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2019 Feb 17, 4:30pm   3,132,521 views  42,156 comments

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17130   richwicks   2022 Jul 21, 4:02pm  

Ceffer says

If they block UV wavelengths from 270-300 nm, Vitamin D skin production stops, resistance to disease ensues and cancer production is enhanced. Also less effective agriculture for the democide agendas.

Haha - I heard about this yesterday. They are claiming to be putting up some sort of shield at a Lagrange point to dim the sun.

Let me explain why this is total bullshit and trust me, they know it's bullshit.

The only Lagrange point that would EVER be between the Earth and the sun is L3. This is the same position of the moon, EXCEPT 180 degrees away from it, so the opposite side of the Earth where the moon would be, but the same position.

So, it would eclipse the earth, as often as the moon does. So, once in a blue moon, to say the least - VERY rarely.

Finally, they claim it would be the size of Brazil, well, the moon's shadow IS about the size of Brazil, a little larger, it would be humongous. It would have to be a balloon of some sort, and Lagange points are where gravity cancels out entirely, they are stable points. As a result, there's a LOT of space crap at Lagrange points. That's why the James Webb telescope has already had an impact, and it will have more...

What I'm saying is this, supposed plan, to block out the sun, is ludicrously stupid. It's like saying we'll have flying cars in just 20 years or that we'll have nuclear fusion in 10 - both of those would be FAR easier to do and are actually possible. To put something at a Lagrange point that would actually reduce the sun significantly, it would probably have to be the size of fucking Earth, and even then, it would only put the Earth in shadow, once a lunar month for a maybe 1/2 hour.
17131   richwicks   2022 Jul 21, 4:06pm  

Tenpoundbass says

That's the first that I have seen a visual representation of what I heard was on the laptop. I had read somewhere that wishing Joe would die was in a diary on the laptop.
Why Hunter digitized everything is a mystery to me. There's a lot of truth in that meme of Hunter with a helmet cam, with about ten cameras attached to it, with the caption. "Hunter anytime he's doing drugs with hookers."

Hunter is bizarre, but I doubt that's a real diary. Maybe, but I doubt it.

I would normally just download the entire Hunter Biden archive, but... this one time I'm afraid to do it. No fucking way I want child porn on my computer.

And it fucking works.

It doesn't matter, what is out there is enough to totally sink him. Doesn't have to be any more sensational. We have Hunter dead to rights with smoking crack, getting hookers, doing crooked deals, talking to his dad about his crooked deals... Doesn't matter about his diary. The facts that have been established are MORE than enough.
17133   Ceffer   2022 Jul 21, 4:11pm  

I saw all of the published Hunter stuff at the time unexpurgated and uncensored when it was on Chinese web sites and it first came out. Yeah, pretty amazing, Hunter has some kind of subconscious (likely traumatic) urge to destroy himself, his father, and his family.
17134   richwicks   2022 Jul 21, 4:17pm  

Interesting, I think Bill Gates and or Klaus Schwab has modeled their life on Montgomery Burns.

17136   Ceffer   2022 Jul 21, 5:01pm  

Moloch claiming tribute for NWO failures:
17137   Ceffer   2022 Jul 21, 5:20pm  

Biden Actor drops the senile act for a bit, talks faster and even in a different voice register. I repeat, this is NOT how senility operates in the real world.
17139   Ceffer   2022 Jul 21, 6:02pm  

"I can't even snort coke off his dick any more without the Secret Service around, and he keep grabbing me at night calling me Haillie.":

Divorce is standard operating procedure before criminal indictments in order to shelter assets through the ex-spouse.
17140   Ceffer   2022 Jul 21, 6:13pm  

Of course, the fake Biden Actor getting fake Covid could just be the final act before the Hunter stuff is truly ripe. Biden Actor(s) just dialing in the performances now? Unfortunately, I hear the dread sloshing of cellulite Cankles approaching the White House. "Oh, hi, Hillary!"
17141   richwicks   2022 Jul 21, 6:45pm  

Ceffer says

Divorce is standard operating procedure before criminal indictments in order to shelter assets through the ex-spouse.

Pffft! Hunter will never be prosecuted. If he is, it will be for an unpaid parking ticket, with the fine ignored, and time served.

It's said that the first thing to go in a corrupt society is the judiciary. Well, that's fucking gone. Just ask the 800+ people in prison with no bail for the "January 6th" insurrection....

Or ask the Antifa and BLM thugs that Burned, Looted, and Murdered (more than 40 people) who ARE NOT in jail. They all fucking walked. Billions of dollars in damage, they even burned down police precincts and invaded state capitals.
17142   mell   2022 Jul 21, 7:06pm  

richwicks says

they even burned down police precincts

17143   richwicks   2022 Jul 21, 7:09pm  

mell says

richwicks says

they even burned down police precincts


I've seen portions of that film, but I've never bothered to watch it. I do like Dark Star.
17145   AmericanKulak   2022 Jul 21, 9:39pm  

mell says

richwicks says

they even burned down police precincts


Is Carpenter just as good as scoring films and making them?

I love that late 70s/early 80s Creepy synth shit, like the background music to "In Search of..." or "UFOs are real" and of course, "The Thing" and "Halloween".

doom doom... doom doom...
17146   Ceffer   2022 Jul 21, 11:07pm  

richwicks says

Pffft! Hunter will never be prosecuted. If he is, it will be for an unpaid parking ticket, with the fine ignored, and time served.

He will if it is just a broader strategy to get Biden Actor Stable out and somebody else in.

17149   stfu   2022 Jul 22, 6:56am  

richwicks says

original link

I made it about 8 minutes in before my ears started to bleed.
17150   mell   2022 Jul 22, 6:58am  

She was just signaling that she needed a few more good hard bangs before hiting the wall. Too late now
17151   richwicks   2022 Jul 22, 7:23am  

stfu says

I made it about 8 minutes in before my ears started to bleed.

You have to just laugh at our "news" media. I find it hilarious.

15 years ago, this would have made me angry but today, who DOESN'T know our news media is completely full of shit? I think we're at the point that instead of getting angry as what is peddled as news, we can just mock it, and the people that still believe it.
17152   mostly reader   2022 Jul 22, 8:59am  

Ceffer says


Well... They admit that they are Fake News by the standard of putinoids. You are not trying to make CNN and such sound credible, are you? That would be a disappointment.
17153   richwicks   2022 Jul 22, 9:08am  

mostly reader says

Well... They admit that they are Fake News by the standard of putinoids.

If you think ANYTHING on television is actually news, and not pure BS propaganda, you are in the lowest 20% of the population.

Currently, less than 20% of the population considers US "news" reliable and the average age of a television "news" viewer is over 65. Everybody else went to the Internet, a DECADE ago.

Ghost of Kiev, the fight to the death on Snake Island. Hilarious anybody believes anything from them. They aired a segment of a VIDEO GAME. It's fucking hilarious.

But they're telling the truth about Ukraine! It's not just a money laundering operation being covered up by 10's of thousands of dead bodies... The offense contractors stand to make too much money, so put a bunch of people into the meat grinder! Don't matter what the outcome of the war is, what's important, is there's war! You make a lot of money murdering people, after all. What does it matter if it bankrupts the nation and leads to 10's of thousands, (hopefully 100's of thousands - maybe MILLIONS if we're lucky!!!) deaths. </sarcasm>
17154   mell   2022 Jul 22, 9:12am  

richwicks says

mostly reader says

Well... They admit that they are Fake News by the standard of putinoids.

If you think ANYTHING on television is actually news, and not pure BS propaganda, you are in the lowest 20% of the population.

Currently, less than 20% of the population considers US "news" reliable and the average age of a television "news" viewer is over 65. Everybody else went to the Internet, a DECADE ago.

Ghost of Kiev, the fight to the death on Snake Island. Hilarious anybody believes anything from them. They aired a segment of a VIDEO GAME. It's fucking hilarious.

But they're telling the truth about Ukraine! It's not just a money laundering operation being covered up by 10's of thousands of dead bodies... The offense contractors stand to make too much money, so put a bunch of people into the meat grinder! Don't matter what the outcome of the war is,...


17155   mostly reader   2022 Jul 22, 9:14am  

richwicks says

If you think ANYTHING on television is actually news, and not pure BS propaganda, you are in the lowest 20% of the population....
...the fight to the death on Snake Island.

Indeed. My objection was to an attempt to make CNN and such sound credible. At least that's how it could be interpreted.

And you are missing the point, as you usually do. There was never "fight to death". There was a specification of direction to which the ship should follow, made under the most unfavorable conditions. That made history!

https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%D1%80%D1%83%D1%81%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B9+%D0%BA%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%BB%D1%8C+%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B8+%D0%BD%D0%B0+%D1%85*%D0%B9+ - use google translate

The ship (it was "Moscow") indeed followed there, albeit at a later point.
17157   richwicks   2022 Jul 22, 9:26am  

mell says



My (navie? Maybe outright retardedly stupid?) hope is that in time, people will understand just what sort of bloodthirsty scams our government and corporations are involved in.

I believe in the goodness of the average person. I might be stubbornly stupid to believe in this, but I believe in it. We can be a GREAT nation, but we need to get rid of the parasites and to get rid of the parasites, people have to see there are parasites. Our wars, is nothing more than a mechanism to enslave Americans.

When the US government "borrows" 40 billion dollars from the Federal Reserve to give to Ukraine, that's just a tax on every American. The difficulty is convincing your average normie that is what it is, to get them to acknowledge it, because it's quite obvious.
17158   richwicks   2022 Jul 22, 9:33am  

mostly reader says

And you are missing the point, as you usually do. There was never "fight to death". There was a specification of direction to which the ship should follow, made under the most unfavorable conditions. That made history!

The reports in our media was that the valiant Ukrainians defending Snake Island told the Russians to go fuck themselves and all died a martyr's death valiantly.

All this "history" - you're talking about, nobody is going to remember it within 5 years. Who remembers that the United States bombed Libya "to prevent a humanitarian crisis"? That was all swept into the memory hole once Libya went into civil war and opened up slavery markets.

When the Ukraine / Russian war is over, less than 1% of Americans will have any clue the war even happened. Fuck, most of them don't even know if the Syrian war is still ongoing now.

What's the best thing for the Ukrainian people? I'd say it's to get rid of their foreign influences, and that isn't just American, Russian, European, it's Israeli as well. Be neutral, co-operate with all, but they need to get rid of their Jewish mafia and this is their kingpin of the Jewish mafia.

Russia is destroying all his physical assets. Good, at least Russia is doing ONE thing that is good, and noble. I hope that mother fucker criminal dies in poverty starving in a gutter in agony, long drawn out agony. Fuck him.

I hope for a quick end to this war, the longer that it goes on, the more people that die. The "aid" that is going to Ukraine - the money laundering, the US is putting Ukrainians on the hook to pay that back. It's going to impoverish them FURTHER. There's PLENTY Of people deluded and wrong, people that think there's a conflict between Ukrainian PEOPLE and Russian PEOPLE are wrong. They're just victims of propaganda. End this war quickly.

War is never good, and rarely justified.

I think it would be to the Ukrainian's benefit to be entirely taken over by Russia, that would absolve the Ukrainians of their debt to the US Federal Reserve, but they could be enslaved to the Russian central bank. If that's the case, fuck Russia. If Russia liberates them, gives them autonomy, removes their criminal syndicate, that's the best outcome, but it's probably a longshot, probably unrealistic, but I know what the US will do.
17162   Bd6r   2022 Jul 22, 3:07pm  

17163   Bd6r   2022 Jul 22, 3:07pm  

17164   Bd6r   2022 Jul 22, 3:08pm  

17165   Bd6r   2022 Jul 22, 3:08pm  

17166   Bd6r   2022 Jul 22, 3:08pm  

17167   Bd6r   2022 Jul 22, 3:25pm  

17168   mostly reader   2022 Jul 22, 3:59pm  

richwicks says

The reports in our media was that the valiant Ukrainians defending Snake Island told the Russians to go fuck themselves and all died a martyr's death valiantly.

All this "history" - you're talking about, nobody is going to remember it within 5 years.

The reality was that the valiant Ukrainians on the Snake Island told the Russians to go fuck themselves at gunpoint. They apparently didn't die and were taken prisoners. "Russian warship, go f#kc yourself" - this became a folklore. You don't know if people will remember it 5 years from now, and don't pretend that you do (your predictive powers suck bigly). It's way more important that people repeat it today, over and over, and will likely continue doing so at least until the end of the war.

richwicks says

Russia is destroying all his physical assets.

You are the only person in the room who apparently gives a flying f#kc about Kolomoisky. Enough even to post his photos (do you have one under your pillow?) Before you make an even bigger ass of yourself, do some digging around and find out about his current standing in Ukraine, and also in US (hint: it's not great)

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