Predictions thread.

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2022 Sep 12, 2:18pm   83,018 views  462 comments

by Eric Holder   ➕follow (5)   💰tip   ignore  

Here I will collect bold predictions so we can see what came true and what didn't.

It goes without saying that everybody is welcome to add their favorite predictions.

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24   GNL   2022 Sep 13, 12:11pm  

stereotomy says

Within 10 years, the continuing death toll from the clot shot will have exceeded half a billion people worldwide.

No one will notice or care.
25   EBGuy   2022 Sep 13, 4:32pm  

Four hundred years after the death of Charles II (who produced no legitimate heirs), one of his descendants will ascend to the the throne.
26   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Sep 13, 10:13pm  

* This country will never have another presidential election.
* The dollar will collapse
* SW Engineers will be replaced by farmers as the hottest job market
27   Ceffer   2022 Sep 13, 10:15pm  

ZipperTits will run out of tit pictures.
28   Patrick   2022 Sep 13, 10:29pm  

It will be discovered that some dinosaurs had technology at least as good as the current Amazonian Indians. Betting this on the extremely long history of the dinosaurs and relatively short history of humanity.

Republicans will gain both House and Senate in the midterms, or yet more flagrant election fraud will be apparent to all. One of the two.

Hunter Biden will die in unclear circumstances when the FBI gets rid of him to protect themselves.

Trump will run and win in 2024. The economy will quickly improve after his election.

The Democratic Party will spiral into oblivion like the Whigs, to be replaced by something more based in reality, at least at first.

In the long run, it will be found that the vaxx killed about 1% of those who took it, by a wide variety of means: strokes, heart attacks, immune dysfunction, cancer. It will still be mandated by Berkeley and Harvard.

It will also be found that a significant fraction of women who took the vaxx are now infertile from it. And it will still be mandated by Berkeley and Harvard.
29   Ceffer   2022 Sep 13, 10:34pm  

They'll have to cheat so hard on the midterms, they will have to recalculate the census to include the extra 60 million voters.
30   WookieMan   2022 Sep 14, 12:13am  

Patrick says

Hunter Biden will die in unclear circumstances when the FBI gets rid of him to protect themselves.

Does anyone ever wonder why his brother died so early at this point? Brain cancer at 46 did him in? Seems highly unlikely. I know 70 year old alcoholics still pounding it. They seem like a puppet family. Me thinks Beau had to go for some reason. Don't know what that reason is, but a wealthy(ish) family connected and dying at 46 is rather rare. I don't know, has a mafioso type vibe after all the revelations with Hunter and his shady dealings.
31   RWSGFY   2022 Sep 15, 9:08am  

Here a "as good as Cuntsler (who?) guy" predicts European starving and freezing to death this winter (2022-2023): https://patrick.net/post/1345718/2022-06-17-one-of-kunstler-s-best?start=6#comment-1877701
32   Shaman   2022 Sep 15, 12:22pm  

I still think the vax is going to be a death sentence for most people.
So many have already died and been uncounted by criminal governments. Deadly cancers are spiking now.

An anecdote from real life:
This student representative to the board at our local community college district was BIG into pushing mandates for the jab. She was very vocal and demanded the mandates be as harsh as possible. Of course she was vaxxed and boosted. A future doctor I’m told!
Fast forward a year, and she’s recently been diagnosed with fatal liver cancer. Doctors don’t even recommend treatment as it would just shorten her already short time left.

Dying of this vax is going to look like SADS, cancer, strokes, heart attacks, neurological debilitation, mad cow disease, and immune system failure (AIDS).
Best of luck to the jabbed here. Maybe you’ll beat the odds.
34   mell   2022 Sep 18, 9:45am  

Shaman says

I still think the vax is going to be a death sentence for most people.
So many have already died and been uncounted by criminal governments. Deadly cancers are spiking now.

An anecdote from real life:
This student representative to the board at our local community college district was BIG into pushing mandates for the jab. She was very vocal and demanded the mandates be as harsh as possible. Of course she was vaxxed and boosted. A future doctor I’m told!
Fast forward a year, and she’s recently been diagnosed with fatal liver cancer. Doctors don’t even recommend treatment as it would just shorten her already short time left.

Dying of this vax is going to look like SADS, cancer, strokes, heart attacks, neurological debilitation, mad cow disease, and immune system failure (AIDS).
Best of luck to the jabbed here. Maybe you’ll beat the odds.

That's crazy, did she have any history of drinking or hep b? Otherwise healthy? My guess is that anywhere between 1 in 100 and 1 in 1000 will die early, which is still a lot, considering billions have been jabbed at least once. Some recent numbers floated were as many as 1 in 70. It also depends on how many jabs one had, esp. for the vaids part, so my guess is a bit more conservative. Going by 1 in 100 you arrive at 50 million casualties, so we're talking Spanish flu numbers here.
35   RWSGFY   2022 Sep 18, 9:51am  

Shaman says

I still think the vax is going to be a death sentence for most people.
So many have already died and been uncounted by criminal governments. Deadly cancers are spiking now.

An anecdote from real life:
This student representative to the board at our local community college district was BIG into pushing mandates for the jab. She was very vocal and demanded the mandates be as harsh as possible. Of course she was vaxxed and boosted. A future doctor I’m told!
Fast forward a year, and she’s recently been diagnosed with fatal liver cancer. Doctors don’t even recommend treatment as it would just shorten her already short time left.


Don't tread on anyone.
36   WookieMan   2022 Sep 18, 10:05am  

mell says

That's crazy, did she have any history of drinking or hep b?

Everyone I hang with is the "textbook" definition of alcoholic. We all raise families and are responsible. Not that DUI's are a metric for health, but only one DUI in my core group of friends (not family....). My dad died of liver cancer and was a modest drinker. 12-16 drinks a week would be my guess if that.

Fact is alcohol is bad for the liver. BUT, the biggest X factor is when you mix it with other things which many/most do. First reaction of many of my friends is to pop a Tylenol the next morning to cure a hangover. You're quadrupling down on liver damage at that point. Anit-depressents mixed with alcohol same thing. People are sold on too many pills. Just golfed yesterday and my shoulder is torched. Like I can't raise my right hand, pain to the ear and foot from it. I'm taking nothing. I was drinking. Haven't taken a pain pill in over a decade.

When we know Covid is a flu bug, just take care of yourself. Hydrate. Eat good foods. A vaccine is not necessary at all for this virus.
37   mell   2022 Sep 18, 10:15am  

WookieMan says

mell says

That's crazy, did she have any history of drinking or hep b?

Everyone I hang with is the "textbook" definition of alcoholic. We all raise families and are responsible. Not that DUI's are a metric for health, but only one DUI in my core group of friends (not family....). My dad died of liver cancer and was a modest drinker. 12-16 drinks a week would be my guess if that.

Fact is alcohol is bad for the liver. BUT, the biggest X factor is when you mix it with other things which many/most do. First reaction of many of my friends is to pop a Tylenol the next morning to cure a hangover. You're quadrupling down on liver damage at that point. Anit-depressents mixed with alcohol same thing. People are sold on too many pills. Just golfed yesterday and my shoulder is torched. Like I can't raise my right hand, pain to the ear and foot from it. I'm taking nothing. I was dri...

100% agreed. The number of alcoholics in the US, esp. womyn, is very high, probably higher than most other countries. They are also the ones who take acetaminophen (tylenol) and other drugs for anything. I'd say 80% of people who die prematurely of liver issues harmed themselves with their drinking and drugging. But 20% do have other causes (hep b, auto immune disorders, bad luck/genetics etc.). I think if you're otherwise healthy and carry enough weight 1-2, occasionally 3 glasses a day are fine if you go to regular check ups, but only if you don't mix with drugs and exercise regularly, which many don't know. Regular exercise is key to a healthy liver. Not always easy to keep moderation if you're around very good wine and good buddies - but as you get older hangovers intensify and last longer, so you hardly get really drunk anymore
38   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2022 Sep 18, 10:19am  

mell says

Regular exercise is key to a healthy liver.

NAC (before drinking) helps some. Also sulforaphane in the diet.
39   mell   2022 Sep 18, 10:26am  

just_passing_through says

mell says

Regular exercise is key to a healthy liver.

NAC (before drinking) helps some. Also sulforaphane in the diet.

Yeah I usually forget taking NAC, thx for the reminder!
40   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Sep 19, 1:51pm  

I only do NAC when I feel something coming on, or when I'm sick. I know I've seen it listed in many spike protein treatments.
My wife's naturopath recommends she take it daily.
43   GNL   2022 Sep 20, 9:13am  

WookieMan says


Whenever I'm feeling run down, I make sure to drink as much water as possible that day. All day. It makes a huge difference in a couple few hours.
44   1337irr   2022 Sep 20, 9:15am  

AMRS to $20 in 24 months.

I'll run for office and ask for patrick.net peeps for donations...that and hopes and prayers in 2040. I plan on getting term limits passed at the state level with a Constitutional amendment.
45   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Sep 20, 3:11pm  

Jake Sullivan. You gotta be kidding me. The guy is slime.
46   Hircus   2022 Sep 20, 6:10pm  

I predict the govt will soon offer large subsidies/tax breaks to bug farms, and maybe also to food companies that make use of bug products, such as cricket flour, in their food.
47   HeadSet   2022 Sep 20, 7:23pm  

Hircus says

I predict the govt will soon offer large subsidies/tax breaks to bug farms, and maybe also to food companies that make use of bug products, such as cricket flour, in their food.

It used to be that the government regulated how much bug parts could be in products like peanut butter. Now I guess they will regulate how much peanut butter can be in the bug paste.
48   tomtomtom   2022 Sep 20, 8:15pm  

The world will not be the same in a week.
49   Patrick   2022 Sep 20, 9:10pm  

The stock market will fluctuate.
50   richwicks   2022 Sep 21, 12:42am  

I'll make a few predictions.

Europe will go through massive protests, and their economy will start to collapse.

The war in Ukraine will continue to at least June, 2023.

Ukraine will ultimately lose the conflict.

It will become generally accepted by 2024 that the vaccines were neither safe nor effective.

The democrats will mysteriously retain control of congress in both the house and senate this November.
51   clambo   2022 Sep 21, 6:45am  

Refresh your history memory a little bit.
The Japanese Empire which was vastly more capable tried for 8 years to defeat China and did not achieve this goal.
Of course China is vast compared to Ukraine.
But the difference between Japan's capabilities and China's was far more in favor of Japan; Chinese soldiers sometimes had to wear straw sandals instead of boots, sometimes no helmets, had shitty guns and training, etc.
Today Ukraine arguably has better (Western) missile and artillery technology than Russia, and its army is motivated while Russia's is forced to be there (conscript=not volunteer).
52   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Sep 21, 6:49am  

Ranked Countries Rate of Overweight or Obese Individuals (2015)

Saudi Arabia 71%
The United States 66%
Turkey 65%
Australia 62%
Great Britain 62%
Spain 58%
Germany 57%
Russia 57%
Brazil 56%
Canada 56%
Italy 50%
France 49%
China 28%
Japan 23%
India 20%

53   clambo   2022 Sep 21, 6:51am  

"Buddha, you fat fuck!"
54   RWSGFY   2022 Sep 21, 7:10am  

ZipperTits says

richwicks says

Ukraine will ultimately lose the conflict.

Criteria, please. Because I can see mental gymnastics like "sure, they restored their borders, but they still lost because I say so".
55   Karloff   2022 Sep 21, 7:53am  

richwicks says

It will become generally accepted by 2204 that the vaccines were neither safe nor effective.

I'm guessing you meant 2024. Or are you really that pessimistic about humanity?
56   Misc   2022 Sep 23, 4:36am  

California's sales tax rate goes to 15% or higher in 2023.

You see...California has been funding a large part of itself through funny money. Capital gains taxes make up an oversized portion of California's tax base. With the Fed now raising interest rates instead of having them hover near zero, it is causing the stock market to decline (so less free money for those taxpayers and less taxes for California), the number of house sales has also been greatly reduced so less taxes from that source too, taxes from crypto gains --- forget about it.

Sure they will layoff some people...but mostly things will fall onto the tax donkeys.
57   WookieMan   2022 Sep 23, 5:11am  

mell says

I think if you're otherwise healthy and carry enough weight 1-2, occasionally 3 glasses a day are fine if you go to regular check ups, but only if you don't mix with drugs and exercise regularly, which many don't know. Regular exercise is key to a healthy liver

My BIL died drinking a handle of vodka a day for YEARS. The big bottle if you're not a drinker. At 41. It takes a fuck ton of alcohol to kill you. My grandma was an alcoholic and lived to 94. Alcohol is awful, but I'm convinced that it's pills that bring you down. He had multiple rehab stints and put him on meds. That's when his health went to shit.

Put this way, how do you study an alcoholic in a controlled environment? You can't. They won't admit they have a problem and they lie. Then you don't know what they're mixing it with. One addiction generally leads to others. Pills, weed, etc. With modern medicine and prescription pills we've blurred the lines of liver damage in my opinion with regards to alcohol. It's bad for you obviously, but if you just drink and not mix is it that bad? Hell it was safer to drink a beer than water at one point in history.

As I've said in other comments, I'm at the alcoholic level for sure based on arbitrary data. I feel great. I can wake up at 4:30 in the morning and go till midnight, working, taking care of kids and hanging out. I drink beer, which I think is key. I'm almost at my high school weight. Never a hangover. Without doing beer bongs, it's a challenge to get trashed on beer. Hard liquor is the devil unless you're extremely disciplined. Wine can get you in a bad place too, though that's a bit harder in my opinion.
58   RWSGFY   2022 Sep 23, 10:30am  

"All Western currencies are going to 0" sez one guy:

60   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Sep 27, 10:20pm  

Tactical nuclear is not the Hiroshima bomb. And US better hope none of their proxy war opponents pull these out. We are way behind Russia and China in this area.
61   WookieMan   2022 Sep 28, 3:49am  

NuttBoxer says

Tactical nuclear is not the Hiroshima bomb. And US better hope none of their proxy war opponents pull these out. We are way behind Russia and China in this area.

We don't really need them. We have MOAB which Trump used and no nuke fallout or international reaction. Nuke will kill civilians no matter what and war crimes ensue. We're also a huge land mass, but basically an island to most the world really. You'd have to lob ICBM's at us. Good luck with that. We have subs in every hot spot in the world and could retaliate once we knew where they came from.

Our government is corrupt, but they do get the MIC right. We occupied a country for 20 years and lost fewer soldiers than Chicagoans shooting and killing each other. Across the planet. Love or hate war mongering, we have far superior means to destroy people. Which is generally the only thing the federal government should be doing, well infrastructure, but that's about it.
62   apex   2022 Sep 28, 8:34am  

Eric Holder says

Here I will collect bold predictions so we can see what came true and what didn't.

I predict that this thread is a trap, and Eric Holder will mock you later and damage
your credibility when your predictions don't turn out to be 100% true.
63   RWSGFY   2022 Sep 28, 9:47am  

apex says

Eric Holder says

Here I will collect bold predictions so we can see what came true and what didn't.

I predict that this thread is a trap, and Eric Holder will mock you later and damage
your credibility when your predictions don't turn out to be 100% true.

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