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The neighbor gets assessed at $3 million and because he’s 200 feet away, guess what?
Your little prefab house with a view is assessed for a couple of million bucks!
clambo saysThe neighbor gets assessed at $3 million and because he’s 200 feet away, guess what?
Your little prefab house with a view is assessed for a couple of million bucks!
So because my grandma squatted on a piece of land in central Manhattan 100 years ago the heirs should never have to pay a step up in basis? That’s prop 13. Insane
It’s almost like Bitcoin. It’s only worth what you can buy with it
The last couple weeks were great for those in the market. Like mentioned earlier there is currently no recession on the horizon. Maybe late 2021 or 2022.
How can entire industries be destroyed yet we aren’t in a recession? (Theater chains, hospitality, in restaurant dining, cruise and air travel) My ordinary family had $20k earmarked for disneyworld and Costs Rica this year ... both cancelled and spent squat!
We work from home so no gas cost. We don’t eat out, but admittedly do order in often. (That’s a lot of out of work waiters). We saved more this year than the last 10 years combined! But we have no plans to spend that saved money... it’s forever lost from going back in the economy... it’s a nice fat safety net and retirement savings. Simply because we couldn’t spend money and feared spending money. We will go on vacations and travel again, but we won’t dip deep into those savings to do it... that’s ours for experiencing a shitty year. The one good thing to come out of 2020.
I guess it’s all forward looking... but that was the quickest recession and fastest recovery in history!
I'm Curious. Do you have to pay taxes on your unrealized gains? or can you wait until you actually realize gains?
mell saysThe last couple weeks were great for those in the market. Like mentioned earlier there is currently no recession on the horizon. Maybe late 2021 or 2022.
How can entire industries be destroyed yet we aren’t in a recession? (Theater chains, hospitality, in restaurant dining, cruise and air travel) My ordinary family had $20k earmarked for disneyworld and Costs Rica this year ... both cancelled and spent squat!
We work from home so no gas cost. We don’t eat out, but admittedly do order in often. (That’s a lot of out of work waiters). We saved more this year than the last 10 years combined! But we have no plans to spend that saved money... it’s forever lost from going back in the economy... it’s a nice fat safety net and retirement savings. Simply because we couldn’t spend money and feared spending money. We will go on vacations and travel again, but we won’t dip de...
That's why there's no recession yet.
Also because government employees, welfare takers, government retirees and favored industries did not miss a paycheck.
Single party rule coming, so stocks will take a hit since government is gonna go on borrowing spree.
Low interest rates and money printing push asset prices higher.
What are you guys doing with your 401k thinking about moving most to money market for a month, cant shake gut feeling of crash.
Fortwaynemobile saysSingle party rule coming, so stocks will take a hit since government is gonna go on borrowing spree.
Before Trump was elected we were told the stock market will crash if Trump wins. The stock market soared.
Before Biden gets in we are being told the stock market will crash.
Before (insert next candidate) gets in, we will be told, the stock market will crash.
Low interest rates and money printing push asset prices higher.
Single party rule
What are you guys doing with your 401k thinking about moving most to money market for a month, cant shake gut feeling of crash.
Fortwaynemobile saysSingle party rule
They don't have majority in the Senate, so it's not really one-party rule. Even with Kummalala's tie-breaking vote, it's still too slim to be useful for anything.
If we get a single party I would seriously think about a strategy to get money out of that 401k. Those things are too tempting for the govey.
Money Market accounts are not money.
They can lose value.
This was a big lesson of the 2001 crash.
cause the next euphoria will be re-opening of businesses and retail.
mell sayscause the next euphoria will be re-opening of businesses and retail.
The greatly exaggerated "pandemic" was helpful in forcing a reversal of the economy, which was doing embarrassingly well under Trump.
It does seem likely that soon they will declare that they have achieved victory over the "invisible enemy" because there is no longer a threat to the elite.
On the other hand, the elite are getting so much out of this that they may keep it going literally forever.
- tech billionaires greatly increased their fortunes by wiping out small retail businessmen, forcing us to buy online
- the state has an excuse for tracking everyone you personally talk to, a Soviet dream scenario
- the recent "aid" pacakages went mostly to big businesses like airlines and banks, organizations with a log of influence; common people get almost nothing
This was a big lesson of the 2001 crash.
FuckCCP89 saysFortwaynemobile saysSingle party rule
They don't have majority in the Senate, so it's not really one-party rule. Even with Kummalala's tie-breaking vote, it's still too slim to be useful for anything.
They just got majority, VP is tie breaker.
One moderate Dem senator balks and even simple majority is gone. Besides, any serious shit will need a filibuster-proof majority. Good luck getting that.
the next euphoria will be re-opening of businesses and retail
mell saysthe next euphoria will be re-opening of businesses and retail
Much of that is already priced in during the last couple months. A big missing piece after re-opening will be business reinvestment. What retail or small/medium business will invest in an environment that can be shut-down at a moment's notice for made-up excuses? The big techs will be facing a big problem expanding into foreign countries because all the other countries now have seen the regime risk in allowing them in. It's trivial to reverse-engineer the big social media firms to create something similar in their own countries.
look at tsla at 900
G36 sayssame here....thinking of opening a position in F and possibly GM as well.
What is F?
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