Predictions thread.

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2022 Sep 12, 2:18pm   83,064 views  462 comments

by Eric Holder   ➕follow (5)   💰tip   ignore  

Here I will collect bold predictions so we can see what came true and what didn't.

It goes without saying that everybody is welcome to add their favorite predictions.

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117   Booger   2022 Oct 8, 6:09am  

Anyone predict the Kerch bridge getting hit on Putin's birthday?
118   RWSGFY   2022 Oct 8, 6:16am  

Booger says

Anyone predict the Kerch bridge getting hit on Putin's birthday?

You are late to the party:

119   PeopleUnited   2022 Oct 8, 6:17am  

Prediction: as long as Biden is in the White House and Democrats and neocons control Congress, the us government will continue to fund and engage in wars around the world that make us (Americans) less safe and take our money to spend it on killing people. This includes Ukraine. It is not in our best interest to be involved in any way, except in negotiating peace.
120   RWSGFY   2022 Oct 8, 8:29am  

PeopleUnited says

Prediction: as long as Biden is in the White House and Democrats and neocons control Congress, the us government will continue to fund and engage in wars around the world that make us (Americans) less safe and take our money to spend it on killing people. This includes Ukraine. It is not in our best interest to be involved in any way, except in negotiating peace.

We got involved in 1994 when we negotiated "nukes for territorial integrity assurance" deal. Now it's either territorial integrity or nukes back. I'm fine with either.
121   Misc   2022 Oct 8, 8:40am  


PeopleUnited says

Prediction: as long as Biden is in the White House and Democrats and neocons control Congress, the us government will continue to fund and engage in wars around the world that make us (Americans) less safe and take our money to spend it on killing people. This includes Ukraine. It is not in our best interest to be involved in any way, except in negotiating peace.

We got involved in 1994 when we negotiated "nukes for territorial integrity assurance" deal. Now it's either territorial integrity or nukes back. I'm fine with either.

We are not the ones who went froggy there.

Obama stood down with the annexation of Crimea. Since the people voted to become part of Russia, all is good according to UN Charter. It is Russian territory. (We did the same in Kosovo).
122   RWSGFY   2022 Oct 8, 8:49am  

Misc says


PeopleUnited says

Prediction: as long as Biden is in the White House and Democrats and neocons control Congress, the us government will continue to fund and engage in wars around the world that make us (Americans) less safe and take our money to spend it on killing people. This includes Ukraine. It is not in our best interest to be involved in any way, except in negotiating peace.

We got involved in 1994 when we negotiated "nukes for territorial integrity assurance" deal. Now it's either territorial integrity or nukes back. I'm fine with either.

We are not the ones who went froggy there.

Obama stood down with the annexation of Crimea. Since the people voted to become part of Russia, all is good according to UN Charter. It is Russian territory. (We...

You probably think 2020 election was 100% kosher too...

Bless your heart.
123   Misc   2022 Oct 8, 8:56am  

And you must think there was an insurrection.
124   RWSGFY   2022 Oct 8, 8:59am  

Misc says

And you must think there was an insurrection.

Nope. I think it was a legitimate act of petitioning the government to demand an investigation of voting irregularities.

My post history on the subject is readily available.
125   RWSGFY   2022 Oct 8, 9:01am  

Misc says

Obama stood down with the annexation of Crimea.

And just like that p.net is in love with Obama...
126   Misc   2022 Oct 8, 9:09am  


Misc says

Obama stood down with the annexation of Crimea.

And just like that p.net is in love with Obama...

I will still take Obama over the alternatives...McStain and Romney. You?
127   Onvacation   2022 Oct 8, 10:57am  

mell says

before the corrupt leftoid US stooges staged a coup in the Ukraine and installed a corrupt puppet government, Europe and putin got along pretty well.

Why does the left want a war with Russia? They have been beating the drums for years.
128   mell   2022 Oct 8, 3:00pm  

Onvacation says

mell says

before the corrupt leftoid US stooges staged a coup in the Ukraine and installed a corrupt puppet government, Europe and putin got along pretty well.

Why does the left want a war with Russia? They have been beating the drums for years.

The leftoids don't care with whom they go to war to as long as it distracts from their treason against the American people and as long as there are enough kids willing to die for old farts in senseless wars. This was one of the easiest conflicts to solve via diplomacy, a literal walk in the park. But can't let a cross go to waste if you're a globalist marxist leftoid/neocon
129   AD   2022 Oct 8, 3:07pm  

Onvacation says

Why does the left want a war with Russia? They have been beating the drums for years.

Its a white Christian nation. It does not support LGBTQ indoctrination. It is not Woke. It does not regularly have gay and trans pride parades. It publicly turned its back to communism.

All the above are why the American Left and Woke militants hate Russia. And they are willing to give Chicoms a free pass as far as not being Woke and pro-LGBTQ because it is non-white and is a left wing authoritarian state.
130   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Oct 8, 6:20pm  

ad says

Its a white Christian nation.

That's a stretch.

ad says

It publicly turned its back to communism.

Privately, nothing changed.

The opponent need only be fearsome enough to be believable, and big/elusive enough to never be defeated. We have always been at war with Oceania, you didn't know comrade?
131   richwicks   2022 Oct 8, 6:49pm  

Onvacation says

Why does the left want a war with Russia? They have been beating the drums for years.

I'll explain. Whatever party is perceived to be in "power in the government" just goes along with ANYTHING their party does. This is why so many "conservatives" were perfectly fine with going into Iraq in Operation Desert Storm, and what Geneva was fine - whatever the Republicans did in the 1980's and early 1990's was 100% FINE.

Well, "Democrats" control the government, so anything that the "Democratic party" does is 100% FINE.

Maybe 10% of the population actually engages in real thinking, and I'd say less than 1/2 of them engage in thinking about government policies or long term consequences of global politics.
132   PeopleUnited   2022 Oct 8, 9:04pm  


We got involved in 1994 when we negotiated "nukes for territorial integrity assurance" deal. Now it's either territorial integrity or nukes back. I'm fine with either.

Nice fairy tale, just like the treaties the government signed with native tribes throughout history. A treaty is rarely worth the paper it was written on. But they make good fairy tales. Should we continue killing people in a war that is not our own, because you believe in fairy tales?
133   mell   2022 Oct 8, 10:18pm  

richwicks says

Onvacation says

Why does the left want a war with Russia? They have been beating the drums for years.

I'll explain. Whatever party is perceived to be in "power in the government" just goes along with ANYTHING their party does. This is why so many "conservatives" were perfectly fine with going into Iraq in Operation Desert Storm, and what Geneva was fine - whatever the Republicans did in the 1980's and early 1990's was 100% FINE.

Well, "Democrats" control the government, so anything that the "Democratic party" does is 100% FINE.

Maybe 10% of the population actually engages in real thinking, and I'd say less than 1/2 of them engage in thinking about government policies or long term consequences of global politics.

That's partially true but you left out that the Republicans had a fair share of reformation going on with Trump, tea party, America first, and God, Family, Fatherland movements within, Republicans today are very different from those in the 80s and 90s, basically ruled by boosh Family and friends neocon warmongers. The demonrats went the opposite direction since then and evolved into a retard globalist leftoid marxist party with 0 dissent allowed.
134   Misc   2022 Oct 9, 12:50am  

Ok, here's a prediction...Blackrock IMPLODES.

Blackrock has sold about $1 trillion worth of Private Equity holdings to unsuspecting Pension Funds. Then they added about $1 trillion to $2 trillion of debt offerings guaranteed by these Private equity firms. Blackrock has been able to value these private equity firms based on computer modelling. This has delivered the pension funds outsized returns over the years because the computer models have shown an ever increasing value. This has worked as an ever increasing amount of money has been allocated to these ponzi schemes. However, the pension funds are starting to get leery and they are starting to sell their holdings instead of adding to them. Suddenly, the models rapidly fall in value because no new ponzi money is being added. Unwilling to admit they duped these pension funds, Blackrock starts to use its mutual funds monies to buy the holdings being sold by the pension funds. Some savvy institutional investors get wind of this sleight of hand, sell their holdings and warn other institutional investors. Mom and Pop investors end up the bag holders with Trillions of dollars in losses.

This is all hypothetical, of course. We will see how much of it comes true.
136   mell   2022 Oct 11, 12:14pm  

Prediction: Europeans will snap from their leftoid marxist globalist propaganda induced trance and fire more and more EU governments and restore peace and trade with Russia, the longer stooge zelinsky keeps warmongering w/ stooge putin the lesser welcome refugees will be.
137   AmericanKulak   2022 Oct 11, 7:50pm  

Misc says

Ok, here's a prediction...Blackrock IMPLODES.

Interesting prediction.

And of course, if they offloaded them on pensions, then shucksadoodles! The Government will "Have" to bailout the SFH rental/buy on spec portfolio.
138   Ceffer   2022 Oct 11, 7:55pm  

mell says

Prediction: Europeans will snap from their leftoid marxist globalist propaganda induced trance and fire more and more EU governments and restore peace and trade with Russia, the longer stooge zelinsky keeps warmongering w/ stooge putin the lesser welcome refugees will be.

This might be good one, given all the huge protests that alternative media show every single week. Europeans refusing to die and freeze for the Globalist elites and their insane criminal enterprises in Ukraine and the world.
139   AD   2022 Oct 11, 9:31pm  

Ceffer says

This might be good one, given all the huge protests that alternative media show every single week.

Yeah I like how they were trying to control the narrative on the yellow vests protests in France when they could no longer ignore them.

Yellow vests were protesting high government taxes such as for fuel.

Eventually the media went the expected path of woke statist and said the yellow vest protests were promoting white supremacy and racism.

140   WookieMan   2022 Oct 12, 1:04am  

Ceffer says

Europeans refusing to die and freeze for the Globalist elites and their insane criminal enterprises in Ukraine and the world.

Living in a colder climate than most of Europe, I'm still confused how they're going to freeze to death. What parts of non-mountainous Europe see temps ever close to -5ºF like I'll experience here in IL this winter? I could hit -5ºF for a month and easily survive without power. Do Europeans not grill? You can keep a house warm enough over a winter on 4-5 tanks of 20lbs propane and a heater.

Would it suck. For sure. You're not going to die unless you're extremely poor and homeless. Which likely could of happened without this conflict and plenty of gas flowing to Europe. How do the homeless survive in Chicago during cold streaks in Jan/Feb? There is a lot of hyperbole about this situation.

We could profit and send 20 tanker ships with enough propane tanks to supply all of Europe for the winter in 20-30 days for residents and any other natural gas keeps businesses running that is available. Not practical or cheap, but Europe will not freeze. If 40ºF is going to freeze you, you're gay. https://www.gate1travel.com/weather/europe/
141   richwicks   2022 Oct 12, 1:36am  

WookieMan says

I could hit -5ºF for a month and easily survive without power. Do Europeans not grill? You can keep a house warm enough over a winter on 4-5 tanks of 20lbs propane and a heater.

Where do you think propane comes from? Walmart?

Without power and proper heating, your pipes will freeze solid and burst as well.

I've actually gone through power outages for over a week in Northern NY. It's not as trivial as you make it out to be. We put food out on the porch, stuffed snow into the vegetable trays. It wasn't trivial.
142   Patrick   2022 Oct 12, 2:55am  


Sadly, I have to predict the US will set off a nuke in order to call off the midterm elections, or maybe just to distract everyone from the vaxx deaths.

I hope I'm wrong about that.
143   gabbar   2022 Oct 12, 4:16am  

richwicks says

Of course it is. The US has murdered, by current estimate, 9 million people over the last 20 years bombing Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, and Libya. You know who cares? Nobody, apparently.

The 9 million + people killed by the US over the last 20 years is based on a study conducted by Brown University. It is available on the university website. So I would say that it is a fact and yeah nobody cares. There is no nation on this planet who comes close to doing this, it is quite shameful and yet we continue to pontificate others and villify our own citizens by calling them terrorists.
144   gabbar   2022 Oct 12, 4:18am  

Patrick says

Sadly, I have to predict the US will set off a nuke in order to call off the midterm elections, or maybe just to distract everyone from the vaxx deaths.

Of course Russia will be blamed (they are already messaging that through the media). Dems know that they will loose and they won't let that happen. The odds of Trump taking office are bleak, irrespective of how the voting goes.
145   PeopleUnited   2022 Oct 12, 4:19am  

I hope you are wrong too. And quite frankly it seems like fear mongering by bloggers and neocons to keep talking of nukes. Putin is calculated and I don’t believe he would use a nuke, especially knowing that it would open Pandora’s box.

So we are right to consider that if a nuke is used, it is likely not who they said it was that used it. Let’s hope no one is so bold and reckless as to risk a false flag attack.

End this war. Negotiate the peaceful resolution.
146   Eric Holder   2022 Nov 14, 12:13pm  

HIMARS will soon be firing from Kherson. The approaches to Crimea are within range. This will degrade Russian defenses/LOC's while "left wing" of the counter-offensive takes Mariupol & Melitopol by January. Then begins the decisive phase of the campaign...liberation of Crimea. https://t.co/UBk5Lc5JIO

— Ben Hodges (@general_ben) November 12, 2022
147   Booger   2022 Nov 14, 4:09pm  

Eric Holder says

HIMARS will soon be firing from Kherson. The approaches to Crimea are within range. This will degrade Russian defenses/LOC's while "left wing" of the counter-offensive takes Mariupol & Melitopol by January. Then begins the decisive phase of the campaign...liberation of Crimea. https://t.co/UBk5Lc5JIO

— Ben Hodges (@general_ben) November 12, 2022

Ukraine already crossed the Dnieper and attacking from the West.
149   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Nov 14, 6:16pm  

Not a prediction, just facts. All elections considered important by the NWO will continue to be rigged until they make their 2030 goal. Two down three to go!
150   RWSGFY   2022 Nov 14, 6:48pm  

NuttBoxer says

Not a prediction, just facts. All elections considered important by the NWO will continue to be rigged until they make their 2030 goal. Two down three to go!

You think Republicans will keep taking it laying down and not start cheating back?
151   Undoctored   2022 Nov 14, 7:32pm  


You think Republicans will keep taking it laying down and not start cheating back?

Yes, they’re actually quite happy with the current distribution of power.

152   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Nov 15, 11:00am  


You think Republicans will keep taking it laying down and not start cheating back?

All politicians cheat, but this is a uni-party, so the cheating is coordinated. What I want to know is will you take it lying down? Will the American people? I hope the answer to that is FUCK no.
153   richwicks   2022 Nov 15, 11:06am  

NuttBoxer says

What I want to know is will you take it lying down? Will the American people? I hope the answer to that is FUCK no.

Of course they will.

Let me make this obvious to you. The US has bombed 7 nations in the last 20 years. Can you even name them? If you can, can you name the excuses the US did to bomb them?

Most Americans have no idea what is going on, and they don't care. That's reality.
154   Eric Holder   2022 Nov 15, 12:05pm  

richwicks says

The US has bombed 7 nations in the last 20 years. Can you even name them? If you can, can you name the excuses the US did to bomb them?

Nazis, bioWEAPONS labs and Satan!
155   richwicks   2022 Nov 15, 5:27pm  

Eric Holder says

richwicks says

The US has bombed 7 nations in the last 20 years. Can you even name them? If you can, can you name the excuses the US did to bomb them?

Nazis, bioWEAPONS labs and Satan!

I would seriously be embarrassed if I had to be you.

Is it too much to ask you to say something coherent and thoughtful? You never do.
156   Misc   2022 Nov 16, 12:58am  

The Arizona legislature is going to impeach Hobbs and Fontes right away for failure to perform their duties.

You see in AZ they put through limiting abortion. Our current milksop governor said we weren't gonna enforce that until Jan. 1.

I do not see either the Democrat governor or the Democrat AG enforcing that law. So, they are gone.

They forgot to steal the down ticket offices.

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