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2014 Sep 24, 1:27am   39,755 views  146 comments

by Tenpoundbass   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  


In the 2008 United States election, I wrote in Ron Paul for President. In the 2012 election, I will be voting for Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson. Those who are of a more leftist persuasion than myself might want to consider voting for Green Party candidate Jill Stein.


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1   indigenous   2014 Sep 24, 2:09am  

This is terrific.

O should be decapitated and his head put on the end of a pike, and displayed out of respect for him. An alternative would be that his entire body could be impaled and displayed out of respect for him.

Or maybe PETA would like to feed him to starving animals?

2   Dan8267   2014 Sep 24, 2:21am  

Wow, everything on that list applies to both Obama and every Republican in Congress, save Ron Paul, either exactly as is or in a few cases with slight, non-material adjustment.

Yep, Obama is a Republican in all but skin color and lapel pin.

In fact, that list sounds like the Republican platform.
- President getting to wage war with Congress declaring it
- Torturing terror suspects
- Killing Americans without charges or trial
- Corrupt ties to big business
- Anti-science
- Protecting criminal banks at the expense of everyone else
- Supports the USA Nazi Patriot Act
- Lack of transparency in government

Shit, Obama's a RIEBN, Republican In Everything But Name.

3   Strategist   2014 Sep 24, 2:47am  

Dan8267 says

- President getting to wage war with Congress declaring it

The commander in chief has a duty to protect Americans.

Dan8267 says

- Torturing terror suspects

Awesome. Terrorists don't deserve rights. If we want information from them, we must get it any possible way.

Dan8267 says

- Killing Americans without charges or trial

Awlaki was an American. It was not possible to bring him to trial. Besides, having a piece of paper that says "American Citizen" does not make them any less dangerous.

Dan8267 says

- Corrupt ties to big business

Don't forget the Unions.

Dan8267 says

- Anti-science

Now I'm really mad.

Dan8267 says

- Protecting criminal banks at the expense of everyone else

Yeah, I'll agree.

Dan8267 says

- Supports the USA Nazi Patriot Act

I love the Nazi Patriot Act. Lets expand it.

Dan8267 says

- Lack of transparency in government

Not sure.

4   Tenpoundbass   2014 Sep 24, 4:28am  

Fined public school $15,000 for selling soda, while they(The Obama snack pantry) splurged $3.45 on single cans of soda.

5   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Sep 24, 5:30am  

Strategist says

The commander in chief has a duty to protect Americans.

Warmaking powers belong to Congress; it is unconstitutional IMHO to give the President nebulous authority.

Strategist says

Awesome. Terrorists don't deserve rights. If we want information from them, we must get it any possible way.

So the President can just name people terrorists, no due process, no conviction. Sounds like Tyranny to me - isn't that what the Kings of France or England used to do? Lettres d' Cachet? Courts of Star Chamber?

Strategist says

Awlaki was an American. It was not possible to bring him to trial. Besides, having a piece of paper that says "American Citizen" does not make them any less dangerous.

And therefore entitled to due process. See above. At the very LEAST, the judicial branch should review the evidence and try in abstentia. This is something that used to known as balance and separation of powers.

Strategist says

Don't forget the Unions.

Unions are a shadow of their former power. If all or most of our ills came from unions, explain the mess today.

6   elliemae   2014 Sep 24, 6:10am  

Don't forget that Obama hawked a loogie into a kid's mouth while he held him down on the playground when he was in second grade.

I can accept everything else, but not loogiegate.

7   Strategist   2014 Sep 24, 6:25am  

thunderlips11 says

Strategist says

The commander in chief has a duty to protect Americans.

Warmaking powers belong to Congress; it is unconstitutional IMHO to give the President nebulous authority.

The Commander in chief said he had the authority to go after ISIS with Congress approval. I'm OK with that.

thunderlips11 says

Strategist says

Awesome. Terrorists don't deserve rights. If we want information from them, we must get it any possible way.

So the President can just name people terrorists, no due process, no conviction. Sounds like Tyranny to me - isn't that what the Kings of France or England used to do? Lettres d' Cachet? Courts of Star Chamber?

We are in a war. Due process shit will only give the enemy an advantage. If you are a member of a terrorist organization, you are a terrorist even if you never held a gun.

thunderlips11 says

Strategist says

Awlaki was an American. It was not possible to bring him to trial. Besides, having a piece of paper that says "American Citizen" does not make them any less dangerous.

And therefore entitled to due process. See above. At the very LEAST, the judicial branch should review the evidence and try in abstentia. This is something that used to known as balance and separation of powers.

He was a known terrorist. I'm not concerned about his rights. Fuck him.

8   Dan8267   2014 Sep 24, 6:38am  

Call it Crazy says

Dan8267 says

Shit, Obama's a RIEBN, Republican In Everything But Name.

Now aren't you glad you voted for him?

I'm glad that I DID NOT vote for Obama.

Keep making those false assumptions, CIC. Don't ever let the facts influence your perception of reality.

9   Strategist   2014 Sep 24, 6:40am  

Dan8267 says

Call it Crazy says

Dan8267 says

Shit, Obama's a RIEBN, Republican In Everything But Name.

Now aren't you glad you voted for him?

I'm glad that I DID NOT vote for Obama.

Keep making those false assumptions, CIC. Don't ever let the facts influence your perception of reality.

Who did you vote for in 2008, 2012?

10   bob2356   2014 Sep 24, 6:49am  

Strategist says

He was a known terrorist. I'm not concerned about his rights. Fuck him

and when one of your pissed off ex wives calls dhs to say you are plotting with a bunch of middle east guys to kill the president that's exactly what dhs is going to say about you while you sit in jail forever without access to a lawyer.

That's why there is such a thing as due process, to prevent people from getting screwed if someone fouls up, or incompetent, or lazy, or phsyco. There have been many, many cases of innocent people jailed because cops, da's, crime labs, lawyers lied for one reason of another. That's even with all the checks and balances in the legal system. What do you suppose is going on in the security system with no checks and balances at all. Do you thing they are going to say oops we screwed up? Yea right. They are never going to let any mistakes be declassified, ever.

I guess simple concepts like that are beyond you.

11   Dan8267   2014 Sep 24, 6:50am  

Strategist says

Dan8267 says

- Torturing terror suspects

Awesome. Terrorists don't deserve rights.

1. All humans have human rights. A right, by definition, cannot be taken away. A liberty that can be taken away is, by definition, a privilege.

2. Terror suspects are not necessary terrorists.

The vast majority of terror suspects have never engage in terrorism.

An eight-month McClatchy investigation in 11 countries on three continents has found that Akhtiar was one of dozens of men — and, according to several officials, perhaps hundreds — whom the U.S. has wrongfully imprisoned in Afghanistan, Cuba and elsewhere on the basis of flimsy or fabricated evidence, old personal scores or bounty payments.

McClatchy interviewed 66 released detainees, more than a dozen local officials — primarily in Afghanistan — and U.S. officials with intimate knowledge of the detention program. The investigation also reviewed thousands of pages of U.S. military tribunal documents and other records.

This unprecedented compilation shows that most of the 66 were low-level Taliban grunts, innocent Afghan villagers or ordinary criminals. At least seven had been working for the U.S.-backed Afghan government and had no ties to militants, according to Afghan local officials. In effect, many of the detainees posed no danger to the United States or its allies.

The investigation also found that despite the uncertainty about whom they were holding, U.S. soldiers beat and abused many prisoners.

Some asshole goat farmer holds a grudge against his neighbor for some perceived slight that occurred 10 years ago. So the goat farmer falsely accuses his neighbor of working for the Taliban. U.S. soldiers than imprison and torture the neighbor. And assholes like you support this. You are a large part of the problem.

Just remember, eventually some corrupt asshole will accuse you or one of your family members of being a terrorist or criminal because of
- a grudge
- a bounty
- a clerical error
- pseudo-science

And then you and your family will have "no rights". Do you really want to live in that world? Do you think your white skin will protect you? It won't. It hasn't protected other white males with no criminal records.

White guy, innocent, murdered by the state of Texas

White guy, innocent, almost murdered by the state of Florida, spent 18 years on death row

Those are some pretty big fucking mistakes you're willing to make. Image those mistakes being made against your family.

12   Dan8267   2014 Sep 24, 6:57am  

Strategist says

It was not possible to bring him to trial.

It is always possible for the law to bring a person to trial that the state wants to bring to trial. Only pussies say otherwise.

Strategist says

Dan8267 says

- Corrupt ties to big business

Don't forget the Unions.

Even the most corrupt union cannot do as much damage as too-big-too-fail corporations. You are trying to distract from a major problem by siting a minor one.

Strategist says

Dan8267 says

- Supports the USA Nazi Patriot Act

I love the Nazi Patriot Act. Lets expand it.

You'll love it until its used against your family. Then you'll do a 180. This selfish, self-centered characteristic is intrinsic to conservatives. They never give a damn about injustices until it personally affects them.

If conservatives had even a tiny bit of intelligence, they would realize that you cannot protect your own rights without protecting everyone else's.


13   bob2356   2014 Sep 24, 7:04am  

Dan8267 says

If conservatives had even a tiny bit of intelligence, they would realize that you cannot protect your own rights without protecting everyone else's.

If they had even a tiny bit of intelligence then they wouldn't be conservatives.

14   Dan8267   2014 Sep 24, 7:05am  


15   humanity   2014 Sep 24, 7:33am  

Some of these 95 itms are totally legit. Some are exaggerated.

Some though, imply a total lack of intellectual honesty. Such as this:

12) Increased the national debt more in one term than Bush did in two

The national debt increased more during Obama’s first three years and two months than it did during all eight years of George W. Bush’s presidency.

There are only two possibilities, that is if you think this is a serious indictment of Obama's presidency.

Either you don't understand, after having ample opportunity to comprehend the very simple truth. Or you are a low integrity lying DB, who enjoys using lies to support their opinion. I have the lowest respect you can imagine for this type of person.

Again, there are some very legit criticisms on the list.

16   Strategist   2014 Sep 24, 9:10am  

Dan8267 says

Strategist says

Dan8267 says

- Torturing terror suspects

Awesome. Terrorists don't deserve rights.

1. All humans have human rights. A right, by definition, cannot be taken away. A liberty that can be taken away is, by definition, a privilege.

2. Terror suspects are not necessary terrorists.

You are absolutely right. I still don't care. I am not gonna stand up for them, worrying about the rights of terrorists who openly call on Muslims to kill us. If our military has determined they are terrorists, then it's good enough for me. As you have shown in your above posts, going through our pathetically slow and expensive court system does not guarantee justice. Are you saying if an imminent terrorist attack is at hand, we should go through the fucking courts first. Bullshit, we could be dead by then.

Dan8267 says

ust remember, eventually some corrupt asshole will accuse you or one of your family members of being a terrorist or criminal because of

- a grudge

- a bounty

- a clerical error

- pseudo-science

Relax, the CIA is not that stupid.

17   Strategist   2014 Sep 24, 9:20am  

Dan8267 says

Strategist says

It was not possible to bring him to trial.

It is always possible for the law to bring a person to trial that the state wants to bring to trial. Only pussies say otherwise.

No it isn't.

Dan8267 says

Strategist says

Dan8267 says

- Corrupt ties to big business

Don't forget the Unions.

Even the most corrupt union cannot do as much damage as too-big-too-fail corporations. You are trying to distract from a major problem by siting a minor one.

Unions don't have to be corrupt to do damage. Just being unions is bad enough. The Twinkies Unions (God knows how many) may not have been corrupt, but the damage they did was disgraceful.

Dan8267 says

I love the Nazi Patriot Act. Lets expand it.

You'll love it until its used against your family. Then you'll do a 180.

If you became a victim of terrorists you would be doing a 180 and agreeing with me.

Dan8267 says

This selfish, self-centered characteristic is intrinsic to conservatives. They never give a damn about injustices until it personally affects them.

If conservatives had even a tiny bit of intelligence, they would realize that you cannot protect your own rights without protecting everyone else's.

I'm not conservative. I am an Independent who happens to agree on this with them. But you can still call me stupid. :):)

18   Strategist   2014 Sep 24, 9:24am  

bob2356 says

Dan8267 says

If conservatives had even a tiny bit of intelligence, they would realize that you cannot protect your own rights without protecting everyone else's.

If they had even a tiny bit of intelligence then they wouldn't be conservatives.

Dan8267 says


The Conservatives can say the same thing against the libruls. As an independent I get to laugh at both. :) :) :)

19   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Sep 24, 9:27am  

Strategist says

We are in a war

You can't fight a war against a tactic. "The War against Flank Attacks" "The War against Fortifications" "The War against Aerial Interdiction".

How's the War on Drugs going?

20   Strategist   2014 Sep 24, 9:29am  

thunderlips11 says

How's the War on Drugs going?

Not very well I'm afraid. The war against terrorism is doing better.

21   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Sep 24, 9:30am  

Strategist says

If you are a member of a terrorist organization, you are a terrorist even if you never held a gun.

So the President unilaterally determines that? Sounds safe and not open to abuse. Oh, they have a process. All the President's appointees, employees, and cronies help him review who is a terrorist. That'll stop abuse, everybody stands up to their boss and patron.

Dan8267 says

If conservatives had even a tiny bit of intelligence, they would realize that you cannot protect your own rights without protecting everyone else's.

See also:

22   Strategist   2014 Sep 24, 9:56am  

thunderlips11 says

Strategist says

If you are a member of a terrorist organization, you are a terrorist even if you never held a gun.

So the President unilaterally determines that?

Actually I came up with that. I hope the President takes my advise. God only knows, but Obama needs a lot of help.

23   Tenpoundbass   2014 Sep 24, 10:49am  

America hasn't won a war in 70 years. Save for Christmas.

24   Shaman   2014 Sep 24, 11:01am  

Oh yes, unions are true terrorists. They encourage employees to fight for a living wage for God's sake! Real Americans would accept the pittance offered by the holy employer and file for section 8 housing, food stamps and free gub'mint healthcare! That's how true patriots do it!

25   indigenous   2014 Sep 24, 11:04am  

bob2356 says

If they had even a tiny bit of intelligence then they wouldn't be conservatives.

Exactly, being liberal requires less than a tiny bit of intelligence, anything more and you are at least a conservative.

26   Strategist   2014 Sep 24, 11:22am  

Quigley says

Oh yes, unions are true terrorists. They encourage employees to fight for a living wage for God's sake! Real Americans would accept the pittance offered by the holy employer and file for section 8 housing, food stamps and free gub'mint healthcare! That's how true patriots do it!

Sorry Quigley, there is a reason why union membership has been on the decline. Wealth has to be produced before it can be claimed in the form of higher wages. Real wages are determined by your productivity regardless of what you may think living wages should be.

27   Strategist   2014 Sep 24, 11:24am  

Call it Crazy says

Strategist says

The war against terrorism is doing better.


Washington (CNN) -- U.S. and coalition warplanes pounded ISIS positions in eastern Syria on Wednesday, targeting what a Pentagon official described as mobile oil refineries being used by the so-called Islamic State terror group to help finance its operations.
The latest round of airstrikes were aimed at cutting off money flowing to ISIS, which makes up to $2 million a day from oil produced by the mobile refineries, Navy Rear Adm. John Kirby, the Pentagon spokesman, told CNN.
Fighter jets from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates flew alongside U.S. aircraft during the operation, hitting 12 locations, Kirby said.

28   Strategist   2014 Sep 24, 11:42am  

Call it Crazy says

Strategist says

Call it Crazy says

Strategist says

The war against terrorism is doing better.



Washington (CNN) -- U.S. and coalition warplanes pounded ISIS positions in eastern

Oh, you mean TODAY!!! I thought you meant the last few years or so...

I'll tell you what the secret of winning the war against terrorism is....... It's NOT US going after the terrorists, it's MAKING the Islamic countries go after their own home grown terrorists. Our part should be no more than doing what we do best, providing technology and intelligence.

29   Strategist   2014 Sep 24, 11:58am  

Call it Crazy says

Strategist says

It's NOT US going after the terrorists, it's MAKING the Islamic countries go after their own home grown terrorists.

So, just how much wine have you drank so far tonight? :)

ONE! believe me.

Call it Crazy says

Strategist says

Our part should be no more than doing what we do best,

Starting wars?

Oh God! You have a long way to go.

30   indigenous   2014 Sep 24, 12:01pm  

The secret on fighting terrorism is not to create it in the first place.

31   Strategist   2014 Sep 24, 12:05pm  

indigenous says

The secret on fighting terrorism is not to create it in the first place.

No one can disagree with that statement. The million dollar question is, who creates it in the first place....infidels or Islam?

32   indigenous   2014 Sep 24, 12:10pm  

Strategist says

No one can disagree with that statement. The million dollar question is, who creates it in the first place....infidels or Islam?

It is mutual, the defense contractors need the terrorists to justify mega bucks on war gadgets. The terrorists need the US forces to justify their actions.

Also think about how do terrorists gain knowledge on how to use these gadgets? I doubt the gadgets are all plug and play with a short cut sheet?

33   bob2356   2014 Sep 24, 12:25pm  

indigenous says

bob2356 says

If they had even a tiny bit of intelligence then they wouldn't be conservatives.

Exactly, being liberal requires less than a tiny bit of intelligence, anything more and you are at least a conservative.

Lame, lame, lame. My 5 year old can do better with a witty comeback. Would you like some help coming up with something more clever? ,She's always up for helping people out.

34   indigenous   2014 Sep 24, 12:26pm  

bob2356 says

She's always up for helping people out.

Good, get her to help you

35   Shaman   2014 Sep 24, 12:28pm  

Strategist says

Quigley says

Oh yes, unions are true terrorists. They encourage employees to fight for a living wage for God's sake! Real Americans would accept the pittance offered by the holy employer and file for section 8 housing, food stamps and free gub'mint healthcare! That's how true patriots do it!

Sorry Quigley, there is a reason why union membership has been on the decline. Wealth has to be produced before it can be claimed in the form of higher wages. Real wages are determined by your productivity regardless of what you may think living wages should be.

I think what you mean to say is that enough wealth must be earned to pay the CEO 100x a worker's salary with stock options and bonuses of course, and then lavishly reward a board and management. If there's any left over, the actual wealth producers (employees) get a spot at the end of the line.
Unions just provide some balance. Putting all the power with the company is like putting only two legs on a table. It's bound to topple over.

36   Strategist   2014 Sep 24, 12:36pm  

Quigley says

Unions just provide some balance.

They dont, i'll tell you why.

Quigley says

I think what you mean to say is that enough wealth must be earned to pay the CEO 100x a worker's salary with stock options and bonuses of course, and then lavishly reward a board and management. If there's any left over, the actual wealth producers (employees) get a spot at the end of the line.

What if there is a loss? Is the janitor willing to take a pay cut?

37   Shaman   2014 Sep 24, 1:16pm  

The reason union membership has been on the decline is:
1)outsourcing of labor to low wage countries
2)corporate greed
3)corporations account for more than 100 of the top political contributors to either party. They've bought and paid for our government and get the laws they want as a result.
4)constant media propaganda against organized labor

Even a poorly run union at least allows its members to contribute to the local economy, raising all boats and creating business opportunity. A few rich board members intent on rewarding themselves and stockholders is a tried and true recipe for creating American ghost towns. Killing towns is un-American. So, in conclusion, you have to ask yourself: Why do you hate America?

38   Strategist   2014 Sep 24, 1:25pm  

Call it Crazy says

Strategist says

indigenous says

The secret on fighting terrorism is not to create it in the first place.

No one can disagree with that statement. The million dollar question is, who creates it in the first place

The CIA...

Oh God...what are we gonna do with you.

39   Strategist   2014 Sep 24, 1:33pm  

Quigley says

The reason union membership has been on the decline is:

1)outsourcing of labor to low wage countries

That trend ain't gonna change.

Quigley says

2)corporate greed

That existed even during the rise of the unions.

Quigley says

3)corporations account for more than 100 of the top political contributors to either party.

That always existed too.

Quigley says

4)constant media propaganda against organized labor

If a liberal press is anti union, the unions must be really really bad.

You left out the real reason....Union greed. They sank company after company with their ridiculous demands. I wonder how the Twinkies union workers feel about their union. And to think they paid dues to a union boss who makes half a million or something. You don't get what you pay for.

40   Strategist   2014 Sep 24, 2:14pm  

Hey check this out:

Air France has offered to scrap plans to expand its Transavia low-cost airline in Europe, in return for pilots returning to work immediately.

In a statement, it said the proposal would help "find an immediate outcome to this destructive conflict".

The company also offered "a renewed guarantee that there will be no relocation" of jobs.

Pilots have been on strike for 10 days and have grounded about half of the airline's flights.

They are unhappy at the lower rates of pay offered by the expanding budget operation compared with core Air France services, threatening to strike indefinitely unless the European expansion is scrapped.

The strike has been costing the airline up to 15m euros (£11.8m) a day.

Air France said it would instead develop its Transavia France project.

"Our Transavia project is a 100% pro-France project. It is about developing Transavia to encourage growth in France and quickly create more than 1,000 jobs in France (including 250 pilot jobs)," said the chief executives of Air France-KLM, Alexandre de Juniac, and Air France, Frederic Gagey in a joint statement.

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