Stock market and housing bubble.

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2021 Jan 6, 11:11am   23,316 views  416 comments

by RC2006   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

With all that's going on how is stock market going up, is it inflation speculation driving it? Are we approaching housing bubble?

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30   ignoreme   2021 Jan 7, 7:59pm  

clambo says
The neighbor gets assessed at $3 million and because he’s 200 feet away, guess what?
Your little prefab house with a view is assessed for a couple of million bucks!

So because my grandma squatted on a piece of land in central Manhattan 100 years ago the heirs should never have to pay a step up in basis? That’s prop 13. Insane
31   mell   2021 Jan 7, 8:08pm  

ignoreme says
clambo says
The neighbor gets assessed at $3 million and because he’s 200 feet away, guess what?
Your little prefab house with a view is assessed for a couple of million bucks!

So because my grandma squatted on a piece of land in central Manhattan 100 years ago the heirs should never have to pay a step up in basis? That’s prop 13. Insane

Well said.
32   Bitcoin   2021 Jan 7, 8:09pm  

ignoreme says
It’s almost like Bitcoin. It’s only worth what you can buy with it


you can buy a lot of beer and great food for 40k.

per the article "Bitcoin hits US$40K mark, doubling price in less than a month"
33   Patrick   2021 Jan 8, 5:40pm  

You know, one of the Rothschild's was famous for saying "Buy when there's blood in the streets."

And there is these days. Maybe that's why markets are up.
34   mell   2021 Jan 8, 6:18pm  

The last couple weeks were great for those in the market. Like mentioned earlier there is currently no recession on the horizon. Maybe late 2021 or 2022.
35   BoomAndBustCycle   2021 Jan 8, 7:25pm  

mell says
The last couple weeks were great for those in the market. Like mentioned earlier there is currently no recession on the horizon. Maybe late 2021 or 2022.


How can entire industries be destroyed yet we aren’t in a recession? (Theater chains, hospitality, in restaurant dining, cruise and air travel) My ordinary family had $20k earmarked for disneyworld and Costs Rica this year ... both cancelled and spent squat!

We work from home so no gas cost. We don’t eat out, but admittedly do order in often. (That’s a lot of out of work waiters). We saved more this year than the last 10 years combined! But we have no plans to spend that saved money... it’s forever lost from going back in the economy... it’s a nice fat safety net and retirement savings. Simply because we couldn’t spend money and feared spending money. We will go on vacations and travel again, but we won’t dip deep into those savings to do it... that’s ours for experiencing a shitty year. The one good thing to come out of 2020.

I guess it’s all forward looking... but that was the quickest recession and fastest recovery in history!

36   ThatGuy   2021 Jan 8, 7:39pm  

Onvacation says
I'm Curious. Do you have to pay taxes on your unrealized gains? or can you wait until you actually realize gains?

This was one of my biggest concerns when I got out of Crypto, There was talk about taxing every crypto trade, I only traded once or twice but had friends trading daily, hourly even. could be a huge tax trap later on.

XRP paid off my student loans and bought me a Truck. If I had stayed in for 2 more weeks I would have held $6M... whoops. at that max valuation XRP was worth 3x more than Apple, definitely out of touch, didn't see that coming. With limited supply in BTC, large investors can create artificial demand and hodl the greater fools hostage, as long as its considered legal the price may represent the stupidity of people, infinity.
37   mell   2021 Jan 8, 8:56pm  

BoomAndBustCycle says
mell says
The last couple weeks were great for those in the market. Like mentioned earlier there is currently no recession on the horizon. Maybe late 2021 or 2022.


How can entire industries be destroyed yet we aren’t in a recession? (Theater chains, hospitality, in restaurant dining, cruise and air travel) My ordinary family had $20k earmarked for disneyworld and Costs Rica this year ... both cancelled and spent squat!

We work from home so no gas cost. We don’t eat out, but admittedly do order in often. (That’s a lot of out of work waiters). We saved more this year than the last 10 years combined! But we have no plans to spend that saved money... it’s forever lost from going back in the economy... it’s a nice fat safety net and retirement savings. Simply because we couldn’t spend money and feared spending money. We will go on vacations and travel again, but we won’t dip de...

Small businesses have suffered greatly but most of them are not public companies. The big(ger) companies making up Wall Street are doing well at the expense if the smaller businesses. Also tech benefited hugely from the lockdowns and biotech from getting into focus. Overall employment is there if you have the skills and want to work for the man. That's why there's no recession yet.
38   HeadSet   2021 Jan 8, 9:20pm  

That's why there's no recession yet.

Also because government employees, welfare takers, government retirees and favored industries did not miss a paycheck.
39   mell   2021 Jan 8, 9:32pm  

HeadSet says
That's why there's no recession yet.

Also because government employees, welfare takers, government retirees and favored industries did not miss a paycheck.

That too.
40   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2021 Jan 10, 8:00pm  

I recon this may be a good investment:


Key Benefits:

• Visa-free or visa-on-arrival travel to 146

• No physical presence required & no minimum stay required.

• Attractive program and processing costs (from just $100,000).

• Dual citizenship recognized.

• Attractive tax regime. No tax on worldwide income.

• Entire family are eligible. Including spouse, children, parents and siblings.

• Short investment period. 5 years if you invest in property or government bonds.

• Investment required only after approval. Complete investments after receiving citizenship application approval.
41   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2021 Jan 10, 8:10pm  

Single party rule coming, so stocks will take a hit since government is gonna go on borrowing spree.
42   Bitcoin   2021 Jan 11, 7:07am  

Fortwaynemobile says
Single party rule coming, so stocks will take a hit since government is gonna go on borrowing spree.

Before Trump was elected we were told the stock market will crash if Trump wins. The stock market soared.
Before Biden gets in we are being told the stock market will crash.
Before (insert next candidate) gets in, we will be told, the stock market will crash.

Low interest rates and money printing push asset prices higher.
43   RC2006   2021 Jan 11, 7:10am  

G36 says
Low interest rates and money printing push asset prices higher.

This unless a Bush or Clinton is around.
44   RC2006   2021 Jan 24, 4:15pm  

What are you guys doing with your 401k thinking about moving most to money market for a month, cant shake gut feeling of crash.
45   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2021 Jan 24, 4:27pm  

Already in MM..
46   B.A.C.A.H.   2021 Jan 24, 4:34pm  

Dunno about the 401, choices are limited.

But all the IRAs, considering G36 and Cash's posts: sell all positions, open Robinhood account, put it all in crypto's.

I reckon a tenfold increase by the end of the year.
47   Dholliday126   2021 Jan 24, 4:38pm  

If we get a single party I would seriously think about a strategy to get money out of that 401k. Those things are too tempting for the govey.
48   mell   2021 Jan 24, 4:50pm  

RC2006 says
What are you guys doing with your 401k thinking about moving most to money market for a month, cant shake gut feeling of crash.

Correction yes, crash no. Earnings are still more than intact. I'm having a hard time taking any gains because the market is pushing higher each week. Convert some of it but not all if you want to pay respect to your gut. I'm expecting new highs til 2H21 at least, cause the next euphoria will be re-opening of businesses and retail.
49   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2021 Jan 24, 4:55pm  

G36 says
Fortwaynemobile says
Single party rule coming, so stocks will take a hit since government is gonna go on borrowing spree.

Before Trump was elected we were told the stock market will crash if Trump wins. The stock market soared.
Before Biden gets in we are being told the stock market will crash.
Before (insert next candidate) gets in, we will be told, the stock market will crash.

Low interest rates and money printing push asset prices higher.

Single party rule, with Dems assets inflate and stocks deflate. It’s same pattern always.
50   RWSGFY   2021 Jan 24, 5:02pm  

Fortwaynemobile says
Single party rule

They don't have majority in the Senate, so it's not really one-party rule. Even with Kummalala's tie-breaking vote, it's still too slim to be useful for anything.
51   Patrick   2021 Jan 24, 5:08pm  

RC2006 says
What are you guys doing with your 401k thinking about moving most to money market for a month, cant shake gut feeling of crash.

Money Market accounts are not money.

They can lose value.

This was a big lesson of the 2001 crash.
52   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2021 Jan 24, 5:09pm  

FuckCCP89 says
Fortwaynemobile says
Single party rule

They don't have majority in the Senate, so it's not really one-party rule. Even with Kummalala's tie-breaking vote, it's still too slim to be useful for anything.

They just got majority, VP is tie breaker.
53   Patrick   2021 Jan 24, 5:11pm  

Dholliday126 says
If we get a single party I would seriously think about a strategy to get money out of that 401k. Those things are too tempting for the govey.

We have a single party. Democrats are more Republican than Republicans now, fuck the poor, outsource jobs, insource illegals, anything for profit.

Biden took far more money from Wall Street than Trump did.

Trump was his own party.
54   RC2006   2021 Jan 24, 5:13pm  

Patrick says
Money Market accounts are not money.

They can lose value.

This was a big lesson of the 2001 crash.

Can't they only loose money if rates go negative. What other fund is safer with 401?
55   Patrick   2021 Jan 24, 5:15pm  

mell says
cause the next euphoria will be re-opening of businesses and retail.

The greatly exaggerated "pandemic" was helpful in forcing a reversal of the economy, which was doing embarrassingly well under Trump.

It does seem likely that soon they will declare that they have achieved victory over the "invisible enemy" because there is no longer a threat to the elite.

On the other hand, the elite are getting so much out of this that they may keep it going literally forever.

- tech billionaires greatly increased their fortunes by wiping out small retail businessmen, forcing us to buy online
- the state has an excuse for tracking everyone you personally talk to, a Soviet dream scenario
- the recent "aid" pacakages went mostly to big businesses like airlines and banks, organizations with a log of influence; common people get almost nothing
56   mell   2021 Jan 24, 5:32pm  

Patrick says
mell says
cause the next euphoria will be re-opening of businesses and retail.

The greatly exaggerated "pandemic" was helpful in forcing a reversal of the economy, which was doing embarrassingly well under Trump.

It does seem likely that soon they will declare that they have achieved victory over the "invisible enemy" because there is no longer a threat to the elite.

On the other hand, the elite are getting so much out of this that they may keep it going literally forever.

- tech billionaires greatly increased their fortunes by wiping out small retail businessmen, forcing us to buy online
- the state has an excuse for tracking everyone you personally talk to, a Soviet dream scenario
- the recent "aid" pacakages went mostly to big businesses like airlines and banks, organizations with a log of influence; common people get almost nothing

Right, the common people don't spend much though. What was different in 2008 was enough dominoes had toppled that suddenly the big players and spenders started losing a lot of money, their loans and rates were called in, etc., banks would choke off any continuation of loan related spending for private or business ventures. So spending on anything came to a halt.
57   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2021 Jan 24, 9:40pm  

Patrick says
This was a big lesson of the 2001 crash.

I think there was some law/rule passed after 08 that says banks can take it if we can another crash like 08 as well. Or some shit like that. Where is Rin?
58   Misc   2021 Jan 24, 10:14pm  

Most recent stats are in. The trading geniuses (retail brokerage) decided to go an extra $56 billion onto margin in December after a record breaking $63 billion in November. From the increase in market levels so far this month, it looks like they are plowing everything they "save" into the markets plus borrowing billions and billions more. There are no adults cutting off this credit flow...buy more at the top...what could possibly go wrong?
59   Eric Holder   2021 Jan 24, 10:25pm  

Fortwaynemobile says
FuckCCP89 says
Fortwaynemobile says
Single party rule

They don't have majority in the Senate, so it's not really one-party rule. Even with Kummalala's tie-breaking vote, it's still too slim to be useful for anything.

They just got majority, VP is tie breaker.

One moderate Dem senator balks and even simple majority is gone. Besides, any serious shit will need a filibuster-proof majority. Good luck getting that.
60   WookieMan   2021 Jan 25, 3:59am  

Eric Holder says
One moderate Dem senator balks and even simple majority is gone. Besides, any serious shit will need a filibuster-proof majority. Good luck getting that.

Not even moderate. Opportunistic or needs to get reelected in a state where winning isn't a slam dunk in '22 or '24. We saw it with Republicans and they did have a majority under Trump (Romney, Collins, etc.).

Biden will mainly be a lame duck. Remember the House lost seats as well. I don't see that trend reversing in 2022, Dems will lose more. The usual cycle recently has been for the losing party for POTUS to take the House back 2 years later.

We also still have to see what the census did I believe. That kind of got swept under the rug with Covid. Many urban areas lost a lot of population. Where did those people go? Were they D's or R's? That could push some purple districts red as I think most moving out of urban areas are sick of the leftist shit.
61   Reality   2021 Jan 25, 7:54am  

mell says
the next euphoria will be re-opening of businesses and retail

Much of that is already priced in during the last couple months. A big missing piece after re-opening will be business reinvestment. What retail or small/medium business will invest in an environment that can be shut-down at a moment's notice for made-up excuses? The big techs will be facing a big problem expanding into foreign countries because all the other countries now have seen the regime risk in allowing them in. It's trivial to reverse-engineer the big social media firms to create something similar in their own countries.
62   mell   2021 Jan 25, 1:54pm  

Reality says
mell says
the next euphoria will be re-opening of businesses and retail

Much of that is already priced in during the last couple months. A big missing piece after re-opening will be business reinvestment. What retail or small/medium business will invest in an environment that can be shut-down at a moment's notice for made-up excuses? The big techs will be facing a big problem expanding into foreign countries because all the other countries now have seen the regime risk in allowing them in. It's trivial to reverse-engineer the big social media firms to create something similar in their own countries.

Many other countries had similar or even worse shutdowns and lockdowns. I don't think the US has a problem here although I am certainly disappointed with the fear porn and the lockdowns, but not surprised by the blue states being the most retarded and fascist about it. I can see a correction but it will be short lived. There is no long term recession in sight and I am not an uber bull by any means. Once you see big tech posting lackluster earnings or even losses and start seeing layoffs then maybe. One could argue it may be too late by then to get out if the market is anticipating it, but as we have seen in 2007 it's often too late, not too early
63   mell   2021 Jan 25, 2:23pm  

That being said, I do anticipate a correction as some names are just way too lofty, lol look at tsla at 900, and the earnings expectations for tech are very high. Have taken out a loan here and there as I anticipate they can be repaid by restocking the 401k with cheaper shares. That and taking some gains off the table, going from 0% cash to 10%-20% cash.
64   Bitcoin   2021 Jan 25, 3:30pm  

mell says
look at tsla at 900

Biden in his speech/Q&A mentioned 100's of Billions of tax payer money for American steel, ports/bridges/infrastructure, battery tech, biotech and clean energy.
He also specifically said "electrifying Americas fleet" and investments in battery tech in the US....This has TSLA and maybe GM written all over it.
65   rocketjoe79   2021 Jan 25, 3:39pm  

Nancy Pelosi bought a buncha Tesla options late last year. She knew the fix was in. They'll push the $7500 rebate and Tesla goes even higher.

(Full disclosure: I own Tesla Stock. Wish I had bought more :)
66   Bitcoin   2021 Jan 25, 4:15pm  

same here....thinking of opening a position in F and possibly GM as well.
67   GlocknLoad   2021 Jan 25, 4:17pm  

G36 says
same here....thinking of opening a position in F and possibly GM as well.

What is F?
68   Eric Holder   2021 Jan 25, 4:26pm  

GlocknLoad says
G36 says
same here....thinking of opening a position in F and possibly GM as well.

What is F?

F(ound)O(n the)R(oad)D(ead)
69   Bitcoin   2021 Jan 25, 5:13pm  

The technicals on F line up nicely (gotta be patient though) plus Ford's going electric...hopefully big.

BTW, 30B out of GM's marketcap (~76B) is for cruise (autonomous vehicle company with the ability to produce fully integrated self-driving vehicles at global manufacturing scale) which is also partnering with Microsoft.

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