by Patrick ➕follow (59) 💰tip ignore
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I like Jordan Peterson. He puts into words many of my own feelings. For Example, About Belief in God: (yes, it;s Twitter)
rocketjoe79 says
I like Jordan Peterson. He puts into words many of my own feelings. For Example, About Belief in God: (yes, it;s Twitter)
Peterson just had a run in with the grim reaper which he escaped.
It's a common feature of people to "find god" at their end of their life. I'm going through the same process, although I'm not nearly as close to the end of my life as he is.
Peterson just had a run in with the grim reaper which he escaped.
It's a common feature of people to "find god" at their end of their life. I'm going through the same process, although I'm not nearly as close to the end of my life as he is.
What run in did Peterson have?
I cannot say. He had some medical problem, the family elected to keep it private and I respect that privacy.
No water, no power - what's next ?
Thanks for the "heads up"! I should go buy a gasoline-powered generator, assuming they haven't been outlawed for sale in the state. It'll be especially fun knowing that the state's anti-pollution and anti-carbon stance is causing me to use something that is far more pollution and carbon producing than normal generation in normal states.
Electricity rates go up to 42¢ (off peak) in June, but I doubt this will be high enough to reduce demand.
Thanks for the "heads up"! I should go buy a gasoline-powered generator, assuming they haven't been outlawed for sale in the state. It'll be especially fun knowing that the state's anti-pollution and anti-carbon stance is causing me to use something that is far more pollution and carbon producing than normal generation in normal states.
Electricity rates go up to 42¢ (off peak) in June, but I doubt this will be high enough to reduce demand.
SunnyvaleCA says
Thanks for the "heads up"! I should go buy a gasoline-powered generator, assuming they haven't been outlawed for sale in the state. It'll be especially fun knowing that the state's anti-pollution and anti-carbon stance is causing me to use something that is far more pollution and carbon producing than normal generation in normal states.
Electricity rates go up to 42¢ (off peak) in June, but I doubt this will be high enough to reduce demand.
For which Utility provider, PG&E? Are you talking commercial off peak or residential off peak TOU? Residential off peak TOU rates right now hover in the high $.2x to low $.3x range in PG&E territory. There must have been something in the last GRC to CPUC that I missed…
atheist will never take u turn. It’s non atheist appears like atheist are the ones take uturn to become none atheist, duh!
Actually Jordan Peterson almost died from an addiction to benzodiazepine, a tranquilizer that was prescribed by a doctor to him. Turns out that this drug is extremely difficult to wean oneself off of, and has caused death in many people. This was a targeted hit on the notable philosopher by the medical cartel. He is fortunate that he survived this breathtaking medical malpractice.
He had a severe and life threatening addiction to valium congeners. Yes, valium can be addictive, and the withdrawal process is slow, but very distressing and long due to the slow clearance from the body. He had to go to Russia where they had a particular withdrawal and treatment protocol.
For which Utility provider, PG&E? Are you talking commercial off peak or residential off peak TOU? Residential off peak TOU rates right now hover in the high $.2x to low $.3x range in PG&E territory. There must have been something in the last GRC to CPUC that I missed…
WineHorror1 says
richwicks, where does morality come from? Right and wrong...where do they come from? How would "criminality" even be a thing without them?
The best explanation I think of how morality develops is through evolutionary psychology. Behaviors that a group engages in either helps or harms the group, and most behaviors and beliefs are passed down from the old to the young. If the group has thinking which harms the group as a whole, it works against the group's expansion and survival. IF the group has thinking which is beneficial to the group as a whole, it expands.
There's more than one group though of course. Eventually these groups come into conflict with one another and that's a war. Ideas and beliefs can combine when this happens while other ideas are extinguished.
Foot binding was done away with in China. Sati was done away in India...
I bet I'm not the monster you were taught to fear as a child, and I would bet that is an atheist.
richwicks saysI bet I'm not the monster you were taught to fear as a child, and I would bet that is an atheist.
I wasn't taught to fear atheists. I was taught to fear Hell and Love heaven. I'm not a Bible thumper but I do not believe nothing can become something.
Costco often has them but they go fast. I got the triple fuel whole house powering version for 899
9% of Americans say they’re cutting back on their grocery spending
This is one area where buying a house has helped. Mortgage is fixed.
And yet they are still morbidly obese.
If "God" created the heavens and earth - what was God doing before he got busy creating stuff ?
Did he create other "stuff" somewhere else ?
Does the universe have an end ?
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