by Patrick ➕follow (59) 💰tip ignore
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tested positive is not sick.
Nah, the collapses are due to lock-downs. No collapse in Stockholm yet right?
Psychological warfare tools clandestinely harvested and placed into Steve Bannon’s hands because the true platform of his party is to consolidate wealth into fewer hands.
NoCoupForYou saysOr, it's herd immunity.
Herd of Trump sheeple immunity.
FuckTheMainstreamMedia saysmsm is fucking evil.The hate machine is fucking evil
Any way you slice it, so to speak, the meat plants seems to be hot spots for spread. Now the people that work there are typically relatively young as these are physically taxing jobs so the death rate should be pretty low except I would guess the general health is poor.
The news may cater to a group but they aren’t lying, they are trying for ratings is all.
And you are comparing this with a President whose own agencies told him about the Virus in January
Try seeing if herd immunity works if you get viruses in the food everybody eats.
Unbelievable level of stupidity.
Look at the video carefully.
doing what Trump wants, which is to be reactive and negative and nasty
All fake.
No one's been sick.
In fact, no one's died.
If they did, they died of Michelle Obama disemboweling them with her immense prehensile penis.
But MSM never reports on it.
sarcasm protects you from making bad arguments
Old geezers dying of pneumonia is NOT a tragedy! It’s natural causes and the road ahead for all of us, should we survive that long.
If you’re old and vulnerable, the responsibility for your health rests with YOU! Change your own habits to protect yourself. Don’t demand that everyone else change to suit your needs, give up their livelihoods, live in miserable isolation, and homeschool their children to lower your risk of catching your inevitable and timely death!
Mortality statistics show 122,000 deaths in excess of normal levels across 14 countries analysed by the FT.
Until governor Cuomo moves Covid-19 patients into your nursing home.
PeopleUnited saysYawn. Because it primarily affects the old and infirm, you know people with shorter life expectancy, it just means that over the next 2-3 years it will even out as there are a few less deaths per year after the virus has provided the overwhelming majority of people who will become infected and survive the virus with beautiful immunity. It is called natural selection, you may have herd of it? (pun intended)
PeopleUnited's obituary: "One less we have to bury later".
Howard Stern
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