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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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110458   rdm   2020 Apr 27, 4:18pm  

rd6B says
tested positive is not sick.

My understanding is that in SD only people with symptoms are tested. Now how sick they are is another question, and the data is not available.

Any way you slice it, so to speak, the meat plants seems to be hot spots for spread. Now the people that work there are typically relatively young as these are physically taxing jobs so the death rate should be pretty low except I would guess the general health is poor.
110459   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Apr 27, 4:47pm  

ThreeBays says
Nah, the collapses are due to lock-downs. No collapse in Stockholm yet right?

Or, it's herd immunity.
110460   marcus   2020 Apr 27, 4:47pm  

jazz_music says

Psychological warfare tools clandestinely harvested and placed into Steve Bannon’s hands because the true platform of his party is to consolidate wealth into fewer hands.

That's a funny way to spin it. Are you trying to say that Trump's NOT being politically correct was not "refreshing™."
110461   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 Apr 27, 4:48pm  

Daily kos.
110462   joshuatrio   2020 Apr 27, 5:42pm  

ThreeBays says
NoCoupForYou says
Or, it's herd immunity.

Herd of Trump sheeple immunity.

There's a winning comment right there..../
110463   PeopleUnited   2020 Apr 27, 5:48pm  

ThreeBays says

Yawn. Because it primarily affects the old and infirm, you know people with shorter life expectancy, it just means that over the next 2-3 years it will even out as there are a few less deaths per year after the virus has provided the overwhelming majority of people who will become infected and survive the virus with beautiful immunity. It is called natural selection, you may have herd of it? (pun intended)
110464   Tenpoundbass   2020 Apr 27, 7:03pm  

He's been bitter since nobody followed him to Satellite Radio.
110465   WookieMan   2020 Apr 27, 7:14pm  

jazz_music says
FuckTheMainstreamMedia says
msm is fucking evil.
The hate machine is fucking evil

Are these not the same?? Confused?
110466   WookieMan   2020 Apr 27, 7:17pm  

rdm says
Any way you slice it, so to speak, the meat plants seems to be hot spots for spread. Now the people that work there are typically relatively young as these are physically taxing jobs so the death rate should be pretty low except I would guess the general health is poor.

How is a meat plant job physically taxing?? Because you stand all day? Confused.
110467   Booger   2020 Apr 27, 7:19pm  

As fat as most Americans are, I'm not worried about anyone potentially starving.
110468   WookieMan   2020 Apr 27, 7:29pm  

jazz_music says
The news may cater to a group but they aren’t lying, they are trying for ratings is all.

They all exist to get ratings for ads to keep the lights on.... Call me confused. There is no difference between FOX and CNN beside the bias that you like best. Well actually the advertisers that want to buy air time. We all just get the content and can flow towards our bias. Hence why I don't watch TV at all for the most part.
110469   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Apr 28, 3:14am  

Tim Aurora says
And you are comparing this with a President whose own agencies told him about the Virus in January

I posted a meme that documents the Media Underplaying Corona itself during and after the Impeachment. You found one of the articles, and quoted a section from later in the article that goes against the grain of the rest of the piece, including the lead, which I quoted.

The article begins by explaining WHY the CDC doesn't think Corona is as deserving of attention as the Flu. Indeed, it emphasizes it's lack of fatal outcomes and seems to find more issue with a sense of panic (which the WaPo was dutifully fighting, that is, before they embraced the panic and did a total 180, pumping it up in order to blame Trump).
110470   Bd6r   2020 Apr 28, 6:04am  

ThreeBays says
Try seeing if herd immunity works if you get viruses in the food everybody eats.

And how many corona transmissions from eating packaged meat have been observed?
110471   Patrick   2020 Apr 28, 8:01am  

Krratz says
Unbelievable level of stupidity.

Look at the video carefully.

True, the level of stupidity required to equate what Trump said to "inject bleach!" is profound and incurable.

At this point, it's Democrats arguing over what the meaning of "is" is.

Watch the video, here, it's only a minute:

110472   Misc   2020 Apr 28, 8:13am  

I think that the number of deaths world-wide is even higher than the 60% (122k) deaths reported in the headline. China's numbers are just made up, Iran is guilty of serious under reporting, Saudi' s death rate based on the number of cases is suspicious (unless the Covid patients are beheaded before succumbing to the disease), based on the figures maybe Singapore treats those with symptoms right away with "Trump pills", nobody believes the figures Pakistan delivers, and Africa doesn't even know what we're talking about.

However, the overall death rate will come in at about that of a typical flu strain. If it is as the Doomers say at about 1%, we will definitely hear about them having massive, mass graves in Africa for the what 12 million deaths across the continent?
110473   elliemae   2020 Apr 28, 8:17am  

Years ago I had a young patient who told me that he drank bleach because he wanted to see what it tasted like. I was with him while the MD told him that he would never eat normally again, never be able to taste anything again. It was horrible.

Obviously, we are all doing what Trump wants, which is to be reactive and negative and nasty. He says shit like that because he's batshit crazy. His ego is such that anything that inserts him into the conversation is a "win."


110474   Patrick   2020 Apr 28, 8:33am  

elliemae says
doing what Trump wants, which is to be reactive and negative and nasty

Seems like it's the media and Democrats who are being 100% reactive, negative, and nasty.

They are so utterly consumed by hate for Trump that they have become unhinged from reality and quite willing to say that Trump told everyone to "inject bleach" when that's an obvious lie. Even a third grader watching that one minute of press conference would not say he was told to inject bleach:


The media and Democrats have willfully reduced their own intelligence to below that of any third grader, and keep doubling down on the stupid when caught, lest the whole edifice of self-deception come crashing down.

At this point, it's religion with them. An unshakeable faith in their own hatred, reality be damned.
110475   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 Apr 28, 8:52am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostakovitch says
All fake.

No one's been sick.

In fact, no one's died.

If they did, they died of Michelle Obama disemboweling them with her immense prehensile penis.

But MSM never reports on it.

I’d say it’s about as fake as your belief that sarcasm protects you from making bad arguments.
110476   marcus   2020 Apr 28, 8:57am  

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says
sarcasm protects you from making bad arguments

Is that what he's doing ?

Or is it making fun of people that deserve to be made fun of.
110477   Patrick   2020 Apr 28, 9:08am  

ThreeBays says

@ThreeBays do you have the url for that graph? Can't find it on the ft.com site.
110478   Shaman   2020 Apr 28, 9:15am  

Old geezers dying of pneumonia is NOT a tragedy! It’s natural causes and the road ahead for all of us, should we survive that long.
If you’re old and vulnerable, the responsibility for your health rests with YOU! Change your own habits to protect yourself. Don’t demand that everyone else change to suit your needs, give up their livelihoods, live in miserable isolation, and homeschool their children to lower your risk of catching your inevitable and timely death!
110479   Misc   2020 Apr 28, 9:18am  

Shaman says
Old geezers dying of pneumonia is NOT a tragedy! It’s natural causes and the road ahead for all of us, should we survive that long.
If you’re old and vulnerable, the responsibility for your health rests with YOU! Change your own habits to protect yourself. Don’t demand that everyone else change to suit your needs, give up their livelihoods, live in miserable isolation, and homeschool their children to lower your risk of catching your inevitable and timely death!

Until governor Cuomo moves Covid-19 patients into your nursing home.
110480   Shaman   2020 Apr 28, 9:18am  

It’s not like we’re recommending the Attestupa for the elderly!

110481   socal2   2020 Apr 28, 9:21am  

ThreeBays says
Mortality statistics show 122,000 deaths in excess of normal levels across 14 countries analysed by the FT.

Looks like they are not counting it right.

110482   Shaman   2020 Apr 28, 9:22am  

Misc says
Until governor Cuomo moves Covid-19 patients into your nursing home.

If I’m in a nursing home with months left to live in ignominy and squalor, I’d prefer a bullet but would settle for a fast acting virus. No ventilator please.
110483   zzyzzx   2020 Apr 28, 9:44am  

110484   mell   2020 Apr 28, 10:25am  

ThreeBays says
PeopleUnited says
Yawn. Because it primarily affects the old and infirm, you know people with shorter life expectancy, it just means that over the next 2-3 years it will even out as there are a few less deaths per year after the virus has provided the overwhelming majority of people who will become infected and survive the virus with beautiful immunity. It is called natural selection, you may have herd of it? (pun intended)

PeopleUnited's obituary: "One less we have to bury later".

It doesn't mean people are not aware and uneasy about a new very viral cold/flu. It means that they are selfless enough to not bring a (mostly younger) majority to the brink of economic destruction (leading to deaths, violence, drug use and suicides) to save a (mostly older) minority dying from natural causes.
110485   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Apr 28, 10:56am  

It only matter if the dead are transgender homosexuals of color.
110486   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Apr 28, 11:12am  

Won’t pass, they are back to idiotic priorities. Didn’t take long for stupid to return.

People are trying to survive, politicians are trying to change signature because assholes, instead of focusing on needs of the people.

110487   Reality   2020 Apr 28, 11:17am  

Well, someone did send out the weaponized Ames-strain Anthrax after 9-11; those weapons-grade Anthrax only existed in government biological warfare storage, and regardless what you think of the feasibility of bringing down 3 giant buildings with 2 aircrafts or how fire from such plane could melt down the steel structural support of such buildings but not burn up the alleged hijackers' paper passports . . . nobody has made a case that those magical passports also carried weapons-grade Anthrax and made a visit to the local post-office before landing on the streets.

So a domestic terrorist attack (including deliberate delivery of deadly virus / bacteria) against governors daring to open up the economy, or just against the population in general, is a real possibility. Measures to prevent and prosecute such dastardly criminal acts are very much warranted.
110488   RWSGFY   2020 Apr 28, 11:24am  

The checks are already out. I saw one with my own eyes. There is no Trump's signature on them but there is Trump's name there.
110489   Shaman   2020 Apr 28, 1:48pm  

Here is what they’re afraid of:

110490   WookieMan   2020 Apr 28, 2:21pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostakovitch says
Howard Stern

Is a successful idiot. He's worth more than I will ever be, but I've never gotten his schtick. He's simply not funny or entertaining. He's an unfunny, ugly, windbag that should just die at this point. Harsh I know, but whatever.
110491   Shaman   2020 Apr 28, 2:35pm  

There’s a reason he gets paid less every year. It’s because he’s not funny and he’s stupid and mean.
Only people who are also stupid and mean bother to listen to him.
110492   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Apr 28, 2:37pm  

Best memory I have of HS, is when he was talking on some show stupid shit about black people. So some black dude in audience got up told him off. And HS looked like his dick fell off scared. It was funny.

Otherwise he’s just trying always to say stupid shit for attention.
110493   HeadSet   2020 Apr 28, 6:12pm  

110494   Dholliday126   2020 Apr 28, 7:21pm  

Science would never lie...
110495   EBGuy   2020 Apr 28, 7:40pm  

It will be interesting to see what "excess deaths" ultimately looks like for the year. Bear in mind around 2.8+million people die per year in the US. Over half the males entering a nursing home only make it 3 months.
BTW, any of our local interlocutors want to comment on "It's Always Sunny in Guayaquil, Ecuador"?
110496   Tenpoundbass   2020 Apr 29, 7:00am  

It's funny Trump has a whole treasure trove of dumb shit Liberals have said and done, he's had their number since day one. Now all the Democrats have is Trump's synonymous use of "Disinfectant" when "ASKING" a "Doctor" of something exists, that would act like a "Disinfectant" that "Doctors" could locally apply to affected tissue to get rid of the corona virus.

Every Liberal scumbag from here to Timbuktu is going to harp and squawk about Trump saying drink bleach from now until November. While Trump keeps out classing them in every way and delivering.

110497   Onvacation   2020 Apr 29, 7:54am  

Are you still pushing the Russian collusion narrative?

People should be for something instead of against Trump and America.

ps: Nancy is losing it.

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