally inventoried every hospitals' PPE supply and then forced international companies to ramp up back in February?
- Trump should have locked down New York against the will of Cuomo and DeBlasio?

Note I said his Administration.Trump personally couldn't tie his own shoes. But the great and mighty executive who hires only the very best people and then fires them because they are not sufficiently sycophantic and replaces them with 3rd rate toadies . Yep, he owns their actions and inactions in this case even if he aims to be the teflon Don, he isn't except among his base and the assorted, cloyingly obnoxoius Republican pol buttlickers. Have you ever seen a President take so little (read none) responsibility and blame every other person, organization, animal, vegetable or mineral he can scapegoat for his administration's ineptitude?
110138   RWSGFY   2020 Apr 20, 1:16pm  

Tim Aurora says
Yeah and that was woefully inadequate and inconsequential by that point.. The NY virus came from Italy and he only banned China.

Still more than WHO recommends even now. Looks like we're in agreement wrt WHO being a bunch of useless fucks not worthy of our money.

And since we're on topic what was WHO saying on situation in Italy on Jan 27th? Or Jan 30th, if you prefer.

UPDATE: don't bother, I've found what they were saying about Italy on Jan 31st:

"Today, the first two confirmed cases of 2019-nCoV acute respiratory diseasewere reported in Italy; both had travel history to Wuhan City. "


But fucking Trump failed to ban travel from Italy when he banned travel from China!!!

PS. And, btw, on Jan 27th when you were buying yuor masks the WHO was still recommending against their use by the general public, IIRC.
110139   marcus   2020 Apr 20, 1:37pm  

thomasdong1776 says
Is there nothing that bitch won't lie about?

Nope. It's wierd. THe more he lies, the more his base clings to him. Even Trump has got to be surprised, but he learned long ago it was good for him.

With Bush we learned that a lot of voters are comfortable with a President that doesn't seem any smarter than they are. With Trump we learned they also apparently like it when their president seems to have less integrity than they do. I don't get it, but that's how it is.
110140   socal2   2020 Apr 20, 1:50pm  

But fucking Trump failed to ban travel from Italy when he banned travel from China!!!

And the Democrat mooks complained about this too!

Are these fuckers this totally blind to what the Democrats were saying just a few weeks ago? Or are they just this dishonest?

*Trump coronavirus Europe travel ban comes under criticism*

*EU condemns Trump travel ban on 26 European countries*
110141   Onvacation   2020 Apr 20, 2:16pm  

rdm says
Trump personally couldn't tie his own shoes.

Can you see how statements like this make one appear idiotic?
110142   rdm   2020 Apr 20, 2:45pm  

Onvacation says
Trump personally couldn't tie his own shoes.

Can you see how statements like this make one appear idiotic?

Apparently the Trumpies are very sensitive and will allow no literary licence? I admit he can likely tie his own shoes, though with difficulty due to his obesity.

As an apology here is a joke:

what borders on stupidity?

Canada and Mexico
110143   rdm   2020 Apr 20, 2:47pm  

Tim Aurora says
I did not say that. "SoCal" did and agree with "rdm"

sorry I do this once in a while when quoting
110144   WookieMan   2020 Apr 20, 2:48pm  

marcus says
With Bush we learned that a lot of voters are comfortable with a President that doesn't seem any smarter than they are.

Huh? He is smarter than everyone on this forum. He became POTUS and has made millions of dollars from that. Not sure I believe the link, but I'd guess it's accurate: https://www.thoughtco.com/former-presidents-speaking-fees-3368127

Trump, Obama, Bush, etc. are exponentially, maybe hockey stick, more intelligent than you or I.
110145   HeadSet   2020 Apr 20, 6:15pm  

Trump, Obama, Bush, etc. are exponentially, maybe hockey stick, more intelligent than you or I.

+1000. Not just Presidents, but Governors as well, including Sara Palin. Maybe even AOC, who did after all, defeat a 10 term incumbent and make herself into a household name.
110146   Ceffer   2020 Apr 20, 10:18pm  

Can this be set to a marching band at half time? Oh, I forgot, no more half times.
110147   Ceffer   2020 Apr 20, 10:36pm  

Thank you for being a one stop shopping center for all the sources of information that are never to be trusted again. Saves a lot of effort.
110148   HeadSet   2020 Apr 21, 7:56am  

Note that Sweden is not on the graph....
110149   WookieMan   2020 Apr 21, 7:59am  

We're all dead. Not sure how I'm even typing. Weird.

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