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That's crazy, did she have any history of drinking or hep b?
mell says
That's crazy, did she have any history of drinking or hep b?
Everyone I hang with is the "textbook" definition of alcoholic. We all raise families and are responsible. Not that DUI's are a metric for health, but only one DUI in my core group of friends (not family....). My dad died of liver cancer and was a modest drinker. 12-16 drinks a week would be my guess if that.
Fact is alcohol is bad for the liver. BUT, the biggest X factor is when you mix it with other things which many/most do. First reaction of many of my friends is to pop a Tylenol the next morning to cure a hangover. You're quadrupling down on liver damage at that point. Anit-depressents mixed with alcohol same thing. People are sold on too many pills. Just golfed yesterday and my shoulder is torched. Like I can't raise my right hand, pain to the ear and foot from it. I'm taking nothing. I was dri...
Regular exercise is key to a healthy liver.
mell says
Regular exercise is key to a healthy liver.
NAC (before drinking) helps some. Also sulforaphane in the diet.
I predict the govt will soon offer large subsidies/tax breaks to bug farms, and maybe also to food companies that make use of bug products, such as cricket flour, in their food.
richwicks says
Ukraine will ultimately lose the conflict.
It will become generally accepted by 2204 that the vaccines were neither safe nor effective.
I think if you're otherwise healthy and carry enough weight 1-2, occasionally 3 glasses a day are fine if you go to regular check ups, but only if you don't mix with drugs and exercise regularly, which many don't know. Regular exercise is key to a healthy liver
Tactical nuclear is not the Hiroshima bomb. And US better hope none of their proxy war opponents pull these out. We are way behind Russia and China in this area.
Here I will collect bold predictions so we can see what came true and what didn't.
Eric Holder says
Here I will collect bold predictions so we can see what came true and what didn't.
I predict that this thread is a trap, and Eric Holder will mock you later and damage
your credibility when your predictions don't turn out to be 100% true.
Our government is corrupt, but they do get the MIC right.
WookieMan says
Our government is corrupt, but they do get the MIC right.
West has been selling military secrets and tech since the 50's. We would get destroyed. This would make more sense if you knew the history of the Rothschild's.
West might be selling but it doesn't look like Ruscia was buying much of its tech and secrets (beyond stuff like ready-made French NV and German diesels). Why didn't they buy any good secrets? Why Uragan is such a primitive shit compared to HIMARS?
West might be selling but it doesn't look like Ruscia was buying much of its tech and secrets (beyond stuff like ready-made French NV and German diesels). Why didn't they buy any good secrets? Why Uragan is such a primitive shit compared to HIMARS?
If that's true
Today Ukraine arguably has better (Western) missile and artillery technology than Russia, and its army is motivated while Russia's is forced to be there (conscript=not volunteer).
ZipperTits says
richwicks says
Ukraine will ultimately lose the conflict.
Criteria, please. Because I can see mental gymnastics like "sure, they restored their borders, but they still lost because I say so".
richwicks says
It will become generally accepted by 2204 that the vaccines were neither safe nor effective.
I'm guessing you meant 2024. Or are you really that pessimistic about humanity?
ZipperTits says
richwicks says
Ukraine will ultimately lose the conflict.
Criteria, please. Because I can see mental gymnastics like "sure, they restored their borders, but they still lost because I say so".
Ukraine will eventually settle on an unconditional surrender.
It will not become part of the EU, it will expel NATO, the biological weapons labs will be removed, Russian majority cities will become part of Russia and no longer Ukraine, Crimea will be unquestionably part of Russia.
Ukraine MAY become a landlocked nation, Ukraine will likely have a Russian puppet as their "leader", they may be forced to drop all ties with the West.
Eric Holder says
Care to specify a timeline? Will it happen some time this year, this decade, this century?
Can we settle for "when the war is over"? I mean, I would be impressed if he gave dates and they proved out. But not going to ask.
Ukraine is at the end of its ropes as far as men is concerned.
submarines that aren't germane at all
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It goes without saying that everybody is welcome to add their favorite predictions.